The Dark Side of the Earl: Historical Regency Romance

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The Dark Side of the Earl: Historical Regency Romance Page 21

by Ella Edon

  Eleanor nodded and headed towards Lady Chapman. This shouldn’t take long. Lady Chapman could say her piece and then she could leave them alone.

  Lady Chapman looked up as Eleanor approached. Then she shot to her feet, squaring her shoulders and taking a deep breath as she fixed Eleanor with a cool gaze.

  “Lady Eleanor.”

  “Lady Chapman.” Eleanor stood before her and folded her arms. “We’re here now. What do you want?”

  Lady Chapman didn’t say anything. She simply started smiling, a curve of her mouth that made Eleanor instantly stiffen. She had been up to something, and whatever it was Eleanor had walked right into it.

  There was a scream behind her, and Eleanor looked around to see someone with a scarf over their face grappling with Marion. She was putting up a fight, lashing out as he wrapped his arms around her and lifted her off her feet. Eleanor panicked.


  She started towards them, only to have pain explode in the back of her head. Lights flashed in front of her eyes, and Eleanor found herself falling. She sprawled on her hands and knees on the ground, everything swirling and spinning. Everything seemed to be tilted sideways, and she felt sick.

  Eleanor tried to get up again, but then something hit her again. And Eleanor’s cheek hit the ground, making more pain explode in her face.

  Then everything went black.

  Nathan couldn’t wait to see Eleanor. So, instead of pacing around his study waiting for the time to leave, he decided to head over early and surprise her. Eleanor would scold him - she liked things to be orderly - but Nathan would also see that twinkle in her eyes. She would like it, although she would never admit it.

  Eleanor was especially beautiful when she sparkled.

  If Nathan had any doubts about marrying her before, he certainly didn’t now. Maybe this relationship could work out beyond simple friendship. He wanted it to he realised. They still had a lot to discuss regarding Eleanor’s work with children, but Nathan believed he could come to a compromise with her. He wouldn’t stop her, just ask her to scale back her visits, at least until Eric Black was caught. He was still a danger, and Nathan knew Eleanor could be considered a threat if she carried on. Maybe used as an unwitting accomplice. Eleanor would be devastated if she was used in that way.

  Finding Black was Nathan’s priority. As was keeping Eleanor safe. Hopefully, she would understand.

  He was passing the park when Nathan saw a familiar figure heading into the park. He sat up. Was that Eleanor? He rapped his hand on the roof of the carriage and it slowed to a stop. Nathan peered into the park. It wasn’t very populated, so it was easy to pick out Eleanor and her friend Marion on the path. They slowed for a moment, and he could see Marion’s face in profile. She looked worried.

  What is she worried about?

  Then Eleanor lead them off onto another path, heading into the trees. What on earth were they up to? Curiosity getting the better of him, Nathan got out of his carriage, signalling to his driver.

  “Wait here for me, Glen.”

  “Yes, Captain.”

  Nathan headed into the park, scanning the trees. Eleanor and Marion had vanished into the trees. He couldn’t see them on the path. From what he remembered, there was a little clearing by a pond that was often popular with couples who wanted time away from their chaperones. Nathan had come upon several young suitors wooing their girl when they thought they wouldn’t be disturbed.

  Was that what Eleanor was up to? Was she meeting someone? Nathan didn’t think so; she was far too honest to be courted by another man. But his gut said that something wasn’t right. And Marion’s expression had him worried.


  Nathan turned. Simon was walking towards him, dressed for walking and carrying a cane. Nathan blinked.

  “Simon. What are you doing here?”

  “I was going for a walk. You know I cover a lot of ground.” Simon frowned. “What are you doing here?”

  “I was on my way to see Lady Eleanor, but I…” Nathan gestured at the trees. “I saw her, and her companion go in there.”

  “Maybe they wanted to go for a walk.”

  “I’m meant to be visiting shortly, and it’s a bit of a walk from her home.”

  Why would Eleanor come to the park at this time when she knew Nathan was visiting? It was pushing for time. And Marion’s worry was concerning him. Something else was going on.

  Simon chuckled and shook his head.

  “I swear the army has made you far too suspicious, Nathan. But let’s go and make sure they’re all right. It’s probably nothing and they’re going for a brisk walk before you visit.”

  Nathan hoped that was the case. The army had made him wary of most things and always looking over his shoulder. He had been betrayed far too many times in the past by those who were supposed to be on his side. Nathan had found some peace with Eleanor. She made him relax, feel more human again.

  Nathan could only hope that his friend was right.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  They headed into the trees, heading along the narrow, enclosed path. Eleanor and Marion had disappeared. Chances were they had passed through the clearing and gone out the other side, so Nathan quickened his pace.

  Then he saw her. A body lying on the ground at the end of the path. A body with black hair. Nathan stopped short, his heart almost stopping. For a moment, he saw Eleanor lying there unmoving. Then he realized that it was -


  Nathan hurried to her and knelt beside her. Marion moaned as he carefully turned her over. There was a bruise coming up on her forehead, twigs and dirt clinging to her hair.

  “Nathan.” Simon touched his shoulder. “Look.”

  Nathan looked up, and then he saw Lorraine. She was kneeling across the clearing, rocking back and forth with a wild look in her eyes. There was a whimpering noise coming from her. What was she doing here? But from the look of her, she had seen something that had frightened her.

  “Go to her. I’ve got Marion,” Nathan said.

  Simon hesitated, giving Marion a desperate look, but then he hurried across to Lorraine. Nathan turned away from the hysterical woman and eased Marion upright, leaning her against his chest as he stroked her head.

  “Marion? Marion, can you hear me?”

  “I…” Marion stirred, and Nathan saw her eyes flutter open. She looked dazed as she stared up at him. “I... help...Eleanor…”

  “What about Eleanor? Where is she?”

  “Someone...trap...hit me…”

  A trap. Nathan went cold. Eleanor had been lured out here. And now she was nowhere to be seen.

  Nathan looked up as Fallowfields entered the room. The physician looked tired, mopping his head with a handkerchief. Nathan rose to his feet.

  “How’s Miss Laurie?”

  “She’s conscious.” Fallowfields sighed. “But I wouldn’t recommend talking to her right now. She was hit hard with something heavy. She wasn’t making much sense while I was checking her over.”

  Beside him, Nathan felt Simon tense. His friend had been pacing around the room so much Nathan had been getting dizzy watching him. The fact that his friend was in a state over Eleanor’s companion was very telling.

  Nathan took a deep breath. “What about Lady Chapman?”

  “She wasn’t hurt. Just hysterical. I’ve given her something to calm her down and she’ll rest here before I have her escorted home. Mrs. Waverly is with her now.”

  That was something. Nathan hadn’t been keen on bringing Lorraine along to Fallowfields surgery as well, but Simon had pointed out they couldn’t leave her. He relented, but he kept as far away as he could from Lorraine in the carriage without falling out. Lorraine was hysterical, clutching onto Simon, but there were moments when Nathan found her looking at him. He was glad he wasn’t anywhere near her.

  “Did she say what happened?” Simon asked.

  “She wouldn’t say anything until she talked to Captain.” Fallowfields ra
ised his eyebrows. “And only him. She was adamant about that.”

  Nathan would happily never be in a room with her again, but if this was a chance to find out what happened, he would have to brace himself. He glanced at Simon. “Stay in the room with me. I don’t want to be alone with her.”

  “Try getting rid of me,” Simon growled.

  “She said alone, Captain.” Fallowfields reminded him.

  “And that’s not happening. Which room is she in?”

  “Top of the stairs, second on the left.”

  They would be in and out as quickly as possible. Nathan wasn’t spending more time than was necessary with Lorraine, even if she had just witnessed something horrible. His priority was finding out what happened to Eleanor.

  He took the stairs two steps at a time, Simon close behind him, and went into the room Fallowfields picked out. Lorraine was sitting up in bed, wearing a pale pink housecoat. Mrs. Waverly, Fallowfields’ matronly housekeeper, was sitting in a chair beside her. The older woman rose as Nathan entered and curtsied.

  “Captain Reynolds.”

  “May I speak with Lady Chapman, Mrs. Waverly? Fallowfields gave permission.”

  “Just a couple of minutes. We don’t want her upset again.”

  Mrs. Waverly left the room, Simon holding the door open for her. Nathan didn’t take his eyes off Lorraine, who was glaring at Simon with a scowl.

  “Why is he in here? I asked for you alone.”

  “Because Captain Reynolds requested me.” Simon shut the door and leaned against it with his arms folded. “You know you can’t be alone with a man if you’re not married to him?”

  “Fallowfields shouldn’t have agreed to it in the first place,” Nathan muttered. He would deal with the physician later. He strode to the bed. “And we haven’t got time to be arguing over propriety, Lorraine. Where is Eleanor Heavenly?”

  “I…” Lorraine blinked. “What do you mean?”

  “You wouldn’t be in the park to meet a companion, would you? I saw Lady Eleanor enter the park and then I find her chaperone near you after being attacked. That’s not a coincidence. What did you see?”

  Lorraine stayed silent. Now she was looking nervous. She bit her lip and her hands twisted together. Nathan growled, and Lorraine jumped.

  “Don’t stall, Lorraine. You’re not as hysterical as you make yourself out to be. What did you see?”

  Lorraine squared her shoulders. She was trembling.

  “It was Leyton. Matthew Leyton.”

  Nathan looked at Simon, who was staring.

  “Leyton attacked Eleanor?” Simon demanded.

  “Yes. He...he forced me to help him,” Lorraine whimpered. “Said that he would...he would hurt my children if I didn’t do what he said.”

  “What did he ask you to do, Lorraine?” Nathan urged. While he had some sympathy for using children as a weapon, he wasn’t about to comfort the woman when Eleanor was in trouble.

  “I was to get Eleanor away from the house, somewhere secluded. Then he and Eleanor could talk. That’s all they were supposed to do.” Lorraine flinched. “By the time I realized something was wrong, he had attacked Miss Laurie.”

  “What about Eleanor?”

  “Eleanor fought him. Leyton...he knocked her out and took her away. They left towards the east side of the park. I…” Lorraine began to shake. “I didn’t know what to do. This whole thing…”

  She buried her face in her hands and began to sob. But those sobs didn’t sound right. Something about all this sounded hollow. Lorraine was a strong woman; Nathan couldn’t see her being manipulated into doing this, even if her children were in danger. A madman like Leyton wouldn’t have any hold over her.

  This didn’t sit well with Nathan at all.

  Then he realized the sobs had stopped. Lorraine was raising her head, looking at him with watery eyes but no fallen tears. Biting her lip, she slipped out of the bed and walked towards him.

  “I’m so glad you’re here, Nathan.” She reached for him, running a hand over his arm. “I knew you’d come to my rescue. You always do.”

  She started to wrap her arms around him, but Nathan stepped away, resisting the urge to push her back.

  “I didn’t say you could put your hands on me, Lorraine.”

  “Why can’t I touch you? You saved me.” Lorraine’s bottom lip trembled. “I mean, you and I…”

  “Was never going to happen.” Nathan narrowed his eyes as a horrible thought came to him. No, surely not? “And you start trying to paw me moments after my future bride is kidnapped? Are you mad?”

  “I... I was trying to get some comfort.” Lorraine wrapped her arms around her middle, but her whimpering facade was starting to slip. “What’s wrong with that?”

  “It’s coming from you.” Nathan folded his arms and scowled at her. “You had to know what was happening.”

  He could feel Simon tense behind him. Lorraine looked bewildered.

  “What are you talking about?”

  “You want me, and Leyton wants Eleanor. I wouldn’t be surprised if you two conspired, so you could have what you both wanted.”

  “No, of course not!” Lorraine’s eyes widened. “I wouldn’t do such a thing.”

  But there was a flicker in her expression, a flash of defiance in her eyes. Her hysterical, frightened demeanour was disappearing rapidly. Nathan had known how to read Lorraine when they were younger. He knew when she was scheming something. From her reaction, he had hit right on target. She had been involved.

  He had never felt so cold.

  “Where would Eleanor be taken, Lorraine?”

  “I don’t know,” Lorraine cried. “I am telling the truth.”

  “I believe you on that. But not on everything else.”

  Lorraine gasped. “You don’t believe that I was forced into this? How could you think otherwise?”

  “Because I know you.”

  Nathan stepped towards her. Lorraine reached for him, trying to cup his face, but Nathan grabbed her wrists before she could touch him. Lorraine gasped.

  “Get it into your head, Lady Chapman,” Nathan growled. “You and I are never becoming husband and wife. I don’t know how much more I can take with you pestering me so much.”

  For a moment, he thought Lorraine was going to protest further and declare her innocence. But then her lip curled, and her eyes narrowed.

  “As if you’re in love with your convenient bride,” she sneered. “She won’t be able to make you happy. Not like I can.”

  Nathan set her away, dropping her wrists and stepping back.

  “Lady Eleanor can make me happy simply by walking into the room. You can only make me happy when you leave the room. I think that’s telling.” He signalled at Simon, and his friend opened the door. “Fallowfields and Mrs. Waverly will look after you. Right now, I’ve got more pressing things to do. As soon as you’ve recovered enough, go home, and don’t contact me again.”

  “Nathan, please!” Lorraine darted forward, grabbing his arm. “Please, don’t do this. I love you. I just wanted you as mine. Is that too much to ask?”

  “If you loved me, you wouldn’t have conspired with a madman to kidnap my bride.” Nathan pulled his arm away. “It’s Captain Reynolds. You don’t get the privilege of calling me Nathan, Lady Chapman.”

  He turned and left the room, Simon following close behind. Moments after Simon shut the door, there was an almighty scream and something hard hit the door. Simon grinned.

  “I’m so glad I got to witness that.”

  Nathan grunted. He headed towards the stairs.

  “Let’s get back to my home. I need to get things in order.”

  Eleanor felt like her head was about to explode. It hurt so much. She had never had a headache like this before. If she could get up and go downstairs, maybe Cook would have something to help ease it a little. She couldn’t go about like this.

  But when Eleanor managed to open her eyes, she realized that she wasn’t in her bed at home. T
he bed was too small and too lumpy for that. The room was much smaller. Darker, as well. Where on earth was she?

  Then Eleanor remembered. She had gone to meet Lady Chapman in the park. Marion had been with her. They found Lady Chapman, and then…

  Oh, God. Marion!

  Eleanor tried to sit up, only to fall back with a groan as the pressure in her head tightened and the room spun. Taking slow breaths, Eleanor pushed up slowly, taking it inch by inch until she was sitting up. She had to get out of here. Marion could be still lying where she had been attacked.


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