Silver Magi 1

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Silver Magi 1 Page 11

by D. Levesque

  “And what is this legend? Can you tell us now?” my mother asks in the quiet of the room.

  Looking over, he stares long and hard at her. Then finally, he nods.

  “I have the authority to grant it, so yes. The legend is about Vampires who cannot be killed by silver. We are told that they were the ones who created our Race.”

  “And what are they called? Do they have a name?” my mother pushes.

  “Yes, they are called the Silver Vampires,” he says in embarrassment.

  “Yes, I see that our ancestors, like yours, were amazing at picking names for our progenitors,” my mother says with a smirk.

  “Over a thousand years ago, my ancestors tried to rename them to the Metal Masters. Let's just say it didn’t stick,” Jagar says with a laugh.

  “Now, do you see why I wish to have your daughter be one of my son’s mates?” she asks him seriously.

  “I do,” he says, nodding slowly. “How many know that he is, for all intents and purposes, something that should not even exist? He is of three Races, Lianne. That should not even be possible. Our Races cannot procreate together!”

  “Well, right now, we have something bigger to worry about. As I told Graham, we need my son trained quickly to fight what can destroy not just this Realm, but even the one of the Elves, and yours, and even mine,” she tells him. I assume she is talking about this Void stuff.

  “Bah, we have weathered many storms,” he says, waving his hand. “I am sure this one we will be victorious. Is it the humans again?” he asks her with a laugh.

  “The Void has returned,” my mother says. Only those four words. But at those words, Jagar, who I already thought was pale looking, turns even paler.

  “Impossible. We banished it! It was a battle that involved all the Races, not just our three!” he says, horrified.

  “Well, someone has released it, or as I told Grahad, some of its essence. We have a feeling that it somehow corrupted someone and is now in the Organization,” she tells him.

  “Shit. I will need to tell the Council of this,” Jagar says. “But how do you expect your son to help?” he asks her curiously.

  “I intend for my son to take the battle to them. I want him to go and crush this Organization. Yet again, they are getting strong. But to do that, I need him trained. And by the best.”

  Looking over at me first, and then at his daughter, who has an eager look on her face, he turns back to my mother. “Very well. I agree with this, as it seems my daughter has already decided,” he says with a smile.

  “Now, if that is all, I need to head back to talk to the Council. I will leave my daughter in your hands. Or Brandon’s, I should say. Nice seeing you again, Lianne,” Jagar says. Turning to Grahad, he just lifts his hand and gives him the finger, which is reciprocated. He then kisses his daughter on the head, whispers in her ear, causing her to frown, and then he is out the door.

  “Well, that was delightful, I must say,” Grahad says with a sneer. “But like that asshole, I need to head back to the Summer Court and explain what is going on. We will most likely be restricting travel to the Underworld,” he says to my mother. “I will leave Silvana with your son. She can decide if she wants to be his mate also, but I am all for it,” he says, causing Silvana to blush. He walks up to her, kisses her on the forehead, and says something in a musical language, and she hugs him tightly. Then, like Jagar, he heads out the door.

  “Now, training; for the next two months, you will train here non-stop, Brandon. I can’t stay, but Trent will stay here to supervise you. Follow me, please,” my mom says in a no-nonsense voice.

  “Wait!” I shout at her as she heads towards the door, causing her to turn around with a raised eyebrow.

  “For eleven years, I thought you and dad were dead, and now you are leaving again?” I say aghast.

  Turning around, she comes towards me and cups her hands around my face. “Brandon, I love you dearly, and I have missed you, but I am now fighting a battle that will involve not just my world, but this world and others,” she sighs. “Just know that your father and I do miss you, but you also now have a job to do, and I am sorry it’s being placed on your shoulders. I had hoped you would live a regular boring life, and that would be it. But it seems that isn’t in the works now, is it? Once your training is done, I promise to come around and talk to you, all right?”

  I sigh as I just got my mother back, and she is leaving. But at least this time, I know she is alive, and so is my dad. And If what my mother is hinting at with this Void is true, it sounds like really bad shit. I just nod since I am not sure my voice can handle saying goodbye to her. She kisses me on the forehead and turns back towards the door.

  Following after her, she leads me into another room. It seems to be a common room. There are two doors each on two of the walls. So I assume there are four rooms like mine on the other side of each one. Then there is a wall with a single door that leads toward the washroom with a shower. The last door is open to the outside and light is streaming through.

  “This is your home for the four of you for the next month. After that, you will be all out hunting, as it were. Brandon, the room you came out of is yours. You girls can pick your own afterwards. The bathroom is through there. There is another cabin next door that will be where Trent will stay with some assistants. And the kitchen area. You will not need to cook your meals. You girls have a job. Train him. Push him. As we saw, he can heal himself, so push him hard. I need him stronger. I need him to be able to be powerful in magics, combat battle, and subtle death. I want the Organization to fear him when he goes after them. Or at least fear what is killing them off. I don’t want them to know what or who he is,” my mother says, now as hard as steel.

  “So you just want us to train him in what we know?” Johanne asks her curiously.

  “Yes, that is correct. Trent already has a training list. Every day, three times a day, he will train with each of you. With an hour break in between, and sleep, of course. He will train for four hours a day with each of you. He will have 2 hours of rest time in between training, and then he can sleep at night. The rotation will be magic in the morning, then training in assassin skills, and later combat training. I am sure by the time you are done with Johanne’s training you will be too tired for anything else. In one month, you go after your first target to see how you’re training is going, Brandon. Please make me proud, as you always have.” She says that last part softly, with a gentle smile.

  Damn, that’s a fucking lot to ask of me. I mean, basically, I am to become some kind of Rambo going after bad guys. I honestly don’t mind, since all they are doing is trying to kill me. I would rather kill them first. But how does that stop the Void? This training sounds intense. I was never one for joining the military, but it seems I just did, but for the paranormal. Sighing, I look at my mother.

  “Mom, I won’t let you down. But how will me killing these people from the Organization help us stop the Void? I am not complaining. They want me dead anyhow. I am just unsure of how this helps,” I tell her, truthfully.

  “Good and honest question,” she says with a smile and a nod. “The Void takes over a person, a human. Most humans would not see it or feel it. But you will. When someone is taken over, they have a black cloud around their aura,” she holds up her hand at my question. I was about to say I don’t see auras. “That will be part of your training with Silvana. But you will also feel them, almost like something is off. That is innate to all us magical creatures.”

  “Well, wouldn’t the Organization feel it since they use magic?” I ask her.

  “No, they use magic. They are not of it. That is the difference. Which is why the Void can take them over and not us,” she says to my question.

  “Well, I will try. That is all I can say,” I tell her, trying not to let too much of the pressure get to me. She must know, since she walks up to me and hugs me hard. She whispers in my ear. “Your dad says, kick their arses, and we can have a beer together again,” she whispers.
Shit, that almost brings me to tears. The first time I had a beer, it was with my dad. But it was also the last time I ever had one with him since he died within weeks of that. Well, I had assumed him to have been killed in the fire.

  “Thanks, mom, tell him I love him too,” I whisper to her and hug her tight.

  Then, just like that, she is gone. Trent clears his throat.

  “It’s still early enough, so let's get started with the training. We will do three hours of three sessions today, instead of the four hours. Lady Silvana, you are up first.”

  Looking around at the girls, I smile and say, “Let’s get started. This should be fine.”

  “Oh my fuck, just kill me now!” I scream in pain as Johanne’s foot slams into my ribs on the right side, followed by a punch to the left side of my jaw. Pain explodes in my jaw, and I am thrown backward, but at least this time, I stay on my feet. I have been in training now for well over three weeks. If nothing else, I have gotten tougher and can take hits better. The good thing is that today, she is only using her fists. The last two days, it’s been nothing but baton work. And those fuckers hurt when they hit. I had to use my healing skills so much that I thought I was going to deplete my lake of power.

  “Break!” Johanne yells out, stepping away from me just as I am about to go on the offensive. Stopping and just dropping where I am, I am panting hard. I am so tired I don’t bother using magic to heal. I just close my eyes.

  The last three weeks have been intense magical training with Silvana. Stealth fighting and hiding techniques using the magic in me by Lina. And lastly, getting my ass kicked every night for four hours by Johanne. But I know I am getting better since I am landing hits now. When I do, she gets pissed and takes it out on me, which makes me defend myself faster and faster.

  The magical training has been interesting. I have learned a lot of stuff, including more spells. I even learned that everything has magic in it. What I found odd was that Werefolk had magic, but it all went towards their shapeshifting ability. It seems I am able to do it on the fly now. One form that is odd is not my hybrid form, as they call it, which is the large silver wolf, but the half-hybrid form that Johanne didn’t show me how to do until a week into our fighting.

  That is what I was currently fighting in, which is why I was able to take harder hits. Even Johanne was in her half-hybrid form. But fuck me, it was erotic looking at her for some reason. She was furred all over with her gray and black. While she was upright, her hands were the same size as a human, but bigger, as she was bigger in her form too. Where she would normally be 5 feet 6, in this form, she was about six feet.

  Her face, though, was furred with ears. And behind her was a large wolf’s tail. But that wasn’t the sexy part. It was the top of her body. She had breasts and was technically fighting naked, but she didn’t seem to mind. I asked her a couple of times to put on a shirt, but she said it was too restricting. So here I was fighting a naked half-hybrid Werewolf, who had a tail, and her tits were hanging out. At first, that was the reason she landed too many hits in the first couple of days. I couldn’t stop myself from staring. I don’t care what you say, monster girls are sexy, or at least this one was.

  As for me, in my hybrid form, I looked like myself, but I was silver-furred all over. I had ears and a tail also. But holy fuck, I was tall. Where I am normally 6 foot 4, in this form, I topped over 7 feet. But she was still kicking my ass. I was told about this form because we regenerate a lot faster from cuts, bruises, and well, pain. But when the pain happens, it still feels awful.

  “All right, here is the deal,” Johanne says to me with a voice that causes me to look at her. “If you can land a hit on me, you can take me to bed tonight. The girls and I have already decided, since you met me first, I am to be your first,” she finishes. Crossing her arms, she glares at me. Ah, there is the Johanne I love, I think with a laugh.

  “So I only need to land one hit? What if you hit me?” I ask her, clarifying the rules of engagement.

  “Oh, trust me, I will be hitting you a lot. I am not going to make this easy for you. But if you land one hit, you and I take a slow shower tonight, and enjoy the night together,” she says. I know her well enough now to see that she is unsure of herself. One thing I have figured out about my Johanne, she is insecure. Not showing any of that on my face, I stand up and put myself into a fighting stance.

  “Deal, one hit, and then I get to hit that tail of yours?” I say jokingly. Then, faster than I have ever seen her, she leaps across the fighting circle we have been using, which is just a dirt area that we have worn down in the last three weeks.

  I bring up my right arm just in time to stop a kick, but she spins and tries to sweep her other leg across mine. I jump up just in time, but as both my feet are now up in the air, she takes advantage of it and punches me in the stomach, which throws me back again. At least I remember in time to hold in my muscles, and it lessens the blow.

  Moving forward slowly in an easy stance, we both circle each other, trying to find an opening. She has openings, but I know her now. She is leaving herself open on purpose. One too many times, I would go in for the hit, only to be knocked on my ass. Not today, girl. Besides, watching her fighting naked for the last couple of days has been doing something for my sex drive. It’s all I can think about at night. But even in her human form, her tits are large. I would say at least on par with Lina at 38DD. And in her half-hybrid form, they kind of stand out even bigger.

  Deciding that there is only one way to get a hit in, I realize I have to trick her. I want to try a move I thought of and see if it will work, but I haven’t had a chance to try it yet. I move in fast as if I am going to hit her, and she throws her arms up to block it. She succeeds, but then without warning, my long tail comes around from behind me as if to slap her in the face, causing her to try to bat it away, leaving the opening I need. Without thinking about it, I throw my punch forward, and it hits her right in the kidney, causing her to lose her breath and start to wheeze.

  “Match,” she tries to say but ends up doubling over. Shit!

  “Mel al bah mae deou.”

  “Shit, sorry about that, Johanne,” I tell her apologetically.

  Once the healing has hit her, I can see her visibly relax and breathe easier. She turns to me and glares at first, but then she gets a big grin on her face.

  “It’s all right. Because now tonight you get to fuck me,” she says all excitedly. She grabs my hand and heads towards the cabins. “Shower time!” she screams.

  Chapter Twelve

  Once we get into the cabin area, I notice the quiet. Looking around, I don’t see anyone. Not even the staff that is usually watching us are around.

  “Where is everyone?” I ask Johanne.

  “They went away for a couple of hours. Trent felt it would be easier with just me and you. Besides, I am glad to have you to myself.” Suddenly, she shifts back into her human form. I am not sure how that magic works, but the clothes she had on before come back. I asked her once how come most Werewolf movies depict the clothes tearing up and such. She laughed and said it was someone way back who was a Werewolf who wanted to throw off anyone doing any investigations, so they started making up shit about how to kill one and such. The whole full moon was utter bullshit too, she said. The moon cycle had nothing to do with their changes. Though silver is true, it is their one sure killer. I change back into my human form also, still holding her hand.

  Once we get to the cabin that the girls and I share, she heads for the bathroom, with me in tow. Once we’re both in the bathroom, I close the door behind me and turn around. Johanne is staring at me, but she is blushing.

  “What’s wrong?” I ask her gently. Shit, oh well. I guess she really didn’t want to do this, but I am not about to force her.

  “It’s just… this is my first time,” she says, blushing and looking down at the floor of the bathroom.

  “Wait, you’re a virgin?” I ask her, shocked.

  “Yes! Are you saying you don’
t believe me?” she says to me angrily.

  “Whoa, no, it’s not that,” I tell her, putting my hands on her shoulders.

  Without saying anything, I bend down and kiss her softly, slowly at first. I don’t do anything else. Then after her initial shock at me kissing her wears off, she starts kissing me back. Suddenly we are both passionately kissing each other and tearing our clothes off. While kissing her, I move closer to the shower and turn it to where I know the sweet spot for heat.

  Once her shirt has come off, I come up for air and look at her. She is beautiful. Her skin is soft, and her breasts, while large, are firm. Cupping one of them in my hand, I lower my head down and slip one of her hard nipples into my mouth and slowly suck on it, causing her to groan in pleasure. She grabs my head from behind and tries to push my mouth harder onto her breast.

  I slowly swirl my tongue on her nipple, making her arch her back in pleasure. Reaching down with the other hand, I slowly bring it down to her pussy. Johanne opens her legs for me slightly, allowing me to bring my hand to her wet pussy, and I insert a finger slowly into her, but I don’t go deep yet, since I can feel she is drenched. I work my finger up to her clit, and I start to rub my fingertip lightly over it, slowly, but not putting enough pressure to hurt her.

  I bring my mouth back up to kiss her, and she kisses me hard, almost desperately. Our tongues swirl inside each other’s mouth, trying to meld together somehow. At this point, I have her back up hard against the wall. I am still playing with her clit. She has cum two or three times with just what I am doing, and I am holding her up against the wall, so she doesn’t fall. She pulls away from me and says in a growl, “I want you inside me now!”


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