Coast (Black Hawk MC Book 6)

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Coast (Black Hawk MC Book 6) Page 1

by Carson Mackenzie


  Black Hawk MC

  Book Six

  by Carson Mackenzie

  © Copyright December 2019 Carson Mackenzie

  Cover art and logo © December Copyright 2019 Carson Mackenzie

  All rights reserved.

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  This is a work of fiction. Any names, places, characters, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, organizations, events or locales are entirely coincidental.

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  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen


  Preview of Touched by Music


  About the Author

  Books by Carson



  I leaned against the clubhouse and watched the doctor dance with every brother who asked her. I wanted her in my arms, my bed, and my name echoing off the walls when I brought her to completion. It was her I wanted under me when my own release took my breath, and my heart pounded in my chest.

  Mackenzie avoided me at all cost since the day at the diner when I snapped at her about paying for lunch. I hadn’t known then what made me do it, but now, as I watched her head lean back while she laughed at something Bull said, it was because she had the ability to destroy me. I knew it the minute she walked out of her office building that day, and I’d laid eyes on her for the first time. So, I made the play for her. Even now, knowing she could crush me, I wasn’t going to be able to stay away from her much longer.

  I lost sight of Mac when the music stopped, and River and Jag moved to the front of everyone.

  “You boys are falling quickly. Been a long time since the clubhouse hosted a wedding celebration. Hell, I think it was when Dare married Shakes.”

  I glanced over at my dad as he leaned against the building beside me, then I turned back to watch River as she prepared to toss her flowers to the women who had started to form a group.

  “Figure we’ll see a few more before long. Maybe we can get the others to do it at the same time,” I said, and my dad, Cruz, chuckled.

  “Damn, I hope we don’t have to break up a bunch of women fighting over flowers.” I shook my head at my dad’s comment and watched the group of women laugh as they moved around each other to get into the best position.

  “Thelma’s in the group. Not worried she might catch it, are you?” I cocked my brow at my dad when he turned his head toward me.

  “You got something to ask me, Emery?”

  “Nope, so don’t get your back bent all out of shape. But Bull and Tank might think different.”

  “I’ll speak with them if the need arises. Neither she nor I need your boys’ permission. But out of respect because they are members of this club and Thelma’s sons, I’ll speak with them.” I grinned at my dad. “What?”

  “Doesn’t seem like ‘us boys’ are the only ones falling quickly. What happened to the ‘We’re going to do what we want, when we want, and enjoy taking off on our bikes whenever the road calls to us,’ speech?”

  “We still can. Just means a warm woman behind me on the bike and in the bed at night.”

  “Christ, Dad, you might not want to make that comment when you talk to Bull and Tank.”

  “I might be getting older, Emery, but I haven’t lost any of my brain function. And I plan to keep it, too.”

  “Yeah, it isn’t your brain I’m worried about, Dad. Now, your ability to move around after they get a hold of you—whole different thing.”

  “You’re such a fucking, smartass,” my dad said and chuckled.

  Loud laughter and squeals ended our conversation and had us looking toward the women just in time to watch the bundle of flowers arch and then disappear into the middle of the group. When the crowd separated, a grin split my face when I saw the flowers in Mac’s hands.

  “She’s a tough little thing to have gotten in there and come out the victor. Not bad on the eyes either, huh? You know, tradition would have her as the next bride. Be interesting to see who snags the garter.” I glanced at my dad and didn’t miss the smirk on his face.

  “What the hell does one have to do with the other?”

  “See, that’s what’s wrong with today’s world. Young people don’t give a shit about traditions. You’d think having knowledge at their fingertips with the internet and the search engines, their intelligence would be advanced to a whole new level. No, instead, everything offends them and then they need time off because of it. Don’t even get me started on trophies for participation.”

  “Really? I had no clue my dad was a stickler for wedding traditions, and an analyst on the problems with today’s youth,” I said to get my dad away from the subject of Mac, and because I just liked getting him going. It didn’t take much to send the man into a tangent. I laughed when he smacked my stomach with the back of his hand.

  “You’ve always been mouthy. What can I say, I know a lot of shit. Granted, some is useful, and some just takes up space in my head.” We both chuckled, then my dad continued. The more he talked, the more my grin spread.

  “You know, I might be able to work with that,” I said. The information that my dad shared appealed to me. If nothing else, it’d give me an opportunity to touch Mac.

  “I thought you might find it interesting.” My dad winked. “And perfect timing for it, too,” he added with a chin lift. When I followed the direction he pointed toward, I watched the women set a chair down, then wave River over to stand beside it. They proceeded to point where they wanted the men, who stood nearby, to move.

  I pushed off the wall of the clubhouse. “Thanks for the chat, old man. And the information,” I said as I placed a hand on his neck and planted a kiss on his forehead, then released him.

  “What the hell was that for, Emery?”

  “Everything you’ve ever done for me.” I turned to leave when his hand landed on my shoulder. I turned my head to the side and glanced over my shoulder at him.

  “Son, you’ll always be the best thing to happen in my life. Don’t ever forget that.”

  I stared at my dad, reached my hand out, and placed it on top of his. “I think that’s my line.” I squeezed his hand. “You’ve always been there for me, no matter what. Even when you may have disagreed with my choices or a decision I made. I hope you know that goes both ways. You decide to pursue Thelma, I’m in your corner. And I’ll have your back if Bull and Tank give you shit over it.”

  When I let go of his hand, he removed his from my shoulde
r and slapped me on the back. “Go join the others before we get any mushier.”

  “But I love ya, old man,” I said, grinning, then started to walk away.

  “Love you, son.”

  I was still smiling as I walked toward the grumbling and complaining group of men.

  “I give this party no more than fifteen minutes after the kids are taken home to get out of hand. Two-thirds of the brothers are already drunk off their asses,” Flirt said as I moved to stand beside him while he waved his hand in front of us to the group of unattached brothers the women had gathered together. Most of them swayed on their feet as they grumbled. Though, I found it amusing that not one moved from where the women told them to stand.

  “It will be good as long as they don’t make any fast moves. Otherwise, we could be untangling them for days,” I said just as Bull grabbed the back of Tank’s vest when he tilted forward.

  “Damn women, I didn’t want any part of this either.” Flirt pointed to Carly, Sami, Bailey, and Luna as they stood in front of the group. “‘Oh, just do it. He’s your brother. It’s his and River’s day.’ That was Carly’s speech, then Sami’s and Luna’s eyes watered up, because pregnancy hormones are a bitch, and then Speed and Ghost glared at me as if daring me to hurt the women’s feelings. And Bailey, she didn’t say a word, just pointed to where I needed to go. So yeah, here I am with these drunk bastards, wondering when we all lost our dicks and grew vaginas.”

  I snorted and wondered how much Flirt had drank.

  “Yet, you’re standing here bitching like a woman,” Ghost said as he walked up and smacked Flirt on the back. I chuckled when Flirt flipped him off.

  “Fuck you, Ghost. You’re only saying that because I didn’t hear them harassing you or the others into this crap. A matter of fact, after the women got their way and corralled us, your asses scattered,” Flirt griped.

  “Hey, it’s for unattached brothers, which we are not. But I’m not ashamed to admit that goddamn straight we got the hell away. And I plan to keep away from the women in case they change their minds. Devil mentioned that he, Crusher, Speed, and I needed to restock the bar and coolers before the after-the-kids-hour party gets started.” Ghost chuckled and started toward the clubhouse. Where I would guarantee the others were already hiding since not one was in sight as I glanced around.

  “Sad day when bikers hide from a group of women!” I yelled.

  Ghost laughed, never missing a step as he yelled over his shoulder. “Being a biker ain’t got shit to do with it. Getting hot sex later because our women are feeling all romantic and shit—everything.”

  Flirt and I both laughed and watched Ghost beeline for the backdoor of the clubhouse.

  “He’s come a long way since you brought him home with you, Flirt.” I shook my head as we watched Ghost stop at the backdoor and look around, then he slipped into the clubhouse.

  “I’m not going to lie. There were days I wondered if my old friend would ever reappear. I knew he was struggling, and it sucked ass not being able to help him. Running into Luna couldn’t have come at a better time for him. Don’t know how much longer he would have lasted if she hadn’t come back into his life.”

  “Can’t deny our brothers are proof of what a good woman can do for you,” I said while I looked around for Mac and saw her standing off to the side.

  “If you see that, then what the fuck are you waiting for, Coast? You’ve never held back when you wanted something. Not understanding why you’re holding off now. Especially if you can have the chance at what the others have found.”

  The whistles and catcalls had Flirt and me facing toward the front of the crowd where River sat in the chair, and Jag knelt in front of her. The sounds resulted because her dress slid halfway up her thigh when Jag lifted one of her legs and rested her foot on his shoulder.

  We watched our brother as he ran his hands from River’s ankle, up her leg until he reached the garter she wore around mid-thigh. He popped the band but left it where it was and ran his hands back down her leg. Boos erupted, and Jag turned toward the crowd and smirked, then turned back, placed his lips at River’s ankle, and proceeded to kiss and nibble his way up her leg.

  “Good grief, I’m going inside until this is over. One investigation in a man’s career is plenty,” Sheriff Lance mumbled as he moved past Flirt and me. We waited until he was out of earshot before we laughed.

  “Hope to hell he isn’t packing. Things could get out of hand.”

  “Jag’s safe. Will actually likes him. And I don’t think the investigation bothered him as much as the fact the ex-son-in-law still breathes. That pisses him off more than anything,” I said as hoots and hollers filled the air and grew louder as River blushed and covered her face with her hands.

  “Yeah, and it wouldn’t look good to kill his grandbaby’s daddy.”

  “There is that,” I answered just as Jag’s mouth reached the garter on River’s thigh. He used his teeth to grab hold of it, then worked it down River’s leg until he had it off. After he pulled her hands from her face and kissed her on the lips, he stood.

  “You know, sometimes I don’t give my dad enough credit,” I said, and Flirt looked at me, and his brows furrowed.

  “For what?” Just as Flirt asked, Jag used the pointer finger on each of his hands and launched the garter slingshot style into the air.

  “Reminding me that some traditions are important to keep up with.” I chuckled as I watched my brothers shoved each other around.

  “What the hell are you talking about, Coast?” Flirt asked as we watched the pushing and shoving going on in front of us.

  “That both sides of me are full of superstitions and traditions.” The garter began to fall, and I stepped into the middle of the fray, raised my arm, and used my hand to snatch it out of the air. When I pulled back and stood with the garter in my hand, Flirt shook his head.

  “What’s gotten into you, brother?” Flirt looked at me as if I’d lost my damn mind.

  Honestly, maybe I had, ‘cause most men would walk away if a woman dodged them as often as Mac had done to me the last few months.

  “Working on a strategy,” I answered while I looked around until I spotted Mac where she stood with the other women and clapped as Jag lifted River up and carried her off.

  Flirt and I were silent as we watched the couple stop where Flyboy, Jag’s dad, stood with Poppy in his arms. Jag’s baby girl’s giggles when Jag leaned in and kissed all over her small face had me smiling.

  “How soon do you think it will take before Flyboy is calling Shakes or one of the other women to help with Pop?” Flirt asked while we continued to watch the interaction between Jag and his daughter before he led River toward the road to our houses. They were spending the night on the compound, then leaving in the morning for a few days away before River started her teaching job at the school.

  “The dads handled us as kids. I think Flyboy can take care of one little girl,” I said while I focused my eyes back on the woman who had held my attention for months.

  “You’re right, but we’ve learned with Ally and Neely that girls are way different than boys,” Flirt countered.

  “Brother, you have issues if it took you that long to realize they’re different,” I smirked while Flirt glared.

  “Hilarious. Now let’s get back to you realizing both sides of your bloodline are known to follow various traditions. From my perspective, it sounds to me like you might finally have found your balls, brother,” Flirt said and slapped my shoulder.

  “Never lost them. But I did remember patience was never my strong point.”

  Flirt’s laughter followed me as I started closing the distance between myself and what I wanted.


  Mac looked up at me when I stepped in front of her. Then when I squatted, she frowned.

  “You’re going to want to hold on to my shoulders, Mac.”

  Without waiting for her to comply, I grabbed one of her legs and lifted it, which left her no choice but to
grab hold of my shoulders if she wanted to keep her balance.

  “Umm, damn,” Luna said.

  Sami followed with, “Holy shit.”

  “What are you doing, Emery?” Mac asked as I slid the garter over her shoe. “Oh my God, stop gawking and do something to help me.”

  I would have chuckled at the desperate plea to the women if I hadn’t found myself having to concentrate on the task of slipping the garter on her. And I hadn’t thought how touching her skin intimately would affect me as much as her. Not to mention the subtleness of her perfume wrapping around me.

  “Mackenzie, you’ve been around the men enough to know they don’t follow orders well,” Carly said and chuckled.

  I grinned as I glanced up and saw Mac glaring at Carly, then she looked at Bailey. “Really? A friend, plus you work for me?”

  “Yes, and you can thank me later for not interfering.” Bailey winked at me, and I chuckled when Mac mumbled “traitor.”

  “Well, I think it would be a good time for us to find our men,” Carly said, and the other women agreed.

  “I can’t believe you are deserting me,” Mac said, sounding a little disgruntled, which made me smile.

  She huffed when Luna said, “You look like you’re in quite capable hands.”

  “I agree. Let’s go find our men,” Bailey said and grabbed Luna’s elbow and started to lead her away.

  I knew it was wrong, but the women were helping me out, so I said over my shoulder, “You’ll find your men in the clubhouse—hiding out.” The women grumbled and headed in the direction of the clubhouse. That would teach the assholes.

  “I can’t believe you threw your friends under the—” Mac never finished her sentence when I started to slowly slide the band up her leg.

  The feel of her smooth skin under my hands had me biting back a groan. I wanted to place her off balance, and the shiver that ran through her body and the change in the tone of her voice, let me know I succeeded.

  “Emery,” Mac said breathlessly as I paused at her knee and caressed the tender skin behind before I moved the garter over the small cap of her knee.


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