Crashing Hearts: An Oakport Beach Romance

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Crashing Hearts: An Oakport Beach Romance Page 10

by Emily Bowie

  My eyes dart between the two brothers. Crash looks down at me, his eyes cold, the same way he was looking at his brother. How had I not seen their resemblance? But I had no reason to suspect.

  A chill sweeps down me, chilling my spine. This was meant to be a summer fling, a short, incredible love to remind me that life can be fun again, to help me on my way to getting my life in order. Crash hardly looks at me, like he can’t stomach the idea of me now. I can see the tic of his jaw muscles, but he remains silent, refusing to fight for me, for us.

  “Crash didn’t tell you about his bastard brother?” Jackson smiles with mint gum sticking between his teeth. “You’re still looking hot as ever. I put my stuff in what I’m assuming is your room, Piper. We can catch up for old times.” He winks at me, his voice smooth like this is an everyday conversation.

  I look from him to Crash, expecting Crash to do something. Stick up for me, refuse to allow his brother to talk to me like this, but he does nothing. Getting mad at me would be better than this silence. It stretches as far as his land, coiling around my heart and throat. I’m on the verge of a panic attack.

  I should have known better. I can’t even have a summer love.

  I can see Jackson reading my thoughts. I always hated how he could pick up on how I was feeling. He would use it to manipulate me. “He’s not much better than me, huh?” He looks happy about the observation.

  Focusing on my breathing, I need to escape. My heart squeezes violently; I think my chest may cave into itself. Each splinter and chunk that chips away is felt a thousand times. The sensation of my heart bleeding hurts more than any pain I have ever experienced. I won’t let them see me break down like this. I left the city to leave that part of my life behind. I was certain Crash was someone worth holding on to here. I chance one more look at Crash. His eyes flash with something that tugs at his eyebrows, but he refuses to say a word. I am so stupid for thinking I could find happiness here. Shoving past both men, I walk away with my head up, not allowing them to see how hurt I am. I can feel both their gazes on my ass and wish I could pull the shirt down farther, but pride has me refusing.

  They can both go fuck themselves.


  I can’t find my voice. It feels like Epic has stolen everything from me like he did when we were kids. He would see something I valued and ruin it. Every. Single. Time.

  The way he looks at Piper, like he knows her intimately, has me turning to stone. I’m lost for words, my stomach bottoming out. Built-up anger against my brother rises, taking over every nerve and thought I have. My teeth clench, and I can feel my Adam’s apple bob as I swallow.

  “Her ass looks fantastic in my old shirt.” His voice barely registers as I watch the best thing to ever happen to me walk away. I should have thrown that shirt out when he left it here. His shirt on Piper will be etched into my memory, and I hate it. I wish it was my shirt.

  “What are you doing here?” My voice is cold and hard, while Epic looks like he’s enjoying himself. It takes me clenching all of my muscles not to pound his face in. My fingers feel like they may crack under the pressure I have them under, curled into my palm.

  “I told you last time I called. I wanted to see you again.” He says it so nonchalantly it’s irritating.

  I grunt, grabbing my towel and wrapping it around my waist. “There is no room for you here. Go to Danger’s.”

  He scoffs while keeping that stupid smile on his face. “I’m sure Piper won’t mind sharing. It’ll be like old times for us.”

  I try to breathe through my nose, hoping to keep myself in control and not allow the bitterness I have for him to cloud my judgment. “You’re not fucking staying here.” My voice is so full of disdain there is no masking it.

  “Why do ya have to be like that?” He shakes his head, his condescending tone further building my irritation.

  Stepping up to him, my muscles ache to be let go, to allow them to beat him with all their might. Epic must see it, because he puts his hands up, “Whatever, man. I’ll get the boys over for us to have a bonfire just like old times.”

  He doesn’t get it. I want him nowhere near here. I watch his back stroll away with an extra pep in his step. He enjoys this. He thrives on making me angry. Pausing, he looks over his shoulder at me with his toothy grin. “What was it that Mom always said? If you let something go and it doesn’t return to you, it was never yours in the first place.”

  “Is that advice for you or me?” I bite out. I shouldn’t even respond, but I can’t help it.

  “I guess we will know soon.” I watch him laugh as he heads to the front to his bright yellow Mustang. People who need to be in the spotlight are always compensating for something. My brother always had to have the best of everything. He had to feel like he won in some way.

  I watch him send dust up into the air as he purposely squeals his tires as he leaves. He’ll be back. Epic isn’t done yet.

  Going into the house, Piper isn’t there. Her stuff isn’t packed, so that has to mean something. It makes my heart beat slightly slower, but all my thoughts keep flying through my mind. They won’t shut off. I don’t know what I should be thinking. How to be asking the right questions. My hands run down my face as my fingers circle my forehead. This situation is fucked up, and I just fucked it up more by standing there like a moron, allowing Epic to be Epic.

  My feet shuffle up and down the hallway as I focus on how to do damage control. My hands tug at my hair as I muster the courage to go talk to Piper. Part of me wonders, if Piper went for my brother, then she can’t be happy with me. He and I are nothing alike. I can’t offer her what the city can. There is nothing fancy about Oakport Beach. I can’t even provide her a stable job. There is absolutely nothing tying her here… other than me. Deep down, I know it won’t be enough, not even for sweet Piper. She deserves more. Sadly, this is what my family has been telling me for years. Oakport Beach holds people back, and if Piper stayed here, that is what it would do to her.

  The thought occurs to me that maybe she’s in the barn saying goodbye to Aunt Millie. My heart starts accelerating again.

  I need to go out there and demand to talk. There’s no reason why she’d turn me away. Even I have to roll my eyes at myself. I’m not this person. Hiding inside is doing me no good.

  Heading outside, I see Haven and Frankie blowing bubbles by my barn. I really can’t handle this town right now.

  “Somebody’s in trouble,” Frankie sings toward me as she pops the bubbles Haven blows.

  “What are you doing here?” I ask, not believing my luck today. I could have been having super-hot shower sex with Piper, but now I’m blue-balled and having to grovel.

  “Saw the yellow bee and thought you might need some cheering up,” Haven says, referring to my brother’s car. “Then we saw Piper stomping into the barn. She hasn’t stopped talking about you to Aunt Millie. Frankly, we’re on her side.”

  Of course, they are. “I love you two, but you need to get off my property.” I try to say it as nicely as possible with a big fake smile on my face that feels as unnatural as Frankie’s purple hair color.

  They shake their heads at me. “We could have been your backup Crash. Good luck.” They have the audacity to laugh at me while they walk away, blowing stupid bubbles in my face.

  My adrenaline is spiking. I need to get this over and done with before I lose my groove and not say what’s needed. Walking into the barn, I watch Piper’s back stiffen at the sound of my feet.

  “You know my brother’s married, right?” I rub at the back of my neck, feeling awkward for telling her this fact.

  She spins around so fast her blonde hair whips her in the face. Her lip curls up at me with a glare.

  “I just never took you as the type,” I continue. Her whole head rears back as I start digging my own grave. “It’s not what I mean.” I blow out a breath, trying to get my words right instead of tripping all over them, making this situation way worse. “I mean, he has a reputation for dupin
g girls. Wasn’t sure if you two were still friendly….” The last part falls off as I take in the rainbow of emotions that cross her face while I talk.

  She’s looking at me with disgust. I’m trying to be helpful while trying to figure out what they are to each other.

  “Nothing I’m saying is coming out how I intend.” I try to stop digging myself deeper into the hole I’ve created. This is what I get for taking some time off from work and finally start enjoying myself. I should have known this would blow up in my face. I understand working relationships; they’re easy. But this, I feel like I’m constantly feeling my way through the dark.

  “Then maybe you shouldn’t say anything at all.” She turns her back to me as she starts feeding my horse. I see it in her eyes that she has already decided that Oakport Beach isn’t for her anymore. Just what I predicted. Everyone leaves, and she’s no different.

  I won’t make her feel bad about the decision, so I’ll choose to be the one who walks away. I tap on the wall, not sure what else to do. I need to unjumble my head before I’m able to get my thoughts out properly.

  “It’s not like we were anything more than a summer fling,” she says to my retreating back. Her voice begins to break in the end.

  I keep walking, trying to make this easier on the two of us. The ocean starts calling my name, and I head straight for her.

  The way he asked if I was friendly with his brother stays on repeat in my head. It blows me away. I would not be fucking him if I was with his brother. I thought he knew me.

  My stomach feels sick. What type of person does he think I am?

  One who took little coaxing to sleep with him.

  While that’s true, I’m as monogamous as they come. I sometimes feel like I make my life this way. I create the havoc that stays swirling around me.

  Come on, Piper, brothers?

  I had no clue.

  Tears prickle my eyes, but I refuse to allow a single one to drop. I learned a lot about myself being here, and I will not stand for a man to treat me the way Crash just did. The way he made me feel bad about myself and below him.

  I walk out of the barn, not knowing what to do. I want to leave, but I don’t have a car. For the first time since I arrived, I feel my independence slip away.

  Bring my cell phone out, I call Frankie. I have a feeling if anyone can understand me, she will.


  I head for the ocean and sit in front of the waves in my Jeep. I don’t have my board with me, making me watch everyone else in the water. The waves look perfect, with a little extra oomph to them that I was looking forward to. The type of wave you have to struggle and fight, but once you get it, it’ll be the best ride of the season.

  I try to work out why I feel so enraged. I should have never taken it out on Piper when my brother is fully at fault. This is why I don’t do relationships, always choosing to work instead.

  My phone rings, and my heart lifts, hoping it’s Piper. Picking it up from my cup holder, my heart sinks seeing Haven’s name on the screen. Ignoring it, I place it back. I close my eyes, listening to the sound of the water. My ringer breaks through the sound of crashing waves; each time it starts up again, it makes me want to throw my phone. It would feel so satisfying. I love this town and everyone in it, but they don’t know how to keep themselves out of my business. Constantly poking and prodding. Giving unwanted advice, trying to patch things that are never meant to be patched.

  Closing my eyes and leaning back, I try to relax, knowing Epic is back in town. He never comes for no reason. The unknown has me wound up along with the fact that he once had my girl. So much anger runs through my veins I’m at a loss on how to manage it. I’m not this guy, and I hate the feeling of it consuming me. Danger was close to both of us; maybe I need another perspective.

  Picking my phone up, I contemplate if I should bust it. The phone starts ringing in my hand like a sleep alarm that won’t stop going off, annoying the hell out of me. My hand tightens around the rectangular device, but I give in. “Hello,” I answer, expecting to hear Danger’s voice.

  “Why didn’t you pick up?” Haven is on the other end.

  Oh. My. Fuck.

  “I’m not in the mood. What do you want?”

  “Epic is planning a fire at your place tonight.”

  I laugh out loud. Of course, he is. The guy doesn’t understand subtle cues that he’s not wanted.

  “I’m sure y’all will have a great time with him.”

  “You’re going to let him walk in here and win like that?” I don’t hear Haven from my phone but on the other side of me. She’s standing with her red hair flapping all about, and she has this look on her face like she can’t believe I’m giving up, hands on hips with attitude. Well, as much attitude as this girl can pull off. She’s a Sunday school teacher, after all.

  “No, I plan to beat him, like I should have done last Christmas and a hundred other times in our lives. Instead, I was the ‘bigger’ one and now he thinks he can walk into my home, insult my girl, and get away with it, while I’m the one who suffers!” I’m getting riled up.

  Leaning over, I open my passenger door. “You coming for a front-row seat?”

  She jumps in without question. I drive to Danger’s in silence, knowing my brother will be there.

  I can tell Haven wants to say something; it’s in the way she fiddles with her fingers. It always was a telling sign growing up. “Are you going to ask what’s on my mind?” I ask.

  She gives me this look like she’s going to tell me shit I don’t want to hear, so I cut her off as soon as she tries to break the silence. “Nope, never mind. Don’t want to know.”

  She ignores me and tells me as it is anyway. “You need to be honest with Epic and Piper about what they are to you and learn how they feel.”

  “That’s the plan. I’m going to show my brother how I feel.” My hands grab the steering wheel, thinking about how good it’s going to finally be to have it out with him.

  Stepping out of my Jeep, I walk right into Danger’s house, where he and Epic are having a beer together.

  “You need to apologize to Piper,” is the first thing I shout walking in.

  My brother turns around, crossing his arms. “I thought you had some sort of code that said you’d never date any of my girlfriends?”

  “Why are you here messing up my world? Why aren’t you home with your wife?”

  “I left her for Piper.”

  I can smell my brother’s bullshit from a mile away. “She finally wised up and left your sorry ass.” I can’t help but laugh. “You don’t want to be here. You have nowhere to go. She finally kicked you out.” It all starts to make sense. The sudden urge to come home, when I know he hates this place. I should have seen this sooner.

  “Poor little Jackson had to stop playing make-believe in the city and come home to the place he hates, to make himself believe he’s a big man named Epic. You’re fucking pathetic.”

  I hear the grunt before I realize he’s charging after me. About time. I charge right back at him like we used to as kids. Epic has a better run at me, pushing our bodies out the front door that Haven opened, and we fall off the two steps onto the front grass. We roll around trying to hit, kick, or pin the other guy.

  No one stops us, as we both get a few good hits in. His punch hurts less than I remember, lacking any real power from him playing lawyer all day inside rather than working with his hands.

  I can feel my cheekbone puffing out, and Epic’s nose is bloody when I finally pin him below me. I cock my arm back, wanting him to know the punch is coming before I deliver it.

  Cold water rains down on us, from either Danger or Haven. It makes us pause enough to get a few words out without the other one fighting to lay in a hit.

  “I honestly like Piper, Crash!” Epic hollers at me. His breathing is hard, showing how out of shape he is for a skinny guy. Then the water stops, allowing for Epic to continue talking. “It’s the reason Colleen found out. I told her there
was someone else and we were over. But it blew up in my face. I never listened enough, and it ended up Piper worked with her. Before I knew it, Piper was breaking up with me, and she left town. I had no idea she was here though, until I saw her with you.”

  I land my punch for good measure, hearing what he put Piper through. We’re drowned in cold water. I see a neighbor on his driveway getting out a lawn chair to settle in for a good show.

  “I deserve that.” He rubs his jaw where my fist landed. I roll over, lying flat on my back, looking up into the sky. What if Piper is in love with him and not me?

  I hear the cracking of a beer can before I see Danger leaning over me to inspect the damage before he hands me a cold one.

  “This is going to be one hell of a bonfire tonight,” Danger says to no one in particular.

  I scoff. “I want nothing to do with him.”

  “Come on, this is what you two do. Fight it out, drink, and make up.”

  “I’m not backing down from you, Epic. Piper is mine.”

  “Trust me, I know. She never looked at me like she does you. It would take a fool not to see that.” I’ve never known my brother to back down from anything or anyone. I don’t believe him. People don’t change overnight.

  “Play nice, you two,” Haven says, reminding me she’s still here.

  I’ll just get fucked up so I don’t have to deal with anyone. Tomorrow will be a new day.


  I stumble as my feet trip over the grass. I manage to stay upright, my hands out, barely keeping my balance. “Crash, what are you doing?” I look around, my eyes trying to focus on who is talking to me.

  “I’m right here,” the voice says as I tilt my head, trying to focus on Haven.

  One eye shuts, making her turn from two to one. “Talking to her will hurt less than what you’re doing to yourself right now.”


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