To Cut a Long Story Short

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To Cut a Long Story Short Page 11

by Stavros Allanopolis


  …. The New Fireplace Is Built

  Nikos and the team had all their materials delivered and set about the ‘reconstruction’ of the corner of the house. They worked long days fitting the new fireplace and cutting stone for the front, the lintels and the fire breast itself.

  Things were going fine. Or, were they?

  “Stavros, we have a problem.” Nikos reported.

  Here comes that ‘heavy heart / sinking feeling’ again!

  “We have discovered that the chimney stack is dangerous. It has not supporting re-enforcement steel rods inserted. Look!” Nikos was standing on the roof leaning against the chimney stack and with a gentle push it fell over and off the roof and on to the ground below! “You have had a lucky escape. This could have fallen at any time.” He concluded.

  More mess to clear up and more costs to come!

  Eventually the fireplace was finished.

  Photo: The New Fireplace

  There it was; A completely new fireplace. It was a completely different design and made of different stone, and even a marble mantelpiece.

  “Wow!” Valerie enthused. “That is really something. It looks good; not only different but so much better.”

  We stood together staring in silence taking in the finished job. Nikos and the team really had done a first class job.

  “Nikos. That really is great. Thank you so much. How much do I owe you?” Stavros was excited with the finished result but nervous with regard to hearing the cost.

  “I don’t know” Replied Nikos. You tell me how much” He went on, “Don’t worry. Pay me when you can.”

  “Well, I am having to go to France to earn the money, so I need to know how much the cost is.” Stavros was insistent.

  “It’s ok. You pay me when you get back from France.” Replied Nikos.

  “Nikos. Thank you. I will. However, unless I know how much, I won’t know how many days that I will have to work there in order to get the money to pay you.” Stavros replied, thinking that this conversation was going nowhere.

  “We are off now. Don’t light a fire for at least four weeks.” These were Nikos’ words as he and the team packed their tools and left Meerkat Manor. Job done.

  When they left, Stavros poured Valerie and himself and Ouzo.

  A toast, he declared,

  “No more M ……..s”

  For quite a while that night, and in the days and nights to follow, Valerie and Stavros just stood in front of the fireplace marvelling at the finished result; different and better than before, and certainly better constructed.


  …. November Passed Without Incident Or Extra Expense

  Stavros duly went off to work in Colmar during week two November. Same Schedule. Same Routine. Same Taxi. Same Hotel. Same Restaurant. Same Wines. Same Meals. Kindle fully charged. No ‘incidents’.

  All in all, the assignment was considered a success!


  …. Climate Change Has Come To The Mani

  The last two weeks of November were VERY windy. Sunny but windy. This was not good weather as far as the olives were concerned.

  There had been very little rainfall during September and October and this was not good for the olives. They need water at this time of year to ‘plump’ up the fruit. As a result, they were still very small and the wind made them vulnerable and in danger of being blown off.

  During the last day of November, Antonis (Stavros’ friend who harvests the olives) drove up to Meerkat manor and declared that urgent action was required. Even more wind and even stronger wind was forecast for the following weeks. The olives must be harvested. Now. Today even, or tomorrow at the latest, he explained or we would lose everything. He said that if we acted now we would get some oil; small volume but reasonable quality. If we waited we risked losing all the olives as they wold be blown off the trees.

  Antonis is the expert. He has harvested our olives for the last five years.

  “Tora! Harvest now, today.” Stavros declared. And so they did.

  That day and over the next few days, all around Meerkat Manor people were busy harvesting their olives to try and beat the wind.

  Success! We had a reasonable harvest and we beat the wind,

  The following week, the wind blew almost non-stop 24/7 and for the following two weeks.

  Stavros believes that he is very lucky to have such good friends like Antonis for the olives and Nikos for the building works.


  …. The Calendar Girls Was A Sell Out

  I went to the Dress Rehearsal as the guest of the Director of the play. The invitation was a gesture of thanks in return for my fund-raising event.

  I sat through the performance and was mesmerised. It really was their best performance to date (2007 – 2013). Everybody produced excellent performances.

  I was impressed. So, impressed that I booked tickets to take Valerie to see the performance the following week. She too could not believe how good they were. It was very moving.

  So moving in fact that at the close of the performance Stavros advised the Director that he would run a special fund-raiser for them on Boxing Day in order to provide a bigger contribution to their planned donation to UK and Greek Cancer Charities.

  (‘Google’ Calendar Girls to read about the link to Cancer Charities around the world).


  …. The Bills Have To Be Paid

  Christmas is approaching and it is a familiar story; there are bills to be paid.

  Telephone. Water. Electricity. Nikos.

  What to do with Nikos? He still hasn’t told me how much I owe him.

  I went to see him.

  “Nikos. How much do I owe you?” I enquired. “I want to pay you this week.”

  “My friend. I don’t know. I forget. You tell me.” Smiling at me he, he just shrugged. “Pay me next year. It’s ok. No rush.”

  Are you going home to Albania to see your parents for Christmas and New Year?” I enquired.

  “Yes. We leave next week.” He confirmed.

  “Ok then. Here’s the deal. I will calculate what I owe you. I know what you pay your men based on their skill level. I will work out the hours they worked from start to finish and bring you the money.” I put out my hand to shake hands and went back to Meerkat Manor to get the calculator.

  You have to admit that this is a strange way of doing business. I believe that friendship is one thing and that business is another. This was business.

  So, two days before Christmas I made two house calls:

  1. The first house call was to Antonis. I wrapped presents for his two children. Model cars for one and a Jigsaw for the other, and cash for Antonis to pay for the olive harvest.

  Presents delivered and bill paid, it was time for handshakes, hugs and a celebratory shot of Tsiporro before I left their house.

  2. The second house call was to Nikos. I wrapped presents for his two youngest children. Model cars for one and a string puppet for the other, and cash for Nikos to pay for the fireplace.

  I had carefully calculated what I thought to be the cost and rounded up the figures for good measure; this was business remember.

  “This is too much.” Declared Nikos.

  “No” I replied. “If anything it might not be enough. Take it. Please.”

  Presents delivered and business completed, there was a lot of shaking of hands, hugs and shots of Tsiporro to toast ‘Success, Friendship and Christmas.’

  As I drove home to Meerkat Manor I couldn’t help but think that only here in The Mani could I have experienced what had passed during the previous three months; friendship, trust and business integrity.

  Christmas next stop!


  …. This Is Christmas 2013

  Christmas Day was different this year in so far that we accepted an invitation
to go to lunch with our friends Lin and David.

  First of all, we went to watch the Christmas Day swim. A sort of version of ‘Mad Dogs and Englishmen’ except it is ‘Mad People Go In The Sea!’

  Photo: Two Stalwarts Prepare For The Christmas Day Swim

  Photo: In They Go!

  After sharing the hot soup, coffee, nibbles and Metaxa Brandy (well Stavros kept to the brandy only!), we headed back home to get ready to go to lunch. We were taking MiMi and Bella with us, so we took them for an extra walk first as they were going to lie down in the car at Lin and David’s house.

  We took a photo of the two of them together just before loading them in the car. The photo shows Bella’s enormous size compared to MiMi. MiMi can walk right under Bella and through her legs without bending her own legs in the slightest!

  Photo: MiMi and Bella – ‘Little And Large’

  Photo: MiMi And Bella In The Berlingo ‘Dogmobile’

  We had a great lunch and afterwards played a Horse Racing game. You watch the DVD recording of a race meeting; horses in parade ring, and then place your bets as to who will win and then see them race to see who does win.

  Valerie and Lin took MiMi and Bella for a walk in the late afternoon sunshine whilst David and I relaxed with a ‘snifter’ …… as Stavros has been heard to say before,

  “It’s a hard job but someone has to do it!”


  …. This Is Boxing Day 26th December 2013

  Stavros was on the fund-raiser trail again. At the performance of The Calendar Girls that he attended with Valerie, he promised to organise one more event to raise extra funds for The Neon Players. The printed calendars and the performing rights payments for the production were substantial. Every little helps as they say.

  So, he had advertised a Boxing Day event; 4pm – 6pm and trialled a new format. Instead of the Pub Quiz format, he staged ‘Articulate’ in a group / team format.

  He described the item (Person, World, Object, Action, Nature and Random) and the teams had to guess what it was (working in silence / sotto voices) and write it down. One point per correct answer and the team with most points wins etc.

  He also included two items for raffle and two items for auction. The total raised was 200 Euros. Everybody seemed to have fun and seemed to enjoy the two hour break from the Christmas festivities.

  Photo: Stavros The Quizmaster

  As usual, as Quizmaster, Stavros was heckled, but it is all part of the game and in a good cause! All the answers are in the book that never leaves his hands; cheating is not allowed!


  …. Stavros Makes A New Year’s Resolution

  As New Year’s Eve arrived, Stavros and Valerie had a quiet night in and agreed that ‘Living The Dream’ still goes on for them and their Menagerie.

  The ‘highs’ have been many and enjoyable; generating an enormous amount of happiness and satisfaction in their life in Greece.

  The ‘lows’ haven’t been that many. Those that had are usually about unexpected expenditure, and the sad demise of Owen.

  They sat watching the olive tree logs burning in the grate of the new fireplace.

  Valerie enquired, “So, what shall we do next year?”

  Stavros replied, “Let’s think about it tomorrow. We don’t want to rush into anything do we? Siga, siga. Isos Avrio. Slowly, slowly. Mabye tomorrow.” Were Stavros’ last words of 2013.

  The following morning, Stavros went to the cupboard and opened the door. Remember the list of jobs that was on the back of the cupboard door throughout 2013? Well, on 1st January 2014, Stavros went to look at the list. It still had the 17 items on it as they were originally written the previous year; 1st January 2013. These were the jobs at Meerkat Manor still requiring his attention.

  He took the list down to study it more closely and he added one more to the list at number 18 and taped the list back onto the door again and closed the cupboard.

  He made a New Year’s Resolution.

  As a priority, the 17 jobs on the ‘To Do’ List must be completed in 2014.

  Job number 18? Write ‘The Next Chapter Of The Adventure’ .... Isos!


  .... The Acknowledgements

  The Author would like to acknowledge you, the reader, and he thanks you for downloading this book from the Kindle Bookstore.

  He would also like to acknowledge the following people to whom he offers his special thanks for their friendship, and for generating and sharing the original experiences that he recounts throughout the book:

  To Freda and Gregg who run Gregg’s Plateia on the water’s edge of the harbour in Agios Nikolaos. Thanks for their generosity in hosting the Pub Quizzes and Lunch for the walkers who participated in the GAIA Charity Walk in 2013. Also, and maybe even more importantly, for being the ‘Post Office’ because without them, everybody in Agios Nikolaos would have to make a round trip to Kardamyli to collect their mail!

  To Aaggi who runs Aaggi’s Bar on the waterfront at the end of the harbour. Thanks for hosting a Fund-raising evening for GAIA, where along with 60 others he, his wife and his friends shared a happy evening listening to her singing (Voice of an Angel) and raising money for the GAIA Volunteers.

  To Dimitris who owns the local Builder’s Yard and has supplied all the building materials he has required. As you have read with regard to the water pump, deliveries were and remain ....

  “ .... maybe tomorrow Stavros!”

  To Sally and Peter Hurrell. Sally for her enduring friendship and support, and Pete the on-going job of painting the railings around the boundary wall. Also for originally helping to build the Gazebo, where many hours have been spent dining and drinking with friends over the last three years. The Gazebo has become an extra room outside!

  To Nikos Rocci our builder. Nikos has come to our rescue on countless occasions to put right the building problems, especially the fireplace; Business.

  Over the last three years he and his family have become very good friends too; Friendship.

  To the many people of Agios Nikolaos who have unwittingly helped him write this book. Much of his inspiration for this book has been their generosity, kindness and friendship over the years since he moved from the UK to live permanently in the region. It makes him feel so good to see them on most days as they wave when they pass by and call out “Yassou Stavros”

  To Owen who died on 15th August 2013. He gave so much love over almost 16 years and asked so little in return. His memory lives on.

  To Minstrel and Snowball who obviously miss Owen but have not been slow to eat his share of the available food! Their daily ‘purrs’ of recognition and occasional snuggles are quite rewarding.

  To MiMi and Bella who keep him fit with their thrice-daily requirement for a walk. Watching them race around the gravel paths of Meerkat Manor provides ample entertainment; never a dull day.

  Finally, special thanks go to his wife Valerie who helps him to continue fulfilling the ‘Dream of living in Paradise’ at Meerkat Manor in The Mani.


  …. Never Say Never!

  There is a well-known expression “Never Say Never” and Stavros did say that ‘Watching The Olives Grow’ was the last book. Yet, as you have read, he changed his mind! However, this book does look to be the last.

  Life is good. Disasters will continue to happen, but maybe it is time for others to tell you about how their ‘Dreams’ came true?

  However, before you go, if you have not read my first book, you may wish to download it at Amazon at the Kindle Book Store.



  This book, written and illustrated by Stuart Allan (aka Stavros Allanopolis), tells the story of a move, ‘lock, stock and barrel’ from the UK to Greece.

  Along with his wife Valerie, and their two cats Owen and Minstrel, he decided to move to Agios Nikolaos, a rather remote fishin
g village in the heart of The Mani region in South Western mainland Greece.

  It charts their ‘adventure’ from the moment they made their fateful decision in 2006 to leave the UK, to compiling an ‘Exit the UK’ plan, their quest to buy a house in Greece, the move from the United Kingdom in April 2008, and the following 20 months living permanently in South Western mainland Greece. It contains full details of all the ‘highs’ and the ‘lows,’ the laughter and the tears, and is illustrated with his own photos that capture the images of some of the more interesting events; Up close and personal … ‘warts and all!’

  WARNING! Please be aware that some pieces from ‘To Cut A Long Story Short’ and ‘Watching The Olives Grow’ are repeated in this book; Specifically, the Prologue and the chapters about the naming of Meerkat Manor and description of Agios Nikolaos. They are included as they contain the original ‘background and positioning’ information for any reader who has not previously read about the ‘adventures’ of Stavros Allanopolis, and how he moved from the United Kingdom and went to live permanently in Greece

  Another Message From Stavros: If you have not read my second book, you may wish to download it at Amazon at the Kindle Book Store.



  About ‘Watching The Olives Grow’ …. Imagine that you are seated in a peaceful and secluded spot under an Olive tree. You are sitting in the shade and out of the burning sun as it shines down to ripen the Olives growing on the branches of the tree above you.

  If you are able to imagine this location then you too will understand what it is like to be ‘Watching The Olives Grow,’ but if not, then the pages of the story will help you.

  You will soon appreciate that it is a hard job, but somebody has to do it, and, as you will read, Stavros works harder at it than most. He takes his job very seriously!

  Once a month, he takes a photo of the Olive tree growing right in front of him; referred to as the tree. It is a record of its development over the 12 months from the harvest of 2009 until the harvest of 2010, and it evidence that he does take his job of ‘Watching’ very seriously. He varies the time of day for his monthly photo of the tree as ‘Watched’ so you can see it develop through the seasons and the time of day; from sunrise to sunset, and even during full moon.


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