Love in an Elevator

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Love in an Elevator Page 4

by Cassandra Cole

  When her lips touched Collette, the woman found herself arching her back and moaning softly in pleasure, the swift flick of the blonde’s tongue immediately sending shock waves throughout her entire body.

  Tara had Collette rocking against her, her hands cupping her ass cheeks, pushing her against her face as she worked, Collette’s hands grabbing the bed sheets in fists as her moans quickly turned to screams of ecstasy.

  Within minutes she was exploding with pleasure, shaking uncontrollably as Tara sent her into one orgasm after the other.

  Collette pulled the blonde to her, Tara immediately wrapping her arms around her naked body and tracing circles across her breasts with her fingers.

  “That was incredible,” Collette breathed, eyes still closed as she let the pleasure she was feeling wash all over her.

  Tara chuckled. “I’ve wanted to do that ever since the bachelorette party,” she whispered, kissing Collette’s neck.

  Collette smiled at the blonde’s touch and squeezed her closer, the touch of their skin against each other electrifying.

  “You’re just full of surprises tonight, aren’t you?” Collette giggled.

  “I still have a few more tricks up my sleeves,” Tara teased.

  Tara sat up and straddled Collette, pushing her legs open and crossing one thigh over hers.

  Collette’s eyes flew open as Tara’s warmth pressed up against hers, overwhelmed as the other woman began to rock her hips slowly, the friction sending all new kinds of pleasure through her.

  She grabbed Tara by the waist as the woman moved against her, picking up speed, breaths coming out in gasps that turned to moans that quickly turned to screams as she quickened the pace.

  Collette felt another orgasm quickly coming on, and as she looked up at the blonde rocking against her, she could see that Tara was close as well.

  With their screams echoing through the small bedroom and cutting through the darkness, both women collapsed on top of each other and instantly fell asleep.


  Collette sat quietly in the large auditorium, legs crossed and purse on her lap as she listened to the man standing at the front of the room.

  She had opted for a seat in the back away from the group of people occupying the first three rows, feeling that if she sat any closer, she would be disturbing them.

  She watched the man at the front as he told his story, weaving through a tale he had obviously told several times.

  She had learned early on that it was all part of the process, and she had slowly grown to appreciate the struggles of each and every person who walked up to the front of the rows of eyes and told their story.

  Three weeks had passed since she had invited Tara to stay, and the woman hadn’t left since. Collette had urged her to relax, take it easy, not stress herself out with job hunting or the likes.

  She had even helped her move in completely, emptying one of the other rooms in her apartment that had once been occupied by Jackie and had since been the home of junk she couldn’t be bothered to organize or throw away.

  At first Collette had tried to convince herself that she was only helping the woman through a rough patch, but over the weeks their relationship had grown into more than just a casual friendship. She enjoyed having Tara around.

  “So, supporting or working up the courage to go up there yourself?”

  Collette was startled by the man who had suddenly appeared in the seat beside her, his voice a low whisper so he wouldn’t disturb the man talking up front.

  She watched him as he adjusted his suit jacket and crossed his legs, easing into his seat.

  “Supporting,” Collette answered with a smile. “You?”

  “My daughter,” the man replied. “Is this your first meeting?”

  Collette nodded.

  “It gets easier,” the man said with a smile. “In the beginning you can’t believe that you are actually here, but after you see how much good it does, you become the one pushing for these meetings.”

  “I’m going to take your word for it,” Collette said.

  “So who are you here with?” the man asked.

  Collette hesitated for a second before replying, “My girlfriend.”

  The man smiled and nodded. “All the best,” he said. “You’re a champ for doing this with her.”

  “She needs the support.”

  “She’ll need a lot more than that,” the man replied. “Just remember that if she were to do this on her own, she’d probably fall off the wagon sooner or later. Stay strong for her.”

  Collette was about to say something when the other attendees began to applaud the man.

  She clapped along with them, her eyes immediately falling on Tara as she got up from her seat and awkwardly made her way to the front of the auditorium.

  Collette turned to the man. “I completely intend to,” she said, the earnestness in her voice surprising her.

  The man nodded and smiled at her. “That’s good to know.”

  He readjusted his jacket, stood up and made his way down the rows of chairs.

  He sat behind a lean brunette who was busy biting her nails. He placed a hand on her shoulder and Collette smiled as she watched the girl visibly relax.

  Collette turned her attention back to the front of the auditorium where Tara now stood, hands in her pockets, shirt loose about her and her hair tied back in a high ponytail.

  She looked over at Collette and smiled, her hunched shoulders immediately relaxing and her stance suddenly more confident.

  “Hi,” she started. “My name is Tara and I’m an addict.”

  “Hello, Tara,” the auditorium echoed.

  Tara began her tale, and as Collette listened to her speak, a part of her relaxed knowing that eventually, everything was going to be just fine.


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  An Erotic Romance


  Cassandra Cole


  Alice could feel her heart in her throat. As she pulled up to the extravagant party that her sister was holding on her yacht, she knew she was out of place immediately.

  Alice’s parents wouldn’t even come to any of her sister’s parties. The only reason she came was because it had been three years since she’d spoken to the blonde and successful doctor’s wife.

  Maureen had insisted through multiple invitations that Alice should come. Though she’d rather be back in Manhattan with her gorgeous girlfriend Jenna, Alice was too nice to decline, despite the many differences that she and her sister shared.

  It wasn’t as if she would actually get to see her girlfriend anyway. Jenna had been staying late after work a lot more lately, and the thought had begun to creep in that perhaps Jenna would rather be spending time with someone else. That someone was her boss. Alice tried to push the thought out of her head for now however. It wasn’t important at the moment.

  She parked her small, ten year old Prius in the farthest spot, noting how very inadequate it was compared to all the expensive luxury cars parked around it. There was no way she was made to be in a place like this.

  She had done her best to dress to impress, yet she wasn’t decked out in expensive brands or wearing a designer scent.

  Her hair was thrown up into a neat bun, small strands of her brunette locks framing her face tastefully.

  Her makeup was simple, yet flattering, and her color palette of choice made her brown eyes pop. She had never been as thin and lithe as Maureen, but in her cocktail dress, her curves were a definite asset.

  She walked through the party unescorted, and immediately felt overwhelmed by the sheer volume of attendees standing about. Conversations seemed stale and rehearsed, and no one seemed to notice her at all. The other guests all seemed to be bathed in money, just like Maureen and her husband.

  Finally, she skirted th
rough into the sea of people enough to find her sister and husband talking casually to another couple. Alice didn’t want to be rude, so she stood off to the side somewhat and waited to be noticed.

  Maureen looked over casually, and blinked as she did a double take. “Why Alice! Why on earth did you not say something?” she asked, astonished as she excused herself from the group. She embraced her sister in a half-hearted hug, and then proceeded to kiss her on each cheek.

  This gesture was a bit lost on Alice, but she went along nonetheless and smiled.

  “It’s good to see you again Maureen,” she said politely. It was almost like she was talking to a stranger, rather than the sister she had grown up with.

  “Of course! So much has happened since you’ve been in the big city,” Maureen said with a giggle that Alice thought sounded completely insincere. “Why don’t you come with me? I’ll introduce you around. I have some people you might be interested in meeting.”

  They walked on towards a small table where three well-dressed women sat talking idly and eating the hors d’oeuvres sparingly. Maureen cleared her throat, and all of them looked up at her as if on cue.

  “Ladies, I’d like for you to meet my sister, Alice.”

  The women smiled at her, and for some reason Alice felt like they were being condescending without saying a word. It was like how an adult would smile at a child who had done something wrong, but because of their innocence, was not scolded. By default, being a working woman was her downfall anyway.

  “Well let me say it is a pleasure to meet you, Alice,” a soft-spoken red headed woman said with a perfect smile. “I’m Darlene, and my husband is the strapping young man you see over there. He manages hedge funds for a living.”

  When Alice looked over, she was greeted with the exact opposite of what Darlene had described. The “young man” she referred to looked to be at least thirty years older than her, and was wearing a toupee that looked like a squirrel that had crawled on his head to die. When he caught his wife looking her held up his drink and blew her a kiss.

  “We’ve been married for 30 years now,” Darlene said proudly. “My, how time does fly.”

  A second woman at the table gave Alice a smile. She said, “I’m Vanessa. Maureen and I go way back. Our husbands work together.” She was darker skinned than the others, with thick, but luminous jet black hair that was pulled back into a sleek and well tamed ponytail. Alice figured her to be Columbian from her accent. She talked like the sexy woman on that TV show Modern Family.

  The last one to greet her only offered her a smile and nodded, “I’m Candice. I’m recently divorced, but my play thing is back home…” she said winking. The women giggled at that comment, as if they shared a secret.

  Candice was similar to Maureen in appearance, though she had a freckled face and had to be wearing contacts because her eyes were aqua. All the women were drop dead gorgeous. Singularly, and as a group, they made Alice aware of every flaw she had, even those too small to see.

  “Have a seat? We’ve wanted to hear so much about you! Maureen always speaks so highly of you,” Candice said as she pulled out a chair for her.

  Alice nodded and sat down next to Maureen at the table.

  “So, how is work?” Maureen asked.

  “It’s going fine.” Alice answered simply as she reached for a cocktail prawn from a platter at the center of the table. “Things are busy as usual, and the firm is expanding soon so we might be getting a bit of a raise.”

  Maureen gave her arm a pat. “That’s wonderful, dear.” She addressed the group. “Alice is a staff accountant at a large firm in the city.” She turned back to Alice. “How big of a raise will it be?”

  “Well, as far as I know, um…” Alice trailed off. She didn’t want to say the exact amount. To her it wasn’t meager, but to Maureen and her troop of high society friends, it would be nothing. She sighed, “It’s about a hundred dollars more a week.” She said in a somewhat defeated manner.

  The women made a few faces, and quietly sipped their drinks or fiddled with the food on their plates, obviously embarrassed for the poor girl.

  “Oh...” Maureen said looking off. “Well, I’m sure it will be put to good use.” She quickly shifted gears. “So, how’s your love life? I know there are a ton of gorgeous men running around Manhattan. Have you started seeing anyone yet?”

  Alice shook her head. “No, ’m not really interested in seeing anybody.” She was lying, of course, but she wouldn’t give Maureen the satisfaction of knowing her sister couldn’t get laid in a Russian sex house.

  “Alice, you’re nearly thirty years old now. There’s no reason for this nonsense,” Maureen said, sounding like their mother. “At some point, you have to start thinking about settling down.”

  The other women at the table quickly agreed. Their heads bobbed like a table full of bobble heads.

  Bailey chimed in. “She’s right, dear. The old biological clock’s ticking.”

  “My biological clock is just fine,” Alice challenged, feeling a bit insulted.

  “I’ve told her this several times that she’s really waited for too long,” Maureen said with a sigh. “Honestly, I don’t know how someone with such good looks isn’t already with someone. For petesake, Alice, you’re not gay are you?”

  It was probably meant as a joke, but maybe not. The women all laughed while Alice sat fuming. Her first instinct was to stand up and just walk away, but she knew that would be too suspicious. Instead, she stayed put right where she was.

  “Why would you think that, Maureen?”

  Maureen blinked at her with a half smile. “Well, isn’t it obvious? Any woman who isn’t at least thinking about marriage at this point is probably, well… Into something other than men. She has to be interested in women.”

  Darlene smiled. “Sorry honey, but she’s right. I don’t know of a single woman who waits this long when they’re interested in men like that.” She said with a smirk and an unspoken accusation.

  Alice knew they were right, of course, but she bit her lip and hid behind her drink. She’d been with her longtime partner, Jenna, for the last three years.

  They had just recently moved in together, sharing a small flat that was barely big enough for the two of them, but they made due.

  Jenna was confident, beautiful, and most of all, supportive.

  Neither of them led glamorous lives, and frankly there wasn’t a chance that they would.

  Though she wasn’t sure what the future held for their relationship, Alice was happy right now with Jenna and didn’t plan to change that.

  Creeping feelings worried her that it might be a one-sided sentiment, but she tried her best to ignore that thought.

  Despite her emotions however, being taunted by her sister and her obnoxious friends was the last thing that she needed to put up with.

  Alice calmly set her drink on the table and let her eyes go around the group. “What I do in my personal time, or who I spend it with, is frankly none of your fucking business.” She turned her ire toward her sister. “Who I chose to be with shouldn’t even be a real concern of yours, Maureen. To hear mom tell it, you have enough problems of your own.”

  Maureen’s mouth fell open. Alice could almost see smoke coming out of her ears. “Is that the real reason you invited me to this stupid party? So you could call me out in front of all your cunty friends and show them how superior you are to your poor little sister?”

  “Cunty friends?” Bailey said. “Well, I never…”

  “Oh, I bet you have,” Alice said. “I bet all of you have.”

  “Really, Maureen, are you going to allow her to speak to us that way?”

  Maureen felt all eyes on her. As she had since they were children, when Maureen grew uncomfortable, she lashed out. “So you’re admitting it then? You like women? You’re gay?”

  “The term is lesbian,” Alice said with a sigh.

  “What respectable woman does things like that? You obviously can’t have a future wit
h ideas like that floating around in your head! Oh my God, do mother and father know?”

  Alice blinked at her sister, and placed her hand on her chest mockingly. “Oh, so marrying a man just for his money is the respectable thing to do?” Alice looked around the table. “Be careful ladies, when you’re old and worn out, they’ll toss you aside for a newer model! That’s what’s happening with Maureen!”

  My now, the table of bickering women had attracted everyone’s attention. The party attendees began to murmur and point. Then Maureen’s husband Lawrence (don’t ever call him Larry) came forward to stand behind his wife.

  He said, “Alice! Now that’s enough! We invited you because you’re family, not so that anyone could embarrass you. For Heaven’s sake, you’re doing a fine job of that all by yourself.”

  “Lawrence, it’s obvious you’re deflecting all of this unwanted attention on me because other people have heard the truth. You know Maureen is only with you because of your money, and we all know that you’re banging your secretary!”

  A collective gasp went across the room.

  Lawrence’s face turned a deep crimson. “Now, hold on just a minute-“

  Alice ignored the tears streaming down her sister’s face. She had been holding this in for too long. She may never get another chance to speak her mind like this.

  “Yours is the saddest kind of relationship I’ve ever seen! And you have the audacity to judge me for who I choose to love?”

  “Darling, it’s really unbecoming of you to try and sabotage your sister’s party with all this nonsense,” the woman named Darlene said. “You have no right to judge anyone.”

  “You’re right. I really should leave all judging and condescension to you people. You’re so much better at it.”


  Alice pushed herself out of the chair and turned to quickly walk away. She’d had enough. She knew she would never win an argument with this crowd.

  She didn’t care that the eyes of everyone were on her as she left the room. Behind her, she could hear Maureen dramatically blubbering on Lawrence’s shoulder. Alice sighed. It was all for show. She knew from her mother that her sister’s divorce was already in motion.


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