Ebony's Legacy: Year One: Paranormal Academy Romance (Legacy Academy Book 5)

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Ebony's Legacy: Year One: Paranormal Academy Romance (Legacy Academy Book 5) Page 9

by M Guida

  Anton motioned to me. “Ashton, please give her the Armageddon sword.”

  “Be careful. I’ve never felt a sword so heavy.” He handed me the sword as if he were struggling not drop it.

  As I took the sword from him, red and pink swirls began to fly up and down the blade. It felt weightless in my hand, almost as if it was part of me.

  Anton flashed me a knowing smile. “How does it feel, Ebony?”

  I shrugged. “Fine. I don’t find it heavy at all.”

  Armond rubbed the back of his neck. “Seriously? I could barely lift that with two hands.”

  Anton grinned. “The Armageddon Sword chose Ebony, and she alone can wield it. Tomorrow, she will practice with you. Try outs for the Academy Games are only four months away. I know that seems like plenty of time, but trust me, it isn’t. Class is dismissed.”

  Hades circled me purring, but then he stopped, sniffed, and let out a low snarl. I followed his gaze but I couldn’t see anything.

  Gunnar snapped his fingers. “Hades, come.”

  Hades looked at Gunnar, but back at whatever he was looking at, and took a step forward, letting out another warning growl. The hair on the back of my neck stood straight up.

  “Hades, I said now.”

  Hades’ shoulders lowered and he spread out his wings. He flew into the air and immediately glided toward Gunnar’s smooth, naked chest. Then suddenly Hades vanished into Gunnar’s skin and appeared only as a tattoo. Without another word, Gunnar turned and headed off the field.

  I headed back to the girls’ locker room while the guys went to theirs, still thinking of Gunnar. So many things were whirling in my head—the meeting tonight, whether Gunnar was really going to come, the trials. I wasn’t watching where I was going and almost bumped into Dr. Greenwood.

  I stumbled back. “Dr. Greenwood, what are you doing here?”

  “I just came to see how you were faring. I had heard you were moved out of Montae’s Defense and Battle Techniques class to fighting alongside the Royals. Are you sure you’re up to it?”

  I braced my shoulders and stood taller. “Yes, I’m fine, but thanks for checking up on me.”

  “Very well.” He scooted back to allow me to pass.

  When I looked over my shoulder, I swear I saw a red glint in his eyes for a moment and it made me shiver. I’d never seen that in a Fae before. God, I must be overtired.

  I hurried into the locker room, glad he couldn’t come inside. When I came out again, Armond and Darius were waiting for me.

  Darius put his arm around my neck. “Damn proud of you, Ebony.”

  “Me too,” Armond said. “You’re living up to your family’s reputation.”

  My stomach clutched—fighting reputation, sure, but I still couldn’t shift.

  Armond glanced over his shoulder. “We thought we’d walk you back to your dorm.”

  I scanned the emptying practice field. “Why? Is something wrong?”

  Armond shrugged. “Well, no. Maybe. We just ran into Dr. Greenwood and I don’t know why, but he makes me feel uncomfortable these days. He was lurking around the arena.”

  I cocked my eyebrow. “Lurking? Seriously?”

  “I know it sounds weird, but I dunno, there’s something not right about him.”

  Darius’ smile faded. “Yeah, he’s kinda strange, but then again, he is a Fae. They’re always a little tweaky.”

  As we were heading back to my dorm, Cadye came running over to me, out of breath. “Hey guys, did you hear what happened? Phoebe got hurt during Defense and Battle Techniques. Montae’s furious.”

  I frowned. “Why? What happened?”

  “Nora shot her in the thigh with a crossbow.”

  Armond, Darius, and I all blurted at once, “What?”

  She nodded. “Yup. Montae thinks maybe she did it on purpose.”

  “On purpose?” Armond drew his eyebrows together. “Nora’s a stuck-up princess, not a bully. I don’t see her doing something like that.”

  Of course he would say that. He was friends with Gunnar, and Gunnar liked Nora. Ugh.

  “I can only tell you what I saw. Nora was aiming at a target, then suddenly changed her position and let fly at Phoebe. The arrow pierced her thigh. It all happened so fast, I couldn’t believe what I was seeing.”

  “Wow,” I mumbled. “Is she in the infirmary?” I couldn’t help but wonder if Nora had done that that because Phoebe was my friend.

  “Yeah, she was in a lot of pain. Blood was gushing down her leg. It was awful.”

  I looked toward the infirmary. “Do you think we can go see her? I just saw Dr. Greenwood, so she must be doing okay if he left her alone.”

  Cadye looked confused. “I don’t know. She didn’t look great, but I guess we could try.”

  We all headed toward the infirmary and just as we were heading up the stairs, a sharp male voice asked, “What do you think you’re doing?”

  Dr. Greenwood was behind us, a deep scowl on his face.

  I motioned toward the door. “We just wanted to see if Phoebe was okay.”

  He brushed past us and hurried up the stairs without looking at us. “I have given her a sleeping draught. She can’t have any visitors today. Perhaps you can see her tomorrow.”

  The door shut behind him as he disappeared inside.

  “Well, I guess that’s that,” Cadye said.

  I stared at the door, trying to sort out what was bugging me so badly. “That makes no sense. If she was so bad, why did leave her alone?”

  “I don’t know,” Armond said. “But there’s nothing we can do about it today. Besides, I’m hungry.”

  We left the infirmary. I hoped Phoebe was going to be okay. Something didn’t feel right and I couldn’t put my finger on it.

  Chapter 14

  At dinner, Rusty completely ignored me and wouldn’t speak to me. Whatever. Talk about having a bruised ego.

  Nora hadn’t shown up for dinner at all and I wondered what had happened to her. Gunnar didn’t look too happy at the Royal table, which didn’t sit well with me. Anton and Montae were also absent, so something was definitely going down.

  Rusty walked me back to my dorm again in silence. I looked up at him. “Rusty, I’m sorry.”

  He narrowed his eyes and I waited for some nasty remark, but instead, he took a deep breath. “Don't sweat it. You kicked my ass and I’m not used to anyone doing that, especially a girl. But I keep forgetting. You and your sister aren’t just any girls.” He gripped my shoulder and gave me a smile. “You did good today, kid.”

  That almost knocked my socks off. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  I stared at him after he left, wondering if I had fallen asleep and had a dream. I shook my head and thought about tonight. I still had the sleeping candle upstairs and hoped it would work. Victoria had been in a nasty mood before dinner, insisting to anyone who would listen it hadn’t been Nora’s fault. Nora herself claimed that the crossbow had moved on its own and she hadn’t meant to shoot Phoebe. Montae had said that was a crock of shit.

  But I thought about it. My sword was magical. What if Nora’s crossbow was magical too but in an evil way? Could that be possible?

  I got back to my room before Victoria did and carefully pulled out my candle. I placed it and some matches next to my pillow. I would have to wait patiently until tonight. Patience wasn’t my middle name. What if Gunnar didn’t come tonight because he was upset about Nora?

  The door slammed open and Victoria flounced into the room. “I don’t want to hear one bad word about Nora.”

  I put my hands up. “I wasn’t going to say anything.”

  She narrowed her eyes. “Good. Because I wouldn't be responsible for my actions if you did.”

  Pink and red sparkles floated from the Armageddon sword and we both glanced at each other. Goosebumps broke out over my arms and energy surged through me. Was the sword upset because Victoria had threatened me?

  She pointed. “What’s that thing doing?”

; I shrugged. “I don’t know.” I didn’t want to grab the hilt, not sure what would happen. Challenging Victoria wasn’t on my agenda for the evening. She was just sticking up for her friend, a friend who really needed her right now.

  I might think differently if Gunnar didn’t show up tonight.

  We both pulled out our books and studied. I wasn’t sure if either one of us was really taking in any of what we were reading, but talking wasn’t an option. I thought about studying with Cadye but we’d have to meet in the library and we hadn’t planned that. I looked over my Demonology textbook, trying to soak up more about Dark and Golden Demon history.

  Time seemed to drag incredibly slowly until finally Victoria put down her Supernatural History book. She yawned. “Do you mind? I’m sick of studying and want to go to bed.”

  I faked a yawn and stretched out my arms. “Fine with me.”

  In less than fifteen minutes, we were both in our beds with the lights out. Victoria’s soft snores told me she was asleep, but how soundly? I was wide awake and couldn’t sleep and stared at the clock, willing the minutes to tick by.

  Finally, the clock read a quarter to midnight. Victoria’s snores filled the room, but my heart was beating so wildly and so loudly, I was sure I would wake her up. I carefully removed the candle and the matches from my hiding place behind my pillow. Taking a deep breath, I put the candle on my desk and lit a match.

  “Stuulis Mixendo,” I whispered softly.

  The earthy fragrance was soft and reminded of everything that made me sleepy, like drinking a glass of warm milk, listening to mellow music, and taking a hot bubble bath, all swirled together.

  But I couldn't fall asleep, not now. Gunnar was coming.

  I grabbed a pair of jean shorts from my drawer and slipped on my sandals. I had on an oversize T-shirt that always made me feel warm and comfy. This one just happened to be an old one of my dad’s. I didn’t like girls’ nightshirts. Too prissy and cutesy for me.

  I crept over to the window that led out to the roof and carefully slid it open. Luckily, it moved quietly. Victoria hadn’t stirred, and was curled up facing the opposite wall. I crawled out the window and sat on the roof hopefully, waiting.

  The wind blew my hair and rippled my shirt. The treetops in the courtyard stirred below and clouds floated in the sky. I hugged my knees to my chest, trying to keep my shattering heart from escaping through my ribs. Boulders of disappointment bore down heavier on my shoulders the longer I waited.

  Tears pressed against the back of my eyes and I swallowed the big lump that was forming in my throat. He wasn’t coming. God, I was such an idiot. What if they were watching me right now?

  I was about to head back to my bedroom window when I saw something move out of the corner of my eye. I jerked around. Hades waltzed across the roof toward me with a red rose in his mouth.

  I wiped my damp cheeks. “Hades?” My voice choked.

  He dropped the rose at my feet and wagged his tail. I stroked his mane, so soft under my palm.

  “At least you’re here, buddy.” I wrapped my arms around his thick neck and buried my face in his mane, crying quietly for several long minutes.

  Why couldn’t I just fall in love with someone else? Someone who clearly wanted to be with me like Jaxon? That would be so much easier. But no. The minute I saw Gunnar back at Havenwood after Armond healed him, my heart was his. What a fool.

  I heard something flapping and I slowly released Hades, my tears clinging to my eyelashes and blurring my vision.

  “Ebony,” a soft male voice said. It was the one I’d been longing to hear.

  Shirtless, Gunnar hovered over the roof. His muscles glistened in the moon light and his jeans hugged his tones legs. With his black wings and long white hair, he was beautiful, like an angel.

  I hurriedly wiped my cheeks and looked up at him. “Gunnar. You came.”

  Gunnar landed next to me and gave me a pleading look that melted my heart. “I’m sorry I’m late. Rusty was over at mine and Armond’s room and I thought he’d never get out of there. He just left a few minutes ago.”

  I picked up the rose and smelled it. “So, you sent the rose with Hades to ask for my forgiveness?”

  Folding his wings, Hades snuggled between us and laid down, putting his head on his front paws.

  Gunnar pushed my hair behind my ear, sending chills down my spine. “I didn’t mean to make you cry.”

  "I didn’t…I didn’t think you were going to come.” In the moonlight, my voice cracked under his gaze.

  He cupped my chin. “Always. I’ll always come for you." His hand slid around my neck, pulling me closer and he tilted his head and parted his lips.

  His warm breath washed over me like a spicy wind. I held my breath, not sure what to do. He’d never kissed me before. To be honest—no one had ever kissed me before.

  He brushed his lips over mine and his tongue coaxed my mouth to open. He sought the silky heat of my mouth, exploring it with a determination that left me breathless. I pressed my palms against his stubbled cheeks. His arm circled my waist, pressing me against him, making my breasts tingle.

  Hades moved out of the way, allowing Gunnar to crush me against his thick wall of muscle. I threaded my fingers through his hair. He probed his tongue deeper and deeper, demanding I match his thoroughness. A hunger awoke inside me—in a moment, I had never wanted anything in my life more than Gunnar. Pleasure swept over me in waves and I felt like we were floating on the clouds. He kissed me like a drowning man, afraid to let go.

  But I was the one terrified to lose him.

  He slowly broke off the kiss and we both sat there panting heavily. He tilted up my chin. “That was my first kiss,” he shyly admitted.

  My eyes widened. “Seriously? Mine too.”

  “I’m glad, Ebony. I wanted to be your first. Your first in everything.”

  My mouth ran dry and I didn’t know what to say to that. All I could think about was us naked, exploring each other’s bodies and claiming each other.

  “But we need to wait.” He pulled back and disappointment punched my chest hard, leaving me breathless.


  He picked up my hand and kissed the back of my wrist, making me break out in tingling goosebumps. “You know why. Your father, and mine.”

  I frowned. “I don’t care what my dad thinks.”

  “Yeah, but I do. I don’t want to make an enemy of the Golden Phoenix. I want him to accept me. I’m tired of people looking at me as an outsider, the Dark Demon stepchild.”

  I hadn’t even thought about that. “People have been giving you a hard time?”

  “Some. If it wasn’t for Armond and Rusty—“

  “Rusty? He’s been sticking up for you?”

  “Yeah, I know. Weird, huh? He has to follow the Golden Phoenix’s order to keep me away from you, but he won’t let anyone bully me—except him.”

  I laughed softly. “Sounds like Rusty.”

  “But that’s not the only thing keeping us a part. There’s something wrong here at Legacy. Something terribly wrong.”

  My heart slammed against my ribs. “What?”

  He squeezed my hand gently. “Dr. Greenwood. There’s something not right about him. Hades senses it, too.”


  “Yeah. That stuff you drank in the infirmary. I had smelled it before.”

  Fear crept down my spine like fingernails on a chalkboard. “Where?”

  “Abbadon Rock.”

  “The home of the Dark Demons? We have to tell Anton.”

  “I already did. He doesn’t believe me. He says he needs proof," Gunnar said glumly.

  “Well, then we’ll have to find some. Maybe he’s a doppelgänger. One of Raven’s professors had been one. Maybe your dad kidnapped the real Dr. Greenwood.”

  “Maybe,” he said slowly. “But how are we going to prove it?”

  “We need to call a meeting of The Sentinels. We’ll meet in the library after school tomorrow.” />
  “You think they’ll believe me?”

  I gave him a reassuring smile. “You’re one of us, aren’t you?” I slipped my hand around his neck and kissed him again, needing to taste him one more time.

  He kissed me hungrily, dominating me, making me moan, leaving me wanting more. His arms crushed me again and I ran my hands over his back, marveling at his rippling muscles.

  He planted kisses down my throat and whispered in my ear huskily, “You’re mine.”

  Hades released a low growl.

  “How dare you betray Nora!!!”

  We immediately broke off our kiss and I cringed. Gunnar moved away from me, making me feel icy cold where warmth had protected me a moment ago.

  Victoria leaned half way out the window. “Did you think you’re stupid sleeping candle would really keep me asleep?”

  Hades took a step toward the window, pulling his lips back, revealing sharp teeth.

  Victoria’s eyes widened and she stepped back. “Keep him away from me.”

  “No, Hades.” Gunnar said in a commanding voice. He placed his hand on his chest and tapped it twice. “Come.”

  Hades looked between Victoria and Gunnar, as if not sure what to do.

  “Come. Now.” Gunnar’s strong voice snapped Hades into submission. He lowered his head and flew back onto Gunnar’s chest.

  Victoria disappeared back into our room.

  Gunnar spread his wings. “I’ve got to go.”

  Reluctantly, I watched him leave, wishing he would stay with me. What if this reached my father? I wouldn’t let anything happen to Gunnar. He was mine, whether my dad liked it or not.

  Chapter 15

  I took a deep breath and forced myself to crawl back into the window. I would have loved to fly away, but I couldn’t shift, dammit.

  Victoria was sitting on her bed with her arms crossed. “How long have you and Gunnar been kissing behind Nora’s back?” The venom in her voice made me stiffen.

  I didn’t want to debate her, but I couldn’t resist. “We haven’t been. That was the first time it happened.” But I hoped it wasn’t the last.


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