For Keeps

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For Keeps Page 3

by Jeannette Winters

  “How about cutting up those mangos and we’ll call it even. I’m starving.”

  Lisa smiled. “You got it.”

  As she peeled and prepared the fruit, Jett had gone into his room and she assumed set up his new bedding. When he returned, he asked, “Would you like me to put these things in your room?”

  Something said he wasn’t a threat, yet having him in her room, even for a moment, made her uneasy. “No. I’ll get it. Thanks.”

  He peered at her for a moment, as though he were about to insist, but then just shrugged it off before picking up the bowl containing his breakfast. “Please tell me my lunch doesn’t look like this too.”

  Lisa chuckled. “No, it doesn’t.”


  “We usually skip it and only eat later in the evening,” Lisa smirked.

  “I can see I’ll be back in the village tomorrow morning too,” Jett said when he realized she wasn’t joking.

  “Trust me, you get used to eating healthy.”

  “I’m sure I could, if I had to.” With a wink Jett said, “Trust me, you can get used to eating real food too.” He popped another piece of fruit into his mouth, then took a sip of coffee.

  “Let me guess, you don’t like my coffee either,” she said, ready for his complaint.

  “Actually, I was afraid you make it like my uncle. You know, like mud.”

  She laughed. “I thought it was me. He does make it strong.”

  “My father drinks it the same way.”

  “Then I’m glad you didn’t follow suit.”

  “Hate to disappoint you, but I’m nothing like my uncle.”

  I noticed the moment I saw you half dressed. “I can’t say if I’m disappointed, not yet. Guess only time will tell.”

  Jett finished the mango and put the bowl on the table. “What do you do here? I mean, when my uncle isn’t around dragging you to look at some bug.”

  Sadly there really wasn’t much to do. “I rest during the afternoon and usually at night, I sit outside and watch the stars.”

  Jett cocked a brow. “So what you’re telling me is, it’s as boring as this breakfast.”

  Her mouth gaped open, then she realized he was right. With a nod she said, “And that’s on a good day. It gets a lot less exciting during the rainy season.”

  “Please tell me it’s not that now.”

  With a smile she said, “Nope. Just a brief shower a day, as opposed to downpours until your entire body is wrinkled.”

  “Are you sure you want to stay here?” Jett asked.

  I know I don’t. Just no options. “It’s not so bad.” Her tone wasn’t even believable to herself. By Jett’s expression, he picked up on it.

  “I’ll let you know after a few days.”

  If Jett could function on a boat in the middle of the ocean without another living soul, then this should be a breeze. But sitting around in the cabin all day, even for her, wasn’t something that sounded appealing. She used to go off with Phil each day, but she wouldn’t really consider it exploring. Phil always had a destination in mind and when they arrived, it wasn’t anything she’d wanted to see. A spider’s nest, a large ant mound, or some beetles chomping on a certain type of leaf weren’t going to be on her ‘to visit’ list anytime soon, at least not until Phil returned. Oh yes, I’m living on the wild side.

  “Maybe we can take a walk before the sun goes down tonight.” She really wasn’t sure where to bring him, but getting away from the cabin sounded great, even if only for a short time.

  “There is a waterfall on the other side of the island. It’s more than a day’s hike, but I’m up for an adventure if you are.”

  That meant sleeping out away from the cabin. Although she wanted out, that was more than she was ready for on day two of meeting him. “It sounds good, but how about we table that until next week.”

  “They said it’s amazing.”

  Was he trying to entice her because he knew she needed to get away, or was he dreading the confines of this cabin as much as she was? Either way, she knew he was going to push until she caved in. “I don’t mind a bit of negotiating. So why don’t we enjoy the new bedding for a few days before taking on that adventure?”

  “That’s fair,” Jett agreed.

  “Good. Because I don’t know about you, but I didn’t sleep well last night.”

  “Then why don’t we continue this conversation this evening when it cools off?” Jett suggested.

  She grabbed their bowls and began rinsing them. “That sounds like a great idea.” Lisa quickly dried the dishes and put them away. Jett stayed with her and she said, “I thought you were going to take a rest.”

  “Not until you are,” he replied.

  She crossed her arms. “That’s taking your job a bit too seriously, don’t you think?”

  “Job?” Jett asked.

  “I know Phil sent you here to watch over me. But this is not what he meant.”

  She felt his eyes roam over her. A chill ran throughout her entire body. Although his words were innocent, the look in his eyes wasn’t.

  “I’m sure it wasn’t.”

  Lisa needed air. Actually, I need to talk to Phil. She’d almost forgotten about the laptop. This was a good time for that conversation to take place. “Why don’t we ask him together?”

  “Excuse me?”

  “You said I could use your laptop. Now is as good of a time as any.”

  Jett didn’t move. “You’re forgetting the time difference.”

  Was he trying to stall? Didn’t he want her speaking to Phil? “You know Phil, he doesn’t require much sleep. Besides, I’m sure he’d like to see for himself that I’m okay.”

  Jett nodded and went to his room, returning with his computer. He sat down and placed it on the table. Then he reached out and dragged a chair around to sit beside him. “Come sit.” She did as he asked and waited as he made the connection with Phil.

  As the monitor lit up with the video chat, Lisa felt relieved to see his friendly face. “Hello Dr. Turner. How are you doing? How is your knee?”

  “I’m getting along fine. I see you and Jett are as well. That’s good. I knew you would.”

  I bet you did. “How are things with the university?”

  Phil shook his head. “They are not budging. They insist on cutting the funding.”

  “Did you explain—”

  “Everything, and they still have refused to reinstate.” Phil looked defeated.

  “I’m sorry. I really thought they would listen, and understand, if you talked to them in person.”

  “So did I. But there are new department heads and they…have decided to eliminate my position here at the university.”

  What! That couldn’t be. She knew how much that meant to Phil. It was all he had. And he’s all I have. She couldn’t let him see how this was affecting her as well. Forcing composure, she said, “When did they say you need to leave?”

  “They have given me time for my knee to heal, but I need to return to the island, pack up, and get back to the States.”

  From what Jett had said, it was only a sprain. That wasn’t going to be much of an extension. Either way, the terrain here was uneven and at times, steep. Being able to walk didn’t necessarily mean you could hike those hills. It wasn’t something she wanted to do, but it was what was required. She only hoped that Jett didn’t have any objection to what she was about to say. Not that I’m giving him much choice.

  “You’ve already collected all the traps and most of the equipment. I know where the remaining ones are located. If you’d like, Jett and I can take care of everything here and make sure all the equipment and your belongings are sent to you back home.”

  Phil looked shocked. “Lisa, I need to come and make sure that you’re—”

  “Well taken care of. I know. But you don’t need to worry about me any longer. I’ve decided to move on as well.”

  “What do you mean?” Phil asked.

  “I’m spreading my wings an
d this bird is about to take flight.” Lisa really couldn’t say much, because she didn’t want Jett to catch on that Phil had been taking care of her all this time. “Time to follow my dreams now.” Of course, she had no idea where they were going to take her.

  “Lisa, you know that you can’t—”

  “I can. And really, it’s long overdue,” Lisa said, almost pleading with Phil to understand.

  Phil looked at her, then she noticed him looking towards Jett. There weren’t any words exchanged, but out of the corner of her eye, she noticed Jett nod. “So do you agree to let us pack up for you?” She wanted that finalized before this call ended.

  “Yes,” Phil said. “Jett. Will you call me later? I need to talk to you about your…father.”

  Phil looked uncomfortable. Was there a family issue that needed to be addressed now? “Why don’t I leave you two to discuss things now. I’m heading off to lie down. It’s already getting hot in here.”

  “Be sure to drink plenty of water Lisa,” Phil said.

  It felt nice having him nagging her in such a way. It only showed how much he cared. “I will, and I’ll make sure Jett does too.”

  With that, she got up from her chair and went into her room, closing the door behind her. But the walls there thin, and that wasn’t about to give them any real privacy. At least her intentions had been good.

  Lisa lay down on her bed and tried not to listen. Jett must’ve realized that he really couldn’t speak freely as he’d like to either, but from what she could hear, their conversation hadn’t required her absence. They talked about the weather and Jett’s father shoveling the driveway instead of hiring someone. It all seemed very normal family talk.

  Rolling over onto her side, she couldn’t help but wonder if there was any family out there talking about her. And what would they be saying if they were? As she drifted off to sleep, she knew her dreams would reveal that. But she also knew, she wouldn’t remember them.

  * * *

  Jett never thought sign language would’ve come in handy, but in such close quarters, it was the only way to have a discussion without being overheard.

  What he wasn’t prepared for was what Phil was telling him. He actually had to have him clarify it several times. Why the hell didn’t Uncle Phil tell him about this when they were face to face in Boston? Because you know I’d never have agreed to come and get involved. But it was too late. He was here, and now he knew at least some of what was really going on with Lisa. That of course didn’t give him a fucking clue as to how he was supposed to help her. He loved a challenge, but one on a computer system, not the human mind. If she didn’t have any idea who she was, not even how old she was or where she was from, then how the hell did Uncle Phil think he was the guy to help her figure it out?

  By the time Jett closed the laptop his head was pounding. His uncle wasn’t one who did practical jokes, and no one would pull something this sick anyway. Something really fucked up happened to Lisa, and Phil wanted him to find out what it was. Nothing Jett said, even explaining that he wasn’t qualified, could change Phil’s mind. He told Jett that it was going to be like hacking into a computer system to find what is hidden. But Jett doing this without Lisa’s knowledge wasn’t going to be easy.

  Jett went into his room and tried thinking of anything she’d given him that might help him start looking for her true identity. He realized that she wasn’t being rude when she kept changing the subject, she probably was in panic mode. And Uncle Phil thinks I can decipher what she doesn’t say. He shouldn’t have that kind of faith in me.

  There was no way Lisa could be sleeping so quickly, was there? He listened, but there were no sounds. That would give him some time to think, but not much. Lisa had so kindly altered the plans he had made. Had the thought about taking off and exploring the island for a couple of days scared her so much she needed to commit them to working? This was supposed to be a vacation. He should’ve known as soon as Phil asked him to come here, that something was up. Jett would’ve helped him anyway, just not in this manner. He ran through the list in his head. How was he supposed to pack up all of Phil’s belongings, at the same time as trying to figure out how the hell to keep a woman safe when it appeared she didn’t even know what or who she was running from or whatever happened to her.

  He spent hours on the laptop searching databases of missing women. Not one looked like Lisa, or at least not enough. The world was a large place when looking for someone with absolutely nothing to go on. If he was back in Boston, he might be able to reach out to a friend who worked at the hospital. There were specialists who used DNA to identify the dead. If he could somehow get her DNA into their hands, they could analyze it and maybe, just maybe, she was in some database somewhere.

  But he wasn’t anywhere near Boston. And how could he get her into the States without any identification? There were some strings he could pull and some favors he could call in. It was going to be tricky and highly illegal. There was no logical reason why he was about to risk everything he had to help her. Yet, he knew there was no way he was leaving her here on this island alone either. One way or another, she was coming with him.

  He needed to think, he needed time, and he needed more resources. Lying down on his new bedding, he also determined he needed some sleep. The only thing he’d been able to confirm, was one month on this island wasn’t going to be enough.

  A few hours of sleep was all he needed for now. He’d promised Lisa a walk, and it might provide him an opportunity to strike up a conversation. When he left his room, she was going through a box at the table.

  “What are you doing?” Jett asked.

  She didn’t even look up at him. “I promised Phil we’d get everything in order. I don’t like procrastinating.”

  “I’m sure it can wait till tomorrow. We were going for a walk, remember?”

  She looked up at him, her eyes wide. “You can’t be serious. Your uncle is counting on us.”

  “And we won’t disappoint him.” On anything. “You’re not doing this alone. You have me. We can get this all done in a few days, if needed.”

  “A few days?”


  “And then you’ll be…gone. I mean…you won’t…you can go back to whatever you really want to be doing.”

  He sat down at the table with her, and fought the urge to reach out and touch her hand. “I want to be here, Lisa. Now you promised me a walk, and we also have an adventure of exploration on this island before we go as well.”

  “You can’t seriously still want to.”

  “I do. Unless you’re trying to get rid of me so soon?” He couldn’t believe he was stalling. A few days ago, every second on this island seemed like another day sweating his ass off in hell. Now he needed to drag out every single day he could.

  “No, but I thought that you wanted to be on your boat.”

  “I do. And I will be. Later. Right now, I want to be here,” he said, finally giving in and reaching out, covering her hand with his. “With you.”

  He felt her hand tremble then slip out from beneath his. “Jett, I don’t know…”

  “Lisa, you’re not alone. You have friends. You have my uncle and now you have me.”

  “Friends?” Lisa echoed.

  Jett nodded. He might find himself attracted to her, but there was only one thing she needed him to be, and friend was it. He had a feeling that whatever caused her to be out here without a memory, was caused by someone who wasn’t one.

  Lisa went back to organizing the papers in the box. “Then as my friend, I’d like your help with sorting this box. Then tomorrow, maybe we can take that walk.”

  She was tough, and that was only going to make his job more difficult. But he needed to earn her trust. This was a start, a small one. Tomorrow, maybe he could make her breakfast, a real one. Hell, what do I know about earning a woman’s trust? It’s not usually my goal.

  Jett grabbed a stack of papers which had hand-drawn insects on them. “What exactly am I suppose
d to be doing with these? Putting them in alphabetical order?”

  She laughed. “I wouldn’t need your help if that were the case.”

  “Okay, I’m stumped.”

  “You need to think like your uncle.”

  “I haven’t slept long enough for that,” Jett teased.

  She handed him another stack. “By species, then by size, and finally by the number of legs it has.”

  “What the hell? You’re kidding right?”

  Lisa laughed so hard she snorted, which he found oddly adorable. Holding her sides, she said, “Of course I am. But the…look… on your… face. I can’t wait….to tell Phil.”

  “He knows how much I hate paperwork. He’d never believe you got me to agree to help in the first place.”

  “I don’t know. I can be quite convincing,” Lisa said, holding her chin up in the air.

  Oh I bet you can. “I’ll give you credit, you won this battle. But we have a long way to go.”

  She wrinkled her nose. “But you promised to help.”

  Jett huffed, “You volunteered me, if I’m correct.”

  Snickering, she handed him yet another pack. “I believe you said you were here to help your uncle. Not my fault it’s not as…exciting as you may have envisioned.”

  Oh, it’s more than I ever imagined.

  Grabbing the entire box from her he said, “Alphabetical it is.”

  As she giggled he had one thought. Likely more than I can handle.

  Chapter Four

  She might not have gotten to go on a walk last night, but at least she hadn’t been bored. Somehow taking on the tasks of sorting and packing wasn’t as daunting as it would’ve been without Jett. His interest in entomology was as limited as hers, and they spent the time joking about all the disgusting bugs Phil had identified and classified during her stay on the island. What was evident to them both was, this was Phil’s life, what he was passionate about. Neither knew how they could help, but they were going to make it their mission to do so.

  Lisa couldn’t do much, but she had faith that Jett could. He was from Boston, and had his own business. He must be influential, or at least have some contacts who were. All Lisa could do was be supportive, while Jett did all the work.


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