For Keeps

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For Keeps Page 10

by Jeannette Winters

  He rolled onto his side and pulled her against him. He could feel her heart still racing. There was no getting enough of her. Damn, she’s perfect. His hard, throbbing cock ached, and he forced himself not to think about it. Right now, he could use a dive off the boat into that chilly water, but he wasn’t going to leave her. Not now.

  She lifted her head and ran her hand up his thigh. He caught it and said, “Not today.”

  Phoebe looked puzzled. “I thought that you wanted—”

  “Oh I do. Trust me, I would love too. But I don’t have any protection on the boat. And my gut is telling me you’re not on any either.”

  She shook her head. “I never thought of that.”

  I never forget. Jett had never had unprotected sex. Phoebe was one that he would almost break his own rule for. But he wouldn’t. She didn’t need anything more added to her already stressful situation.

  “But that’s not fair. I….enjoyed myself and you…haven’t.”

  He pulled her down to him and said, “Oh honey, I enjoyed tasting you more than you realized.”

  Phoebe blushed. “But—”

  He placed a finger across her lips. “Just lie down with me. It’s been too long since I’ve enjoyed the comforts of a real bed.”

  She laughed softly against his ear. “It’s a lot more comfortable with you in it.”

  As they laid there together naked with their legs entwined, he realized what they had shared wasn’t just a sexual experience. It was yet another connection between them that surpassed anything he’d ever had before. Being with her was…easy. What was going to hurt like hell was the day they had to say goodbye.

  Her breathing had slowed and he could tell she’d fallen asleep. Jett knew he should get up and check in with Roman for any developments. Yet, this time with Phoebe was short. They’d be in Boston in two days, something he hadn’t told her yet. And he still needed to somehow bring up the DNA request.

  This wonderful feeling she had right now was going to be replaced by a reality neither were ready for. One that the Turchettas were going to want to control.

  He might not know everything about Phoebe, and she didn’t know it all either, but he knew she wasn’t one who liked control being taken away from her. Her brothers had no idea what mental and emotional shape she was in. If they bulldozed their way back into her life, Phoebe might shut down all over again. And we’ll all lose her. And maybe this time for good.

  Jett kissed the top of her head and pulled the sheet up to cover them. Losing her wasn’t something he was ever going to be ready to think about. Unfortunately, what happened when they got back to Boston wasn’t going to be his choice. It’s going to be hers.

  Chapter Ten

  Phoebe never wanted to leave his arms. It wasn’t just about feeling safe, he also made her feel…wanted, special.

  They had spent the remainder of the day lying around and talking. Usually the topic was her, but yesterday it was all about Jett. There was so much more to him than she had ever realized. In a way, he reminded her of her brothers. He had honor and respect for people and defended those who couldn’t defend themselves.

  But she surely didn’t think of him in a brotherly fashion. Yesterday her desires had gotten the better of her. If she’d known that he didn’t have any condoms on the boat, she never would’ve made a move on him. He said it was nothing, that he enjoyed himself, but she felt horrible. His body had been rock hard and he needed her just as much as she needed him. Yet he refused to give in to his urge. And he gave to me without taking himself.

  Did Jett know what an amazing man he was? Was he trying to get her to fall in love with him? Because it sure seemed like it. The way he treated her, spoke to her, made her feel alive, was amazing. But it also scared the crap out of her. Because for the first time, she didn’t want to go to Boston. She’d like to stay right here on the boat with him. Just the two of us.

  It wasn’t reality. If her memory hadn’t returned and she didn’t know there was family out there who probably missed her, it would be a different story. But not going home now would be a selfish thing.

  “You seem to be a million miles away. What are you thinking about?” Jett said as he climbed out of the water.

  She now enjoyed watching him take his morning swim, although she still wasn’t brave enough to join him. A quick dip to freshen up was all she needed or wanted.

  “I was thinking about how much I’ve grown to like being on your boat.”

  He laughed. “I have to admit, I wasn’t sure that was going to be the case. You were pretty green that first night.”

  “You told me not to worry, that it was going to pass quickly.”

  He nodded. “That’s what I hoped, but really, I had no clue. Thankfully I was right.”

  She threw the towel at him. “I guess I should be grateful too, since I’m the one who’d be contemplating tossing my sick ass overboard if you weren’t.”

  He walked over to her and kissed her lightly. “I would’ve dove right in after you.”

  She smiled, because she knew he was telling the truth. “I made breakfast this morning.” She pointed to the overdone eggs and burnt bacon. “I’m not used to working with that stove. It didn’t seem to like me very much. Look at what it did to my cooking.”

  “I thought I smelled something burning when I came up for air.”

  “Very funny. Maybe I can use my loss of memory for it?” she teased. He shook his head. “Oh no. Do you think I’m a horrible cook all the time?” That was as good a possibility as any.

  He took a bite of the eggs and said, “I hope not, because you almost make me wish we were eating fruit.”

  “Oh that’s not nice at all.”

  He grinned. Holding up the bacon, which was completely charcoal black, he said, “No, what you did to this perfectly good piece of pork wasn’t nice.” Then he tossed it overboard. “I hope it doesn’t kill the fish.”

  Phoebe took a bite to show him it wasn’t as bad as he was making it out to be. Then quickly she spit it out over the rail. Laughing, she said, “Let it be a shark if it does. Okay, so cooking is not my forte. I also noticed singing isn’t either. I found I can’t carry a note.”

  “When were you singing?” Jett asked.

  “When I was cooking.”

  He laughed and raised his hands. “I didn’t say it.”

  “Wise choice.” She could see there was something he wanted to discuss, so she decided to help him out. “What’s on the agenda for today?”

  Jett sat down beside her. “We’re making better time than I first thought. We should be in Boston tomorrow.”

  Mixed emotions flooded through her. “Tomorrow,” she said softly.

  He nodded. “And there’s something else. I’ve been asked to obtain a DNA sample from you for your family.”

  “A what? Why would they need that? Can’t you just show them my picture?” She couldn’t believe this. Did I think they would welcome me back with open arms? “Why would they need that?”

  Jett reached out and grabbed her hands. “Phoebe, don’t get upset. This is…understandable. You see, you were missing in their eyes. They were told you were dead and…”

  “Tell me Jett.”

  “Dead and they buried you. Your brother wants to make sure you are who you say you are before telling the rest of the family.”

  His words echoed in her mind. Dead. Buried. That explained why no one ever came looking for her. They never knew she was still alive. “Maybe I should’ve stayed dead.” She hadn’t meant for those words to be uttered out loud.

  “Don’t ever think that again. You have the right to be Phoebe Turchetta. It’s who you were born as. If you decide you want to go on the rest of your life living as Lisa or any other name you want, that is okay too. But it’s your choice. No one else’s. Not theirs, and not mine.”

  There was the man who stood by her from the moment they’d laid eyes on each other. Although she wanted her independence and didn’t want anyone controlling
her, it would be nice having him help her with a few decisions she had to make. “Do you think I should give them my DNA?”

  “I do.”


  “Rafe is asking, not for him, but for your sister Melissa. This will be a shock, and although a joyous thing, he’s kind of the protective type.”

  Phoebe nodded. “Overprotective, if I recall accurately. Okay. DNA it is. But I have one more question.”

  “What is it?” Jett asked.

  This one scared her more than seeing her family again after all these years. “Will you stay with me?”

  “I’m not going anywhere.”

  “No. I mean when we get back to the States, will you stay with me? I know they are my family. And I’m beginning to remember some things. But you’re who I know. You’re who I want to be with. Will you stay with me?” She was asking a lot of him, and really putting him on the spot. It wasn’t fair, and she knew that. Yet, she couldn’t help but ask. Without him, she wasn’t sure how she was going to get through it all.

  “Do you mean with your family?” Jett asked. She nodded. “I’m not sure they’re going to want me lingering around. It’s been a long time since they’ve seen you and—”

  “I know. But this isn’t only about them. This is about me and what I need. And that is you.” She hoped she didn’t scare him off by being so blunt. It wasn’t as though she told him she was in love with him or anything. Then again, she wasn’t ready for love either. There was still a lot she needed to learn about herself and her past. But one thing she was positive of was she didn’t want to go back, she wanted to go forward. “And for the record, this has nothing to do with yesterday.”

  He let out a long exhale, as though he was about to deliver bad news. She understood completely if he denied her request. Doesn’t mean I’ll like it, but I’ll respect it. “That’s very disappointing.”

  “What is?” Phoebe asked.

  With a smirk, Jett said, “I thought you enjoyed it more than that.” Jett winked at her.

  “Jett, I’m trying to be serious and—”

  “So am I.”

  “We’re not talking about yesterday, we’re talking about…you being there with me.”

  Jett smiled. “Were you thinking we’d have separate rooms?”

  Was she hearing correctly? “Do you mean that you will”

  “Yes, honey. I promised you I’d stay with you till this was all over. I’m not going anywhere until you’re ready for me to go.”

  And if I’m never ready? She hugged him so tight that her arms hurt. “Thank you, Jett. Because if you’d said no, I was going to tell you to turn this boat around and bring me back to the island.”

  He laughed. “I’m sure we could find someplace a bit more…accommodating.”

  “I’m sure we could.”

  * * *

  Jett had Phoebe go below while the chopper hovered above. The last thing he needed was her being blown overboard. And besides, all they were doing was sending down a container, so he could put the hair and saliva samples inside. She wasn’t missing anything important.

  At least, that’s what the plan had been. Instead, there was a man rappelling from the chopper. Fuck, Roman. What didn’t you tell me? If the chopper didn’t say Turchetta on the side, Jett would have his gun drawn and cocked. But now all he could do is wait and see which one of the brothers was paying them an unannounced and unwelcome visit.

  When the guy’s feet were on the boat, he said, “Do you have it?”

  Jett nodded and handed him the canister. He watched as he hooked it to the cord and gave the chopper the signal to retrieve the rope and sample.

  Once it was inside the chopper, the door closed and it took off again, heading back towards land.

  “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” Jett barked.

  “I’m here to escort you and…Phoebe home.”

  “I take it you’re Rafe,” Jett growled.

  “I am. Where is she?” Rafe asked.

  “First off, let’s get something straight. This is my boat and you don’t come here barking orders. If you do, your chopper might just be fishing your ass out of the ocean.”

  Rafe glared at him. “I don’t think you know who you’re dealing with.”

  “Nor do I care. The only thing that matters to me is that Phoebe does not get hurt. She wasn’t anticipating your arrival. That last thing she needs is a shock of any kind.” He didn’t care if this was her brother or God himself, he wasn’t going to let anything happen to her.

  He saw Rafe’s jaw clench, but after a few seconds, something changed. “We’re in agreement. So maybe you can go below deck and break the news to her.”

  “Or you can call your chopper back and wait till she’s ready,” Jett suggested.

  “I’m not going anywhere. If she is Phoebe, we need to get her home where we can help her through this.”

  Was Rafe trying to dismiss him? Because that wasn’t about to fucking happen. He better come with an army if he thinks he’s taking Phoebe anywhere she doesn’t want to go.

  “First off, she is Phoebe, and secondly, she goes where she wants, when she wants.”

  “Jett? What’s going on?” Phoebe said as she came on deck.

  Damn it! He turned and saw the look in her eyes. They were dark, as they got each time she was recalling something. Did she recognize Rafe?

  “Who are you?” Phoebe asked.

  He had his answer.

  “You don’t know who I am?” Rafe asked. She shook her head. “I’m here to help you and Jett.”

  Jett thought for sure Rafe was going to say something stupid, like announce he was her brother. Forcing memories wasn’t going to work. Phoebe was strong willed. It’s what got her this far. It’s what he liked about her most.

  “I didn’t know Jett required any help. He seemed to be doing fine on his own.” She gave Jett a playful wink.

  Rafe glared at him again before replying to Phoebe. “I’m glad he’s taken his duty seriously.”

  “Duty?” she asked.

  “Yes. To bring you back stateside.”

  She turned to Jett, who replied, “I take Phoebe where she wishes. She has been and always will be free to choose.”

  She walked up to Jett, placed her hand in his and said, “I don’t care, as long as we go together.”

  Jett placed a kiss on top of her head then turned back to Rafe. “Boston is our destination.”

  “Good. Should I go and make us all something to eat?” Phoebe asked.

  Both said in unison, “No!”

  She looked between them, then asked again, “Are you sure I don’t know you?”

  Rafe said, “Only you can answer that.”

  Phoebe looked closely at him, then went back below deck. Once she was out of earshot, Jett asked, “Got anything to say?”

  Rafe looked at him and said, “Thank you for bringing her back to us.”

  “No further doubt about her being your sister?” Jett asked.

  He shook his head. “How the hell did she survive?” Rafe asked softly.

  “Sit and I’ll tell you everything I know. But I warn you, it isn’t pretty. Phoebe has been through fucking hell. Only now is it coming back to her. If we’re not careful we could—”

  “Trigger a relapse and lose her for good,” Rafe added.

  Jett nodded. “And after I share with you what I know, you’ll understand why her mind blocked out the memories.”

  They sat on the deck for the next hour, Rafe listening to every disgusting detail. He didn’t leave anything out. Although it wasn’t his to share, he knew enough about Rafe to know he had seen such cruelty before. The difference was, this had all happened to his sister.

  When he finished speaking, Rafe stood up and walked to the bow of the boat. Jett knew he needed some time alone to process this. Phoebe would return with something for them to eat. Jett didn’t have any doubt that Rafe would have his shit together before she returned.

  But Rafe ret
urned a few minutes after and announced, “My chopper will be returning for me in a few hours.”

  “You’re leaving? Why?” Jett asked.

  Rafe stood with his arms crossed. “Phoebe has never been one who could be forced to do anything. My staying will not alter anything. She’ll either come home, or she won’t. My job now is to go and let my family know that she’s alive.”

  “Won’t they insist on seeing her?” Jett asked.

  “No. Knowing she is well and in good hands, that will be enough for now. The fact that she didn’t know who I was tells me she’s not ready to return just yet.” Then Rafe said sternly, “I’m entrusting you with my sister’s care, Jett, don’t let me down.”

  Jett met Rafe square in the eyes. “There’s only one Turchetta I care about, and I have no intention of hurting her.”


  Jett could tell by the smoke coming from the kitchen that she would be up any moment.

  Rafe whispered, “It’s nice to see not everything has changed.”

  Jett laughed. “Then there’s no hope?”

  “There is, just not for her culinary skills.”

  He had thought that maybe she hadn’t remembered how to cook. Apparently she just hadn’t remembered that she couldn’t cook. Not knowing who you are is like painting on a blank canvas, you can make it anything you want it to be. But this is different. It’s like an onion and slowly another layer was revealed. And I’ll be here as she learns it all.

  “I don’t think she’ll be happy when she figures that out,” Jett said.

  “One thing about Phoebe is she is driven. If she wanted to learn how, she would,” Rafe said. “But then again, when she doesn’t want to do something,” he chuckled, “watch out. Because nothing is making her budge.”

  Jett could see that in her. But since he had no intention of trying to talk her into anything, he had nothing to worry about.

  Sure enough, Phoebe came up coughing. “I think we should order out,” Phoebe said jokingly from the top of the stairs. And as she approached them, she said, “At least I can make coffee.” She pulled out three mugs and a pot of coffee from behind her back.


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