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'Tis the Season for Romance

Page 43

by Kristen Proby

  “Jordan, you are the love of my life. I enjoy you, trust you, and can’t wait to share every day with you, from today until the day I take my last breath. I need you by my side, always. Will you please do me the honor of becoming my wife?”

  I couldn’t stop the tears if I tried. And I don’t care. Because this man loves me, tears and all.

  “Of course.” I wrap my arms around his neck and hold on tight. “Of course, I’ll marry you. Can it be a holiday wedding? I mean, it’s too soon for this year, but if you’re okay with a year-long engagement, we can plan it for next year. I don’t know if you’ll want to get married here or in London, but—”

  He presses a finger to my lips, shutting me up.

  “I have to do this first,” he says and slips the ring onto my finger. “And this.”

  He kisses me silly. Every time he kisses me like this—which is pretty much every day—I go positively gooey.

  I’m a lucky girl.

  He leans back and brushes a lock of my hair out of my eyes.

  “We’ll figure out the rest. Together.”

  About the Author

  Kristen Proby has published close to forty titles, many of which have hit the USA Today, New York Times and Wall Street Journal Bestsellers lists. She continues to self publish, best known for her With Me In Seattle and Boudreaux series, and is also proud to work with William Morrow, a division of HarperCollins, with the Fusion and Romancing Manhattan Series.

  * * *

  Kristen and her husband, John, make their home in her hometown of Whitefish, Montana with their two cats and dog.

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  A Mayson Family Christmas

  Aurora Rose Reynolds

  Copyright © 2020 by Aurora Rose Reynolds

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  A Mayson Family Christmas

  Catch up with the Mayson family this Christmas season.

  Chapter 1

  Christmas Eve


  * * *

  “Babe, what the hell are you doing?”

  I look over my shoulder at my husband and blow a piece of hair out of my face.

  “I’m starting on the dough for the pie crust for tomorrow.” I turn back to the bowl in front of me and go back to shredding the frozen block of butter into the flour mixture.

  Asher’s arms wrap around my waist from behind, and my lips tip up slightly when he kisses my shoulder. Even after all these years together, he’s never not once missed an opportunity to touch or kiss me. “Come join us outside.”

  “I will, but this is Grandma Alice’s recipe, and I want to get it right. Part of that is making sure the dough has time to rest overnight before I roll it out in the morning.”

  I feel his chest expand behind me and listen to him let out a deep breath. “She’d love that you always make sure to use her recipe,” he says quietly, and my heart squeezes. I miss Alice. I wish she was still around, still here to share things with. More than anything, I wish my girls knew her like I did. Warm lips drop to my bare shoulder, and he asks, “How much longer until you’re done?”

  I turn my head, and when I do, he lifts his to meet my gaze. The look in his eyes makes me want to forget all about the pies I’ll make in the morning and follow him back to bed, but as much as I crave that, I have to get this done. I lean forward and quickly touch my lips to his. “Not much longer. Are you and the kids still out back?”

  “Yeah, I started the fire pit, so they sent me inside to get you, a bottle of peppermint schnapps for their cocoa, and the shit to make s’mores.”

  “I’ll be done in just a few minutes.” I lean in and touch my mouth to his once more and his tongue snakes out to touch my bottom lip making me shiver. When my eyes open, I find him smiling and can’t help but roll my eyes. “Go, Mr. Mayson.”

  “Whatever you say, Mrs. Mayson.” He nuzzles my neck, then gives my waist one last squeeze before he lets me go. I watch him over my shoulder as he gathers the stuff for our girls, their spouses, and our grandkids, who are most likely asleep.

  I enjoy the flex of his muscles under his long-sleeved shirt, thinking it’s really unfair that my body has grown soft with time, and he’s somehow kept in shape. Then again, I did give birth to his girls while he’s continued to do hard labor almost daily. When I see him disappear out of sight, I get back to the task at hand, determined to do Alice proud but making it quick, because I really want to spend time with my babies, who are not really babies anymore.

  Chapter 2

  Christmas Eve


  * * *

  “Is it wrong that no matter how many times I watch Elf, I still love it just as much, if not more, than I did the first time I saw it?” Hanna asks, and I meet my sweet girl’s gaze, and like any time she’s within arm’s reach, I want to pull her in for a hug and hold her for a few minutes. It’s been hard having her away from home, even if I know she’s doing something she loves.

  “I don’t think so. It’s still one of my favorites.”

  “Yeah.” Her smirk looks far too much like her father’s. “That’s because you have a crush on Will Ferrell.”

  “I don’t have a crush on him. I think he’s funny, and funny in my book is sexy.”

  “Who do you think is sexy?” Trevor asks as he walks into the media room, where Hanna and I have been curled up under blankets with hot cocoa and a fire burning, watching Elf. Since she and Cobi were kids, we’ve always made Christmas cookies on Christmas Eve, which we did this year with Hadley and Chloe. All the while Cobi, who is like his father, mostly ate the cookies as soon as they came out of the oven, before they even had a chance to cool. Then we watch a Christmas movie, and for the last few years, it’s been Elf. Cobi and Hadley didn’t stick around for the movie, because Chloe needed to get home to bed, but I was a happy mom and grandma to have them around.

  “We’re talking about Mom’s crush on Will Ferrell.” Hanna’s laughter pulls me from my thoughts, and I groan at the look her father gives me.

  “You cannot be jealous of Will Ferrell.” I roll my eyes at my husband as he takes a seat next to me on the couch.

  “I’m not. Why would I be, when I could take him in a fight?” he prompts, and Hanna laughs while I sigh. You’d think after years of being together the man I call mine would be over his jealous streak, but he definitely is not, and I doubt he ever will be.

  “You’re crazy,” I tell him as he wraps his hand around the top of my thigh, squeezing with just enough pressure to make me bite back a moan.

  “About you.” He leans in, kissing me sweetly.

  “This is one thing I never miss when I’m away.” Hanna makes a gagging sound as she stands then tosses her blanket over the back of the couch. “Before this gets too gross, I’m going to bed.”

  “I can’t wait until you get a boyfriend,” I say, doubting that will be anytime soon. Since Hanna came into the world, she’s been on the move, always living life one adventure at a time, and when you’re constantly moving, it’s hard for anyone to catch you.

  “I can wait for that,” Trevor mumbles.

  “Whatever.” She comes over to kiss his cheek then mine before saying one more hushed goodnight and heading to her room.

  When we hear her door close, Trevor leans over me, and I fall back onto the couch, wrapping one of my legs around his hip. “So you think Will is sexy?”

  “A little.” I laugh as his lips skim down my jaw.

  “No more watching his movi
es.” He pulls the top of my breast into his mouth, sucking hard.

  “You’re ridiculous, and don’t give me a hickey I can’t hide tomorrow,” I demand, and a wicked smile curves his lips right before he pushes off the couch then lifts me into his arms. “What are you doing?”

  “Taking you to bed.”


  “Liz baby, the only promise I’m making is that no one will see any marks on your beautiful body tomorrow,” he says, and I laugh as he carries me to our room.

  Chapter 3

  Christmas Eve


  * * *

  Sitting on the couch next to Lilly, with Jax holding Hope and Ellie, and Ashlyn tucked under Dillon’s arm while she feeds Destiny, I listen to my wife read The Night Before Christmas to our grandbabies. With a blaze burning in the fireplace and my kids and grandkids close, I wonder how I got so lucky. Even with all the mistakes I’ve made in my life, I’ve somehow found myself surrounded by people who love me in spite of my faults.

  “Grandpa,” Hope calls as she gets down from Jax’s lap, and I hold my arms open as she walks to me. Once she’s on my lap, she turns to look at me. “Do you think Santa will know where to find me?”

  “Santa knows everything, sweetheart. He’ll know you’re staying here tonight.”

  “Good.” She sighs, looking relieved.

  “What did you ask Santa for?” Lilly asks her, closing the book and resting it on the arm of the couch.

  “A butler.”

  “A butler?” Dillon repeats while I fight back a smile.

  “Well, Max from school went to Mexico over the summer, and his family had a butler, and he said he never had to clean up after himself!” She looks at her mom and dad. “If I have a butler, I’ll never have to clean up my room ever again.”

  “Oh my,” Lilly whispers with wide eyes, while Ashlyn chokes on the laughter she’s trying to fight.

  “Honey,” Jax says, gaining her attention. “I don’t think Santa is going to bring you a butler.”

  “Why not?” She frowns at him. “I’ve been extra good this year.”

  “You have been, baby. You’ve been so good this year,” Ellie says then pauses to rub her lips together, and I’m not sure if she’s trying not to laugh or trying to come up with a response. “A butler is a person, and Santa can’t… um…. He can’t deliver people.”

  “Why not?”

  “They can’t fit in his bag,” Ashlyn says, sounding sure that her reason will end this conversation.

  Hope’s nose wrinkles. “But he fit that big toolbox dad wanted in his bag last year.”

  “That’s a good point, sweet girl,” Lilly says softly, taking her tiny hand in hers. “The thing is people can’t travel in Santa’s bag. It’s a really long flight, and they might get hurt if they’re in there with all the toys he has to deliver. Did you ask him for anything else?”

  “Chocolate icing.” She shrugs, looking disappointed.

  “Well, I bet you get that and a whole lot more,” Lilly tells her before tugging her in for a hug. “Go to bed, sweet girl, and tomorrow when you wake up, we’ll see what Santa brought you.”

  “Okay,” she agrees, climbing over to give me a hug before passing out hugs to everyone else.

  “I guess it’s a good thing I always have extra chocolate icing in the house,” Lilly says as soon as Jax carries her out of the room, and we all laugh.

  Chapter 4

  Christmas Eve


  * * *

  “Are you still wrapping gifts?” Nico asks, coming into the living room, and I don’t even bother looking up at him when I feel his shadow loom over me. The fact that I’m still surrounded by toys, wrapping paper, ribbon, and bows should answer his question. “You do know that everyone is going to be buying the kids gifts, right?”

  “I know.” I shiver as he wraps his hand around my ponytail, tugging until I tip my head back to meet his gaze.

  “Babe, seriously, it looks like the toy aisle at Target exploded all over our fucking living room.”

  Scrunching my nose, I shake my head. “It does not, and anyway, what’s wrong with the babies all having an extra special Christmas?”

  “The only thing they’re going to remember about tomorrow from the photos they will see when they’re older is that they were with their family. The toys and shit are just that—shit.”

  “Don’t be mean.” I frown, and his other hand comes up to cup my cheek.

  “I’m not being mean, babe. I’m just reminding you, because you’ve forgotten since our babies were little, that the kids might spare a toy five minutes of attention, then spend the next five hours using the box as a ship or some other thing they made up.”

  Looking around, I know he’s right, but there is no way I will ever admit that to him. Not when he will hold it over my head like a trophy. “They need toys for when they’re here with us.”

  “Right.” He sighs. “So how much longer until you’re done? Because I’m ready to go to bed.”

  “You could help me.”

  “And have you rewrap everything I wrap? I think we’ve been down that road a time or two,” he mutters, and I bite the inside of my cheek to keep from laughing. He’s not wrong.

  When the kids were little, he’d try to help me wrap gifts, and I’d end up rewrapping them after he was asleep. He would never say anything, but he’d always give me a look that clearly stated he thought I was nuts but that he still loved me.

  “You could go to bed without me?” I try again, and he gives me the same look I just mentioned. “Fine.” I give up. “It shouldn’t take me more than an hour to finish. You can hang with me, and we can watch Die Hard.”

  “You still know the way to my heart.” He keeps hold of my hair and places his mouth over mine. As always when he kisses me, I get lost within seconds, and I’m disappointed when he pulls back. “I love you, baby.”

  My chest warms, and I cup his cheek. “I love you too, always.”

  “Always.” He holds my gaze for a moment before touching his lips to my forehead and letting go of my hair. As I right my head, he grabs the remote and flips on the TV. I get back to wrapping, but eventually, I find myself climbing onto the couch and curling into his arms to watch Die Hard with my very own badass.

  Chapter 5

  Christmas Eve


  * * *

  “It’s Christmas,” I sing, tossing back the blankets on the bed and laughing when my husband groans. No matter how old I get, I still look forward to December 25th, and this year isn’t any different. Actually, I think I might be more excited for this Christmas than any of the others that have come before, because for the first time, I was able to pull off a surprise for my husband that I know is going to blow his mind.

  “Where, do you think you’re going?” An arm wraps around my waist when I start to get up, then suddenly I’m tugged backward. When I blink my eyes open from my new position, I’m lying half under a very sexy, very sleepy-looking Wes. “Babe.” He drops his head and kisses my collarbone, saying there, “Neither of us have work today, and we don’t have to be at your parents’ until four. We are not getting out of this bed for at least an hour.” He lifts his head and looks down at me, his eyes darkening as his cock throbs against my hip. “Maybe two.”

  “Um…” I rest my palm against his scruffy jaw. “Can I give you your Christmas present first?”

  “If your Christmas gift is you going down on me, yes. If it’s anything else, no,” he says, and I shiver, dropping my hand from his cheek and letting it travel down his chest and over his abs. And the moment I wrap my hand around his length, it pulses in my grasp. Without another word, he rolls to his back, and I start to maneuver myself into position between his legs but stop when he taps my thigh.

  Knowing what he wants, I turn around, and he lifts my hips up until I’m straddling his face. With nothing between us since we fell asleep naked last night, I gasp as he wastes no time burying his fac
e between my legs. It takes me a moment to focus on what I’m supposed to be doing, but when I finally do, I’m rewarded with two orgasms for my efforts.

  And when I finally give him his gift two hours later, he fucks me bent over the seat of his custom Rambler. But like always, he tops my gift when Z, Kayan, and baby Zar show up to drop off my brand-new, hunter-green Lexus LC 500 and to spend breakfast with us. Honestly, I couldn’t have asked for a better Christmas morning.

  Chapter 6

  Christmas Eve


  * * *

  “Wake up! Wake up! Santa came!” Hope shouts as she climbs up onto the bed, narrowly missing my nuts as she drops her weight on top of me and her mom, who is curled around me. “He left so much stuff for all of us.” She grins in my face, and I can’t help but smile at her excitement, even if I am tired as fuck from spending half the night putting together a doll house, a battery-operated car, and more shit that will probably only entertain her for a few days before she’s tired of it.

  “Are Grandma and Grandpa up, sweetheart?” Ellie asks, touching her hair then her cheek.

  Her nose scrunches, and she tips her head to the side. “I don’t know.”

  “Go check if they are, and then come back in here and let us know,” I tell her, and she grins right before she uses my gut to push up to stand. Then not surprisingly, she hops across the bed and jumps down with a thud that makes the floor shake. A moment later, she runs out of the room, leaving the door open, and I turn to my wife and look into her sleepy eyes. “Morning, baby.”


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