Suddenly Elizabeth

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Suddenly Elizabeth Page 11

by Anne Louise

  Hearing those words and seeing the depth of his feelings brought new stirrings to Elizabeth and she could feel the pounding in her chest and the heat on her face as she blushed crimson. She felt a lump in her throat and swallowed hard as she took in a deep breath and let out a sigh. Now she remembered that Mr. Bingley had told her about Darcy and his cousin, but he had also said other things and she wondered if perhaps she had misunderstood him.

  Had she worked herself into a tizzy over nothing? That was possible as the only words she really heard were about an engagement with his cousin. After hearing those words, she was in shock and heard nothing more but her beating heart. She should have known that Darcy was not engaged to his cousin. If so, Jane would have reacted differently. Next, she would ask Jane about it later and perhaps Mr. Bingley too, but she was assuaged and her heart was happy again.

  Darcy seemed relieved that he had told the truth and watched as Elizabeth looked at him and giggled and saw her tears of happiness, but she turned an eye to Darcy and furrowed her brow.

  “I have been giving it much thought since you have been away and have determined that you have never kissed me. Since you are my good friend, I hope that you will demonstrate how to kiss. And of course, I need you to swear that you will tell no person.”

  Darcy could not believe what he was hearing. He gently took her arm and walked her into a bit of wilderness out of the view of others.

  “What are you doing sir? You cannot kiss me here.”

  “No, Miss Elizabeth, but we will stand behind these two old trees and no one will be the wiser.”

  Darcy next lead Elizabeth to the location he had suggested and they slipped behind the trees. His rich baritone voice hinted that he was nervous and his hands seemed unsteady to her but all the while his eyes perused her and made her blush. She turned her eyes away slowly but when she gazed back at him she saw a man more determined than ever. He showed her a warm smile as he gently wrapped his arms about her and seemed to catch a full breath.

  Elizabeth was certain he would kiss her, just like in her dreams when she would surrender herself to him. But this was different, she was in his arms, just as she should be. Some of her long tresses had escaped their pins and her long chocolate curls were splayed on Darcy’s collar, but this did not matter to her or Darcy. For her, this was her moment and she did not care who saw them or what might happen, though they were away from the eyes of any others.

  Darcy held her in his arms and caressed her cheeks and slowly kissed her neck. “I have dreamed of this moment, my Dearest Elizabeth, and I have missed you since you left town.” His movements were sensual, just like in her dreams, but next she felt his hardness against her as he lowered her head and claimed her ruby lips. Her eyes opened just long enough to see Darcy’s determined eyes and he would not let her escape from his kiss as now she felt his tongue darting about as he claimed all of her mouth. It was a feeling unlike any she had ever experienced and when he deepened his kiss, her arms wrapped more tightly around his waist. By this time she had given up on trying to stop him and surrendered her mouth to him, all the while pressing her body against his hardness. She had totally lost her will to protest for this is what she wanted and needed, just like in her dreams. But this was real and the man was standing next to her and she could hear him call her his darling Elizabeth as he slowly pulled away as she tried to steady herself. Her breath was unsteady and matched his own and both of them were perspiring from such close contact.

  “I am sorry that I lost control, but I have missed you terribly since you left town. Please forgive me and I do apologize for getting excited, but I do care for you Elizabeth and I hope you care for me as well.”

  “Yes, William, I do care for you. When we are alone I do prefer you to call me Elizabeth.”

  “But at those times you will be my darling Elizabeth.”

  “Will you promise to give me more lessons whilst you are staying here?”

  “Yes, I can promise you that you will have my full attention.”

  “Then will you promise me not to hold it against me that I am just eighteen?”

  “No, my darling, considering the state you have driven me to moments earlier, you might want to rephrase your last question regarding me holding it against you.”

  “You sir, are incorrigible.”

  “And you, Elizabeth, have stolen my heart.”

  Knowing that they should not return to the others as a couple, he agreed to remain outside and get some fresh air as she returned to speak with the new housekeeper. Darcy was still warm but tried to regain a sense of calm but he could not easily slow the thumping of his heart and had to look at his chest to make sure his heart had not escaped. Minutes later he returned to join the others.

  "Oh, there you are, Darcy. I have just been speaking with your cousin and he has been asking about the upcoming dance.”

  “Yes, Bingley, I already told him it will be held in a week, on Saturday. I do intend to ask Miss Elizabeth about it but she earlier promised that there will be a number of single young women in attendance. I suppose you are still interested in meeting your new neighbors and others in the community?”

  “Yes, Darcy, I do think attending the dance is a good way to get acquainted. And there are few things I like better than a country dance.”

  “I was not aware that you had such experiences, but they must have occurred earlier”

  “Yes, my mother’s sister lived in the country and we usually spent a few weeks with her every summer and I recall even at that early age, attending country dances with them. I must have been fourteen at the time and I do recall seeing the pretty girls and finding some that I even danced with. But Darcy, you still are looking forward to the dance, are you not?”

  “Yes, and now even more so since Miss Elizabeth’s ankle is better. She told me how she likes to dance and I already have claimed the first dance.”

  “Bingley, what is going on in the parlor and who is that woman with Miss Bennet?”

  “She is my new housekeeper, Mrs. Cobb. They have been discussing the checklist of things that we might need at Netherfield and names of people and merchants and generally things we need to know to properly run the house. Mrs. Bennet put it together and her two eldest daughters brought it over this morning. Mrs. Cobb swears by it.”

  Darcy approached the woman and listened to the conversation

  “Miss Bennet, you and your sister must tell your mother how much I appreciate these lists and all the other information that she has provided. All of this will certainly make life a lot easier for us at Netherfield. Please tell her that I am eager to make her acquaintance.”

  Jane saw him first. “Mrs. Cobb, I see that our friend, Mr. Darcy, has arrived.”

  After introductions were made, Darcy spoke to the woman a few minutes regarding the list and the woman went into more detail explaining the value of this information and what it will mean to the efficient running of the house.

  After that Bingley took the new arrivals on a tour of the house before ending up in his study where he poured a glass of port for the new arrivals, less Georgiana, who was exploring outside with Elizabeth.

  “I know things are hectic, but damn, I am glad to see both of you. It is not every day that I move into such a house. It is my job to allow you to enjoy yourself and I do expect that I will enjoy it here and hope you will often come and visit.”

  “But I should imagine that your sisters will come as well, though I know that you have not been very pleased with them recently.”

  “Yes, Darcy, I am most displeased with them and at this moment I really do not care if they ever visit the place. Of course, things could change, but I just do not believe that Caroline will ever change her ways. Her presence wherever she goes is always so obnoxious. I can only imagine how despicable she would act if she were here and she would complain about everything.”

  “What would her reaction be to learning that you are good friends with Miss Bennet?”

  “Darcy, Carol
ine is poison and since she is my sister people would think me similar to her. I am different and will not allow her to destroy what plans I have for Miss Bennet.”

  “You are empty, Fitzwilliam, shall I pour you another?”

  “No, friend, I think my cousin and I would prefer a glass of brandy.”

  “Of course you do. It is early but you must be hungry. We ate before you arrived so I will get you all some food.”

  Bingley was quick to serve them their brandy and next he left to speak with the servants and made arrangements for lunch for the Darcys and their cousin. The friends ate a light lunch and were soon joined by Bingley and the Bennet sisters.

  “Cousin, why are you and my brother having a glass of brandy with your lunch?”


  Elizabeth laughed and Georgiana giggled and Jane gasped as the cousin replied.

  “Yes, Georgiana, I was thirsty from our ride this morning and wanted to relax and take in this beautiful day and this good company. I also wished to relax from the recent unpleasantness accompanying my brother’s death, and by the way, I may even have another glass later.”

  As he tuned his glass upside down, a visitor arrived.

  “Lizzy, Jane, I was looking for you both and your mother said you were here. I am interrupting your meal.”

  “No, Charlotte, I will introduce you to our new friends.”

  She went through the introductions and none of the men objected.

  “It appears you are having an impromptu party. Perhaps I should leave?”

  “No, Miss Lucas, you have come all this way and now you will join us. Bingley, please pour the pretty lady a glass of your best port.”

  Georgiana giggled softly as her cousin toasted Miss Lucas for coming all this way and moments later she was joining the others in merry discussions, but Darcy and Bingley noticed that the colonel and Miss Lucas looked at each other often.

  Elizabeth knew her friend well and believed that Charlotte’s first thoughts were that she and the colonel were opposites. Still, there seemed to be an attraction between them and the colonel was pleasant and comfortable in the present company.

  “Mr. Bingley, all the neighborhood has been trying to learn about the bachelor from the north of England who has taken possession of Netherfield. It appears you have brought others with you. I do hope your friends will attend the dance next Saturday?”

  “Yes, Charlotte, they will attend,” replied Elizabeth.

  “Good, that will please the single women who will attend, but it appears that Jane and you have been gaining a strategic advantage and have captured Mr. Bingley and his two friends. This news will surely upset most of the local women and their fortune hunter mothers who are looking to make a match with them.”

  “That is well spoken, Miss Lucas, but the sisters have already chosen these two friends of mine for their first dance. They both asked me at the same time and I could not decide so they settled of their second choice. Your arrival today has made my decision an easy one. You shall be my first dance partner of the evening.”

  Jane and Elizabeth next watched as Charlotte blushed and Colonel Fitzwilliam whispered something to her which caused Charlotte to look at Mr. Darcy. Yes, colonel, your cousin does have a quizzical brow.

  “I do accept your request, colonel. Will you please pour me another glass?”

  Two hours later the Bennet sisters and Charlotte Lucas were accompanied by Mr. Bingley and Mr. Darcy, who first delivered Charlotte to her home and then turned the carriage in the direction of Longbourn.

  “Miss Bennet and Miss Elizabeth, Mr. Darcy and I have been talking about the arrangements that you are making regarding introducing us to your family and we have a suggestion that we would like to discuss. Our thoughts are that you should tell both your parents the truth of how we met and of our history together. That should not be a problem because nothing untoward has happened or will happen but you might call your parents into the room and tell them that you have regrets and want them to know the truth.”

  Immediately Darcy and Elizabeth made eye contact and both knew Bingley’s statement on ‘nothing untoward’ was definitely not true. Had they been seen earlier by any of those present when they were kissing in the garden, there would be hell to pay, but they were not seen.

  Darcy now joined the talk. “Your parents will believe you because they want to believe you. We do not think you should wait until you are at the dance amongst your neighbors to fake a surprise at meeting us. Nothing good can come from being so untruthful and Mr. Bingley and I do not wish to be seen that way to your friends and neighbors. I am not ashamed about how I met you, Miss Elizabeth, and I know that Mr. Bingley feels the same way about how he met your sister. We should dispense with the untruths and be upfront and allow your friends and neighbors to think what they wish, but it should not be based on lies.”

  “Why are you stopping the carriage, Mr. Bingley?”

  “I am sorry, Miss Elizabeth. We are getting close to your home and neither of you have provided any opinion on what we put forth.”

  “Yes, well, I do not know that we have made our decision.”

  “Would it help if you told your parents of today’s visit at Netherfield? You could then say that Bingley and I asked to meet them on the morrow and during that meeting you can tell them the true story of how we met?”

  “Lizzy, I believe our friends are right. To carry things even further, we might want to consider attending the dance together.”

  “I do not know, Jane, but mama would certainly enjoy doing that.”

  “So what is the verdict, members of the jury?”

  Jane and Elizabeth took a couple of minutes and whispered their thoughts but soon Jane told the men that they would tell their parents of their day and that they have invited them to visit Longbourn on the morrow.

  “You may start the carriage again, Mr. Bingley.” replied Elizabeth. “We like your suggestions very much, but it is possible that we will speak to our parents today. It is a good story and certainly an innocent one.”

  “Yes, I believe Mr. Bingley and I are in agreement. That is certainly your decision, but you have to make it after reading the room. If it is not the right time for such a discussion, you should wait until we arrive.”

  After they helped the sisters from the carriage, the men waited until they had entered the house before returning to Netherfield.

  “Mr. Bennet, they have come. Kitty and I have been watching from the window and we have seen the two gentlemen. I do believe that they are the handsomest men in all the country. This is all so good for our girls.”

  “How so, Mrs Bennet? It is a long way from a simple carriage ride to a proposal. Rich and handsome young men do not usually invest their time on girls so below their station, even pretty ones like Jane and Lizzy.”

  After those few words the man returned to his library and shut the door.

  “Mama, we are returned.”

  “Yes, Lizzy, we were watching from the windows. Both you and Jane are very fortunate to have such good friends. Now tell me all about your visit today. I assume the two men are the man leasing Netherfield and the second one is his friend.”

  “Yes, mother, the man who is renting is a Mr. Bingley and his good friend is Mr. Darcy, who arrived today. Mr. Darcy was accompanied by his sister, Georgiana, and his cousin, Colonel Fitzwilliam, who recently retired from the army. Mr.

  Bingley and the new housekeeper, a middle-age woman named Mrs. Cobb, were very impressed with the lists you worked on the last two days even into the late night and both said they hoped to meet you soon and thank you in person.”

  “Thank you, Jane.”

  “There is more, mama, because while we were visiting, Charlotte Lucas arrived and said that she had first stopped at Longbourn and you told her that we were visiting the new man.”

  “Yes, Lizzy, she did stop by and I sent her that way. Now tell me what did you think about the house?”

  Both sisters discussed the hous
e in detail and said that the servants were all very busy cleaning and getting other things ready and providing provisions.

  “Lizzy described the scene as controlled chaos, even though we believe that the house will be ready in a couple of days and it certainly is a beautiful house. The one flaw we both noticed was that the grounds have been neglected. Mr. Bingley still has not hired a new gardener but said that he would do so very soon.”

  “You must give it time, Jane, or perhaps his friend and him can do some of that work.”

  Both Jane and her mother chuckled at the thought of the men down on their knees digging in the dirt, but Elizabeth knew differently, for Mr. Darcy enjoyed such work. She would wait for later to tell more about the man.


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