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Cassius Page 11

by Stevens, Madison

  A trio of men in hardhats stood together on the side of the slide obstacle. They were hunched over and speaking in whispered tones. A fourth man stood a couple yards away, his harsh eyes moving back and forth.

  CJ kept them in his peripheral vision. He wrapped an arm around Kendra who smiled up at him. Though he enjoyed the warmth of her body on his arm, he was using her more for cover.

  The fourth man bothered CJ. The build, the careful look, the expression, the position of his hands. It all screamed security or military training, not random construction worker. His hands and arms were behind his back in a parade rest position, though as if sensing CJ glancing at him, he dropped the hands.

  A random mercenary wouldn’t naturally stand that way. It had to be someone with military experience, probably someone who’d only recently left the military.

  Ouroboros was a small organization to the best of the hybrids’ knowledge. They’d be forced to supplement their security with mercenaries. Mercenary outfits and private military contractors relied heavily on ex-military for recruitment.

  It could also mean nothing. The man could be a veteran who’d gotten out recently and gotten a job as a construction worker. It wasn’t like Ouroboros was the only organization on the planet with ex-military employees.

  With Kendra chatting away about the obstacle, CJ used his arm on her shoulders to steer her subtly closer to the men. Getting nearer would allow his enhanced hearing to pick out their conversation despite the background chatter. His course would take him near the men at an angle that would feel natural, but have he and Kendra soon walking away. He hoped that would limit suspicion and reaction.

  “And you’re sure everything’s finished?” one of the men whispered.

  A second nodded. “We just have a few things left to install. We’ll do it tonight.”

  The men stopped talking and looked toward CJ and Kendra. They stood up and offered the couple polite nods.

  CJ nodded back. Kendra looked the side of the slide obstacle up and down, her face a mask of curiosity before they continued. He tried to inhale through his nose without being too obvious, but he didn’t smell anything suspicious. Though his back was turned, he could sense the men shuffling back into their huddle once he and Kendra had moved about ten yards away.

  “Everything’s on schedule for tomorrow,” one of the men said.

  “Good. Our boss isn’t going to be happy if there are problems.”

  The background cacophony of the other workers and guests soon overwhelmed the quiet whispers. Hybrid hearing might be far better than that of humans, but even it had its limits.

  “I’m so excited,” Kendra said, pulling away CJ to pump her fists. “Seeing the obstacles almost finished really gets me ready to do my thing.”

  “I can’t wait to see it myself,” CJ said with a smile.

  He didn’t look back at the men. The conversation worried him, but there was nothing inherently damning about it. Either sinister conspiracy spies or normal men working overtime might have had the same conversation. The only anomaly was the fourth man, and that wasn’t the kind of evidence that would get Maximus to send a strike team.

  Making a move then and there risked blowing his cover and accomplishing little. Doing anything with his Vestal around was idiotic.

  There was only one choice left. He needed to come back when there were fewer people around. They were planning something later. A night trip with Julius was the best bet.

  Kendra stretched her arms above her head. “I’ve got a good feel for the course now, and it’s not even noon. Thanks for indulging me.”

  “There are worse ways to spend a morning than hanging out with a beautiful woman,” CJ said.

  Kendra’s breath caught. She swallowed, the action subtle in her delicate throat. She stared into his eyes. “You think I’m beautiful?”

  CJ laughed. “Of course. Was that in doubt? You’re one of the most beautiful women I’ve ever seen.”

  In truth, she was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen. Accepting he felt that way only strengthened the case for Kendra being his Vestal.

  “How about lunch?” Kendra asked. “I need to stop off at my hotel and change. All this walking around has worked up a sweat. I’ve got some light training scheduled this evening, but Graham likes to leave me alone the day before a competition because he knows I can be pissy.”

  CJ chuckled. “This is pissy? Could have fooled me.”

  Kendra smiled. “I’ve got a good reason not to be pissy.”

  He should say no. He should be checking in with Julius and planning for their night recon. It wasn’t like the place was going to be abandoned.

  Going back to her place would lead to more temptation. There was no way he could be in her hotel room again and not want to continue what had happened the night before, but Kendra didn’t wouldn’t want it to continue.

  CJ’s loins stirred. He looked away and took a deep breath.

  “Is something wrong?” Kendra asked.

  She wasn’t a helpless woman. She’d made that clear the other night by stopping him before they went farther. Going to her hotel room didn’t guarantee anything would happen other than exactly what she wanted.

  Julius could wait. CJ wasn’t planning a raid on an enemy stronghold. He wanted to sneak into the course and check some things out.

  “Nothing’s wrong.” CJ smiled. “I’d love some lunch.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Kendra welcomed the cool touch of the AC as she stepped into her hotel room. Despite it being morning, it’d grown increasingly warm during her time at the course. The city didn’t want her to forget it was summer.

  She’d done events in places like Arizona and Florida at the height of the summer, so she wasn’t worried about her performance. That didn’t mean she could ignore it. Proper hydration would be a must, but that was a future problem. Her immediate concern was the gorgeous man following her into her room.

  They were alone again in a room with a nice, large bed. Her heart kicked up. Warmth spread through her body. Hydration wouldn’t help. She could drink the entire ocean and it wouldn’t quench her thirst.

  She shouldn’t do anything. The same logic she’d offered the night before applied, if not more so. The race was looming tomorrow. Tiring herself out with someone already demanding all her attention was a guaranteed road to loss.

  Her tracksuit was proof of what she should be doing, light exercise and visualization of the obstacles she’d scouted. She hadn’t flown all the way to New York for a booty call.

  “It’ll be tough,” she said, trying to recenter on the race and not CJ.

  CJ looked her way with a smile. “What will be?”

  “The competition.” Kendra unzipped her jacket and hung it over the edge of a chair. “I’ve been thinking about the new obstacles. They’re trickier than I realized. I might have been taking this too lightly, but now it’s gotten real.”

  “Isn’t that better?” CJ asked.

  Kendra stared at him, her brow furrowed. “Why would that make it better?”

  CJ nodded. “It’s all about challenging yourself, right?” He motioned to the door. “The races, the climbing, the training. That’s the takeaway I got from what you said. The channel and the videos are a way to give you the money to do what you really want to do.”

  Kendra nodded slowly. He’d not known her for long, but he already understood her so well. A man who only cared about getting into her pants wouldn’t have pushed back like that. He would have tried to soothe her and insist the race would be easy.

  “And the only way to challenge yourself,” CJ continued, “is to constantly push yourself to your limits, even if you risk losing.”

  Kendra sat on the edge of the bed. “You’re right.” She shook her head. “Sometimes I come close to forgetting what this is all about. Sponsorships and being famous are distractions, not goals in of themselves.” She toed off her running shoes. “I can lose a few sponsorships and do okay. I can continue ma
king a living at this. I’ll never be rich, but it’s not like I’ll starve. I’m blessed to be able to do what I want with my life.”

  “That’s a good attitude.” CJ stared at her, something probing in the look. “You can come back from about everything except dying.”

  Kendra chuckled. “I also don’t want to turn into Sarah.”

  “Not a fan?”

  “I don’t hate her or anything. She used to be more like me, thrilled about nothing more than the chance to compete.” Kendra shook her head. “But she’s let the fame get to her head. It’s not that she’s a bad competitor. She’s a great athlete, but I feel like she’s stalled out because she spends more time doing photo ops and celebrity appearances than training. It’s a shame. And…”

  She winced. There were some things she shouldn’t say aloud. It was hard to control herself around CJ. She felt like she’d known him her entire life. All her defenses dropped and she wanted to share everything.

  “And?” CJ asked. “And what?”

  “It’s nothing.” Kendra looked away. He didn’t need to see her petty side.

  “You can trust me.” The words came out of his mouth soft but commanding.

  Trust me. Such a simple phrase, but so powerful. It destroyed her restraint.

  “It’s stupid.” Kendra sighed. “Sarah wouldn’t have flirted with someone who was obviously with someone else like that back in the day. It’s because she thinks she’s the Queen of OCR, ASTC, and has some modeling contracts now. She expects men to throw themselves at her.”

  CJ chuckled, the sound low. “You were worried she’d steal me away?”

  “No!” Kendra yelped. She scrubbed a hand down her face. “It’s not that I think you’d be swayed by her, not that she isn’t gorgeous, and she’s an athlete, so great body and all that, but, uh… This is stupid. I’m sorry I brought it up.”

  “As far as I’m concerned, you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen,” CJ said quietly. “I want that clear. I thought it already was.”

  Kendra’s eyes widened. “W-what?”

  “You heard what I said.” CJ stalked toward her, his gaze burning into her soul. “I don’t see any reason to lie about it. Ever since I first saw you, it’s been hard to get you out of my head. It’s been hard to concentrate on my job.”

  “It has?” Kendra’s own voice was barely a whisper. “You’re just saying that.”

  “No. I mean it.” CJ stood over her. Again, there was a hint of light around his eyes. Kendra didn’t know what to make of it. Was this the same thing as seeing stars? Or was she more tired than she realized? Her restless sleep from the night before might already be affecting her.

  “You’re special, Kendra,” CJ said. He sat beside her on the bed. “And your superstition is crap. I hate it.”

  “It’s necessary.” Kendra swallowed. Her heart thundered in her chest. She needed to get him out of there in the next few minutes before she lost all control and threw herself at him.

  Her little preview the other day had her moaning and climaxing within minutes. And he’d not done anything but use his tongue. A man that skilled would have her screaming in pleasure for hours. She could imagine spending a whole weekend in bed. Screw a weekend. A month. Food was for wimps.

  She thought things over. It didn’t have to be bad. A little fun wouldn’t destroy her.

  Besides, it was early. She could rest and still have time for some final training. As long as she didn’t make him do all the work, she’d get in some good cardio.

  CJ reached over and lifted her chin. “If you really want to keep other women off me, you’re going to need to put your cards down.”

  Kendra chuckled. “You saying you’re going to go to Sarah if I don’t sleep with you?”

  He grinned. “I want to say that, but it’s bullshit. I know it. It’s hard to be around you without tearing your clothes off. I want to lick every part of you. I want to be inside you, and I want to hear you screaming in ecstasy as I bring you to the brink again and again and again.”

  “I… I.” Kendra’s nipples hardened. Her insides fluttered. She’d lost control of the conversation. Any plans of their meeting not ending in passion vanished.

  CJ leaned close to her and licked her ear lobe. He tugged her pants down, revealing the tight red shorts underneath. “I want you. If you don’t want me, tell me so, and I’ll leave, never to bother you again. But if you want me too, then screw superstition. Let me be your new good luck charm.”

  Kendra let out a shuddered breath as CJ’s tongue ran along her ear. His hand moved up to her sports bra where he skimmed the hardened peaks poking through the fabric. He squeezed and flicked with his thumb. She gasped.

  “Do you want me to leave?” CJ whispered. “Or do you want me to stay and make you feel good? I want you, Kendra. And I know you want me.”

  A soft growl followed. Kendra quivered at the sound from her spot on the bed. She was already wet for him.

  This was it. It was time to choose. There were worst things in the world than a few hours of great sex.

  “Stay,” Kendra said. “Stay with me.”

  CJ grinned and yanked her pants the rest of the way off. He tossed them to the ground before tugging at her shorts. She helped him along by slipping out of her bra.

  The clothes formed a nice pile on the floor. CJ got out of his own clothes in record time, revealing every inch of his deliciously firm body. He moved over to the bed to sit and join her.

  She stared at his massive cock, which was already a solid rod, licking her lips in anticipation. Tasting him before had been fun, but she’d denied herself the pleasure of having him inside her. It’d be a challenging fit, but that meant they’d have fun getting her wet enough.

  Kendra ran her hands along the hard planes of his chest. Every muscle was perfect. She understood all too well the amount of exercise and effort it took to maintain this level of fitness. It was like someone had carved him out of marble.

  CJ leaned forward again to nibble and lick at her ear and neck. With the encumbrance of clothes gone, his hands roamed freely, caressing and tweaking her breasts with abandon. She moaned at his touch, trying to keep enough wits about her that she didn’t demand the end of the show right away.

  She’d already broken her rule. She needed to get the most out of it.

  His fingers continued flicking and teasing as he leaned forward to plunder her mouth with his strong tongue. She opened to him, her own tongue twining and wrestling with his. A glorious fire spread through her body. She quivered, the warmth of his body mingling with her own.

  His hard cock pressed against her stomach. She needed him lower.

  No. She pushed out the thought. Make it last. That’s what she needed.

  CJ moved his hands away from her breasts to squeeze her ass. She clenched her cheeks on instinct, enjoying the rough feel of him on her sculpted body. He caressed and squeezed before shifting his hands to her hips while he continued his kiss.

  Kendra moaned into his mouth. Only the faintest concerns about the race lingered in the back of her mind. All she cared about was the man touching and kissing her. This was the ultimate obstacle, the hot boyfriend.

  She wasn’t sure how much time had passed when CJ pulled away from her. Just as she was beginning to sigh in disappointment, he trailed kisses down her face and throat. She offered a quiet murmur of approval. Perfect already.

  CJ’s mouth soon reached her breasts. He latched on and sucked, his tongue flicking over her hardened nipple.

  Lightning shot to her center. She moaned loudly, arching her back. Every touch and taste threatened to send her over the edge. It was like he held the keys to her body.

  Kendra stuck her arms behind her to brace herself on the bed. CJ alternated breasts, always keeping his mouth on one and his hand on the other. Kendra ran her hand down to her bud and teased it. Pressure continued to build inside her, her muscles twitching in anticipation of tightening.

  CJ pulled away from her body, a
hungry look in his eyes. He swiped a finger through her slit. She shuddered and groaned.

  “Did you like that?” CJ asked, his voice low and deep.

  “Damn right I liked it.”

  CJ circled her clit with his finger before sliding it inside her. She clutched the sheets tightly still sitting on the edge of the bed supported by her arms. Her lover’s thick finger probed inside and out of her in a steady rhythm, slow at first, but building with each movement.

  Kendra shuddered and closed her eyes. The moans came out in a low, constant stream, the welcome intrusion fueling the glorious sensation spreading through her body.

  CJ slid off the bed and leaned over, standing as he rotated his hand so his thumb hit her bud with each thrust. She was soaked now and lost all awareness of the world around her as a wave blasted from her center and left her a quivering mess, crying out her release. She thought it was perfect before, but that was a pale shadow of what she felt now.

  Kendra fell, but CJ caught her with his other hand and continued pumping into her with the other. He added a second finger that stretched her tight insides. The sensation threatened to overwhelm her.

  In and out. In and out. Not only was he keeping up a powerful, steady rhythm, but the slight twists of his fingers ensured he rubbed the most sensitive parts of her. It didn’t take long before another shuddering climax rocked her body.

  CJ yanked his hand away from Kendra’s pussy and leaned forward to blow. The hot breath almost set her off again. Her insides twitched and throbbed eager for more attention.

  She wanted more. Needed more. She needed CJ. All of him.

  “I want to be in you,” he growled.

  Kendra’s insides twitched at the sound. Her eyes half-closed, she rolled over until she was half off the bed. She set her feet on the ground, leaving her ass up in front of CJ, but her upper body resting on the bed.

  “I need you!” she cried.

  CJ gripped her hips to steady her and stood behind her. “Are you ready?”

  “Oh, yes.” Kendra moaned. “I want you, CJ. I want you badly. Fuck me.”


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