The Obsidian Crown of the Lost Dominion

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The Obsidian Crown of the Lost Dominion Page 20

by Akira Knightley

  I took a deep breath and sat back down in front of the table. I put the green stone down where I found it.

  “So what’s the next condition?” I asked myself. I searched the page of the book and found the passage. It said, “The blood of the bearer must be sacrificed to release the imbued power of the crown. Once this is done, the wearer will be protected from its power and can freely administer punishment as the Obsidian Crown; Destroyer of Kings was designed to do.”

  The only other choices for the bearer would be one of my parents, which makes sense since they did have the box; If it’s not them, then it has to be the person they were supposed to deliver it to that night. Which also makes sense why it was so important we left that night. But if it’s true, I have less time than I thought. If the Sorceress ever finds out that one of my parents could the bearer of the crown...I need to go!

  “Okay, let’s go to the Black Rose. Please, please, let it be open. I need to see Sir Arcturos!” I said to no one in particular. Then I realized I didn’t have the incantation for the Black Rose.

  I got the doctor’s journal. There was nothing there. I looked at the book of lines again. Inside the front cover was the quote: “Ex Libris Fraternitate Fieri furvus roseus.”

  I went to the fireplace and said, “Volvere Fraternitate Fieri furvus roseus.” The fire turned green. I entered and was relieved to feel the now familiar vortex of the portal that took me to the River of Time. Once I saw the light, I walked out of the fire and straight into three hooded figures surrounding the fireplace.

  Mark Lopez, “The Unworthy, Isinumpa”, Mixed media with natural gemstones of blue topaz, citrine and amethyst, 2019


  The Brotherhood

  Of The Black Rose

  I tried to go back but one of the hooded figures said a quick incantation and the green fire was extinguished.

  “Abigail, please don’t make this more difficult than it has already been. Come into the room.”

  One of the figures said another incantation and the room started to warp. In a few seconds it became a grand living room. The fireplace behind her crackled with a warm fire.

  “Please sit down.” This one was a woman’s voice. She clicked her fingers. Tea and apple pie materialized on the tea table.

  Clearly they are accustomed to magic and since I’ve seen them kill Kieran once before, I didn’t think there’s any point in trying to escape. I might as well use the direct approach.

  “Who are you, people? What are you, people? Why are you trying to kill me and my friends?” I demanded.

  The one with a woman’s voice led me to the living room and offered me a chair.

  I didn’t sit down. “I only eat with friends and since I don’t know who you are—”

  “We are the Brotherhood of the Black Rose.” With that, all three, lowered their hoods. I looked at each one.


  He nodded. He offered the chair again and I sat. I was so hungry I could eat all the food on the table and still need more. But I tempered myself.

  He continued to say, “Actually it’s Elmwood! I’m what you would call an Ancient One, Inunaki or Nuno in other languages. We have been on Earth from the beginning, thus the name of our race. We are as old as the trees. Some think we are the spirit or the souls of the trees. We are not but we do live off of their life force. Elm is my choice of trees to cohabitate with when I was placed on Earth. But we are getting ahead of ourselves. Let me introduce you.”

  My mind flew to the huge elm tree outside the Black Rose and I nodded while stuffing myself with apple pie.

  “This is Raphael. He’s an ex-angel. Long story for another time.”

  “My name is Diwatha. I am an ex-fairy. Again, long story for another time.”

  “But this is a brotherhood?” I asked.

  Diwatha smiled. “Yes it is called that, but really it’s more of a fellowship. Even in the Nether Kabal, eons of conventions that are based on male dominance are extremely hard to break.”

  Elmwood coughed to bring the group back to topic.

  “The fellowship,” said Elmwood with air quotes, “was formed to protect, guide, and administer to the needs of the Knights of the Crown. You and your friends have guessed correctly that you three: Hailey, Taylor, and yourself are the Knights. We couldn’t reach out to you before you are able to prove your sincerity and purity of heart.”

  “Are we the only ones?” I asked.

  “No, there were several sent but some become so lost in their lives as humans that they forget their Fae origins and thus are lost to the fellowship. The three of you were sent and have heeded the call.”

  “Even Taylor? She said she doesn’t want to be involved?” I said.

  “Even Taylor. If you accept the mission, you would have joined us in the dream circle. And I believe you know now that she was present as were you and Hailey.”

  “Yes. But this is a very difficult situation. And I am alone. My family...” I had to stop. I cleared my throat to choke off my oncoming tears. I regained my composure and reached out for tea. Diwatha steadied my hands while I poured the hot tea. I took a sip and the heat of the beverage warmed me from the inside. I never appreciated tea more than I did that day.

  “So, were you the ones who saved me from the plane?” I asked as some more unexplained incidents came back to me.

  “Yes, unfortunately, we got there too late. They have already taken your parents,” Raphael said.

  “But I remember the hooded figure who gave me the shot at Grayson’s house,” I continued.

  “We have to apologize for that. We found out that the Sorceress and her followers were going to pay them a visit and we didn’t want you to be there,” Raphael answered.

  “But the blackouts, the dreams?” I asked.

  “Most of those were the Sorceress’ doing. She was manipulating what you saw in your dreams. We found the enchantment in her journal. We have to admit, we did use the same enchantment on you to show you who are your true allies,” Elwood said.

  “Why couldn’t you just have told me?” I asked.

  “Would you have really believed three hooded figures claiming to be the good guys?” Elwood said with a chuckle.

  “I see your point. I just don’t know how I can do this alone.” My hand started to shake again. I raised my cup to sip on my tea in an attempt to control the tremor.

  “Don’t you worry. We are here to help. But there is one rule. We cannot interfere in human affairs. Nor can we contravene a bargain with the Fae. This is why we waited so long before revealing ourselves to you.”

  “So, no cursing Detective Dewitt away?”

  Diwatha chuckled. “Afraid not.”

  “So, no breaking Hailey out of prison? I added for good measure.

  “Nope,” Diwatha said with a smile.

  “What about my parents? They were taken by Xanas.”

  “Yes, the way they were taken used magic, but the way they are being held is not. They are bound in a cave in this realm, with ties from this world; they are even feeding them regular food from, well, Burger Prince and Pizza House from what we can see. They are just as much a hostage as if a bank robber was holding them at gunpoint. The Sorceress is far too smart to make that mistake.”

  “What about Blaise? The doctor?”

  “Blaise was enchanted, poisoned by magic. The curse is a continuing spell; that means his illness is being powered by the person who cursed him. It will go away only once the power supporting it is cut off.”

  “How do I fix him? My friend Taylor is devastated and it was my fault,” I said while chewing my food, which I noticed was from the café.

  “It can only be done under one of two conditions 1) the person who cursed cuts off the support to the spell willingly or 2) the person who cursed him is killed or weakened to the poi
nt where the curse can no longer be sustained. Since it is magic, we can contravene but as you can see, if we did, it would mean the possible death of a Xana. We think it’s best we find another way.”

  I nodded all the while thinking, I still didn’t see how they were of any help to me.

  “But why not just kill the Xana if he or she is cursing someone?” I asked, puzzled.

  “Killing a Xana outside of open battle is considered a crime in our realm. It would have to be proven in court that the Xana is cursing someone and that we are acting in defense of another but by the time you get the bad Xana to court, the spell would have worn off and then...long story, short, we don’t do it because we could be put in jail or put to death by the court,” said Raphael.

  “However, the doctor suffered from the hands of a human being. She will need to heal on her own,” Diwatha said.

  “I see. Of course. So what you’re saying is, you can’t help me,” I cut her short without thinking.

  I controlled myself but it didn’t escape my notice that my annoyance and impatience was beginning to creep back into my demeanor. If it bothered the Brotherhood, they certainly did not show it. I shifted my weight on the chair and faced the other way.

  “Abigail, we revealed ourselves to you against the code of the Brotherhood because you are in terrible danger. You were not trained in the ways of the Fae. I must warn you: do not make a deal with the Sorceress because we will be bound by your bargain. We will be powerless to help you. If, however, one breaks her oath, we are free to act as we see fit. A deal is a deal. You are in grave danger,” she repeated for emphasis.

  I thought this comment a bit ironic considering the situation but I remembered my uncle’s admonition to exercise patience. “Abigail, he who angers you, conquers you.” I need to learn more. I need allies. I can’t afford to alienate anyone offering even a modicum of support.

  “You mean more so than I already am? Look, I don’t care about me; the Sorceress said she will kill my parents in two days if I don’t tell them how the crown works,” I said with some attitude adjustment.

  Then something in my head snapped back into place.

  “Wait, what day is this? I lost track of time!”

  “It is Friday morning.”

  “Oh no, I only have twenty-four hours left. I stayed too long in the Sanctuary!” I jumped up from my chair, ready to leave.

  “Abigail, I think you are missing the big picture,” Diwatha said, pulling me back down to my chair.

  “What other picture is there other than my parents are going to die?” I said, this time without holding back the hurt in my voice.

  “The one where everyone is going to die,” Raphael said in a low, calming voice despite the gravity of the words he said.


  The King Maker

  I sat back down on the chair. I stared at Raphael, not knowing what to say. “I don’t understand.”

  Raphael got up and stood behind his chair. He leaned forward as he explained, “You see, Abigail; you are the King Maker. The box was always meant for you. You are the rightful bearer of the Obsidian Crown, the Destroyer of Kings.”

  “I am the bearer of the Destroyer of Kings?” I repeated, trying to get my brain around the meaning of the words.

  “Yes. Your parents were supposed to tutor in the ways of the Fae but like I said, some of those who are here to serve would rather forget and leave that life behind.” When I didn’t say anything, Raphael continued,

  “When you put your blood on the Kerberian Box, it recognized you for who you are. It opened the box and released the crown. Yes, it is magic and it is hugely powerful. But the awesome power of the crown cannot be activated just by opening the box. It might as well be a child’s toy without the right key.”

  Elmwood cleared his throat. “The second precaution for the misuse of the crown is that it must be given freely by the rightful owner. When you gave it to the Sorceress in exchange for the doctor’s life, you unwittingly triggered the second key.”

  “You mean to say that the crown is now active in the hands of the Sorceress because of my stupidity!”

  “No, not stupidity; humanity! There is a reason why the Destroyer of Kings must be human but also must be well versed with the ways of the Fae. In Nether Kabal or Faerieland, if I may call it that for ease of discussion, they would have known the power of the crown and would have weighed it against one life of a human. They would have found the death of a human life, even hundreds to thousands of humans to be of no consequence against the risk that the crown will fall on the wrong hands. Besides, it is not yet active as you put it.” Diwatha paused, looked at Raphael, and then continued,

  “As you read in the book, the last time the crown was used was to create the New Dominion. Haven’t you wondered why the crown, after so many eons has resurfaced now? It only comes when it is needed. That means a great and encompassing evil is approaching and the crown will be needed to contain that wickedness. And you and your friends have been called and were chosen to destroy this enemy.”

  Diwatha paused again and sipped her tea as if she could be discussing the latest Kardashian media ploy. She replaced her teacup on the table and said in a soft voice, “By now, you must know the third key and why we need to protect you. Even from yourself. Even from the decision you may wrongly make.”

  I looked at her squarely in the face. “The choice is to sacrifice me in exchange for my mother and my father! There is no other choice.”

  In a more pressing and urgent voice, Raphael spoke, “We understand your love and loyalty to your parents but they are—”

  Diwatha placed her hand on Raphael’s arm. He looked at her and she shook her head. “No, Raphael, it’s too much, too soon.” Raphael backed down.

  Diwatha looked at me and renewed her explanation. “You have a lot to think about, child, but at least now you know the right things to think about. To ensure your complete safety, we implore that you take sanctuary at the Black Rose. The one you are using is compromised. There is a listening spell around the place. By now they would already know what we know which is everything you learned last night but not what we discussed here at the Black Rose. They are already looking for you but they cannot penetrate this sanctuary. As always, the decision is yours and it must be done by your own free will.”

  “But if I stay here, my parents will die. And how long will I be in hiding? How long can I live with the knowledge that I deserted my family and gave up on my friends? I would rather die than live where every day I lived is a constant reminder of what a traitor I’ve been to those who matter to me the most.”

  “I do not begrudge you your choices, child,” Elmwood said, “but remember that dying for those who you love is a far easier sacrifice than dying for those who you have never known. The choices reach far beyond you, your parents, friends, and school. In fact, it goes beyond your world...”

  “And ours,” added Raphael.

  “If there ever was a time when I need my friends the most, this is it. I will take what you said in consideration and I will be careful but I will not stay here and hide from my problems. I will not cower to their will,” I exclaimed a bit more indignantly than I had the courage for.

  “As you wish. Take this with you. It’s a transavite. It is an element that can transcend both realms. Call us if and when you need our help.” She took a blue ball from her belt and handed one to me.

  I took it and examined the ball more closely. It was a gem that seemed to be made of crystal and metal. The ball changed hues from blue to purple to metallic grey.

  “Let me see the Codex Vox Incantatus.”

  “The what?” I asked.

  Elmwood said, “The big old book you have.”

  “Oh, oh yes! The book of ...of lines?” I murmured, hoping they didn’t hear that last part. I pulled the book from my backpack and handed it to him.
r />   “The book of what?” asked Raphael sternly but Diwatha crinkled her eyes into a smile that completely disarmed him.

  Diwatha took the book from my hands with such care and reverence that I felt my face heat up from embarrassment. Diwatha held it up to show the other two. Both bowed their heads solemnly out of respect for the book.

  She got up and clicked her fingers. A podium appeared facing us. She swung the gem protecting the tack and pierced her hand. The book opened with a hiss. Then she placed the book on top of the podium.


  The Nature Of Magic

  Diwatha bowed her head while reciting words of incantation. None of the words sounded like Latin to me, or any language I’d heard before. Soon, forms what looked like the writings on the Kerberian Box floated in the air in wisps of golden smoke.

  Diwatha looked at me and said, “I know you are out of time. I am doing this incantation to help you gain the essence of magic quickly. The Codex Vox Incantatus is a compilation of historical figures, events, incantations, and materials collected by the Brotherhood for over a millennia; all in the pursuit of protecting, guiding, and preparing the Knights of the Crown. Do you know why it is called the Vox instead of Sermo, which is the Latin word for ‘word’?”

  I drew a blank and shook my head.

  “Because, Abi, it is not the word that is magic but the sound it makes creates magic. You see, we are ‘Separated Realms in One Reality’. This means, yes there are demarcation lines that separate the realms, however, through those realms, crossing the boundaries and within each firmament, there are strings that bind us all. That, which we call reality, as a whole, is fastened together by these strings. Magic is the power that courses through these strings. There is magic all around us and through us. There are some places where magic is in abundance and there are some places where it is extremely rare. The strumming, plucking, twanging of these strings to create vibrations is the essence of thaumaturgy. When you start you use words but it is only there to guide you in creating the sound that makes the vibration. If you can make the sound without the word, then you have mastered the art of wonder-making. Remember this always, because this is the very essence of magic.”


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