Get to Me

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Get to Me Page 18

by Lara Van Hulzen

  “I’d love to say I’m sorry, but I’m not.” He placed a kiss on her forehead. “I’m never letting you go, so you better get used to it.”

  She pulled back a little and smiled up at him. “I think I can do that.” She kissed his cheek then snuggled back against his chest. “My knight in shining armor. I prayed you’d get to me. However, I’m not sure how you got to me so fast. I hoped you’d understand where I was by what I said but…” She shivered.

  He kissed her. “I don’t know about being a knight, but yes, Sunshine. I will always get to you when you need me. And we used these super cool ATVs to get up the mountainside.”

  She laughed. “Spoken like a true boy.” She snuggled back into him and sighed. “And I’ll be grateful till the day I die for those ATVs.”

  “Me too, Sunshine. Me too.”

  Chapter 24

  Three Months Later

  “Aimee. Babe. Wake up.”


  Aimee squirmed and blinked. The leather couch groaned beneath her as Dane sat beside her, his big dimpled grin causing her tummy to do flips.

  “Why am I waking up? Other than to see your gorgeous mug?” She smiled.

  He kissed her cheek. “Because I have a great idea. I think. I don’t know…”

  Awake now, Aimee sat up. She’d never heard Dane so indecisive. Ever.

  “What is it?” She rubbed her eyes and pulled her hair off her face. Her curls sprang back, however, like always. Dane took a curl in his fingers and tucked it behind her ear.

  “Let’s get married.”

  “Dane, we are getting married.” She held up her left hand, the diamond solitaire glimmering from her finger. A local artist had designed it for Dane. The band looked like tiny twigs intertwined with smaller diamonds inlaid. It was unique and absolutely perfect. She smiled. She got warm fuzzies inside every time she looked at it.

  They’d been living in the main house of the 4S Ranch for the past month while they renovated Dane’s cabin. After her encounter on the mountain with Marcos, who was now rotting in prison, she and Dane decided to start a new life in Northern California. Her art was selling like hotcakes at the gallery, and Dane quit the police force to help Keith run the family cattle business.

  “I mean today. Let’s get married today.”

  “Um…what about the actual wedding we have planned a few weeks from now? And the honeymoon is already booked. A magical Christmas together in Colorado, remember?”

  “We can still do that. But that’s a day for friends and family.” He took her by the shoulders and kissed her tenderly. “I want us. I want to be with you. Now. I don’t want to wait.”

  Aimee’s head spun. Although it always did when Dane kissed her. She shook her head and closed her eyes, hoping all the puzzle pieces flying around her brain would fall together and make sense.

  Dane’s shoulders fell. “I understand. I sprung this on you. That isn’t fair.”

  He’d taken her head shake as an answer. She looked at his face, his blue eyes downcast and disappointed. What was she thinking? Here was this man who struggled to take any kind of step whatsoever without a plan, and for her he was willing to leap without a net.

  He was right. They were getting married anyway, and big ceremonies weren’t their thing. They were both happy to do it to please their families, but this was about them. Just the two of them.

  She climbed into his lap and hugged him tight. “Yes. I say yes. Let’s get married today.”

  He pulled back to look at her. “You mean it? Why’d you shake your head?”

  She laughed. “I was only thinking. Shaking things loose in my head.”

  He kissed her and smiled. “So yes then?”



  Aimee stood at the back of the tiny wedding chapel, holding a bouquet of yellow roses with orange tips Dane had bought her. She looked down at her dress, grateful for Tess talking her into having something other than her wedding gown to wear at the reception. Tess swore Aimee would be more comfortable, and she was right. The flowing dress in deep green was perfect. Only now she wore it to walk down the aisle and say yes to the handsome cowboy who waited for her.

  Man, he was gorgeous. How could he possibly be hers? Her legs wobbled as she made her way to him, her face beginning to cramp from smiling so big. Dane wore his dress black Stetson, jeans, and a button-down with a sports coat, but he could’ve been in a clown suit for all she cared. He wanted her to be his and that was all that mattered.

  The little ceremony was short and sweet and as soon as they were pronounced husband and wife, Dane wrapped her in her coat, swept her up, and carried her to his truck.

  “Now, I have a surprise for you, my bride.”

  Aimee giggled as he placed her in the passenger seat.

  “I don’t think you can top this one, Scott.”

  “Watch me.”

  He ran around to the driver’s side and hopped in.

  He held her hand and kissed it the entire drive. They passed through the entrance of the 4S but turned away from the main house. Up the road, they pulled around the bend and into the clearing where Dane’s cabin stood. Their cabin.

  “Oh Dane! It’s beautiful. How did you…?” The cabin renovations weren’t supposed to be done for weeks. Dane had told Aimee to stay away from the site because he didn’t want her to see it until after the wedding.

  “You finished the cabin.”

  He looked sheepish for a moment. “I have a confession to make. I planned some of this. It wasn’t all flying by the seat of my pants.”

  She lifted an eyebrow. “And you assumed I’d say yes to this whole plan, didn’t you?”

  “No. But I hoped. A lot.”

  He jumped out of the truck and came around to her door. Again, he lifted her into his arms without effort, and strode to the cabin. Kissing her thoroughly at the entrance, he opened the door and crossed the threshold.

  “Welcome to the honeymoon suite, Mrs. Scott.”

  Mrs. Scott. The sound of that was music to her ears.

  He set her down gently and closed the door, giving her a chance to look around.

  “Oh, Dane!” She gasped.

  Rose petals showered the floor of the living room with a path leading to the bedroom. She followed it. Roses were placed around the bedroom and candles burned on each nightstand. She moved back into the living room where a fire burned in the fireplace. Roses the same color as her bouquet were scattered everywhere and candles added a romantic glow. It was perfect. Absolutely perfect.

  “How’d you pull off the candles and fireplace?”

  Dane lifted one shoulder then let it drop. “I had a little help.”

  Aimee’s eyes grew wide. “Keith? No way.” She laughed. “Who would’ve guessed there’s a romantic tucked in that giant exterior somewhere?”

  Aimee walked to the center of the living room and kicked off her shoes. She laid her coat on the big, puffy chair and squished her bare toes in the alpaca rug that lay in front of the roaring fireplace. Most people might question the last minute decision, but she didn’t. The only thing at the moment that filled her was peace.

  Dane came up behind her and put his arms around her waist, nuzzling into her neck and kissing her right where her sunshine tattoo sat. He loved that spot. And so did she.

  How or when they actually made it to the bed she wasn’t sure, her body a whirlwind of sensations.

  He clasped her right hand in his left above their heads and covered her body with his own, his other arm wrapped securely around her waist. She’d never felt safer, more loved. His body, hard like armor, there to protect, yet holding her tenderly to cherish for life as if holding a rare treasure to keep safe.

  She ran her free hand up his back, appreciating the muscle of his shoulders that held her so close. In clothes his body was tempting. Out of them it was downright captivating. His heart beat with hers in a rhythm all their own.

  He trailed soft kisses across her collarbone and
up her neck to the tender spot behind her ear.

  “I’ll love you forever, Aimee Scott,” his voice a whisper on her skin. He continued to her mouth, claiming it once again with his own. When he eventually pulled back, his eyes met hers, the blue depths filled with hunger, desire. How grateful she was she’d waited for this man, this moment.

  All she ever wanted was right here in this cabin. Right here in her arms. She was home.

  The End


  Craig – I literally could not do this without you. This life, this job, none of it. And I wouldn’t want to either. You are my best friend and my whole world. For everything, I love you.

  Lisa, Nate and Cole – My favorite people in the world to hang out with. Thanks for patience with me when I’m on a deadline and stressed, or pacing the house, or texting you random texts asking where an artist would honeymoon. I love you bunches.

  Sergeant Glen Glaser, Jr. – Thank you for answering countless questions about police procedures. You’re the best!

  Ryan Bullard – Thank you for sharing with me your expertise as a police sketch artist. I appreciate your input and advice.

  Crystal Posey – My cover artist and assistant but more importantly, my friend. Thank you for talking me off countless ledges. I couldn’t do this without you.

  Heather Spiva – My critique partner extraordinaire. You deserve a special award for your patience with me. I cherish your advice and your friendship even more.

  Ellen Tarver – I have more fun editing with you than should be allowed. I am a better writer because of you. I hope you will edit my books forever.

  Rich and Nikki Maxwell – My favorite Marine and little pinwheel of fun – thank you for your friendship, encouragement and for being you.

  Travis Thrasher – My music guru and friend. Thank you for your writing advice and patience with my questions. I SO appreciate it.

  Sherry Holub at JV Media Designs – Thank you, Sherry, for putting up with my random emails and changes. My website is fantastic and it’s all because of you.

  My family and friends – There are so many people in my life who make it possible for me to do this job. It takes a village and I love my village people. You know who you are. Thank you!

  My CFC Family – For giving me a place to work out my frustrations and make sure the sedentary, solitary work I do doesn’t turn me too soft.

  For those of you in the writing/reviewing world who have cheered me on and given me outstanding advice – Thank you, Karla Rose, Beth Thompson, Jenny Lundquist.

  About the Author

  Lara Van Hulzen received her Bachelor of Arts degree in Journalism from Point Loma Nazarene University. She lives with her husband and three children in Northern California.

  Other Books by Lara Van Hulzen

  Please visit your favorite ebook retailer to discover other books by Lara Van Hulzen.

  The Men of Honor Series

  Remember Me

  Get To Me

  Rescue Me

  The Silver Bay Series

  Return to Silver Bay

  Loving Kate

  Saving Drew (Coming January 2017)

  Connect with Lara Van Hulzen

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