Defiled Seduce Night

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Defiled Seduce Night Page 147

by Marie Cisneros

  "Trying to hide my property from me?" he'd growled as he slapped the end of the crop against her naked exposed cunt.

  She whimpered and softly begged for forgiveness, promising never to hide from his eyes again. She knew her body was his. His to do whatever he wished with it, whenever he wanted it.

  He'd slapped it against her swelling lips again, loving how it left a faint red imprint against her pale skin. He brought the crop up to his mouth and licked the end. There was a faint taste of her cunt juice on it. She was already growing wet for him. He rubbed the end of the crop hard against her clit, watching the bud growing harder as the soft leather stroked it. He could tell from the gentle grinding of her hips that she was growing very aroused by the touch of the crop.

  He pulled it away abruptly. He didn't want his whore to have pleasure until he was ready to give it to her. And he hadn't finished toying with her yet. He could tell by the brief flicker of anger in her eyes that he was right. She had been enjoying the crop. He reached down and parted her pussy lips. The glisten of juice there told him exactly how much. Grinning, he slid a finger between them, loving how she tried to arch up and control where his finger went. But he just pulled it away. He sniffed his finger as he walked around to the head of the bed. She tried to turn her head to look up at him but he grabbed her hair with one hand and held her head still as he reached down with the other one and painted her lips with her cunt juice. He watched as her tongue trailed over her lips, licking them clean.

  Smiling, he walked slowly back around the bed, pausing at the foot of the bed, his hand lazily rubbing at his hardening cock through his pants as he let his eyes wash over her naked and tied body. Every inch of her was exposed to him and he enjoyed the sight of her writhing against the restraints. He could see her eyes watching his hand as it stroked his cock through his pants.

  He dropped his hand and stroked her ankle. His fingertips tracing around her delicate bone before dragging up her calf as he walked back along the bed. He stopped when his fingers reached the top of her inner thigh. He could see the want in her eyes, feel her hips trying to arch up and the heat from her naked cunt. He traced his finger over her wet lips, letting his finger swirl around her clit, feeling it swell under his lightest touch. Hearing her soft moans, he plunged his finger inside her cunt, twisting it in and out as he watched her face. Her lips parted, eyes closed in pleasure. He slid another finger inside her and slowly worked them in and out, twisting slowly and scissoring them open and shut. Her hips matched his rhythm as she arched them off the bed, fucking his fingers as his thumb rubbed her clit. He could feel the muscles in her cunt clenching around them as she grew more and more turned on. Just by watching her face, he could tell how close she was to cumming. He continued twisting his fingers in and out of her, watching her, waiting till she was about to cum...then he slid his fingers from her.

  He could tell by the murderous look in her eyes she wasn't happy he'd stopped, but that she knew better than to say one word or beg. Smiling, he slid onto the bed beside her, his fingers slowly pulling his pants open. Her eyes watched as he tugged them down and pulled his cock free of them. Wrapping his hand around it, he started stroking it, his hand moving up and down around it as she watched. His fingers squeezing tight around it, thumb rubbing over the head, lubricated by his precum. He waited until her lips parted to move over and straddle her. He pushed the head of his cock against her lips and rubbed it up and down, enjoying the soft wetness of her tongue lapping at it. He waited until she parted her lips wider and then shoved his cock deep into her mouth.

  Her eyes widened, mouth adjusting to being full of his cock before slowly starting to suck on it. His hips arched forward, pushing in and out of her mouth, fucking it as his hands grabbed her hair, pulling her up to him. He loved how her lips looked wrapped around him, the soft sucking sounds she made, and how well her tongue swirled around him.

  Sliding one arm under her neck, he cradled her up, his cock pumping in and out of her mouth as she started up into his eyes, sucking it like his good little whore. His other arm reached back behind him, his fingers finding and slowly stroking her open pussy. He loved the soft moans that she was making every time he touched her swollen clit. The vibrations against his cock caused him to let out soft moans too. He knew he wasn't far from cumming, so he eased two fingers back inside her and twisted them in and out as his thumb went back to her clit.

  He could tell by the way her hips were arching up that she was catching up to him fast. Her cunt clenched around his fingers, gripping them tightly as her mouth continued to fuck him. Both were holding on...her waiting for his permission to cum...him just to tease her more. The pleading in her eyes as she held on brought him even closer...

  The scarf dropped from her open fingers as she opened her eyes and banished the memory. Angry at herself for allowing him back into her thoughts, she grabbed the scarf again and ripped it from the bedpost. Walking around the bed, she repeated that with the remaining scarves. They belonged in the trash, with him and all the memories he'd left her with.

  After changing the bedding, she slipped off her clothes and slid between the fresh cotton sheets. The coolness enveloping her body with its soft caress. She found sleep easily. The dreams of him stayed thankfully away allowing her peace in her slumber.

  The morning bought streaming sunshine through the windows, highlighting all the dusting and other work she had to do that day. After a long soak in the tub, she dressed and set to work, her mind steering away from the many hidden memories that the rooms held.

  The chair he bent her over as he spanked her arse until it burned, the wall he'd held her against as he fucked her hard from behind, the couch he'd stretched out on as he watched her masturbating on the coffee table...

  So many memories, but she had no time or need for them anymore. She was exorcising them from her cabin and her soul. Closing her mind and heart, she aired out the rooms, scrubbed floors and walls, rearranged furniture, fluffed cushions until she was almost dead on her feet. It was a long day, but a productive one. As she fell onto the couch, she looked around the room and smiled. It looked like a totally different place than it had been that morning. Even though the furniture was the same, the positioning of it was new and held no memories for her.

  She didn't realise she'd fallen asleep until the sun woke her the next morning. After looking at her watch she jumped to her feet. Almost noon and she was running out of time. She tore her clothes off as she ran for the bathroom. Without waiting for the water to heat up, she jumped into the shower, squealing as the icy water hit her skin. The water did warm up as she soaped her body. The soft bubbles caressing her as she scrubbed off the dirt from the previous day. She wished she could spend more time under the steaming water, but she knew time was short. With great reluctance, she turned the water off and stepped out, wrapping her wet body in a white fluffy towel. As she walked into the bedroom, she thought about what she had to do to prepare for the afternoon.

  She slowly rubbed the soft towel over her arms, loving how it felt against her skin. She took her time drying her body. Sliding the towel over her breasts, across her stomach and moaning softly as she moved it between her legs. The soft material against her sensitive clit made her knees feel weak and she wished she had more time, but she still had so much to prepare. Briskly, she dried the rest of her body, threw the towel into the hamper and wrapped up in her robe. She would get dressed later, after everything was ready. After the long day she had spent cleaning, it took no time at all to set everything out exactly how she wanted it. She smiled as she looked around, then wandered back into the bedroom to dress.

  Her bag was still on the chair where she'd placed it the night she arrived. Opening it, she glanced through the contents, picking, then discarding her choices. Finally she settled on a new garter belt she'd bought the week before. The black lace contrasted nicely with her pale skin as she slipped it around her waist. She had the perfect lace topped stockings to go with it too. Sh
e pulled them on and slipped into her six inch red stilettos. Only then did she look into the mirror. The black of the stockings and the garter belt framed the newly regrown soft blonde curls between her thighs perfectly.

  She stroked them as she walked towards the door of the cabin. As she sunk to her knees she heard a car pulling up. Her head bowed as the footsteps on the porch drew closer. She heard the door opening and kept her head bowed, eyes focused on the floor. Her skin could feel the heat from his eyes as he took in the sight of her submitting before him. She had let her pubic hair grow as he had ordered. She would have everything set up for him as she knew he wanted to be the one to shave those golden curls off, exposing her cunt to his eyes, his fingers, his tongue.

  He reached into his pocket and pulled out a length of leather. Gently, he placed a finger under her chin and raised her head up. He slipped the leather around her neck and clasped it there. Her new Master was home.

  A Online Love Affair Come True

  Stephen slumped back in his chair. The words on his computer screen were unmistakable, and they hit him with the force of a knife in the heart. He had waited all night to find Tina on line, but the conversation he was hoping to have did not materialize. Her words were short and to the point. While she said she loved him, and enjoyed their time together, she wanted to give her ex-fiancée one last chance. To be true to him, she told Stephen that they shouldn't continue to contact each other, that it would be too painful. In fact, she was planning to make this last meeting in the chat room their last conversation. Ever. Although his heart sank at the news, Stephen was able to think up something quickly. Typing rapidly, even as tears formed in his eyes, he asked her if she was still planning to visit him next week, as they had planned.

  "I don't think that would be appropriate. I would have to decline," was her terse reply. Recovering quickly, he asked if he might call her in the morning, one last time. "Fine. I work at 9 AM. Call me after that." With that, Tina disconnected from the chat room, leaving Stephen stunned and alone.

  Sleep would not come easily for him that night, as he thought of the wondrous miracle that had been their relationship, and the cold reality that it was all over. Random thoughts filled his mind as he lay in bed. What to do next. Would he beg her to take him back? Was revenge a better option? Was there a chance that they might salvage something of their relationship? He would toss and turn all night long, but those questions would remain unanswered until the next morning. All the while, he kept remembering how their initial chance encounter led to many hours of online meetings and later, phone calls. Then his visits down to her. Thousands of miles had separated them, yet they seemed to be able to surmount all obstacles placed before them. Now this. Less than two weeks before she was flying out to see him, and she was calling it all off. What went wrong?

  Tina's fingers raced across the keyboard. Damn it. She had meant to be civil, to say goodbye, but she had accidentally logged herself out of the chat room. What would he think? As the familiar icons crossed the screen, she scanned for his name. Nothing. He had left. Well, she thought, maybe it's for the better. We can't go on seeing each other like this; he has to be out of my life completely if I'm going to make this all work out for me. Too bad he won't be a part of my life, but I have to stand firm. As she thought back on the love that they had shared, she burst into tears. Her fiancée raced out from the bedroom to see what was the matter. Sobbing and crying, Tina buried her head on his shoulder as he led her to bed. His arms wrapped around her as he attempted to console her, but she drew away.

  "Leave me alone, just leave me alone!" she pleaded. He backed off, withdrawing to his side of the bed. Tina wrapped herself in a blanket and lay on her side, facing away from him. "I'm doing the right thing, really, she told herself. Then why do I feel so awful about it?" was the question that wracked her brain for the rest of the night. Try as she might, the luxury of drifting off to sleep never came.

  She hadn't been at work for five minutes the next morning when the phone rang. "OK, Tina, be strong, you have to do this, it's for everyone's own good," she kept telling herself. During her entire sleepless night, she had anguished over her decision, but she was bound and determined to stick with the position she had chosen. What happened next was something that she hadn't expected. Stephen was looking for closure, to find out what went wrong between them. Most importantly, he wanted to know if there was anything that he could have done, or could still do to make their relationship work. Despite all of her preparation, Tina didn't have an answer for him. What had seemed so right just a few days earlier faded as she spoke to him. Caught off guard by his approach, Tina relented, a little. In a mutual agreement with him, they decided to continue their friendship, for now. Tina and Stephen agreed that while they could still call and write each other, these would be less frequent. In addition, certain topics that they both still found painful to approach would be off limits.

  Satisfied as to their conclusions, Tina was about to finish their call when Stephen reminded her of the plans they had made for the following week. While she didn't think that a visit that would basically end up as a weekend spent entirely in a hotel bedroom was appropriate, she did admit that she would still like to do some sightseeing. Because there was quite a drive involved for Stephen, she graciously allowed him to plan on sharing their hotel room. But in no uncertain terms, she made sure that he knew that he would be sleeping on the couch. Deciding that the opportunity to see her one last time was sufficient, he agreed. After all, he had no illusions about just how much contact they would share once the weekend was over. Her tone had told him that.

  The intervening days between that phone call and her impending visit passed quickly. For her part, Tina worked at putting the pieces of her life back together, accepting the fact that Stephen would no longer be a part of it. It had been her decision, but she still had some reservations about it. One thing was certain, her boyfriend, back in her life, was not doing all that much to maintain his position. While he had every right to be hurt at her previous rejection of him, it was becoming apparent to her that his return seemed more for his convenience than out of any mutual longing for each other. Her friends and co-workers noticed too, when she had been with Stephen, there had been a glow to her, a perkiness that was now missing. Tina had always been a happy, outgoing person, but now she seemed more melancholy. In fact, one day when Stephen had called her, and talked to a friend of hers at work, her change in mood was extremely obvious.

  Catching the tail end of the conversation, she heard her friend say to him "So, how was your weekend? Oh, you don't want to talk about it, I see. Well, anyway, here's Tina for you." When she first heard that he was on the phone for her, her face lit up, but as her friend turned and handed the phone over to her, her spirits sank as she knew just how much pain she had inflicted on him. After a brief conversation, her friend took her aside. "Tina, what's wrong between you guys?" she asked.

  "I told him it's over, that I have to give my life down here one more try."

  "Well, it's none of my business, but you seemed to be a lot happier with Stephen instead of him."

  "Damn right it's none of your business," was her cold reply. Taking a deep breath, Tina resolved that no matter what, she had to stay with the decision she had made, and nothing could be allowed to change that.

  The morning of her flight, Stephen called again, with a rather interesting question. "Hey, how am I supposed to greet you at the airport? I can't just sit in the parking lot waiting for you; you'd never find me. And we can't say hello the way we used to now, can we?" That had usually entailed a passionate embrace, and never failed to lead to the bedroom.

  "Well, we're just friends," she emphasized. "Greet me like you would any other friend flying in for the weekend."

  "A handshake then?" he asked.

  "No! Silly!" she laughed. "I suppose a hug would still be OK."

  "Arm hug or real hug?"


  "OK, that works for me...yo
u know, I'll still be tempted to kiss you."

  "Wait right there, that's going a bit too far..."

  "Air kiss, then?"

  "Ugh! No! Jeez, you really are taking this seriously. You may give me a friendly kiss." Before he could ask another question, she continued. "On the lips or on my cheek, doesn't matter."

  "That's fine, I'll take lips. Hey, Tina, how about tongue or porn tongue?" he joked.

  "I'll see you at the airport, don't be late." Hanging up the phone, she had to laugh at their little exchange. Even after all they'd been through; he could still make her smile.

  A few hours later, her flight arrived. As she expected, he was waiting for her at the end of the jetway. Saddened because she knew that this would probably be their last visit, she walked down the passageway to seem him. As they agreed, he gave her a hug when she reached him. Then, as a complete surprise to her, he kissed her...twice. In the air, about an inch over each cheek. "Idiot" she laughed and smacked her lips onto his, giving him a brief taste of the sweetness that he had once enjoyed. Breaking off the kiss before either one of them got any other ideas, they headed down to baggage claim. Their nightmare down there lasted only about an hour, until the airline could finally locate her suitcase. "It figures," she said as they headed to the car. "The only time I bring a suitcase, they manage to lose it on me."


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