Spirit of the Earth

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Spirit of the Earth Page 4

by Adriadne LeFox

  “Go find us a table, and I will bring the coffees over when they are ready.” When she nodded absentmindedly, I pointed my chin in the directions of the tables. She left, still twisting her braid around and looking lost in thought.




  I dodged around tables as I made my way to one in the far corner, isolated in the mostly empty coffee shop. When I saw the coffee shop, I figured Keegan would want out of the growing snowstorm that was building up. I know I did. Kyler needed to stop sending these boys out in this weather, or he was going to get them all sick. Then I would feel bad enough that I would attempt to heal them, only for it all to get fucked up. I would expose myself again, and we would have to move. It would break a record on how fast we’d be out of here, though… not that it’s a good thing. But it would be funnier down the road.

  Pulling the seat out for myself, I sat down heavily, blowing some warmth into my freezing hands. I had to pull my finger away from my braid, yet again, to do that, but I was cold, and my hair was going to break if I kept tugging on it. It’s not like it would help clear up my thoughts about these guys. It’s another reason I went into the coffee shop. I figured I could talk to Keegan while we warmed up.

  It was like my thoughts conjured him, and he had the nectar of the gods in his hands. I bounced up out of my seat to take my drink and free up one of his hands so he could pull out his chair. Popping open the lid, I inhaled the scent of freshly brewed coffee, black like my soul, or that’s how my brother always described it. Kian liked the mocha fraps from Starbucks and other franchised coffee houses, where I just liked a good strong brew, no added flavors, or sweetness. I exhaled in pure bliss, my eyes fluttering closed at the steam rising above the dark liquid.

  “Should I leave you alone with your coffee?” My eyes flew open with Keegan’s sarcastic remark.

  “Har dee har har. You think you are so witty.” I gave him an exaggerated eye roll for emphasis. “What’s got you out in this storm, anyway, besides following me?”

  Keegan looked taken aback, startled that I discovered his propensity for stalking. Not that he was being as stealthy as he may have thought. I do have to admit; it took me a little longer to figure out I was being tailed this time. Still, I didn’t think I was going to be followed so soon after Dylan and my mind was on another plane of existence—figuratively speaking… I don’t think my mind can actually do that in real life. But how would I know when I am kept to little spells that won’t blow anything up if done wrong? Keegan seemed to be at a loss for words when his mouth opened and closed a few times.

  I just smiled sweetly at him, waiting to see if anything came out of his mouth before finally giving up. Sighing inwardly, I let him off the hook. “That’s fine. No, it’s not fine that you were following me like a creepy stalker, nor the fact that Kyler has you and Dylan out in this weather just to keep an eye on me. If he is so worried about me, he can stalk me himself, and I can be having this discussion with him. Instead, I have you, and I'll have to trust you to pass on my words to him as accurately as possible. Think you can do that or do you need to call him and have him meet us here? I am good with either one.” I paused for dramatic effect, waiting to see if he actually would answer me. I don’t know if I was disappointed or not when he didn’t. He wouldn’t even look me in the eye. “How about next time he sends you to watch me, you can actually come up to me and watch me while doing something, like walking beside me or coming inside my house where it’s warmer. This way, you don’t catch a cold while waiting for something uninteresting to happen. I am assuming it isn’t just worrying for me that has his panties in a bunch. He wants to see if there is anything strange with the new girl. See if I give anything away that can either be used against me or used to get closer to me? Why doesn’t he just ask?”

  Keegan perked up. “I can tell him all he has to do is ask then.”

  I held up a finger. “I am not promising to answer his questions, but I will at least attempt to answer what I can.” Leaning forward, my breasts resting on the table’s surface, I whispered to him, “But if he doesn’t like the answers I do provide, he can go fuck himself.”

  I got a snort in response. “Sounds fair enough. I can call him now, and he can give us a lift back to your place if you are comfortable with that.”

  I shrugged my shoulders. “I’m good with it. If he really wants to know so much about me, he will be okay with it too. Get him on the phone so that we can get out of here. The work crowd is coming in.” It was still dead, but I had this feeling that more people were coming and quickly. I pulled out my phone to check the time. It was a little after three, so there would be a few businesses letting their employees out, and they would want coffee to drink while their’s brewed at home. Shaking myself out of the tangent my mind was drawing me towards; I turned my attention back to Keegan as he sat there with his face turned towards his cell. When he lifted it to his ear, I perked up and tried to listen in.

  “Can you come pick up Kirsten and me?” There was a pause while he listened to the other end of the line. “No, we are at Cosmic Coffee… Yes, off Commercial… Thank you, Kyler. I don’t want her out in the coming storm. She decided she didn’t need to dress warmly when she left the house… Yeah, we will wait.” He tapped his screen, then slipped it back into his front pocket. “He is on his way. Won’t take him long.” Keegan turned his attention back towards me, and I tried to make it look like I wasn’t trying to eavesdrop on the conversation, not that I heard much, just his side.

  My phone was still in my hand, so I turned my attention towards that. “I’ll check that my mom won’t be home anytime soon. She might get a little weirded out with me bringing two guys home after my first day of school. It’s out of character.” I tapped away at my screen, pulling up my mom’s contact information and shooting her a quick text.

  Do you know what time you are going to be home?

  It took a few moments, but my phone binged, letting me know I had a text.

  Probably a little after six, why?

  No reason. I just made a couple friends, and they are coming over after school if that’s okay with you?

  See, you can make friends. I could hear her pride just from the words she sent me. It made me feel a little bad about fibbing. Go ahead. And order some pizza. I’m feeling like a pizza night tonight.

  Thank you, Mom.

  “She’s okay with you guys coming over. She won’t be home ‘til after six.” I looked up to see Kyler striding through the door, sending the little bell tinkling merrily. “Look who’s here,” I replied sarcastically. I don’t know why I felt the need to be so defensive around him, but something felt dangerous about him, like with Rhydian and Branden. But it all felt different between the three. Rhydian felt like a predator about to pounce, like a jungle cat. Branden felt as primal as a hunter. But then there was Kyler, who I couldn’t describe precisely what made me feel hunted around him. It was almost an instinctual fear that always had my defenses up, ready to attack at the slightest provocation.

  Kyler sauntered up to our table, his arms relaxed with his fingertips resting inside the front pockets of his tight black jeans. I could see his athletically toned thighs clad in the black denim, and it made my hunger rear up. I had to push it down because I was not into being killed by someone I felt sexually attracted to. “You two ready to go?” His smoky voice had me tightening my thighs together, trying to create some kind of pressure to offset the molten core that rested below my belly.

  “I’ve been ready. You are just really slow to catch up.” And there goes the mouth. Good mouth, that’s what you can do to dispel this stirring I felt towards this dangerous stranger. Be a sarcastic bitch, because that is what I am good at. Keegan gave me a look I could not interpret, so I ignored it as I stood up, gulping down the last of my coffee, leaving my tongue feeling very hot and slightly burnt. Now my food would have a weird taste, and I’d have that weird film on my tongue from drinking something too ho
t. My throat didn’t escape unscathed either. I cringed as I felt the searing liquid make its way down, eventually cooling enough that I couldn’t feel it. “Let’s go.” I croaked.

  Keegan snickered at the face I was making as he too stood up. His coffee wasn’t even finished yet when he took his cup and mine and tossed it in the trash on his way out the door, buttoning up his dark wool jacket at the door.

  “That’s just wrong,” I muttered sullenly. No one just throws away coffee. It is way beyond just wrong. It’s abhorrent to even consider, and Keegan just did it. I had a feeling we would get into a few heated debates if we continued this acquaintanceship.

  I nearly forgot Kyler was there in my internal venting spree until he chuckled. “That’s Keegan for you. He thinks he is a rebel.”

  “Rebel my ass. He's a heathen.” I walked next to Kyler as we made our way out of the heated shop, stepping into the wind that had picked up while we were inside warming up. Kyler was even a gentleman and held the door open for me. “No sane person throws away good coffee—or any coffee for that matter. I don’t care what their excuse is. That is coffee abuse.” I always got a little heated when it was a topic I was passionate about, and coffee was coffee.

  Kyler held his hands up in surrender. “I’m not arguing against your logic. Keegan does what he wants, despite what we say.”

  I turned on him. “So, it was his idea to follow me from my house in a growing blizzard?”

  “This isn’t a blizzard. Just a mild snowstorm. You’ll know when we have a blizzard.” He was still avoiding questions, and it was beyond frustrating.

  “When we have a blizzard? Not if? That’s messed up. I just came here from Alabama, and there was no snow. And you didn’t answer my question again. If I am going to be answering questions, so are you all.” I crossed my arms over my chest as I followed him to his vehicle, which turned out to be a Dodge Durango SRT. It was a nice SUV and had me a little green with envy. Mom was still looking at getting me a vehicle, but I hadn’t found the right one yet. Looking at Kyler’s rig made me kind of want one for myself.

  Keegan was nice enough to climb into the back seat, leaving the front for me. I skipped through the growing snow, stopping at the door to the front passenger side, yanking it open and scrambling inside. I didn’t think it was normally this high, but the tires were larger, looking like an after-market addition. Not that I knew anything about vehicles, but my brother was a little crazy for cars, so I knew some. Keegan sat back in his seat once I climbed in and was seated fully in the bucket seat.

  I didn’t realize Kyler had followed me over to the passenger side, and I froze when I went to reach for the door, and he was just standing there, holding the door. “Because that is not creepy at all, Kyler. Either let me shut the door or shut it yourself. I’m cold.”

  Kyler shut the door hard, rocking the vehicle slightly side to side. I watched him walk around the front of the Durango and easily climb into his seat. But he had to be like six feet or maybe taller. They all had to be over six feet tall since they towered over me, and I wasn’t exactly short. Last time I had myself checked, I was a proud five feet six inches, but that was also three years ago, and the pants I wore back then were all too short on me now, even if they fit in the hips.

  I watched Kyler and Keegan share a look before Keegan pulled out his phone and started tapping furiously away. I studied them both skeptically as Kyler pulled out of the parking lot and started heading towards my house. How he knew where I lived was really a thorn in my side since I apparently couldn’t go anywhere without someone being there.

  I really wanted to know what that silent communication was about, but I don’t think I was going to get any answers out of either of them right now.


  I felt her power even stronger the moment I stepped inside the coffee shop. The need to know was burning inside me. When Keegan and I looked towards each other, it was like we both knew what had to happen. We needed the others to meet at Kirsten’s house. If we wanted her to open up to all her secrets, we may need to give her a glimpse into our world. This was not going to be easy on anyone involved—Kirsten especially. I had a feeling that she was a bit naïve to other supernaturals. But we were about to find out, and get some much-needed answers along the way.





  I was a little surprised to get the text from Keegan, saying that Kyler wanted us all to meet them at Kirsten’s house. Kyler apparently was thinking about outing us to the beautiful vixen, but only if need be, and we all needed to be there for something like that. Plus, Kirsten was agreeing to answer questions, so long as we answered hers. So much for staying behind the scenes. Hard to spy when the person knows you’re there. Scrambling to get dressed again after getting into sweats when I got home, I threw on the first thing I lay my hands on and grabbed my leather jacket. Keegan made it sound pretty urgent, so I was not wasting any time. I snagged my keys on the way out the door, not bothering to lock it as I slammed it shut. I slipped and slid as I hopped off the deck and sprinted to my Honda Ridgeline truck. That beauty was a birthday gift from my mother when I turned sixteen, and it was great for the weird weather here in Greenville. I nearly fell on my ass as I reached my truck, trying to slow my speed before colliding with it. Wrenching open the door, I climbed in, slamming the door shut.

  My tires squealed in the snow and rotated a few times before catching on the snowy driveway. If it weren’t for my quick reflexes, I would have ended up plowing off the edge of the cliff our house overlooks, but I turned the wheel sharply, nearly lifting my wheels on one side off the road. Speeding all the way down the massive hill, it took me longer to get to her place than I would have liked. That’s the unfortunate part of living just outside of city limits.

  I was the last one to get there, and I pulled up to the curb, lurching to a stop. I didn’t see anyone else, so I hopped out and raced up to the front door, blowing through it without knocking first.

  Seeing everyone turn to face me with various degrees of shock and surprise, I paused. “I think I misread the tone of that text.”

  Kirsten stood up and put her hand on her hip. “You think? Now, do you mind closing the door? It’s fucking cold outside; an ogre’s balls could freeze right off.” She left the sitting room as I came in, finding a place to sit on the floor. When she came back in, she was carrying a mug of what smelled like coffee. “To help you warm up,” was her reply when I hesitated. “I didn’t know how you take your coffee, so I left it black. I mean, that’s the best way to drink it.” She gave the others a side-eye and I knew what she meant. The others liked it with either milk, sugar or both.

  Myself? I loved mine black. I preferred my drinks more on the bitter side since my wolf wasn’t overly fond of sweet things. “Black is perfect. Thank you.” That earned me a beaming smile from her, and my cock stirred at how it turned her angelic face into a devilishly gorgeous one… one I wanted to fuck senseless.

  She made her way back to her seat in an armchair by herself, sitting up straight and looking like she was pulling her armor tighter around herself.


  After I fetched coffee for Branden, and I knew that no one else was coming, I got down to business. I had to pull my tattered armor back together. It was difficult with all the sexy in one room, but it was essential since I didn’t know these guys at all. They could be serial killers for all I knew.

  “First of all, I want to thank you all for coming… that’s sarcasm, by the way. You didn’t really have a choice.” I gave them my signature smirk. “First order of business. Why do you feel it necessary to follow me around like creepy stalkers?” I watched them all turn towards Kyler, which gave me the person to direct most of my questions, so I focused my attention on him.

  Kyler didn't even break a sweat with all eyes on him. He must be used to all the attention, which I didn’t doubt since he probably had loads of girls scrambling for his affect
ion. I was not going to be one, I told myself. “I followed you from the cafeteria. We all did. We saw the confrontation with Elena. She can be pretty cruel. So, I asked Dylan to make sure you were okay.”

  “Doesn’t explain Keegan.” I shot back.

  He didn’t even blink at my response. “Dylan lost you, so Keegan went to find you.”

  “And how did he know where I lived? Because he was at my house when I left and followed me for quite a bit. I may have been distracted, but I am not stupid.” I flipped my braid over my shoulder and started playing with the end, trying to keep my fingers busy. “How do you explain that?”

  Kyler looked at the others before answering me. “I’ll admit, I did want to find out more. But I needed some intel before we approached you. We don’t trust easily.” I snorted at that. It was ironic since they were the ones who bombarded me with their attention. “Hear me out, Kirsten.”

  I threw my hands in the air. “What do you think we are doing here?”

  “No, I mean, don’t interrupt me.” Kyler sounded exasperated. Well, join the club, because they were an exasperating bunch. Rolling my eyes, I stayed silent. “We felt drawn towards you and we wanted to know why. You are new. There is next to no information about you and that is odd for such a small town. We have never felt this way towards anyone before and that’s weird in and of itself. I mean, I haven’t even been totally committed to a girl, ever, because it felt like something was missing. But since you got to town, I have felt different. The others can tell you that they felt the same. And then there is the fact that when we are near you, we feel power, and a lot of it.”


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