Sydney Storm MC Complete Series

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Sydney Storm MC Complete Series Page 43

by Levine, Nina

  “Shit,” I said, reaching out for the bed to stop my fall.

  Nitro moved off the bed to help me. “You okay?”

  “Yeah, I just wanted to pick up my dress so it doesn’t get wrinkled,” I said, draping the dress over the chair in his room. “Seems as though I have to wear it home tomorrow. You know, it’d be good if you had space for me to leave some clothes here for times like this. I’m going to have to go home in the morning and get ready for brunch with the girls. If I had shit here, I could have just gotten ready here.” God, I was rambling in my drunken state. I stopped when I noticed Nitro staring at me, frozen to the spot. “What’s wrong?” I asked.

  He didn’t reply at first, but then he said, “Nothing. Get your ass back in bed so I can fuck you again.”

  I stared at him, confused as hell, but that could have been the alcohol. He’d gone from concerned to bossy and demanding in under a minute, though, so I couldn’t be sure it was just the alcohol. “Did I say something wrong?”

  He scooped me up and dumped me on the bed. “We’re done with talking.” He positioned himself over me, his mouth on mine in a kiss that swept all thoughts from my mind. “And you’re done with even contemplating sleep.”

  I might have been ready for sleep before, but Nitro soon had me panting for his cock. Who was I kidding? He always did.

  * * *

  “Call me when you’re ready. I’ll swing back and pick you up,” Nitro said as he pulled up to the kerb.

  I undid my seatbelt and turned to face him, ignoring the headache I had. I’d been expecting the mother of all hangovers, but the universe was looking after me and all I had was a sore head. My God, the man was gorgeous. He sat watching me with his hand resting on the steering wheel, his heavily tatted arm muscles on full display in a fitted black tee. His brown eyes watched me with heat, as if the last thing he wanted to do was let me leave the ute. As if all he wanted to do was throw me down onto the back seat and sink himself deep inside me.

  “Thanks for driving me today,” I said, right before I captured his lips in a long kiss. One that told him I wanted him to throw me onto that back seat too.

  “Fuck, Tatum,” he muttered when I let his mouth go. “You wanna kiss me like that, you just might not make it to brunch.”

  My heart beat rapidly as I let his desire soak in. It had been a long time since a man had wanted me as much as Nitro did. It felt so damn good. Reaching for the door handle, I said, “I’ll cook you dinner tonight.” A Saturday night in with Nitro was exactly what I needed.

  I swung my legs out of his ute and as I closed the door behind me, the sound of his door closing caught my attention. Glancing up, I watched as he made his way around to my side of the car. His stride was determined, and butterflies whooshed in my stomach as our eyes met.

  His hand went straight to my waist when he reached me, and he backed me up against the car. His grip was firm, his touch electric. Bending his face to mine, he bruised my lips with a kiss. A kiss that went on and on. By the time he let me go, I was breathless. Dazed.

  “I can’t wait until tonight,” he rasped. “As soon as you’re done here, you’re mine.”

  With that, he left me to walk back around to the driver side, leaving me standing there in such a turned-on state I wasn’t sure I would make it through brunch.

  By the time I sat down across from Monroe and Posey, I had recovered enough to string a sentence together. Staring at both of them, I said, “Have you ever been so into a guy that you can’t even think about anything except getting back to him?”

  Monroe’s lips curled up into a smile. “You’ve got it bad for Nitro, haven’t you?”

  I took a deep breath and then exhaled hard. “Yeah. I’m finding it hard to concentrate on work. My house is a mess because when I’m home, I’m either in bed with him or wasting time thinking about him…. God, I’ve even let my exercise go. This feels so overwhelming some days, like it’s completely out of control. Tell me you’ve experienced this.”

  Monroe frowned. “You didn’t have that with Randall?”

  “No. I thought I did, but comparing it, I didn’t. Not even in the beginning when it was all new and lacking the baggage we accumulated along the way.”

  “Why did you marry him, babe?” Monroe asked softly.

  “God, I think I was just young and naïve. Dad had just passed away and Randall caught me in a vulnerable moment when I felt alone and lost. Chris was there for me, but he was busy with his shit, and I had started to feel like I didn’t know where home was anymore. Marrying Randall felt like a new start and a new chance at happiness.”

  Posey watched me with a look that said she knew exactly what I meant. “He offered the easy path to what you thought you wanted,” she murmured. “Except it turned out that nothing good in life ever comes easy and you should have known that.”

  I nodded. “Exactly.”

  “So this thing with Nitro, what is it?” Monroe asked.

  “It’s not just sex, but we haven’t labelled it.”

  “What do you want it to be?” Monroe asked.

  As I contemplated her question, I let my fears in, but I didn’t let them control me. It scared the shit out of me to think about letting Nitro into my life more than I already had, but at the same time I felt it deep in my soul that I wanted to take that step. “I want him. He’s moody and can be an ass, but he looks out for me. He’s honest and considers all the little details in life in such a way that shows me how deeply he’s able to care for someone. I want a man who is all about the details.”

  “What exactly does that mean?”

  I reached for the water on the table and poured myself a glass. “He listens and watches and pays attention to the things I say and do. And to the shit I’ve been through. And he takes it all into consideration and it shows in the way he treats me. He does the same with his family. His actions aren’t always all about him. I’m not saying he gets it right all the time, but the fact he tries means something to me.”

  “It’s hard to find a man like that,” Posey said.

  “Is your ex still being an ass?” Monroe asked her.

  “No, he’s leaving me alone. Whatever Billy’s guy said to him worked.”

  “You should come out with us on our next girls’ night,” Monroe said. “The hangover is totally worth it.”

  “That’s because she found pierced cock,” I threw in. “And because Monroe hardly ever gets hangovers. Personally, I think that’s her superpower.”

  Posey laughed and sat forward. “Tell me more!”

  Monroe’s eyes lit up. She loved talking about sex and dicks more than any woman I knew. “Well, I was really drunk so I might be wrong, but I’m not convinced that dude knows how to use what he’s got to its full potential. The piercing felt good, but I don’t remember fireworks. And damn it, I want fireworks.”

  “Okay tell me, what is fireworks to you?” Posey asked.

  “I want to come out of my skin because the need the guy has for me is too much. I want to feel him everywhere, in my toes, my fingertips, in my mind, and deep in my belly. His touch, his breathing, his sounds, what he says, the way he moves… it should all consume me until every thought of mine is focused solely on him. And I want him to give me an orgasm I’m still feeling the next morning.”

  Posey and I sat staring at Monroe as she described everything she wanted. Posey, wide-eyed, me with a smile.

  “What?” Monroe asked.

  “That was the perfect description,” I said.

  “Jesus, you have that with Nitro, don’t you, you lucky bitch?”

  I laughed. “Let’s order lunch before you start crying.”

  “Ugh. I hate you,” she muttered. “I find a pierced cock and I still don’t get fireworks. I bet you got fireworks last night.”

  “All night long, Roe.”

  She dropped her head to the table and banged it a couple of times in the kind of dramatic performance she was well known for. When she lifted her head, she said, “R
ight, girls’ night is on every Friday night until I find fireworks.” Looking at me, she added, “And I don’t give two fucks if you’re having a Milo Friday, you’re still coming out to help me find my man.”

  Posey cut in. “What’s Milo Friday?”

  Monroe turned to her. “Oh, honey, you don’t want to know.” She then proceeded to fill Posey in on my love for Milo, omitting the full details of what had happened recently, but giving her enough information to understand why she didn’t love Milo Fridays.

  We ordered meals after that and spent the next two hours laughing and sharing stories from our week. Monroe had been right when she’d said we should invite Posey to brunch. I’d been hesitant because I never mixed my work life with my personal life, but this was fun. And fun was something I hadn’t let into my life for far too long. It was exactly what I needed. Friends.


  “Love’s Poster Child” by Keith Urban

  I slid my arm around Tatum’s waist and pulled her close while we made the short walk from my bike to the clubhouse entrance. Loud music filled the night air, along with laughter and lots of talking. The party was in full swing.

  I’d picked Tatum up from brunch the day before and we’d spent the time since then either in her bed, her kitchen or on her couch. The invitation to come with me to the club get together had slipped out of my mouth before I realised it was happening. But there was no doubt in my mind, I wanted her there.

  As we entered the clubhouse, she looked up at me. “Looks like things are going well with the club. Compared to the last time I was here.” We hardly ever discussed Storm when we were together. She never asked and it wasn’t in my nature to bring club business up with anyone who wasn’t a member.

  “Yeah, things have improved.” A hell of a fucking lot, now that Joseph’s guns were out of the picture.

  “Nitro!” Devil called out when he spotted us. He sat on one of the couches with a chick on his lap, a smile a mile wide on his face.

  As I took a step in his direction, Tatum held back. “You go,” she said, “I’m going to say hi to Kree.”

  I followed her gaze to see Kree approaching. Smacking her ass, I let her go and headed over to see Devil.

  He jerked his chin at Tatum. “She the one who’s been fucking with your head?”

  Glancing at Tatum, I nodded. “Yeah,” I said, distracted by the smile on her face. She was fucking beautiful when she smiled.

  Devil motioned for the chick to move off his lap. She pouted and grumbled some shit I couldn’t hear.

  “Babe, I told you I’d be busy until later,” he said to her as he stood.

  “You’re always busy,” she snapped, snatching her bag up off the table.

  Devil watched as she took a step away from him. “Where you going? I thought we were on for later?”

  “I’m going to find someone who doesn’t ignore me,” she said, leaving.

  Devil shook his head as he stared after her. “Fuck. Women.”

  “You gonna go after her, brother? What’s that thing you told me about laying down and letting pussy whip you?”

  He turned to me with a huge grin and slapped me on the back. “Nah, Nitro, I’m a lover, not a fighter. That one’s got a temper on her. She’s too fucking much for me to handle. I’d rather get a drink.”

  A few minutes later, we had beer and I sucked some back while I watched Tatum with Kree. Her gaze caught mine and I jerked my chin at her to get over here. She lifted a finger to indicate she’d be a minute. When her attention shifted back to Kree, I dropped my eyes to check out her ass. She’d worn those skintight jeans of hers I loved, and I struggled to drag my gaze from them.

  “Nitro.” King’s voice sliced through the air and I looked around to find him standing next to Devil. “I see you brought the blonde with you.”

  I held his gaze. I knew what he was asking. King never missed a beat and always liked to know what members were up to in their private lives. The crazy fucker was the most paranoid person I knew and was always concerned that outsiders would come in with an agenda.

  Nodding, I said, “Yeah. That a problem?”

  He drank some of his whisky while silently contemplating that. Finally, he said, “If you don’t think it will be, I trust that.”

  The noise in the room picked up and we all turned to see Kick and Evie enter, a huge smile on Kick’s face as he held his wife close.

  “That fucker ever stop smiling?” Devil asked.

  “You’d be smiling like that too if King had finally let you back out into the real world,” I said.

  Devil grinned. “True.”

  King changed the subject. “Anyone know Kree’s story?”

  I drank some beer before answering him. “Nope. All I know is she’s from Brisbane. Nash recommended her when Kick asked and to be honest, she was a good recommendation. Always on time, works hard and keeps to herself.”

  King watched her as she laughed with Tatum. “Yeah, but I wanna know everything there is to know about anyone working here. Find out and get back to me.”

  Tatum said goodbye to Kree and walked to where we stood as Kree exited the room. She met King’s gaze and pushed her shoulders back, standing tall. She never backed down and I fucking loved that about her.

  “Tatum Lee, I see you’ve decided to hang out with us again,” King said, his voice dangerously low. I felt my protective streak kick in and knew that if he pushed this with her, I wouldn’t be able to stop myself from stepping in for her. And I wasn’t sure how that would go down with King.

  Before she could answer him, Devil’s eyes were drawn to the other side of the room and he whistled low. “Fuck me… I’m out of here.” With that, he strode towards a brunette I’d never seen before.

  Tatum held King’s gaze. “This time it’s completely my choice to be here, King.”

  “We’re not gonna have a conflict of interests, are we?”

  She frowned. “To do with what?”

  “Your boss.”

  “Whatever happens between your club and Billy has nothing to do with me, so no, no conflict of interests.”

  He drank the rest of his whisky and reached across to place the empty glass on the counter. When he looked at her again, he said, “Good.”

  “Why did you take my back when my lawyer friend, Duvall, was giving me a hard time outside Billy’s club?”

  His nostrils flared as he remembered that encounter. “Tatum, if a person looks out for me or someone I care about, I look out for them. You were there for Evie when she needed someone. I won’t forget that.”

  “King!” Kick motioned for King to come over. It looked like he and some of the guys were revved up about something and King left us to check it out.

  Tatum’s arms circled me as she moved close. Her mouth pressed to my throat and she kissed me there before lifting her face to me. Smiling, she said, “I’m glad you brought me. I needed to come back here and change the feelings I associate with this place.”

  Placing my hand on her ass, I said, “Is that working?”

  “It will.”

  I held her gaze for a long few moments as unsaid words passed between us. “A lot’s changed since then.”

  “Yeah, it has.”

  I dropped my face and placed my mouth close to her ear so she could hear what I said. So she couldn’t mistake a word of it. “I want a lot more to change still, Vegas.”

  Her arms tightened around me. “Me too.”

  * * *

  Five hours later, the party was in full swing, but I was ready to take Tatum home. Hell, I’d been ready to leave for four and a half fucking hours. But the club needed the time together to let our hair down after months of being tightly wound, so I stayed. The only member who seemed unable to relax was Hyde. He sat in the corner drinking all night, mostly alone, and mostly with a scowl on his face. That wasn’t unusual behaviour for him, though. Jekyll and fucking Hyde. He was either up or down, happy or grumpy as fuck. There was no in-between for him.

bsp; Tatum had made an effort to meet all the boys and find something to talk with them all about. She and King had even had a drink together. Surprised the fuck out of me. I watched her as she laughed with Evie. Sucking back my beer, I realised how much I wanted to make her happy. The only people I’d truly cared about in that way were Marilyn, Dustin, and Renee. I’d do anything to ease their burdens and make them smile. And I’d do the same for Tatum.

  I left my beer on the counter and strode over to where she stood. Sliding my arm around her waist, I said, “You good to go, Vegas?”

  Evie smiled. “She’s all yours, Nitro.”

  Tatum’s eyes sparkled with the sexy glint she often gave me. “You got something good planned?”

  Fuck if that didn’t hit me fair in the dick. I gripped her harder. “Careful what you ask, because you might not like what it’s in my head,” I growled.

  Her eyes widened in question. She knew what I referred to. I hadn’t brought up my desire for knife play again after the first time I asked her, but every day we spent together was a day closer to me doing that. My need for it with her had only grown since we started sleeping together.

  She turned to me and placed her hand on my chest, spreading heat there. “I’m good to go,” she said, a little breathless and a whole lot turned on.

  We said our goodbyes and I guided her outside, through the maze of bodies still partying hard. They’d last all night, some into tomorrow. I didn’t miss those days. Not when I had Tatum to go home with.

  The minute I had her alone outside, I dragged her up against a wall, my hands either side of her. “You know what I’ve been thinking about all night?” I asked as my lips grazed hers, my teeth nipping at them.

  Her hands made their way into my hair. “What?”


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