The Lies: Landon Academy book 1

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The Lies: Landon Academy book 1 Page 2

by Natalia Wiszniewska

  I rush off the shower and put the clothes on. I brush my long hair and put them in a high ponytail on the top of my head. My empty blue eyes are staring at me in the mirror. “It’s time for new life Em,” I say in my head.

  Chapter 4

  California is a beautiful state. I have never been anywhere outside of the UK. Yeah, I know, people at my age should travel and meet new people but I didn’t have time for that, and money for starters. It wasn’t like that that we were poor. Our father taught us how to respect money. We worked hard to achieve something, and I am not talking here about killing and selling drugs. Tyler, Tobi and I attended the public academy in London. It was a little too hard for my standards, but my father wanted for us all the best, education included. Tyler and I have passed our GCSE at age of 14 because we were smart enough to do so. At age of 16, we decided to take A-levels and of course we had all A’s. Tobi, on the other hand, had little problems with education. He actually never paid attention to any subjects expect IT. Oh yeah, he was the best hacker in the city, same as I was the best shooter and Tyler… well he was the best guy in the city, read, playboy of London. He always brings attention to himself, don’t get me wrong, he is gorgeous, but please, he was not the only guy with a nice face and pecks around. Girls threw themselves at him like siblings on the last piece of cheesecake on Christmas. I was never jealous of him because we never called ourselves a couple. Everyone saw us as siblings and nothing else, of course, my father suspected that we could feel something more to each other, but he never agrees or disagrees to that. I think he preferred to stay in the dark and let us analyse the feelings by ourselves. We have never done that though, I mean, I never done that. I preferred to be alone and do not complicate my life even more. I still think the same. I do not need anyone to be with me, I am confident enough to be all by myself and situations like that, I am right now, will prove it.

  We enter black SUV which takes us God knows where. The weather in California in summer is great, a hundred per cent better than in London. The sky is free of clouds and this could mean that people here, did not see the rain in a long time. The roads are empty and well maintained. In London, all of the streets need renovation all the time and because of that there is always traffic everywhere. My father is sitting in front of me and looking handsome as hell, like always. Don’t get me wrong, I do not have a crush on my father, but I always felt like I am not one of them. My brothers and father have a caramel skin because they naturally are Italian but migrated to England for a better life. That’s what my father told me, at least, but I don’t believe him. All of them have green eyes and brown hair and all of them are 6.06 foot. I, on the other hand, am white but not like porcelain white maybe like more cream white. I am also tall but only 5.5 foot, so also smaller than my family. My hair is blonde, and my eyes are crystal blue, that’s what Tyler said to me once, that he could lose himself in my crystal blue eyes. But I don’t see anything in them, just the plain, empty eyes in which I need to stare every day. I have been always sporty girl, so my body is fit. Tyler always complimented my straight posture and boobs, and ass obviously, because he is a man after all. I could be Italian because my ass is amazing, I love it. I love my whole body because it doesn’t matter how you look; it matters how you feel about yourself and I always felt confident. Ha, what a dramatic moment, well in short words I am a bomb and every single man is losing shit for me and I don’t give a fuck. My confidence helped me to cherish my body and also use my attitudes to get what I want. It always worked with Tyler and other club members, but don’t think I am a slut, no, I am a confident woman who knows how to manipulate to achieve the goal. For example, I hate Chemistry and I would never pass this subject if not my confidence, and all year of wearing short skirts on Mr Graham lessons. Well, this guy lost it completely and he was 50 and has a wife and kids. I never touched him, of course, but always complemented his old smelly suits bleh. Long story short, it worked, the man fell for me and gave me A at the end of the year and that was amazing. I am not ashamed of myself; I am actually very proud.

  “Papa where are we going now?” my steady voice disturbs the silence. My father calculated gaze finds me and he smiles.

  “Princess we are going home. Actually, do you want to call your brothers on the way there because we have spare half an hour or so…” My heart starts to beat rapidly.

  “Yes please, I would love to do so.” He gives me his smartphone which I never saw before, to be honest, and dial Tyler’s number. After first ring a raspy voice picked up.

  “Yes, father? Did you have any problems on the way to California?” So, he knew about California, well…

  “Hello son, no everything is fine, actually, the journey was amazing, but I have here little someone who is dying to speak with both of you, so if you could spare her a minute?” Yeah, dying is a little strong word for that but I will go with it. My father gives me the phone and Tyler’s handsome face appears on the screen. I could swear that at this moment he looks like a brother of Shawn Mendes. My mouth starts to water but I quickly compose myself.

  “You little piece of shit!” Now the only thing I feel is anger. How could he leave me alone after he promised he will be right behind me?

  “Yeah hello to you to princess. I suspected that you could be mad at me but before you will send million fucks my way, please listen to me, ok?” Tom chuckles next to me, yes, he sees it as well as me that his strong independent Tyler is a pussy, when it comes to me.

  “Speak,” I will not let him see how happy I am to hear his voice or see his face, he needs to beg for my forgiveness.

  “Well…” he is sorry I can see it. He skins his head to the left and put his right hand on the back of his neck. Oh God, he is handsome. His arm flexes under his long sleeve shirt and my woman parts begin to scream. I move uncomfortably and press my tights together to stop this ridiculous chorus of supplication. “You see, when you left your room in such a rush then I called our father to update him about the situation. I get some… orders that I couldn’t disobey. You need to understand that I would never leave you if it wasn’t important.” I know that he needed to do this, I understand, and I see how sorry he is. But I also know that I love to tease him, but for now I will let this go. However, the conversation is not over yet, unfortunately, our father is sitting in front of me and I can fell his stern look, so I will play along.

  “I know Tyler, you are forgiven, but now tell me when you and Tobi are going to join us in this amazing place?” my voice couldn’t be more sarcastic. Tyler knows me and he also knows that he is not fully forgiven. He chuckles and looks at me.

  “I don’t know princess, soon, I hope, we need to close couple thing here and then we are going straight to you guys, I promise.”

  “Hopefully, soon is sooner than I think. I do miss you a little, guys.” I didn’t want to say it. Why have I said it?

  “Oh, look at her Tobias, she will cry! Our little princess has been away for less than a day she is already crying.” Now he has a full grin on his face. Dumbass. Tobias’s face appears on the screen with the matching shitting grin on his face.

  “Hello sister, what happened you? Is this because of the change of climate or you became a baby during the night?” The both of them are now in full swing of laugh.

  “When the building exploded, I thought that Tyler is inside and that he died, but now I see his dumb face and my eyes are disappointed because I would need to look at this piece of shit for the rest of my life.” My smile grows bigger and more sinister. Tyler’s face palls immediately, and Tobias couldn’t be happier.

  “That was sick bro, you are a little devil, Em.” The cell phone is gustily removed from between my fingers.

  “That’s enough of this circus. Tyler, we gonna call soon, Tobias please do not make more damage and princess, we are here, look out the window.” I slowly move my head to the window, and I cannot believe what I see. My jaw drops to the floor and I think that someone will need to help me to pick it up and carry it beh
ind me to this new ‘home’. My shaky fingers move to the slim door handle, but I don’t have a strength to open them. This must be a dream.

  Chapter 5

  I cannot believe my eyes. Our house in London was a scrap. Ugly, smelly building with many windows and only 2 doors. This house… Oh my… this is a palace, not a house. I shake my head and blink a couple of times to make sure that this is real. I never in my life seen anything like... that. Believe me, Queen Elizabeth could be ashamed of her palace when she would see this villa. The driveway is long and rounded at the end. There is huge ‘roundabout’? – in front of stairs. Stairs… well it must be a thousand of them. It is good that I am sporty because there would not be a chance to climb them every day and still breath.

  On both sides of the long driveway are planted high thuja trees, nicely rounded and also spaced apart equally. Someone has a lot of work to measure the space between them and plant them, because there is like 20 of them? The driveway itself is made of white gravel or rather decorative stones because it doesn’t look like random stones. The house is like made of glass, literally, huge windows from the bottom to the ceilings. The front doors are wooden, beautiful dark oak with gold stripes on both sides. I also see at least 3 cameras monitoring the space upfront. We moved to the front doors and father gently took my shoulder.

  “Princess, this all is for you, please feel like at home because from now this is our home and we are not coming back to London.” He smiles but the smile didn’t reach his eyes. He is sad. I knew it, the man I know would never change his amazing, but dangerous, life for this… posh extravagant and empty life. I need to find out why we are here and who made us to leave our home. “Your room is on the first floor, but you can explore more of the grounds now if you want.” I nod my head and pass through the front doors. My jaw drops, again. From the front, the marble floorings are welcoming me. The walls are light grey but finished with wood effects on the corners. The hall is huge, like the good size of the pool could fit in here. On my left, I see the island of the kitchen. Kitchen is big and white with black countertops. Classic, I like it. The splashbacks are simple, metro tiles with black grout between. Did someone read my mind when creating this space?

  The floor is also marble, and the island has six, can you imagine, freaking six bar stools! Imagine how big it is. In front of the island is a sitting area, the big u-shape corner sofa with dark grey material. Between the corners is simple gold coffee table with candles on it. In front of the sofa is a huge corner window which is giving an amazing view at the freaking pool! I cannot believe it; we have a pool! Hell yeah, I know what I will do all day. No, not swimming because I cannot swim, yes, lame, I know but I am scared of water. What can I say, childhood trauma? I like to look at the water, it calms me. I like to feel the cold between my toes’ fingers and relax. The view at the pool is that amazing that I am holding my breath. I move to the left and notice that my father is inside the large room. It must be his office. Everything is wooden, huge shelves full of books and a huge oak desk just in the centre of the room. The back wall is actually a huge window which is giving a great view at the side of the estate. There are a couple of trees and a huge yard with golf course? Really? We cannot even play that shit. I come back to the hall and notice the wooden stairs. Here we go… the first floor is a corridor with a couple of doors. I open the first door and surprise; it is a cinema. Nothing special just the three rows of sits and huge screen. In the corner, I can see a popcorn machine. I love popcorn!

  The next room is a boy room, the same as the room next to it. The last doors are double doors. I take a huge breath and open them, and my jaw drops once again. This is my room. The walls are dark grey, and one is completely black. I love those colours. The black wall is behind a huge king size bed with a fresh set of linen and a comforter. At the wall in front of the bed, I have a huge sixty inches tv and white double chest of drawers under it. TV is between two doors. The first one, on the left leads to the huge bathroom. The bathroom is all marble with gold accents. Double sink on my left, huge walk-in shower and a toilet and in the centre, just in front of the huge window I have rounded bath with jacuzzi mode. Amazing!

  The next door leads to the shop. No, I am joking but taking the size of the space, it could be a boutique, especially because it is filled with clothes already. This closet is unbelievable. Hangers and shelves full of dresses and shoes, and belts, and bags fill this space to the top. The best thing is that the closet has a dresser full of makeup products, and based on my experience with makeup, those brands are from the top shelf.

  I hear the soft knock on the door. “What do you think princess? Do you like it?” I smile at him.

  “Yes papa, it’s amazing but how did you know what I like?”

  “I know everything about you love, there is no such a thing that you could hide from me.” His eyes are kind when I look at them. “However, as you probably noticed, you have a wardrobe full of clothes and uniforms, this is because you will start your education from new semester.” And here we go, I couldn’t be more shocked than I am now. What school? I finished everything in England, I don’t need to study anymore. I think I need to remind him about it.

  “But why papa, did you forget that I already finished my high school in England?”

  “Princess, America is a different country, you need to attend your last year here because they do not accept your early- finish. You see in England, you do not need to study after the age of 16 but here, unfortunately you need. There is an amazing academy that I have chosen for you and your brothers when they will come here, but for this moment, you will need to start your year by yourself.” This is not real; I knew that it must be a dream. I will not attend some posh academy because they do not accept my grades.

  “I will not do this papa, I am sorry, but you know that I hate school. I cannot come from being your cappo to schooling again. What about my training? What about your business?” There is no way I am coming back to high school.

  “Princess, I would do everything for you, but this is not the question, this is an order. You will attend the Landon Hill Academy and you will do it with the smile on your face. The school is great, the best in state and I paid a lot of money for you to have this opportunity and you will not disrespect me like that. Is it clear?” I will give you the hell.

  “Of course, papa, I am happy to attend this school.” After my dead body.

  “Great, so I understand that we are clear. However, I have a couple of things to talk to you. Firstly, you still have your training with JO, yes, he came as well. We have a special room with the weapons in the garage, the password to the doors is your hand scan and to confirm the scan, you need to add your date of birth. You are free to take anything you want, even to school, I don’t care about these rich pricks, if someone will bother you just do what you have to do, I believe that you will handle yourself just fine.” Hell yes, I thought that he has changed completely. I am happy that JO is here, he was the best trainer of mine and I would never change him for some rich dickhead. “Secondly, you still have a month till your school starts, and I have a couple of… businesses for you to attend or rather sort out, call it as you wish. We have new competitors and I would like you to check them, make friends with them or just kill them, you chose, as much as I care, they cannot cross me and your goal is to achieve this, do you understand?”

  “Yes, papa.” Now this is something I have been waiting for. Everyone in London knew who I am, and they have been scared of me. Now it’s time to spread a little havoc with newest pricks.

  “The last thing, when you will check the competition, you will find the name Braison, son of popular Charlie Braison will attend your school. Little Liam is your age, be careful, he knows how to use weapons and he is the most dangerous competitor of ours. I want you to just keep an eye on the guy but do not cross paths with the bastard, I will handle his father by myself. For now, this is all, you have a couple days free, so feel free to explore the grounds, we have little playroom and
the gym underground. Ah, I would forget, I couldn’t save your motorcycle from the explosion, but I have new Kawasaki ninja waiting for you in the garage.”

  “You are the best papa, thank you!” I hug him as hard as I could. Maybe you think that this man is cold but in reality, he loves his family the most. He would do everything for us, for me more than for my brothers, but I think that he simply just dreamed about daughter, and now he found one, in the park, and took her and adopted as his own.


  I make my way to the garage. The house is huge, so it took me at least 3 minutes to be there. The garage is full of cars. I love cars but I like motorcycles more. Maybe because London is full of illegal races and I have been one of those delinquents who took a part in them. Yes, I know that I am not a typical girly girl but don’t judge me just yet, I have more secrets than you think. Maybe my personality became more boyish because of my brothers, after all, I was the only girl in a fucking gang. I did not have a mother as a sample of woman guide but fuck it, I love myself. Maybe you think that I already forgot that I will make my father live a living hell, but no. I am still on my way to decide what to do. Firstly, I need to go on the birth control, he will go crazy when he will get a call from the doctor. I am not a virgin anymore, and guess how took it? Tyler of course, but my father doesn’t know about it because he would probably kill us both and then reincarnate our bodies and kill us again.


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