For Keeps

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For Keeps Page 14

by Jeannette Winters

  There was nothing after that. Not until she woke to find Phil caring for her. He had said she’d been unconscious for two weeks. But for Phoebe, it easily could’ve been a lifetime, because during the time that her body was trying to heal, her mind had been doing the same. Building walls that weren’t supposed to come down. But now they had, and she was left feeling broken inside. It’d been years, but she was mourning the loss of her friends, experiencing the trauma and fear, as though it had all transpired just moments ago.

  Phoebe couldn’t be alone right now. She needed…Jett. She looked, and the cellphone wasn’t on the night stand. Where could she have put it? Thinking back, she remembered she’d fallen asleep holding on to it.

  Tossing the blankets off the bed, she heard it go crashing onto the floor. Damn it! She rushed after it, hoping it hadn’t broken. She looked it over, and there was a crack on the screen, but at least it seemed in working order.

  She pulled up Jett’s number, and he answered on the first ring.

  “Turner here.”

  “Jett…it’s me,” Phoebe said, trying to choke back her tears. She was shocked that he didn’t know whose number it had been.

  “Phoebe? Are you okay?”

  “Yes, I’m fine,” she lied.

  “No you’re not. What happened?” Jett said, his tone filled with concern.

  She didn’t want to tell him, because that would mean reliving it again. Phoebe didn’t have the strength left in her to do that.

  “What are you doing today?” she asked.

  “Phoebe, talk to me. What’s wrong?”

  “I want to go see my family and…and I was hoping you’d take me.” They were her family, and she knew they loved her. They were going to be ecstatic to see her. But everyone rushing up and hugging her and asking her questions was overwhelming. She needed Jett to be the buffer. My wall to hide behind if I need to.

  “Honey, I’ll take you anyplace you want to go. Well, almost anyplace.”

  Don’t worry. I’ll never ask to go to Moreira again. I never even want to hear the name. “I’m not sure what to expect.”

  “Phoebe, they’re going to be thrilled to see you.”

  “That’s not what I mean,” Phoebe replied. “I know how they will be, but I’m not sure how I will be. I’m not the same woman who left years ago.” Just like they’re not the same people either.

  She heard Jett let out a sigh, as though he knew she was correct in her thinking. “What can I do to make this…easier for you?”

  “Take me back to the island and help me forget everything again,” Phoebe said, only half joking. She was glad to know she had family. She loved them all very much. But with the revelation came utter, gut-wrenching pain and sorrow.

  But Jett wasn’t playful today. “The island no longer would be your safe haven,” he answered. “It would be nothing more than a hot, humid place to hide. Is that what you want to do? Because the woman I’ve come to care for has shown me time and time again that she’s a fighter.”

  “I want you to tell me it will be okay. Not to worry. That everything will go back to normal.” Phoebe couldn’t hold back the sharp tongue that was filled with anger and bitterness. She’d been robbed of something precious, and no one could give it back. The ignorant belief that I was indestructible.

  “I won’t lie to you. Nothing thus far has been easy.”

  “Being with you has.” The words slipped out before she could stop them.

  “There were a few times I thought you’d never speak to me again,” he replied.

  Crossed my mind. “I’m sure you thought the same thing about me. Actually, I should apologize for storming out on you like that.”

  “I was wrong. I should’ve told you about Rafe,” Jett said. “I hope you know I’d never intentionally do anything to hurt you.”

  “That’s the problem, isn’t it? We never mean to, but sometimes it can’t be helped.” First, it was not being forthcoming about Rafe. What if there were other things he hadn’t shared? “Jett, can I ask you something?”

  “Of course.”

  “Is there anything else you haven’t told me?” I don’t want any more surprises.

  A few seconds went by and he said, “Maybe we can talk about it on the way to visit your family.”

  There are things. She wanted to know now. But what would it matter to wait a few hours more?

  “Should I call them? Or maybe just call Rafe? Or should I call Melissa? Or—”

  “Phoebe, why don’t you let me reach out to Rafe?”

  “Thank you so much for doing that, doing this, for me. I don’t know why I’m so nervous.”

  “I would be worried about you if you weren’t. Now can I ask you a question?” Jett asked.

  “Of course.”

  “Why were you crying when you called?”

  He knew? She had tried so hard to cover it up, but Jett always seemed to sense things with her. “I had a bad dream.” It was a hell of a lot more than that, but hopefully it would suffice for an answer.

  “Phoebe, would you like me to come over so you can talk about it?”

  There was Jett, still trying to protect her. But he couldn’t. The damage was already done. Nothing he said would ever make her forget it.

  “No. I’m okay. But it’ll be nice to see you.”

  “I miss you too. What time should I pick you up?” Jett asked.

  Shower, dress, and get the bags out from under her eyes. “How about noon?”

  “I’ll be there.”

  She ended the call and sat there a few more minutes. There was no need to rush. The hardest thing was going to be getting ready mentally. At least they can’t see what I don’t let them.

  Phoebe wasn’t just talking about the physical scars, but the emotional ones as well. Oddly, Jett has seen them both.

  With everything that had happened in her life, was it possible that meeting Jett now was meant to be? If she believed in fate, then she would also need to accept what had happened in Moreira as fate as well. That wasn’t going to happen.

  Maybe the next person she needed to meet with was Phil. He was, after all, the one who’d sent Jett to her. Also the one I owe my life to. Without Phil, she knew she never would’ve made it out of Moreira. I’d have been dead in that jungle and seeing my family again never would have been a concern. Thinking like that somehow eased her nerves. No matter how difficult this is, it’s nothing compared to what I’ve been through.

  * * *

  Jett was thrilled that she had called him. Of course, he was going to see her one way or the other today. But he hadn’t expected her to ask him to bring her to see the family.

  He had already called Rafe and let him know about their arrival. Once again, Rafe had decided to keep it just the siblings and Deanna. The only one who didn’t fit in this picture was him. Of course, that wasn’t going to prevent him from going. This wasn’t about anyone but Phoebe, as far as he was concerned.

  As he pulled up to the address that Roman had provided him, he was shocked. This wasn’t the first time he’d come here. Roman’s parents had some holiday party there and he and Roman were heading out on a mission. They stopped in long enough to make an appearance and for Jett to realize that Roman was a guy stuck with a bunch of sisters. Roman’s parents tried inviting him to every party after that, which Jett avoided. They probably hoped he’d marry one of their five daughters. They were all beautiful and thankfully, had found husbands on their own. That was good, because there was only one woman he wanted to see in that house.

  He pulled into the driveway and didn’t even get a chance to shut off the car. Phoebe came rushing out of the house and climbed into the passenger’s seat.

  “Is there a fire?”

  “Excuse me?” she asked.

  “You seem in a hurry to get out of the house.”

  She shook her head as she clicked her seatbelt. “No. I’m just excited. I really can’t believe we are doing this.”

  We. He had to admit, he li
ked the sound of that. Which was odd, because normally he’d have run before she even had a chance to care, never mind say we. Phoebe was more than just important to him. That’s why he was going to let her know about his little meeting with the family yesterday. He never wanted to see that look of disappointment and anger, again from her. I’m going to lose you over something I have control over.

  Putting the car in reverse, they started their trip to Rafe’s. “I reached out to Rafe like we discussed. They are equally happy to know you’re coming today.”

  “I hope they don’t make a big ordeal out of this.”

  Not like you just came back from the dead or anything. She was struggling to see the impact her return was going to have on the family. He just wasn’t sure what her seeing the family again was going to do to their relationship.

  “I expressed your concerns.” Reaching out, he grabbed hold of her left hand. “Phoebe, earlier I promised to tell you anything you might not know.”

  “You did. And I appreciate that.”

  “Good. So you might want to know this isn’t my fist visit.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I was here yesterday morning, and spent a good part of the day talking with your family. They’re wonderful people who love you very much.”

  “I don’t understand why you’d do that?” Phoebe said.

  “To pave the way for the day you were ready to go. They had questions, not just about you, but about me as well.”

  “Did you tell them about…about what happened to me?”

  He heard the panic in her voice; he gave her hand a gentle squeeze. “I did. So today there is no reason for you to talk about it, unless you want to.”

  She sat quiet and he didn’t want to disturb her. When she spoke, she asked, “Was there anything else you wanted to tell me?”

  There was, but that would wait until a less stressful time, and one when she could focus just on what he had to say. “Not at this moment.”

  “So what did my family say?”

  He smiled. “Just a few childhood stories that explain a lot.”

  She cocked a brow. “What exactly does that mean?”

  He laughed. “That Rafe might be a hard-ass, and your other brothers too, but you, my dear, sweet Phoebe, have always been a force to be reckoned with.”

  “Oh I doubt they said that. I was always,” she giggled, “up to no good. I remember me and Deanna skipping school to go to a concert. We would’ve gotten away with it, but I talked her into sneaking backstage to meet the band.”


  “We saw the band, as security brought us to the office and called our parents.” Laughing, she added, “And Rafe was the one my parents sent to pick us up. He lectured us all the way home. And now he and Deanna are married. I just can’t believe that. She knew what a stick in the mud he was. I would’ve thought that she’d have married someone much more adventurous.”

  “Maybe Rafe is more…fun than you thought.” Jett couldn’t say that with a serious face.

  “You can’t really believe that,” Phoebe said.

  “Not for a minute.”

  They joked and kept the mood light the rest of the trip, only about an hour from Boston. But it was refreshing, almost like the time they’d spent on the boat. It made him wish that’s where they were heading instead. But as they arrived, he couldn’t help but see Phoebe’s eyes wide with excitement.

  Rafe had come out first to greet them but was practically knocked over by Deanna and Melissa pushing him aside. Jett didn’t even have a chance to be a gentleman and open the car door for her. All three ladies were huddled together emitting high-pitched cries as they sandwiched Phoebe in the middle.

  Gabe walked over and said, “At least we know where we rate.”

  Jett nodded. “I’m sure it will be over soon.”

  Josh shook his head. “You can try walking over and breaking it up, but I don’t promise you won’t need a visit to the ER after.”

  “That bad?” Jett asked.

  “Actually, might be worse, but they are keeping it toned down,” David said as he joined them. “I don’t know about you, but I’m going inside.”

  Jett didn’t want to leave her alone. He’d promised to be by her side. Of course, standing outside with the ladies didn’t appeal to him either. So he opted to follow her brothers inside. Rafe handed him a beer. “Might as well get comfortable. This might take a while.”

  “Phoebe seemed to have gotten over her anxiety,” Jett said.

  “They have a lot to talk about. Happy things. This will be good for Phoebe. For all of them, actually.”

  He could still hear them giggling outside. “So, what do we do in the meantime?”

  Josh asked, “Do you shoot pool?”

  “I can hold my own,” Jett said.

  “Good, then please kick Renzo’s ass, because he’s been trouncing us all while waiting for you guys,” Gabe laughed.

  Jett didn’t want to shoot pool, but if this was some welcome to the family, then he would oblige.

  “Don’t let him win either,” Rafe added.

  “That’s not my style,” Jett said as he grabbed a pool stick.

  If this was any indication of how the rest of the visit would go, he no longer had any worries about Phoebe. She was home where she needed to be, and the family wasn’t trying to wedge him out. Which was good, because he didn’t plan on going anywhere. Not unless she wants me gone.

  Chapter Fifteen

  “You haven’t stopped smiling,” Jett said as they drove back to Boston.

  Phoebe shook her head. “I don’t think I will for at least a week. Of course, by then we’re attending the family reunion, where I get to meet all of my sisters in law. They have to be amazing to put up with that crew.”

  Jett grunted. “I know they’re some mean pool players.”

  “I can’t believe you actually thought you could beat Renzo. Did they tell you he played professionally back in college?” Phoebe asked.

  He laughed. “I believe that was left out. I’ll be more cautious next time.”

  “That sounds nice. Next time. I was so worried about how today would go, and yet I hated leaving. But I get it, they have someone waiting for them at home.” Unlike me. She wasn’t looking forward to going back to Roman’s parents’ house. It was nice enough, and very kind of him to let her stay. Trying not to think about it, she asked, “Can you believe I’m an auntie?”

  “I think those kids are about to be spoiled rotten.”

  “Spoiled yes, rotten, no,” Phoebe corrected. The last thing she wanted was to undo all the work her family had put into making them amazing kids. And this auntie isn’t going to fall for any tricks, either. Mostly because she had already pulled them on her parents. If her brothers weren’t away serving overseas so much, she probably wouldn’t have gotten away with so much.

  “I was just rotten, now I spoil myself,” Jett joked.

  “Somehow I don’t believe you. I mean, on the spoiled part. Rotten? I can totally see it.” Phoebe snickered.

  Jett grinned. “Would you believe I was an angel growing up?”

  “I think I’ll ask your uncle. Actually, I feel as though you know more about me than I do you.”

  “What would you like to know?”

  “Tell me about your childhood.” It wouldn’t be the same as hearing the stories told by someone else, the way her family had shared with Jett.

  “Let’s see, you know I’m an only child. You know my uncle had been there a lot.”

  “Yes, but that is not who you are. Tell me what you liked to do. What mischief you got into. And don’t you dare tell me there was none.”

  “Let’s see, while you were sneaking out with Deanna, I was…damn it, I was boring as hell. Uncle Phil used to pick me up and take me to his lab.”

  Phoebe looked at him as though he had to be joking. When she realized he wasn’t, she burst out laughing. “Oh no. Poor baby. That’s it, I’m taking you to a rock concert an
d we’re going to spike your hair and…hmmm. Do you have any leather pants?”

  Jett cocked a brow. “They don’t go well on a boat.”

  “Ok, so we need to add shopping to the list,” she teased. Phoebe was enjoying his expression. Of course he probably would look sexy as hell in leather pants. Maybe leather chaps instead. If she got him to wear them, they weren’t going to be going anywhere or doing anything, except maybe a bit of fun role play. Wonder what he looks like in a cowboy hat?

  It wasn’t long before the city lights were shining bright ahead of them. “I hate thinking this day is going to end.”

  “It doesn’t have to,” Jett said. “You could come back to my place with me.”

  “The boat?”

  “Actually, I was thinking my house. I don’t live on the boat.”

  Phoebe didn’t want someplace new once again. She wanted familiar. The boat, though not ideal as long-term living quarters, actually held some fond memories. And I wouldn’t mind making a few more.

  “There’s no way I could convince you to stay on the boat with me?” Phoebe batted her eyelashes playfully.

  “Phoebe, are you sure about this?” Jett asked.

  There was a lot she wasn’t positive about. Wanting to be in Jett’s arms and bed again sure as hell wasn’t one of them.

  “I’m not sure. Did you…stop at the store yet?”

  Jett looked at her as though he wasn’t catching what she was hinting at. He quickly put on his turn signal and pulled into a small convenience store. “I’ll be right back.”

  Phoebe couldn’t help but chuckle as she watched him practically running into the store. She didn’t have to question whether or not he had missed her as well.

  There were still plenty of things for them to discuss, but tonight, she wanted to hold on to him. She wasn’t ready to close her eyes, because she was afraid of what tonight’s dreams were going to bring. But knowing he was there with her somehow eased her fear.

  He promised to protect me. I’m hoping that means in my dreams as well.


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