The Lies: Landon Academy book 1

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The Lies: Landon Academy book 1 Page 6

by Natalia Wiszniewska

  After twenty minutes of drive, I am here. The party is already in full swing, but maybe it’s because I am fashionably late. I step to the house and right away I spot Zac on the sofa with some chick seated on his knees. Next to him is a guy whose name is Cody, I found out about it two days ago when he approached me to tell me that Liam is furious and will destroy me. Cody’s face is plastered to some chick’s tits, what a typical man. And then it’s Liam with Sophia tightly wrapped around him and sucking his face off, blah. I approach them to say hi to Zac. I don’t mean to spend this party near them, I want to get wasted and come back home. As soon as I approached the sofa, Zac notices me and pushes the chick from his lap. She falls loudly on her ass.

  “Beautiful, you are here! How nice of you to join us. You look like a million- dollar, by the way!” Zac’s smile grown and the girl who now is shaking with anger murmured “Bitch” under her nose and storms away, what a shame. I smile at him and plant a seductive kiss on his cheek.

  “I couldn’t miss the party organised for me,” I reply. Liam spots me and shoves Sophia away, interesting. She looks at me and her face makes this ugly twist. Please don’t open your mouth. I don’t want to deal with her today. Today, I want to forget.

  “Do you want something to drink? I have soda, some vodka, beer?” Zac asks.

  “I will go with whiskey drink with Coke and ice, please.” He takes my hand and leads me to the kitchen. Some people high five me and some mentioned how good I look today. That was nice, no staring, no judging, just drunk people at the party being nice because they drank too much already. Zac made my drink and handed it to me.

  “So, did I mention how beautiful do you look today?”

  “Yes, you did and thank you. Perhaps, you are mentioning how beautiful I am every day.” I smile at him and he wraps his arm around my waist. Confident move, probably he had too much to drink. I gulped all my drink in one goal and asked him for another one. He takes the glass and gives me a whole bottle instead.

  “I think it would be better and I would not need to leave you for a sec to go and prepare your drinks.” Fine with me. I take three nice swings from the bottle and look at him.

  “Do you want to dance?” He takes my hand and leads me to the parkette where people are dancing plastered to each other. The alcohol quickly found the way to my blood because my vision is a little blurry and my movements a little clumsy. Zac grins at me and pulls me towards him with a dance movement. He smells amazing, like a wood and vanilla. I could swim in his scent. Whoa, what I am talking about? Am I drank, already?

  We start to dance. The first song was calm, and we danced like two normal friends, but after three more swings of my liquor and the change of the song, I decided to be a little more seductive. Why not? I am single, he is single, I am horny and he probably too, so… I step closer to him and show him my best moves. I am a brilliant dancer, I mean I have an experience with pole dance and stuff like that, so I treat him like my personal tube. He is a good dancer as well; he takes me by surprise and now my back is plastered to chis muscular chest. I press my butt against his groin. His lips found my neck as he begins to kiss me. His lips were hot against my skin. This sensation found the way straight to my secret parts and now I am soaking wet. I press harder and start to move. We look probably like some horny monkeys, but I don’t care. It feels so good. I can feel him hardening and it’s making me more wet.

  “You are so beautiful and sexy,” He murmurs into my ear. I smile to myself and spot Liam sitting in front of us with Sophia seductively moving on his lap. Is he inside her? He is looking right at me and it is making me more wet. I don’t know why; I hate this girl and I hate him but the alcohol and Zac behind me are doing their job. My tongue travel over my upper lip. Liam’s head tilts back on the armchair and I think he just came. I don’t know for sure because I am drunk and probably imagining things, so I turn around and kiss Zac passionately. My hand travel to his pants and I start to unzip him.

  “Are you really want to do this here? I don’t complain but maybe you want some privacy?” He whispers in my ear. I take his hand and show him to lead the way. We pass Liam who is now looking angry, bingo. He doesn’t want his friend to be with me. We run upstairs and Zac shoves me against some doors. He grips my ass and lifts me off the floor. My legs wrap around his waist and he kisses me. My hands find their way to his belt and he laughs.

  “Impatient much?” He asks.

  “Shut up!” I kiss him to shut him up. Our movements become frantic. Zac opens the door and closes them behind us. He throws me on the mattress and moves to take off my skirt. I help him and remove my top by myself and then he removes his. His fingers travel from my breasts to my thigs. My belly twists. OMG I am so wet. I need him, now! Before I could ask him to fuck me, his head went between my legs. Oh, sweet Jesus. His tongue slowly makes its way up and down and the movement kill me. I grip his hair in my palms, and he chuckles. I lift my hips to meet with his tongue. I moan loudly. He is amazing, I mean his tongue is doing a job. I start to move faster, still holding his hair in firm grip. His movements speed up and I can’t take it anymore. My world shatters. My vision blurs, even more, I shout his name and then my body went limp. I shut my eyes and try to compose myself. Zac’s slow kisses travel up my body. He takes my breast and sucks a nipple. My back arches like a string.

  “Are you ready for round two beautiful?” I nod my head positive because hell yeah, I am ready.

  Suddenly, the doors burst open and Liam steps in. Zac quickly covers my body with his.

  “What the fuck bro, don’t you see that we are busy?” He is angry now. I think, he doesn’t like to be disturbed.

  “Hope you have a nice ride with her, but you are expected downstairs. Someone spotted your dad’s car nearly and we have at least ten minutes to clear this mess.”

  Zac quickly lifts off of me and looks at me sadly.

  “I think we would need to finish this in some other time because my daddy dearest doesn’t like surprises.” With that, he rushes out of the room.

  I jump to my feet and notice that Liam is still in here, looking at me with a smirk. He’s done it on purpose. He really cockblocked his friend because of what? I don’t have time to think about his stupid ass. My vision blurs unexpectedly and I try to get a hold of something, but I miss. My ass lands on the plush carpet and I shake my head to clear the vision, and thankfully it helps.

  “You drank too much, go home,” If you would know Liam…I stand up, gather my clothes and leave the room. I run downstairs and when I reach the front door, a voice stops my movements.

  “Stay away from him,” Liam warns.

  “Or what? Are you going to follow us wherever we go and stop us from fucking? Better prepare some more cheap excuses because sooner rather than later he’s going to hit the base three.” I answer with a smirk and begin to go straight home.

  During my not- so- completely walk of shame, I have a lot of time to think. Why is he so overprotective of Zac? It isn’t about jealousy because Liam thinks that I am disgusting, he said it himself, so why sudden outburst of emotions? I need to stay away from them both. I don’t have any feelings for Zac, he is just a nice- looking guy who happen to appreciate my look as well. I enter the house and go to my room. After that, I take a quick shower and put some silky PJ’s and drift out to sleep.

  Chapter 10

  I spend all weekend with the preparation of the song I would like to sing during the competitions. I chose Rihanna ‘Umbrella’ because I have an amazing dance prepared to this song. I will kill them; I am telling you.

  On Sunday evening my phone vibrates. Not again, Liam probably retrieves some old photo of me and is trying to get under my skin. I couldn’t be more wrong. The message contains a video with me and Zac at the party. The first part is like we are dancing together and actually dry fucking each other and the next scene is in the room as I had the orgasm and shouted his name. I would guess that this is Liam doing because on the first part I am looking straight at
the person who filmed it and I know that I was looking at him. Bastard. I wouldn’t care really but I am sad because Zac was really nice to me and he just used me to help his friend humiliates me again. What was I thinking? Zac didn’t help me to clear my persona with accusations that I am a stripper. He was sitting there and done nothing. How could I think that he will like me? How could I think that he could be my friend in this stupid school? I don’t care about the video; I care that I trusted someone, and he used this against me. The text under the video says: ‘Slut’s performance, you don’t want to vote for someone who is giving the show for free.’ I will destroy them. Every. Single. One. Of. Them.

  Monday arrived pretty quickly and for the whole Sunday I was thinking how I will destroy my enemies. As soon as I noticed Zac, I march to him. He looks shocked to see me but soon enough he starts to apologise.

  “Emlyn, it wasn’t me I swear, I would never do anything like that…” I don’t let him finish. I remove my knife from the boot and press it against his dick. He gulps loudly.

  “One more word and I will cut your dick and shove it deep in your ass. I don’t care who done it, I don’t care about you or anyone, so let me get this straight… You will keep your head down, don’t talk to me, don’t look at me and don’t even think about me because I will know and I will come for you, do you understand?”

  “You need to believe me…”

  “Enough! I am warning you; you better listen to me you dick.” I rush past him to my locker. When I arrived, it was all decorated in used condoms. How sweet. Don’t they have anything better to throw at me? Bunch of rich pricks. I take some books from the locker and walk to the classroom. Everyone is eyeing me with hate. Well, I think my famous moment just passed, now everyone wants to destroy me or rather they are judging me. What the hell is wrong with those people? Can’t they see that I didn’t record that video or even if so, didn’t they have a nice night with anyone?

  I make my way, but someone walks straight at me. My books go flying. I kneel to pick them up and then a designer shoe steps on one of them.

  “Well, well. You didn’t even check who is coming and you already kneeling, it’s like your brain know who’s the master. We need to talk.” Liam’s voice beams in my ears. This prick. I don’t want to talk with him now. He will need to wait for my next move. I leave the books on the floor, why bother and leave the school grounds. I march to my car, open the door and go to the only place I could think about, the roof.


  The roof looks exactly as I remember. And this is a shocker because I actually tried to forget that day, the day I met Liam for the first time. He was different. He didn’t know me, and he cared about me, he saved my life. He made me realised that I want to live. Where is this guy now? Now I can only see a monster who has a goal to destroy my life, but why? He doesn’t know me. His father probably made sure to inform him about my persona but why bullying me? Why he cannot just leave me alone.

  I don’t know why I care so much. I never cared about those stupid things. I have also never been bullied before; I was the bully. Maybe karma came back to me.

  I don’t know how long I sit here but the raspy voice rips me from my thoughts.

  “I didn’t expect to see you here. Long-time no see.” Liam… I turn around to look at him.

  “Leave me alone. I came here to be alone, so just go and share more videos of me.”

  “Maybe it will surprise you but that wasn’t me. Yes, I shared your photos for the first time but when I realized that you are not bothered by it, I decided to stop bullying you.”

  “I don’t believe you. You and Zac used me because of your stupid game. Now leave me alone or better, I will go.” I move to leave him but his hand on my wrist stops me.

  “For fuck sake Morpho, I am a bastard, but I am not a liar. I don’t know who recorded that video and I don’t know who shared it, but I will find out, for you.” A laugh escapes my lips.

  “Yeah, why should I believe you? From the start, you have been a bully, a dick who wanted me to bow to you.”

  “Yes, I am a dick, but I would never share something that private. Not yours, not anyone’s private video. I am not that type of person. You can think everything you want but it wasn’t me and it wasn’t Zac. He really likes you.”

  I don’t believe him. My father warned me that the enemy always will try to blind me, trick me but I am not stupid, I will not fall for this trap.

  “Whatever, I don’t care. Leave me the fuck alone and I will believe you,” I lied, somewhere deep inside me, I don’t want him to leave me alone. When he tournaments me, I feel alive. I don’t want that feeling to disappear.

  “I cannot leave you alone. We are enemies, our families are rivals and I need to have a close eye on you. And secondly, I don’t want to. The day we met here, you were so broken, so scared of the world. I saw you as a little sheep who needs rescue, but I couldn’t be more wrong. You showed me that you are strong that you are able to fight back. When I gave you this advice, I thought that you are not capable of fighting but something in you, in your eyes made me change my mind. When I found out who you are, I just wanted to test your limits, even my father told me to stay away from you, I didn’t listen, I couldn’t.”

  His statement shocks me. Is it a play to fool me again? His eyes are telling me that every single word is true, but something is not right.

  “Why are you telling me this? Shouldn’t you be with your girlfriend now, why are you here?” I ask because it makes me curious.

  “I don’t know, honestly. Yes, I should be with her, far away from you, but your yesterday show… never mind. You should talk with Zac; he is not a bad guy and he didn’t have anything to do with the video.” Oh, so he is here because of Zac. Of course, he is.

  “Maybe I will, maybe I will not. We will see” He let the breath of irritation but didn’t push further.

  “Why were you here before? Why were you trying to kill yourself?” His question, if it would have hands, would punch me right in my face.

  “Why do you care? We are not friends and we never will be.”

  “Maybe you won’t believe me, but I like you. You see, your attitude is annoying but also exciting. You are like fresh air in my life. You don’t listen, you are disrespectful, and you are not scared.” He sits next to me. Our legs hang in the air and I look at him. He looks like a damn God in a flash. A wind messes his perfect hair as he stares out front. His eyes land on me and I hold my breath. What is this feeling, I am feeling now? Is it loneliness? Freedom?

  “How did you know that I will be here?” I ask instead.

  “I didn’t, I always come here when I need to think but don’t worry, I can share this place with you even when I am not one to share.”

  “Why are you always so cold and now you nice? It doesn’t make sense.”

  “I cannot be seen with you and be nice to you. You know how this works. Your father warned you about me and I have been warned about you. We need to stay away from each other.” He is right. If my father would find out that we are sitting now and talking, he would probably kill me or him. After his answer, we sit in silence for a moment, but I decided to answer his question as he so quickly is answering mine.

  “I don’t know why I wanted to do this. I just felt lonely, maybe disappointed.”

  “I know the feeling” I chuckle at his response. “What? Can’t a guy feel lonely sometimes? Scared of the word?” His words hit me. We are the same. Two broken souls in this messed up world.

  “I don’t get it. You have friends, a beautiful girlfriend and you are popular. What else do you need?”

  “Are you serious? Do you really think that popularity solves all the problems? Those people, they don’t like me, they don’t know me. They think that I am important because of my father. He is important, I am only a marionette who dances as he plays. Sophia, for starters, she doesn’t love me. She is just a puppet. Her parents use her to marry me and get the shares in my father company. She is obsessed with
me, but it is not love. I don’t love her; I don’t even like her. Did you hear her voice? Her family is powerful, and they want more power which my father can provide. They poisoned her brain and now we are destined to be together.” He looks at his hands. I take one of his in mine. He looks at me with those brilliant blue eyes and my heart melts.

  “You don’t need to be a pawn. You can make your own decisions. You just need to stand up for yourself, show him that your life matters.”

  “You know that this is not how it works. I know your family; I know what you’re doing for your father. You have the same shit in your life as I have. We are the same, like it or not.” He is right. I know he is. I don’t mind doing my father dirty work but is it really my destiny? Maybe there is something else in this world for me.

  “You’re right, we are, and that’s the reason I hate you so much.”

  “Are you really? Hate me?” His hand travels to my cheek. His fingers discover the softness of my skin. I close my eyes as this feeling of loneliness fades. His presence is making me weak, weak for him and I don’t like this. I was never weak for a man. I open my eyes and his face appears in front of me. His eyes are so kind now. I didn’t know what I was doing as my lips softly touches his. My hand lifts to his face and I close my eyes again. Liam doesn’t push me; he comes closer and our kiss deepens. The feeling is so overwhelming, my stomach twists and I break the kiss. What the hell was I thinking? I shouldn’t have done that.

  “It won’t happen again,” I state.

  “Yes, it will.” He answers as he looks away. The corner of my lips curls up at his words. It can’t happen again.

  We sit in silence and look out at the scenery. It is a nice view. I don’t know if I can trust him or Zac. I didn’t come here to make friends or find love. I have a lot to think about.


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