Spirit of the Earth

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Spirit of the Earth Page 2

by Adriadne LeFox

  “Woah, easy girl. No harm. Just wanted to get to know you.” He held his hands up in surrender before taking one small step back. It wasn’t much, but it was something.

  I slammed my locker closed then looked down at my map, trying to figure out where my homeroom was located.

  I felt someone leaning over me, but when I looked up, I had the two guys standing in front of me, rather closely, I might add. So, who was the person behind me? Slowly, turning around, I looked up, and up, and up, into the eyes of my savior from earlier.

  His face was still handsome, so it wasn’t the adrenaline running through me at the time that caused me to hallucinate. “Are these two dumbasses bothering you?” His voice was like silk across skin, soothing and melodic, almost hypnotizing. Humor laced his words as he glanced up at the two idiots in question.

  I shrugged, “Nah, I can handle two hormone-fueled teenage boys. Do you care to make it three?” My hand with my schedule and map went to my hip as I cocked it to the side, wrinkling the paper, the sound of the paper crackling was lost amongst the sounds of students slamming lockers and talking, but we seemed to have our own little bubble right here in front of my locker. “Are you three an item or something, just run in the same circles, what? I am mildly curious since you all decided to gang up on me before school’s even started. I think this is a record.” I shoved my way past them before they answered me, bringing my map up again to figure out where to go. When I had a general idea, I took off, leaving the dumbfounded men behind. My brother always called me a whirlwind, leaving people in my wake with looks of confusion or anger. I am just good like that.




  First, I caught her as she was falling, and her scent invaded my nose, strawberries mixed with spearmint. And the way she spoke to me—like she wasn’t afraid like her body wasn’t telling her there was a predator nearby… she was a firecracker in the best way possible. I had to get to know her. The gang would want to get to know her. She was unlike anything I had ever encountered in my long life.

  Her black hair was braided back from her face and long enough to tickle her lower back. I wanted to grip that braid, pull her to me, and devour her in the middle of the hallway. When she glared at me, with her blue eyes—blue like the ocean on a stormy day—it was like she could see through me and shoot sparks through my body—all with just a look. I was hooked solid on her. Kyler and Keegan will want to know about her too. I couldn’t keep her to myself, not with Dylan and Branden right here with me.

  Oh, I did enjoy watching her walk away though. Her tight jeans hugged her curves and embraced that ass like I wanted to do. And those legs, they just kept on going.

  When she finally turned a corner, and I could no longer see her, it felt like the spell was broken. “What the fuck?” I stammered out. If my heart could beat, it would be racing. I turned to my brothers, not by blood, but by a solid friendship. They seemed to be trying to blink out of the same spell I was stuck in. We were all enthralled by the beautiful enchantress with a sassy mouth I wouldn’t mind fucking. I could envision her plump lips wrapped around my cock, bobbing away, taking me all in, going all the way to the base. And now I have a fucking boner.

  Dylan was the next one to come out, but I don’t think his wits were fully caught up yet. When he turned to me with a sappy grin on his face, I couldn’t help the groan that escaped from my lips. “Rhy, that girl is something else.”

  All I could do was smirk, right before slapping them both upside the head, turning my smirk into a full-blown grin. “Snap out of it, you two. She is just a girl… a really hot girl who won’t give us the time of day. It’s the classic ‘you want what you can’t have’ episode. So, let’s go find Keegan and Kyler before classes start.”

  I turned away from the direction the girl went and started off. If only it were as easy as that to get her out of my mind.


  As I stepped into my homeroom class, the bell rang overhead, causing me to jump. I looked around to see if anyone noticed, and saw that every single person in that room was staring at me. My heart started beating an irregular rhythm in my chest, causing me to feel slightly woozy. I hated being the center of attention.

  “Might want to step inside the classroom.” The husky voice behind me did not help with the startlement I was feeling.

  I turned my head to look at the stranger, and my heart stopped. What was with all the sexy, hunky men at this school? His almond-shaped eyes were a light brown color, almost a hazel mixed with chocolate. My eyes moved down to his lips. His top lip was slightly slimmer than his bottom, but it looked good with his face. His dark hair verged on black, tied back behind his head somewhere. He was sex on a stick. My mouth opened before my brain fully kicked in, obviously, since I apparently must reboot my brain. “What if I like the attention of standing in the doorway?”

  He moved to my side; his arm went around my shoulders. “Then let me bask in your glow with you. I can tell why they would stare, though. There is something about you.” He shot me a wink.

  I slipped out from under his arm and moved to one of the empty desks in the back. To my dismay and pleasure—not that I would admit that out loud—he followed me and sat in the desk beside me.

  Turning in my seat to face him, I asked with sarcasm dripping heavily through my voice, “Can I help you?”

  The boy lounged down into his desk, not that I knew how that could even be remotely comfortable. “I wanted to see what has my friends all acting weird. I think I know why, possibly, but you still confuse me.”

  “How do I confuse you? You don’t know me. And are you even in this class?” I snapped out each question in a rapid-fire motion. “Did you seriously come looking for me?”

  He chuckled. “Nah, I actually have this class as my homeroom first thing in the morning. I was actually looking for you in the hallway. But you were nowhere to be found. So, I came to class and low and behold, here you are. It’s like fate.” He crossed his arms over his athletically built chest. I didn’t know how else to describe it. It was like he lifted weights, but he wasn’t one to overdo it and make his chest disproportionate to the rest of his body.

  I growled at him. “I don’t believe in fate. And you didn’t answer my question. How do I confuse you?”

  Right at that moment, the final bell rang, and the teacher walked in wearing grey slacks and a flowery blouse. Her heels clicked on the linoleum floor, echoing around the room. I turned back around in my seat to face the front. But I could still feel his eyes on the side of my head. Shooting one last glare at him before the teacher got to the front, I felt slightly better.

  “Good morning, everyone.” Our teacher set her brown leather bag on her chair before picking up a sheet of paper off her desk. “We have a new student today. Kristen, can you stand up?”

  I snorted at her mispronunciation of my name. “Not likely now, nor ever, will I be standing for the class to talk about myself,” I muttered quietly. It must not have been low enough, because several students around me started snickering as they looked my way.

  “Kristen, can you stand and tell us where you are from?” She asked again.

  “It’s Keer-stin.” I sounded it out like she was stupid. Of course, in my opinion, she was stupid when she didn’t get the fact I was not standing when I didn’t get up at her first call.

  “I apologize, Kirsten.” She looked back at her sheet, then at me expectantly.

  Snorting again, not very lady-like, I’ll admit, I threw her a bone. “I can’t tell you where I am from.”

  “What, then, you’ll have to kill us?” A student shot at me.

  An evil grin grew on my face, “Exactly.” Then I threw him a wink. That student immediately turned around, trying to not look at me again. I could not help smiling at the little fun I was having.

  “You are something wicked, aren’t you, Kirsten?” My newfound stalker leaned towards me. “I think you even have Ms. Ross a little flustered. Way to g
o. No one can seem to do that to her.”

  I felt myself start to heat up at his compliment. I was glad I was not pale and that my darker skin tone could hide it. Too bad I decided to braid my hair back, or I would have my hair to hide behind too.

  Ms. Ross surely did look a little perturbed by the things I was saying. She tried to brush it off, but I could tell that I threw off her routine. That’s me, the one to push people off their habitual practices. It made life more fun. Well, at least for me it did. I chuckled to myself at my thoughts.

  I felt a tickle across the top of my hand as the teacher started pulling things out of her bag. Looking down, my annoying neighbor was trying to pass me a note. I had to admit; I felt a little giddy. This was my first time being passed a note meant for me. Snagging the thing before the teacher could see, I quickly unfolded it.

  My name is Kyler. Nice to meet you. Love the sarcasm. Works for you.

  Hiding a smile, I bent over to grab a pen from my bag. My black hair fell over my shoulder to brush across the ground. Annoyed, I threw it back over my shoulder, where it landed with a thump. I sat back up and got to work on the note.

  Kyler, I do not know what you are talking about. Plus, you never answered my question.

  Passing it back to him covertly, I stared straight ahead. Ms. Ross was standing at the whiteboard, talking about resumes and cover letters. I already knew how to do that, so I just observed my classmates. They varied in style, looks, and outward personalities as they whispered amongst each other. We weren’t the only ones passing notes either. This was one thing I always did at a new school, observe. You could deduce a lot about a person just by watching them. I could tell I was the topic of many of the students’ conversations. It bothered me since I had no idea what they were saying, and I did not have enough control over my powers to even do a spell to know what they were saying. Shrugging that off was difficult as Kyler passed the note back to me, the page looking less and less crisp with all the unfolding and refolding.

  You are confusing to me because of the way you act around people versus acting while you think no one is watching. One gives the impression that you don’t give a flying rat’s ass what is said about you, and the other tells me that you catalog everything to be later used as ammo to protect yourself. You have this armor around you. Do you ever let anyone in?

  That was a deeply personal insight into my psyche that I didn’t need anyone else noticing. I did have armor; it was called sarcasm and a strong bullshit meter. It was my best defense against bullies. But occasionally they do get under my skin and dig in deep. That’s when my power comes out to play.

  Nice try. Do you do this with all the new girls? Is this your way to try to get in my pants? Because let me tell you. It’s not working.

  When I passed it back, the student that I had threatened was watching me. One corner of my mouth lifted in my trademark ‘don’t fuck with me’ smirk. He turned back around quickly, keeping his head down and started writing furiously in his notebook. I couldn’t help the snicker that slipped past my lips. I did have to admit; it was boring to wait for the note to come back. Patience was not one of my virtues… well, I don’t think I had any virtues, honestly. Turning my attention to Ms. Ross, I zoned out until the brush of a piece of paper being slipped under my hand snapped me out of it.

  First of all, you are the first new person we have had in a couple of years. So, no, I don’t do this with the new girls. You are a first. Secondly, I am not trying to get in your pants. I am not a hit-it-and-quit-it kind of guy. You don’t really know me either. But I found something else about you that you use for armor. You are rather quick to jump to conclusions and make up your own assumptions. I find it rather entertaining.

  My pen moved quickly over the page. I do not make up assumptions, nor am I entertaining. Not in the least. Now I found myself flirting a little with the banter going on between us, and I actually found that I was enjoying myself. If anyone is entertaining, it’s you with your psycho-babble. It’s meaningless and unfounded.

  I placed the note back on his desk just as the bell rang.

  “Remember, class; I want a rough draft of your resume by tomorrow.” Ms. Ross’s words washed over me as I picked up my bag and headed out the door.




  I could tell I was the new kid in school. Wherever I went, I had eyes following me. Guys looked at me with lust while the ladies shot me glares of jealousy. Those looks alone told me I was not going to fly under the radar anytime soon. My brother won’t be happy with me when I get home. He is going to hear all about the new girl who sticks out like a sore thumb. Hopefully, he was getting the same treatment.

  He could always blend into the background better than I could. It was a trait I wished I had, now more than ever. As I entered the lunchroom, the buzz of chatter died down. A shiver of unease passed through me. My name was on everyone’s lips. I was the hot topic for lunchroom discussions today, and it made me feel even more uncomfortable.

  I could feel my brother come up behind me. “Way to stay low, sis.” He whispered in my ear. Something must have made his day already since he seemed to be in good spirits, at least. “Kir, you turn heads just by walking in a room. There is no sneaking anywhere for you.” I felt a shove against my lower back as he entered. He wanted me to continue in and not make an even bigger scene. Not like it was my fault to begin with.

  I made my way to an empty table with my favorite book and bagged lunch. Keeping an eye on my brother, so he didn’t join me, I watched him join the jocks' table. Because of course, he has already made friends, I thought to myself as I sat down at my lonely table. I was the only one ever to be warned to keep my head down. I was the one told to not draw attention to myself. No one ever said he couldn’t make friends. Of course, he had full control of his magic. He was able to use it to his advantage during sports, with his gift for all things air. It made him great at anything that flies, basketball, football, baseball… anything with balls, really. I snorted at my little joke. Those jocks were going to be in for an awakening when they realized he only played sports so he could see the guys changing in the locker room. My brother was as gay as they come without flaunting it. I guess you could call him a masculine gay guy.

  Brushing my brother and his inclinations from my thoughts, I pulled out my carrots, munching away as I opened my book to the last place I put my marker. This story always drew me in, what with the romance and the guy saving the girl. I was a total sucker for that, even if I thought it was sappy too. Sometimes you needed a badass heroine.

  “Interesting read.” Kyler sat across from me, his sudden appearance startling me enough that I dropped my book, losing my place.

  In revenge, I threw my half-eaten carrot at him. “Stop scaring me.” I hissed. His chuckle made my insides squirm. I told them to back down since I only had a small conversation with him, and it wasn’t insightful enough to even break the ice. My heart dropped right down into my core when he picked up the carrot off the table and started nibbling on it, his delectable lips wrapping around the little orange baby veggie. His long, elegant fingers dwarfed it.

  My hero from this morning sat down next to me, taking up my valuable personal space. “What are we laughing about?”

  Kyler used the nub of carrot to point at me. “She scares easy. Plus, she threw a carrot at me.”

  I was still watching the newcomer warily, so I didn’t see the other guy sit on my other side, nor the one who sat to Kyler’s left, out of my peripheral vision.

  “Isn’t that veggie abuse?” My head flipped around to see the bad boy in the leather jacket with the quiff hair. It almost gave me whiplash, but I think I did get a crick. Reaching up to rub my neck, my eyes ping-ponged between the four guys. The one next to Kyler was new. I didn’t meet that one yet, which made me wonder where the fifth was. This new one had the most dazzling blue eyes, like the sky on a summer’s day, framed by thick lashes a girl would kill for. His medium-brown hair
, like milk chocolate, hung over his forehead in a messy, curly mass. Just with him sitting there, I could tell he was going to be taller than me by more than a head. But he was also one of the slimmer ones of the guys.

  “Um…” Real smooth Kirsten. My eyes couldn’t stop moving from them all. It was hotness overload, so my brain didn’t want to work, and apparently neither did my mouth, which was a first.

  The last guy that I had already met with the man bun sat down to Kyler’s right. Him I’d met but didn’t know his name. Come to think of it; I only knew Kyler’s name.

  My eyes bounced between the five guys, curiosity battling with the need to be alone. “Can I help you?” I seriously couldn’t help what came out of my mouth. It was a curse, I know.

  The guy to my right started laughing. His sharp canines flashing in the fluorescent lighting above us, and his golden-amber eyes flashed. “Kyler, we are keeping this one. She’s funny.”

  I had to roll my eyes at that. “I’m not a piece of property to be claimed, asshole,” I muttered. They all must have heard me because there were laughs around the table, loud bursts from my right-hand man, quiet chuckles from Kyler and laughs in between from the other three. “I didn’t think I was that funny either…”

  The leather jacket-wearing bad boy on my left was the first to quiet down enough to talk. “I apologize for Rhydian. He has a constant case of foot to mouth disease. He doesn’t always think before he speaks.” Sounded a lot like me, I thought. “I’m Branden. I never caught your name this morning.”

  “I never gave it.” I retorted. “But it’s Kirsten.”

  Man-bun smiled shyly. “That’s a pretty name.” It seemed like that was all he was going to say to me until I raised my eyebrow at him. “Dylan.” His voice was a little soft.

  I turned to the last guy at the table. “And that leaves you the odd man out. You are?”


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