Rise of the River Man

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Rise of the River Man Page 7

by L. S. O'Dea

  Today, he floated in the tank, waiting for the Servant, his food, his offering. Maybe this time, the Servant would drown and he’d be able to satisfy his hunger.

  When the professor entered the room, Ableson took one more glance at his notes and stood. “I need to speak with you.”

  “Then speak.”

  “Not here.” Ableson shot a glance at the tank.

  “He is well past understanding a word we say.”

  “I think you’re wrong about that.” Ableson held the door open for the professor and they both left.

  Mutter glanced at Sweet who sat with her ears tipped toward the door as she sharpened her claws. He moved toward the front of the tank.

  “He listens to her, so he has to understand us,” said Ableson. “She is the reason that he’s not eating the...what we offer him.”

  “You could be right. I’ve never seen one wait this long to feed. The little meat that we give him can’t be enough.”

  “It isn’t. He’s getting thinner. Too thin.”

  Sweet glanced toward the tank, concern in her pale eyes.

  “Stop feeding him,” said the professor.

  “What? He’ll starve.”

  “Or eat what we give him. Or kill her,” said the professor.

  “We don’t want that. We are learning so much from these two, more than the others combined.”

  “Yes, but we need to push it. We need to know if hunger will break the bond. You don’t want to have one under your command and find out too late that a few hunger pangs will cause it to turn on you. We need to know how far these bonds will stretch before breaking.”

  “I agree, but not like this.”

  “What do you propose?” The professor’s voice was clipped. He did not like having his ideas questioned.

  “We should bond with her and then add her to the project.” Ableson lowered his voice. “If she is loyal to us, and he is loyal to her...”

  Mutter swam to the top of the tank and pulled himself half out. Sweet was looking up at him, her face pale.

  “If they turn me, I could be with you. Truly with you.”

  He shook his head. He wanted nothing more than to be with her again, but not like this. She was too good to be turned into a monster.

  “We could escape and live at the Lake of Sins.” She smiled. “In the Lake of Sins.”

  The Almightys’ voices rose slightly, drawing their attention back to the door.

  “I’m sure that turning her is the answer,” said Ableson.

  “No. Not yet anyway.”

  “Why? We can’t wait much longer or he’ll starve, unless we increase his food.”

  “No. No more food. He will eat what we send him, her or nothing,” said the professor.

  “I think you’re making a mistake.”

  “Perhaps, but it is my project.” The professor’s voice softened. “You picked well when you found him. We are learning a lot and I don’t want to lose him, but you have to remember that these creatures are exceptional hunters with voracious appetites. He won’t be able to withstand the temptation much longer. You’ll see.”


  IT HAD BEEN DAYS since the Almightys had allowed Mutter any food except what was dangled over his cage. At first, Sweet had begged Ableson, but when that didn’t work she’d attempted to share her food. Conguise had caught her and had threatened to use her for food if she tried again.

  The Almightys were right, hunger and the desire to kill waged war with his need to keep her happy. He stopped watching the offerings, hanging right out of his reach. It was too tempting. Instead, he’d circle the bottom looking for scraps of meat, but after the second day there was nothing.

  The latest Servant immediately dropped into the water and splashed to the side. Word must have gotten out that this monster refused to kill. Mutter’s muscles tensed and he hit his head against the side of the tank over and over to keep from grabbing that leg and pulling the struggling creature into his webbed embrace. As soon as the feet left the tank, he sunk to the bottom, his stomach clenching.

  That night, like every night, she called to him, her voice a siren’s song that he could not refuse. His arms trembled as he attempted to pull himself out of the tank.

  “Mutter!” She grabbed him around the chest, struggling to drag him out of the water.

  He didn’t want to die at the bottom of the tank alone, like he’d been most of his life. He surged upward and out, collapsing on the floor. He would die in her arms.

  She snuggled close to him, pulling his head to her chest. “Oh Mutter, I’m so sorry.”

  He wanted to ask what she was sorry for, but couldn’t form the words. He shook his head instead.

  “I said that I loved you no matter what but I didn’t understand.”

  He stiffened. Did she no longer love him?

  She took his head in her hands and raised his face to hers. “I love you. I loved Mutter the Guard and now I love Mutter the”—she smiled, tears in her eyes—“I don’t know what you are, but I love you.”

  He rested his forehead against hers.

  “Tomorrow, when they...you need to eat.” Her fingers trembled against his jaw.

  He raised his head, staring into her eyes.

  “It’s okay.” She kissed him.

  He pulled her close. Tears ran down her cheeks long after her breathing became steady from slumber.

  The next day, he was still weak but anticipation coursed through him. When Ableson awoke, Sweet was waiting at the cage door for him.

  “You need to bring him a...he’ll eat,” she said.

  “How do you know?”

  “I told him that it was okay.” Her voice cracked.

  “Thank you.” Ableson stood. “Really. I”—he looked at the tank—“he’s a favorite of mine.”

  “I have one condition.”

  Mutter stopped swimming. What was she doing?

  “A condition?” There was humor in the Almighty’s voice.

  “Yes.” She glanced back at the tank, an apology in her eyes. “I want you to change me. I want to be with him.”

  He flew out of the water, all exhaustion replaced by fear for her. He raced toward them, his arms swinging.

  “I don’t think he agrees.” Ableson backed away from the cage.

  She glared at the Almighty. “I want a shot or I’ll tell him not to eat. I’ll let him die and I’ll die too.” She turned to face Mutter. “Do you hear me? I’ll stop eating too.”

  He shook his head and then put his hands on her shoulders and shook her. He opened his mouth to force a word out, but she placed her fingers on his lips. It was their secret that he could still speak.

  “I want to be with you. We can’t live like this.”

  He shook his head again. He didn’t want this for her.

  “They will never let me go. They will feed me to one of those things once you die.”

  Mutter glared at Ableson and rushed the cage. The Almighty tripped in his haste to get away, falling on the ground.

  She turned toward Ableson. “Tell him. Tell him the truth. If he dies, what will you do with me?”

  Ableson stood and brushed off his pants. “She’s right. You are the only thing keeping her alive. The professor will kill her if you die.”

  “Bring him something to eat, but first bring me the serum.”

  “This has to be our secret.”

  She nodded and Ableson turned and left the room.

  She took Mutter’s hand and led him to the tank. “You need to eat and get strong. Once I change we’ll escape. I know this area. The sewer beneath us leads to tunnels and the tunnels lead to freedom.”

  He pointed at the enclosure.

  “Don’t worry about the cage. All I need is a bone and some time. I can pick that lock.”

  He pointed to her and then himself, shaking his head.

  “It was bad enough when we were Servant and Guard but I will not flee with you and live this half-life. Not when we can be the same.”

  He touched his face, hands, and chest. “Hurt.”

  “I don’t care about the pain. It’ll pass.” She kissed him. “Now, get back into the tank.”

  Ableson entered the room and jogged over to the enclosure. “Hurry, the professor is on his way.”

  She stuck her arm through the bars and the Almighty injected her with the serum. The door opened. Sweet stepped back as Ableson slipped the syringe into his pocket.

  “She says that she’s convinced him to eat.” Ableson turned toward the professor. “I’ve ordered Jorge to bring a Servant right away.”

  The professor strolled closer to the cage, eyes never leaving Sweet. “And you believe that he will listen to you?”

  “Yes,” she said.

  Jorge entered the room, dragging an elderly, male House Servant. The Servant didn’t put up much of a fight. None of them did anymore. Not since it had become common knowledge that this monster didn’t kill.

  “We’ll soon see,” said the professor.

  Jorge and the Servant climbed the portable stairs that stood next to the enclosure. Jorge turned on the machine that lowered a small cage from the ceiling. Mutter circled near the surface, his stomach raging. As soon as the Servant saw the shadow in the water he froze.

  “Please, don’t do this.” The Servant began to struggle.

  “This is gonna happen.” Jorge shoved him into the cage. “I suggest you hold on.”

  The Guard pressed another button and the cage slid along the chains. As soon as it was over the center of the tank, Jorge flipped a switch and the bottom dropped out of the enclosure. The Servant clung to the rope that hung from the ceiling as the cage was lifted into the rafters.

  Sweet leaned on her elbows over the top of the tank, looking down at her clenched fists. “It’s o...okay. You c...can drop. He won’t...” Her claws dug into her palms and tiny droplets of blood fell into the tank.

  Mutter smelled the blood in the air, but he could almost taste it once it was in the water. He swam faster. He couldn’t wait for this Servant to drop. He glanced at Sweet. She nodded, tears streaming down her cheeks. He dove to the bottom and then upward as fast as he could. He was weak and tired, but excitement of the kill surged through him as he shot from the water. The Servant screamed as Mutter grabbed him around the thighs, yanking him from the safety of the rope and pulling him into the murky depths. He spun and spun until the Servant hung loose in his arms. He sank his teeth into the creature’s gut. Blood poured into the water as he tore off chunks and feasted.

  When he was full, he pulled the rest of the carcass to the bottom and stuffed it under a small ledge. He’d eat again later. Now, he wanted Sweet. He wanted to hold her close. He swam to the surface, the water dark and full of blood. Fear tripped across his spine. She’d seen everything. It was one thing to say it was okay and another to see it in all its glory and still feel the same. He hesitated, far enough below that she probably couldn’t see him. She stood at the edge of the tank, staring into the water. Her very presence drew him closer. There must have been some movement in the water, for she opened her arms. It was all the invitation he needed. He raced to the surface and climbed out of the tank and into her embrace.

  “He fed,” said Ableson, fear and shock in his voice.

  “So, he did,” said the professor. “He’s strong too. I wouldn’t have thought that he would’ve been able to make that jump, not after so many days without food.”

  “I told you, he’s a fighter,” said Ableson.

  The professor walked closer to the cage and looked directly at Mutter. “You’ve surprised me and that doesn’t happen very often. I didn’t believe that you could understand us at this point in your transformation.”

  Even though they were far away from the Almightys, Mutter couldn’t stop himself from shifting so that Sweet was behind him.

  “I don’t understand this bond between the two of you. If you were, had been, both Guards I could see, but interclass mating is pointless. You can’t reproduce.”

  His body trembled. He wanted to tear the professor’s head off his shoulders. She ran her hand up his back, soothing him.

  “Ableson wants me to change her. He thinks you might be able to produce offspring.”

  She stepped out from behind Mutter. “I want that too.”

  “Do you?” The professor studied her curiously.



  “What are my options? You won’t set me free.” She moved closer to the Almighty, Mutter right behind her. “So, I either change or become food. I prefer to change.”

  “You’re intelligent. Reasonable. We could use that quality in our...projects.”

  “Then let’s start the process,” said Ableson.

  “Hmm. His commitment to her could hamper our progress.”

  “How?” asked Ableson. “Once changed, they will definitely mate. That alone is progress.”

  “If we change her and they can’t reproduce it will set us back.” His eyes pierced Mutter. “I’m starting to believe that he won’t move on to another if she is available. Still....” The professor began to pace. “She is willing and intelligent.” He stopped pacing, his eyes falling on Sweet this time. “I could show you the options that you have. You don’t have to become”—he waved his hand at Mutter—“him.”

  “I don’t want to be something else. I want to be with him.” She wrapped her arm around Mutter, blushing slightly. “I promise. We will mate.”

  The professor moved closer to the cage. “But you are a Servant and he was a Guard. In your original state you could not produce viable offspring. Even once you’ve changed, you retain some qualities of your former self. We have a better chance with breeding between two Guards or two Servants who have transformed. Do you understand?”

  “I do.” Her voice cracked. “But please, let us try.”

  “I’ll think about it.” Conguise walked to the table and sat down.

  “Professor, we can separate them if it doesn’t work,” said Ableson.

  “I said I’d think about it.” The professor opened his notebook. “Tell the Guards to clean the tank.”

  “The Guards are cleaning Aranea18’s cage.” Ableson’s face paled.

  “Ah, yes. They have repairs to make too. That will take some time.” He tapped his finger on the monitor. “As soon as they are done then. I can’t see anything in that water now, even on the camera.”

  Mutter looked at Sweet. She shrugged. He should have suspected that they had cameras in his tank. He could find them and break them, but it no longer mattered if they saw him. All that mattered was her. He took her hand and led her to the side of the tank that was the farthest away from the Almightys. He sat down, pulling her close. He touched the dried tears on her cheeks. “So..ar..ee.”

  She kissed him as her hand rubbed his stomach. “Don’t be. You ate. We all have to eat.” She glanced at the tank. “Something always dies.” She kissed him again and rested her head against his heart.

  The next morning as soon as the professor left, Ableson waved her over. She gave him her arm and he took some of her blood. He walked to the table to view it under the microscope.

  “How...how’s it going?” she asked.

  “Slow.” He looked up from the microscope. “I mean, normal, which is good, but...if the professor finds out that I’m doing this he’s not going to be happy.”

  “He can’t stop the process, can he?”

  “Up to a point it is reversible then it is manageable and then”—he stared at the tank—“well, there is nothing we can do but let it progress until the end.”

  “Then hurry it along to that phase.”

  Mutter didn’t want them to hurry this process. It might not work right. The pain he’d gone through had been almost unbearable. He couldn’t imagine it happening faster, with no break. He rose, head and torso, out of the water and barked, a hoarse dry sound.

  “Holy...I never saw one do that before,” exclaimed Ableson.
  She ignored the Almighty and faced Mutter. “It’s the only way.” She turned back to Ableson. “The professor won’t kill me once I’ve changed will he?”

  “No. I don’t think so. He’ll be angry and I’ll be cleaning cages for months but he’ll be too curious to see if you can produce young to kill you. The others refused to mate.” He flushed. “I don’t think we’ll have that problem with the two of you.”

  “No, you won’t.”

  “I’ll give you another shot tonight, stronger.”

  That night as soon as Ableson fell asleep, Mutter retrieved a small bone from his tank and gave it to Sweet. She filed down the tip on the side of the stairs until it was thin and sharp. She tucked it into a small crevice under the tank when she was done.

  “Now, all we have to do is wait for me to change.”

  He pulled her close, wishing he could go through this for her.

  By the next morning, Sweet was running a high fever.

  “This is normal, right?” She stood at the cage door while Ableson checked her vitals. “Mutter ran a fever for days when we were at the grocer’s.”

  “Yes, this is part of the transformation.” He glanced at the door. “Conguise will be here shortly. Try and stay hidden. You don’t want to call attention to yourself if you can help it.”

  “Can it still be reversed?”

  “I think so.”

  The Guards came in with the professor. Scar carried the gun. Sweet hurried to the back of the cage.

  “Move the Servant to the other lab while you clean the tank,” said the professor.

  “I...I don’t think we should do this today,” said Ableson.

  “Why not? The Guards finished Aranea18’s enclosure last night.”

  “He’s still weak. We should feed him at least once more before we tranquilize him.”

  “We need to observe him and we can’t see anything in that water,” said the professor.

  “Ah...he spent most of the night at the top of the tank. Maybe, the water is too dirty even for him. We could use this time to see how they move at the surface.” Ableson threw a desperate glance at Mutter.

  He glared at the Almighty. If it weren’t for Sweet, he’d go directly to the bottom, but instead, he’d be spending his day doing tricks at the top to enthrall the Almightys. He swam in a couple of circles and then used his tail to lift his torso out of the water and swam backward.


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