Silver Magi 1

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Silver Magi 1 Page 14

by D. Levesque

  “Brandon, what the hell have you done!” my mom cries, without bothering to say hello.

  “Hi, Mom?” I say awkwardly.

  “Brandon, Trent came and got me through the Portal after he saw what you did last night or what the girls wanted you to do to them,” she says angrily.

  “How the fuck did he know what was going on?” I ask her. Am I being spied on by my own mother?

  “He overheard them in the common room eating, and they were talking. And they were not quiet about it, it seems. Once he knew they had their minds set, he rushed out last night to get to the Portal and then to me. I got here as fast as I could,” she says, displeased.

  Oh, so I wasn’t being spied on, good. But what is my mother so upset about? I mean, this is something the girls wanted to do themselves. Looking over, I see two each of the medical personnel. At least I assume that is what they are since they have the coats and the bags, head into each of the girl’s rooms.

  “They agreed to this, and let's be honest, you have met them. They didn’t give me much choice. Originally it was supposed to be only Silvana and Lina at first, but Johanne overheard us, and she wouldn’t back down. And all three of them wanted this,” I tell her, calmly. I might be partly to blame, but I honestly don’t think they would have given me much choice.

  Sighing, my mother comes over and sits down at the table that I had jumped up from when the door crashed. She composes herself before speaking.

  “Brandon, what you are trying, by transferring your blood to them, every time we have tried to inject a drop of blood, which was precious to us, the subjects died a horrible death. The fact that the girls didn’t die when you injected blood into them is a miracle. I have no idea where you even got syringes to start with,” she goes on, but I interrupt her.

  “We didn’t use syringes,” I tell her calmly.

  At that, she looks at me in shock. “Brandon, you didn't make them drink your blood, did you?”

  “No, I didn’t make them drink my blood, mother,” I tell her, making a face.

  “Then, how the fuck did you get your blood into them!” she finally says, visibly upset. Seeing as my mother never swears.

  “We used Threads of Faith,” I tell her.

  If my mother could be even more shocked, I am not sure how. Maybe if I told her that I was a leprechaun? She just stares at me with wide eyes. Slowly, her senses come back.

  “What do you mean, Brandon,” she says slowly.

  “I bit them and injected them with my blood. They are connected to me now with Threads of Faith. That is how we did it. With Lina explaining to me the whole process, we did it first with Johanne, then I did it with Silvana, and finally, Lina. Each time I did it, they, eer, enjoyed it, and then they fell asleep. They have been the way they are now for a while. I mean, I have been up for over six hours now,” I look at the clock on the wall, “and I can tell their fevers have broken. I have been casting heal that Silvana taught me every fifteen minutes.”

  “Hold on. You bit them and are connected to them now?” my mother says slowly.

  “Yeah, since I am technically a Vampire too, right?” I tell her slowly, and in a way asking for verification. Wasn’t that the whole point? She said I was a Silver Were, Vampire, and Elf?

  “Oh, by the Gods!” she exclaims, slapping her forehead. “Brandon,” she says, looking at me with bright eyes. “We never even thought of it that way! We just assumed that you had the blood of each in your system. Not that you actually were one. Except the Were one, but we presumed that was because you were my son. If this worked, by the Gods, that will change much.”

  Turning to face the door that Silvana was in, she screams, “Emilia!”

  Out of Silvana’s room comes a tall, slim female with short black hair. She raises an eyebrow at my mom questioningly.

  “Seems my son is also a true Vampire and bit them, and has connected them to himself using Threads of Faith.” At that, the doctor gets a shocked look, and her head whips around to look at me.

  “So they might be fine!” she says, and without waiting for an answer, she rushes back into the room, but then comes out again with the other person who went in with her. They rush to our table. Once they are closer, I can see that the person is actually an Elf, but looks different. Where Elves are tall, this one was short, and the ears were not as pronounced. My mom must have seen my confusion.

  “She is a Half-Elf. She is part human, so she can do magic,” my mother whispers to me.

  “Is what Emilia says true?” says the Half-Elf. I look at my mom for confirmation that it’s fine to give out that information, and she nods to me.

  “Yes, I was originally connected to Lina,” I point to Lina’s room, “because she bit me. Then I bit Johanne first, and then Silvana,” I say, pointing to each of their rooms.

  “And how much blood did you transfer them?” she asks excitedly. Wow, she isn’t concerned about me biting them. She seems thrilled.

  “Hmm, a pint or so,” I tell them slowly.

  “WHAT!” all three of them yell, causing me to cringe.

  “Brandon, are you saying that you were able to transfer in less than a night, over three pints of blood to those girls?” my mother asks incredulously.

  “Yeah, but I passed out afterward. I woke up on the floor, naked,” I tell them, adding the naked part without thinking.

  “Naked?” my mother asks with a raised eyebrow.

  The Half-Elf leans over and whispers into my mother’s ear. At which point, she looks at me with a raised eyebrow. Honestly, I am 34 years old, and I am blushing in front of my mom. What the fuck, I think to myself.

  “Anyhow, suffice it to say, the fact that you did it that way, might have saved them. But we have no idea what will happen. Emilia is our expert when it comes to this. She was there since the capsule was found, and has been studying it for over three decades. Emilia knows the blood from it more than anyone, as she was the assistant to the scientist who ended up injecting me with the syringe that contained the blood from our progenitors,” my mother says introductorily.

  “Now, when you say you gave them a pint, how fast did you do it?” Emelia asks me. She has a clipboard out and a pen and is writing furiously already.

  “I did it as slow as I could. Lina felt that pushing it all at once would be a bad thing. And honestly, after passing out last night, I am sure it would have been bad for me too. I think my regen rate might have helped some. I would say roughly a pint in five minutes? Or less?” I tell her, now unsure of the time, since I was distracted with them having orgasm after orgasm. Not that I tell them that.

  “That might have been a smart thing that Lina said. Now, how long have they been out like that?” she asks.

  “Well, I started with Johanne around 10 pm? She passed out, or I thought fell asleep, around 10:30 pm the latest. Then after that, Silvana and Lina were pretty well back to back. And they also passed out. So I put them all to bed. Figure 11:30? I took a shower after all that. I remember just before midnight? Then I woke up this morning from the floor I passed out on, checked on them, and saw they were moaning in their sleep and in pain. So I cast healing on them every fifteen minutes, which seemed to help their pain some since their faces relaxed,” I tell her, as best as I can remember.

  “You can cast spells?” Emilia says in shock, looking at my mother.

  “Yes, it seems that the blood that was in me, while you could not find it, was still in me. It is now in my son. It seems he is something that has never been seen since our progenitors disappeared, died off. No idea what happened to them. He is, so far that we can tell, an Elf, Were, and a Vampire,” my mother says proudly.

  Emilia looks at her in shock, and then turns to me. Shaking her head, she jumps up in the air with a fist pump. “I fucking knew it!” she screams.

  My mother looks at her in shock. “Knew what?”

  “So, one of the things that we were looking at with the blood from that capsule was not only who it came from, but other lines
of reason. And one of the ones was, while we think it was from our Races' progenitors, we also looked at different things. What other Races that are not around, did it have in, I guess, its genetic code.”

  “What do you mean, other Races?” my mother says, confused.

  “We think he might also be, or have the ability to be an Incubus,” she says.

  “WHAT? But that race was killed off over 100,000 years ago!” my mother says in shock.

  “What’s an Incubus?” I ask her curiously.

  Emilia turns to me and discounts my mother’s shock. “Have you ever read stories about succubi?” she asks me.

  “Oh, those sexy demon women who seduce men to their deaths? Yeah, I used to watch anime with them, and there is a really good series of books right now about them, though I haven’t finished it,” I tell her.

  “Well, Incubuses are the male counterpart to that. And they stories are true in that they were killed off. Well, I think, since you have the blood of our progenitors, that would include them. If they are the ones that created all the Races, technically, you would have all the Races in you. Or the ability to call them forth,” she says, now so excited that her words are jumbling together.

  “And, how would I find out if I am this Incubus, or an Incubus Race?” I ask her, mildly intrigued. I mean, succubi are supposed to be these super sexy demon chicks. I wonder if I can become this super sexy demon. Yeah, nope, I think to myself, laughing. That’s a hoot.

  Finally, my mother recovers and answers for Emilia. “Brandon, if it works, it would be the same way you called your Were form. If you just think about it and pull inside you, from that lake you seem to have of power, maybe that will work?” she says, thinking it through. She is tapping her chin, so I know she is working it through in her head.

  “Want me to try now?” I ask her.

  Chapter Fifteen

  My mother stares at me. I honestly don’t even know if this would work, but the idea of being able to seduce women does have some charm. But only because I am a typical male and the idea of women fawning over me sounds appealing.

  My mother must have know what I was thinking, since she is now frowning at me. Oh shit, does my mother have like a sixth sense or something? Trying to clean my thoughts, I go back to trying to remember what succubus looked like in the books I was reading during my downtime from coding. They all had horns. All had tails. But they differed from my Werewolf tail. They also had big breasts or amazing bodies. But I am assuming that as a male counterpart, I wouldn’t have breasts.

  Thinking more about it, what the fuck were these progenitors like? I mean, they seem to be able to do fucking everything. They almost seemed to be freaky motherfuckers who can shapeshift, do magic, and whatever else they can pull out of their asses. Were they Gods?

  “Were they Gods?” Emilia echoes my thoughts. “Based on what we can see, they were of every Race, but they seemed so much more. I am not sure we want to have Brandon try to bring something out that would be nasty,” she says worriedly.

  “Honestly, I don’t know what to think about this anymore. I was happy to hear that my son would be safe from silver,” my mother continues, “but this is different. I mean, we know so little about this, we don’t even have a name for them other than the progenitors. What happens if it changes my son?”

  “It already has,” I tell her quietly.

  “What? How?” she says in alarm.

  “Nothing drastic, mother,” I tell her soothingly. “It’s mostly muscles, the fact that I can smell better, and I need less sleep. And also, I have noticed I don’t seem to be the quiet geek anymore. I have gained confidence in myself, where before, I was quiet and reserved. Especially with the girls, or my mates as you made them. I seem to be taking charge of myself,” I tell her.

  “Brandon, this is an unknown power. Already, the Organization wants to kill you. Someone must know or have an idea of what you are or can become,” my mother sighs. “I hate having to send my own son out into battle.”

  “Then, I need to use the tools that I have been given. If what you say is true about this Void we will be battling, I need all the help I can get. And maybe, just maybe, this Incubus one is an added advantage? I don’t know much about this Void, but I think I need strength to destroy it.”

  “We aren’t even sure it can be destroyed. When it was banished over 8,000 years ago, it was only banished successfully because over 1000 Elvish casters gave up their lives to cast the spell, and over 1000 Were died, giving up their internal magic to power the spell. That was after an ungodly number of us died at its hands. We aren’t sure why, but we know that silver affects it just like us,” my mother tells me quietly.

  “What? Can silver harm it? Then how did you all fight it with silver?” I ask her, confused.

  “Those who fought it with silver, died. Already the fact that you can use silver is a bonus to our war. We just hope it’s enough. I am having a human craftsman create you some silver daggers. I wish we could enchant them like the Elven blades, but most enchanters cannot get close enough to cast it without getting sick or worse,” she says regretfully.

  “Well, can they show me? I have been picking up Elven magic pretty quickly. And I can handle silver fine,” I ask her.

  “How quickly is quickly?” my mother asks me curiously.

  “Well, I know all the spells that Silvana has,” I tell her.

  My mother looks at me weirdly. What the fuck now? “Do you mean to tell me you have learned all her spells? And can do all of them?” she says softly.

  “Eer, well, if she is holding some back, I can’t help it,” I say defensively.

  “Brandon,” my mother starts but then stops and visibly controls herself. I can’t tell if she is angry or excited. She is shaking so much. “Silvana is considered a prodigy as a mage. Are you telling me you have learned all the spells she has been teaching you in less than three weeks?”

  “Yeah?” I say slowly.

  My mother puts her head down on the desk and starts to bang it lightly on the table. Everyone, including me, looks at her worriedly. But then she starts to laugh lightly. Looking up at me, she gets up and comes around to where I am and proceeds to give me a motherly hug.

  “Brandon, we might win this war after all,” she says with a smile. “I will need to get in contact with the craftsman to make changes to the weapons. Trent, if you can take care of that for me, please?”

  “Yes, Madam, I will go do it right away,” and with that, he heads out the door and pulling a cell phone out of his pocket.

  All of a sudden, from Lina’s room, I can hear her yell, “Get off me, and where the fuck is Brandon?” Then she is suddenly at her door, still naked as the way I put her there last night. She sees me, smiles, and runs to me, and jumps into my arms where I am standing.

  “It worked! I feel different. I can feel now that I have access to a pool of power. Though it’s not big,” here she closes her eyes, “it feels more like the size of a large pool. If that makes any sense,” she says, frowning.

  “Lina?” I say to her, getting her attention. She opens her eyes and looks at me.

  “What?” she says with a smile, kissing me on the lips quickly.

  “Two things. From what Silvana tells me, even she, who is one of the strongest mages, only has a pool the size of bathtub. So what you are saying is, you have one the size of a large pool?” I ask her with a raised eyebrow.

  “Oh! So I have one bigger than most?” she asks happily.

  “That’s right. You essentially now are more powerful, well power-wise, then Silvana,” I tell her with a cheerful smile for her.

  “Sweet!” she shouts. “What’s the second thing?” she asks excitedly.

  “Well. You're naked in front of my mother and her guests, and your ass is sticking out at them all,” I tell her with a grin.

  Looking around wildly, she sees that my mother is standing next to me. And that Emelia and the Half-Elf Assistant are also there. I need to ask for her name soon. Sudde
nly, she turns red, kisses me quickly again, and runs to her room, slamming the door closed.

  Looking around, I can see that everyone is trying not to smile, except my mother, who is looking at me like it was my fault.

  “Didn’t you say that they all fell asleep on you last night after you did that thing to them?” she asks me mildly.

  “Hmm, yeah. I think I said that,” I tell her, not looking away.

  Shaking her head, she gives a slight laugh. “You are so becoming your father, Brandon.”

  Then, the door to Lina’s room opens again, and she walks out, wearing a pair of blue jeans, sneakers, and a black shirt that shows off her enormous breasts quite lovingly. Her being a Vampire, I can imagine her walking into a nightclub and walking out with any man she wanted, and then doing whatever Vampires do, which isn’t sucking someone dry it seems.

  “You look ravishing,” I tell her with a smile.

  “Why, thank you,” Lina tells me with a wide grin. Then we hear a yell coming from Silvana’s room. Shit, are they all going to wake up screaming? Running to her room, I can see that Silvana is trying to fight off the orderly as he is trying to calm her down.

  “It’s all right, Silvana,” I say loudly to get her attention. She turns to the door and sees me. The orderly has the wherewithal to move back at that point. Silvana, now free from him, jumps out of bed and runs to me quicker than I expected, and I barely keep my balance.

  She is in my arms now, crying. “Shhhh, Shhhh,” I tell her. “It’s all right. Everything is all right. How do you feel?”

  “I don’t know! I feel odd. Like I’m not myself,” she cries into my shoulder.

  “What do you mean? Not yourself? Are you feeling sick or in pain?” I ask her worriedly.

  “No! I feel like I want to change, but I don’t know what that means. It feels like I,” I stop her by putting a finger over her lips.

  “I think I know what it is. Your body wants to shapeshift. Does it feel like a need almost physically of wanting so much something inside of you to come outside of you?” I ask her.


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