Three Words (Whiskey River Road Book 3)

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Three Words (Whiskey River Road Book 3) Page 3

by Kelly Moore

  “What’s got him all worked up?” Margret asks.

  “Nothing for you to worry about. Did you get any information for me?”

  “What kind of info are you looking for from Margret?” Boone sits.

  “She’s trying to find out who the man is that checked into the Magnolia that’s asking about Daddy.”

  “He paid cash for the room and only signed our guest list with his first name.”

  “Well, what is it?”

  “Noah. I waited for him to leave and snuck into his room. Not much other than a few clothes and a picture he has tucked into the bottom of his bag.”

  “Did you bring it with you?”

  “No, but I snapped a picture of it.” She scrolls through her phone, handing it to me.

  It’s two young kids, a girl and a boy, sitting on the hood of a Dodge Dart. The picture is yellowed with creases in it, making it hard to see the faces clearly.

  “I’m afraid it won’t help much.”

  Boone examines it. “Does this boy look like the man?”

  “You think it’s him?” Margret takes it back from Boone. “Maybe. He looks like he has the same eyes.”

  “You need to be friendly with him. Find out where he’s from,” I tell her.

  “I don’t think it’s such a good idea getting her involved. I’ll make friends with him, see what I can find out,” Ethan offers.

  “I could use a handyman at the Magnolia.” Margret pats Ethan’s knee.

  “That might be a nice break from the ranch,” Ethan says.

  Boone stands. “You tired of smelling like cow shit, city boy?”

  Ethan sniffs his armpit. “Something like that.”

  “Don’t let him know you’re a Calhoun,” Boone says, opening the screen door to go inside.

  “I’m not a Calhoun,” Ethan responds.

  “As far as I’m concerned, you are.” Boone disappears inside the house.

  “He’s right. You’re one of us, and he doesn’t need to know. Cozy up to him. Find out what he’s after.”

  “Do you think he has something to do with Watkins?” Margret asks.

  “No. My gut tells me he’s a second dose of trouble for our family.”

  “Is there anything else I can do to help?” Margret is on her feet.

  “Just keep your eyes and ears open.”

  Chapter Four


  I try not to look at Ian when Watkins picks up the phone on his desk that’s been ringing.

  “Yes,” he answers coldly. “I’ll take his call.” He covers the receiver with his hand. “You two will have to excuse me. Don’t go far,” he adds, glaring at me.

  My heels can’t click fast enough to get out of his office and away from Ian. I falter when his large hand grabs my arm, dragging me into another office.

  “Let go of me,” I snarl, jerking free of him. He shuts the door, locking me inside with him. “Why are you working for the likes of Watkins?”

  He leans his muscular frame on the edge of the desk. “Why are you?”

  I nervously smooth down my dress. “I have my reasons. You don’t belong here.”

  He stands, shoving his hands in his pockets. My mouth waters as his biceps contract underneath his shirt sleeve. “Do you mean I don’t belong in your life or back in Salt Lick because if you recall, this is my home.”

  “You left.” I point my chin in the air.

  “I left you. That didn’t mean I’d never come back to my home.” He takes a few steps toward me, leaving his hands in his pockets.

  His familiar manly scent waifs through my nose, forcing me to move back. “He’s using you.”

  “For my talent,” he scoffs.

  “I don’t believe it. He’s lying when he says he didn’t know you and I had a past.”

  “Why would that matter to him?” He steps closer, and I find my back against the wall.

  “I don’t know, but he has a motive for everything he does.” My words sound raspy, even to me.

  He slowly takes one hand out of his pocket and lifts an auburn curl, twirling it between his fingers. “Did you do this for me?”

  I brush him away. “Not on your life. I’ve moved on.”

  He leans his hand on the wall behind me. “With Watkins?”

  “That ain’t none of your business.” My throat is so dry, an exaggerated swallow escapes.

  He bends his neck, taking in the scent of my hair. “You want to fuck me, don’t you?”

  I do. “You wish.” The lie slips out. I can’t let him see the truth.

  His knee presses between my lady parts. “God, I’ve missed you. Why couldn’t you just give me what I wanted?” His gravelly tone floods my body with goose bumps.

  “I thought you wanted me.” Him hovering mere inches from my lips makes it hard to breathe.

  “Wanting you, darling, was never the issue.” His mismatched eyes sparkle with lust.

  Mine slam shut. If I don’t look at him, I can resist his charms. They fly open when his fingertips trail softly against my cheek.

  “I knew the minute you walked in his office you still want me as badly as I want you.”

  “Like you said, that was never our problem.” My body starts to shake, and I stifle a groan bubbling up from my belly. I press into his knee, trying to squelch my aching need as I reach for his belt buckle. His hand stops mine.

  “Are you going to say the words I need to hear?” His teeth gnaw on his bottom lip, drawing blood.

  Placing both my hands on his chest, I push him away. “Why do you always have to ruin things?” Straightening my dress, I flee to the door.

  “Still the same stubborn woman, I see.”

  I whirl around to face him. “I’m not the same woman. You have no idea the things I’ve done since you left me.”

  He lifts my left hand. “No ring.”

  I snatch it away. “I don’t need nor do I want to be owned by a man.” Rushing out of the door and past Watkins’s secretary, I tell her to apologize to him, but something urgent came up, and I had to leave.

  My car flies down Whiskey River Road, headed back to Clem’s house. I don’t bother knocking. “Clem, you here?”

  The sound of water running has me headed to the bathroom. “I need to talk to you,” I say, barging inside.

  “Ellie? Lord I hope that’s you.” She peeks from behind the shower curtain.

  “For the love of gawd, I can’t believe Ian is back. He has the audacity to think we’re going to pick up where we left off years ago.” I pace the small area.

  “You saw him?”

  “He was at the meeting with Watkins.”

  “What meeting? Nobody ever tells me anything.” She lets go of the shower curtain, disappearing behind it. “Are you going to tell me what happened between the two of you? Do you still want him?”

  With every fiber of my being. “No, of course not!”

  “Then why are you so worked up?”

  I yank the shower curtain open wide.

  “Ellie!” she screams.

  “Good lord, Clem. Your beaver is covered in fur.” I point.

  Her hands move, covering herself. “What’s wrong with that?”

  “How does Boone find his way around down there?”

  Her face is the color of a freshly picked cherry. “He don’t have no problems.” She tries to close the shower curtain, but I won’t let her.

  I keep one hand on the curtain. With the other, I give her a towel. “Get out.”

  “I’m not done shaving my legs,” she protests.

  “Thank gawd you shave something.” I shove the towel at her.

  “You leave my honey pot alone.” She turns off the water, taking the towel.

  “Honey pot?” I snort. “Does Boone let his bee land in it?”

  “That’s what Boone calls it. He says I taste like honey and trust me, he’s got plenty more than a bee.”

  “He has no idea how to talk dirty, does he?”

  “No. I think it’
s kinda sweet.”

  “I could give him some words to use like…‘hey baby, do you want me to park my Mack daddy truck in your parking lot?’” I deepen my voice to resemble Boone.

  “That’s a good one.” She laughs. “But no, that’s not Boone’s style.” She steps out of the shower.

  “Get dressed. You’re coming with me to town.”

  “Where’re we going?”

  “To the Lunchbox.”

  “I’ve never eaten there.” She pulls on her bra and panties.

  I giggle. “You’re in for a treat.”

  “I bet they have good sandwiches.” She continues to talk as she dresses.

  “You can worry about the menu when we get there.” I toss her purse to her, and in no time, we’re walking through the door of the Lunchbox.

  “I don’t see any tables. Is it outdoor seating only?” She glances around the stark white walls of the room.

  A fruity fragrance fills the room from candles sitting on the counter. A swivel tray of various lotions is on the far side. Clem rubs a peach-colored one in her hands from the sample bottle.

  The young receptionist behind the counter smiles, knowing Clem has no idea what’s in store for her. I pick up the shiny menu card, handing it to Clem.

  Her eyes nearly bulge out of her head when she reads it. “You want me to wax my bits? I thought we were having lunch together.” She tosses it on the counter. “I’m doing no such thing!”

  “Oh stop being such a prude. Boone will love it.”

  She leans in, whispering in my ear. “Your lady parts are bare?”

  “And pierced, don’t forget.”

  “Men like that sort of thing?”

  I smile, nod, and hand the menu back to her. “Pick one. Your honey pot will be sore, but by tonight, Boone’s bee will be swarming.”

  She looks at me all red-faced then at the girl behind the counter. “I hate her,” she says, and the girl giggles.

  “I’ll do the usual.” I take Clem’s hand, gripping it hard so she can’t get away. We walk to the back, following the girl. Normally, I’d get my own private room, but I don’t trust Clem not run.

  “I’ll let you go first,” I say, sinking into a cozy chair.

  The girl hands Clem a white robe. “Take everything off from the waist down.” She shuts the door behind her.

  “I don’t know, maybe I should ask Boone what he likes first.” She holds out the robe.

  “Really? This coming from the girl that wrapped herself in Saran Wrap. Did you ask him about that first? Or did he ask you before he tied your wrists together and fucked you in the barn?”

  The robe falls to the floor. “You know about that?”

  “We all do. Your wrists were red for days. Quit your grumbling and get undressed.”

  Her eyes throw flames in my direction, but she finally slips off her clothes and into the robe, tying it firmly around her waist. The door opens after a soft knock. “Are you ready in here?” A woman who appears to be in her forties walks in, putting on gloves.

  “No,” Clem snaps.

  “Don’t mind her, she’ll be fine. You may need some extra wax. Her beaver is well overgrown.”


  I snort. “The land definitely needs to be cleared.”

  “I hate you so much right now,” she says, lying back.

  The woman warms the wax and prepares the strips. “Try to relax and breathe.” She lifts Clem’s robe. “Oh my. I will need extra,” she says.

  I howl in laughter, and Clem shoots me the bird. “You should get it pierced now that they’ll be able to find your lady lips.”

  “This is bad enough! There will be no poking a hole in my girly parts.”

  “It would turn Boone on.” I waggle my eyebrows.

  “He doesn’t need any help with that.” The lady rips the strip off her. “Mother of all things holy that hurt!” she screams, sitting up, trying to look at where the wax ripped her tender skin.

  The lady holds up the hairy black strip. “I’ll have to do it twice.”

  “You’re done!” She hops up.

  “Clem. You have to let her finish!” I can’t help the laughter bubbling up.

  “I’m not doing it!”

  I take her by the shoulders, walking her in front of the long mirror. I push back the bottom of her robe. “Instead of a beaver, you have a mustache. That is not attractive at all.”

  She glares at me in the mirror. “How do I let you talk me into such nonsense?”

  “That’s what older sisters are for.” I shrug.

  “I’ll let her finish on one condition.” She stares at my reflection.


  “You tell me what happened between you and Ian. Why did he leave town?”

  “I will. But not here.”

  “Fine! You’re taking me to lunch, and I want to hear every detail.” She crawls back on the table.

  “Are you sure you don’t want a piercing. Imagine Boone latching onto that baby.”

  She gets off the table and opens the door. “I’d like you to wait outside. Better yet, go get whatever it is done that you came here for.”

  “Oh, I will, and you won’t hear me screaming.” I step outside and find the lady up front to put me in another room. Once I’m settled, waiting, I blow out a sigh. It felt good to laugh with my sister, or should I say at her? It took my mind off Ian for a minute. Who am I kidding? He’s why I’m doing this. He always loved me bare. And boy howdy, the things he could do with his tongue. He’s the reason I got my piercing. We did it together. The ball on the tip of his mule lit me on fire.

  Gah, I have to stop thinking about him, or I’m going to be a puddled mess. I can’t give him what he wants. For the life of me, I don’t understand how he didn’t already know. One thing is for sure, it won’t be long before I lie under him again. He hurt my heart, but he’s the only man who knows how to give me what I need.

  Chapter Five


  Glancing over at Nita, she’s biting on the inside of her cheek. I recognize this as a nervous habit of hers. “There’s nothing to be worried about. I know my family. If I can forgive you for leaving, so will they. It’s kinda like the hound I found as a kid. I loved him, so my family did too.”

  “Oh great, I’m a hound dog.”

  I chuckle. “Not what I meant at all. They will love you and accept you if I do.”

  “I think you’re underestimating the mind of a seven-year-old.”

  “Maybe, but given time she’ll be fine.”

  Margret and Ethan are sitting on the front porch of the house. Boone and Wyatt are coming out the front door with glasses of what looks like iced tea. I park close to the house, jumping out. Nita doesn’t budge. I walk over to the passenger side, opening the door. She still doesn’t move.

  I hold out my hand. “You coming, or do you want me to take you back to town with your bags?” I know my words are gruff, but she has to decide if she wants to be back or not. I can’t have her halfheartedly here.

  She presses her lips together, fighting the urge to flee, I think. Inhaling deeply, she twists toward me in her seat. “I have no doubts that I want to be with you, or I wouldn’t have returned. It’s just not fun tucking my tail between my legs, admitting to my mistakes.”

  “I see it differently than you do. It wasn’t a mistake for you to leave if it brought you back to me. If you’d have stayed here as things were, you wouldn’t have had time to process your own feelings. The only thing I don’t understand is why it took you so long. That’s where my anger lies with you.”

  “I had to convince myself you’d still love me.” Her eyes fill with tears.

  I flex my jaw and squint my eyes, trying to find the words she needs to hear. “The day that I decided I loved you, I already knew I could forgive you anything. That still stands. And yes, I love you.” Damn, I’m such a wuss when it comes to her. So much for being the tough guy.

  She wipes her tears on her shoulder then takes
my hand. Once she’s out of the truck, she tucks her arms around my waist. “I love you too, Bear. I promise I’ll never leave you again.”

  “You’ll never leave us again,” I correct her, kissing the top of her head. “I’m a package deal. Not only with Missy but my family.”

  “Even Wyatt?” She closes one eye and scrunches her nose, followed by a giggle.

  “Even Wyatt.” I grasp her hand in mine, headed for the porch. Before my feet hit the last step, the screen door flies open.

  “It’s about damn time you made it home.” Daddy grabs her in a hug.

  “When I arrived, he treated me with a shotgun. How come she gets a hug?” Ethan gets up, holding his arms open wide.

  Daddy lets go of Nita, reaching for his shotgun. “I’ll still put a bullet in your ass.”

  Ethan drops his arms. Daddy winks at Nita.

  “Don’t take it personal. He threatens me every day.” I slap Ethan’s shoulder.

  Boone kisses her on the cheek. “Welcome back. Clem will be happy to see you.”

  Wyatt only nods in her direction.

  Margret stands. “Yes, welcome home.”

  “Thank you,” Nita says.

  “Grandpa, there were only four eggs in the chicken pen.” Missy comes out the front door, looking in her basket. When she glances up, she does a double take. “What is she doing here?”

  I see Nita wince as if she’s been slapped in the face.

  Dad squats to her level. “She’s come home.”

  “This isn’t her house. She left and hurt my daddy. I don’t want her here.” She marches back inside the house, slamming the door behind her.

  Dad rises. “That didn’t go over very well.”

  “I’ll go talk to her.” Swinging the door wide, I call, “Missy.” Her basket of eggs is on the kitchen table.

  Storming up the stairs, I call her name again. “Missy!” I hear the lock twist on her bedroom door. I turn in a circle twice before knocking softly on the door. “Baby girl, let me in.”

  “I’m not a baby!”

  “I’m sorry. You’re right. Please let me in.”


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