New Love: Blue Valley High — Senior Year (The Blue Valley Series Book 2)

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New Love: Blue Valley High — Senior Year (The Blue Valley Series Book 2) Page 30

by Mj Fields

  “I will sleep with you. But wait, the girls.”

  He drags me behind me and into their room.

  “Won’t they be upset if they wake up and you’re not there?”

  “I get up before dawn and run most of the time, anyway. They won’t think anything of it.”

  Exhaustion overtakes sense, and I flop into the cloud of pink that is Ally’s bed and hear the door lock.

  Oh, boy.

  Watching him shed his shorts and realizing there isn’t anything under them, my insides clench, and I’m pretty sure I’m bruised. “Lucas,” I whisper as he pulls the covers down and out from under me, his dick swinging like a pendulum, hypnotizing me. He’s not hard, and he’s still big, like really, really big. As amazing as all that is, he’s also tall and built like I’ve never seen, and Alex is tall and extremely muscular, but Lucas … he’s filled out like a grown man—bulky and muscular.

  Mind-blowing that I can look at him, even though I know he’s mine, and still get the good butterflies, the first crush kind.

  “We’re going to sleep tonight.” He slides in and pulls the covers over us. Then he pulls me over, head to chest, and all I can think about is … him.

  I try to sleep, I really do, but I know what’s under these covers, and it’s like getting a new toy and not being able to play with it.

  When he’s asleep, I decide to Nancy Drew the situation and slide under the covers.

  Fingertips against his thick, soft length, tracing his ridges, I swallow down the saliva pooling in my mouth.

  I run my tongue around his head, and he begins to harden. I do it again, and his delicious cock jerks. Unable to stop myself, I take him in my mouth, wanting to feel him grow inside of it.

  Sleepily, Lucas groans, “Baby, what are you doing?” And thrusts deeper. “Don’t you stop.”

  His hand grips the back of my head as he throws the blankets off while I continue.

  “Fucking hot,” he moans, and I take him faster, deeper, using my hand, my mouth, my tongue, loving every minute of it, giving him this, but more, taking it for myself.

  “Stop, stop, stop,” he says, twitching inside my mouth and pulling me away.

  “No,” I gasp then take in a much-needed inhale of breath as he turns, grabs a tissue, and covers himself just in time to empty into it.

  Entranced, I watch his body, illuminated by the light of the moon shining through the window, as it tenses. Engrossed by watching his big hand wrap around his length as he strokes once, twice, three times, jaw-clenched, chest rising and falling rapidly, groaning.

  Burning inside, I watch him tense and hold his breath until his body jerks. Head falling back, he groans with each twitch of his body as he comes.

  Finally, he opens his eyes. “Fuck, baby, fuck yes.”

  “You know I could finish.”

  He grabs my face and pulls me to him, kissing me deeply, hard, breathlessly, then flops down and pulls my head to his chest, heart racing against my ear. “I have a doctor’s appointment tomorrow afternoon, just to be sure all is well. I do that every six months. And then, well, and then you may regret asking for it.”

  “Well then, why didn’t you let me, you know, finish?”

  “Tessa, seriously, how many people have you been with?”

  “Oh, that’s right,” I mumble.

  “My turn.”

  He starts to move, and I stop him. “Oh no.”

  “For how long?”

  “A day, maybe two.”

  “You sore?” He pouts.

  “I’ll take care of you, Lucas.”

  “You better.” He pulls me into a tighter hug. “Please let me know as soon as I can touch you again.”

  Chapter Thirty Two

  Seriously think my little, one-winged angel has sprouted a second. I am a blessed man. I’m sure I don’t deserve it, but right now, I’m not seeing that’s something I should question, because I’m seeing fucking stars.

  Jesus L. Christ, this reminds me of that movie that Tommy made me sit through, Groundhogs Day. I wish I could tell him that I like the remake a hell of a lot better. I also wish I could stop thinking about Tommy while Tessa is swallowing my cock, but honestly, until I did, I was about ready to blow.

  I throw the blanket off me, and blue eyes blast me.

  “Damn, baby.”

  Mouth full of me, she winks.

  She thinks this is a competition.

  I grab her and flip her over.

  “I wasn’t done yet.”

  I throw back the covers and dip under. “You seriously can’t expect me to not touch you.”

  Panties ripped and mouth on her hot, soaked pussy, I lick her slit, and she stiffens.

  I look up. “Sore?”

  Her eyes widen, and then she grabs my hair and wraps her sexy thighs around my head.

  I eat her like it’s my job, my lifelong career, getting her off twice.

  When I spread her a bit and check out the goods, she asks, “What are you doing?”

  I wink. “Checking for callouses.”

  She grabs a pillow, plasters it over her face, and laughs into it.

  Our spring break didn’t line up with my sisters; therefore, after going down on my girl, I go for a run, help get breakfast for the girls, and wave Dad and Adrianna off. The other four don’t even stir, so I head in, scoop Tessa up, and carry her into my room.

  She doesn’t say shit when I drop her on the bed. In fact, she rolls over, opens my nightstand drawer, and shakes her head. “Seriously, you should own stock.”

  “Dad does.” I roll her on her back and take it from her. “You sure?”

  “Did you see any bruises, cuts, or abrasions?”

  I tear the packet open with my teeth then spit the torn piece out. “And no callouses, thank God.” Rolling on the condom, I look at her as she pulls her sleep tee off. “Tessa, you are so fucking hot.”

  “And so ready.” She pushes me back and straddles me.


  “Really.” She grabs my dick like she owns it, which she does, then slowly, so slowly, slides down me.

  I watch her face, discomfort turning to desire, and I let her take control. I watch her hot as hell body as she begins to move and, fuck, she does it good. I hold her tits in my hands, rubbing my thumbs across her nipples, and her back arches. Swear to all that is true that I’m gonna shed a tear of fucking joy for the first time in my life.

  I sit up and flip her onto her back. Grabbing her hands, I hold them over her head. “Gotta let me, baby.”

  “Doggie,” she pants out.

  “What?” I swear my voice squeaks.

  “I want it every way with you,” she demands.

  “All in one day?” I sound like a bitch, and when she looks at me and gives me the aw face, I flip her over and man the fuck up.

  “All fours.”

  She does so and looks back at me.

  I grab her around the waist, line up my dick, and drive into her.

  “Oh God,” she whimpers.

  “Did I hurt you, baby?”

  She turns around, looking … hungry. “Don’t stop.”

  “Hold on, baby,” I hiss as I move in and out of her faster.

  “Lucas,” she cries out.

  “Pillow, baby.”

  She grabs it and buries her face, and we fuck, thrust for thrust.

  When I can’t hold back, she releases, and I follow. In synch. So damn in synch.

  I pull out, roll over, and take her with me, breathing out, “Holy shit, baby.”

  She turns, smiling from ear to ear. “Lucas, that was amazing.”

  “It didn’t hurt?”

  “No, not really. At first maybe, but no.” She giggles, lips against my chest.

  “Good. So, next time it’s on.”

  Her eyes widened.

  “I’ve used a lot of restraint, Tessa, and I don’t want to. Next time, I’m going to unleash on you. That next time will be today. We’re going to have to leave the house, be
cause I’m sick of hearing my name buried in down pillows.”

  I watch her face for a reaction. It’s exactly what I hoped—excited, but with a bit of worry.

  “I love you, baby.” I roll off the bed and drag her with me, heading into the bathroom and putting paste on two brushes. I know how she feels about not kissing in the morning, and I fucked up by not having mints at the ready.

  I hand her a toothbrush and start the shower. We brush our teeth together then hop in. We kiss, lots of kissing while washing each other’s bodies. Then I step out and grab her a towel. She dries off and throws on her PJ’s, scrunching up her face again.

  “I wish we could do this every day.”

  “I would like that.”

  “Oh, but yesterday living with me was a touchy subject,” I remind her.

  “Lucas, I want to very much. But right now, I want to enjoy all this. It’s new to me, and I’d like to bask in it as long as I can.” She kisses me. “Please, understand that.”

  I nod. “That’s fine for now, baby. By the way, it really likes you basking in it, on it, around it—”

  Tessa laughs as she kisses me.

  “Let’s go make breakfast?” She grabs my hand, and we head for the door.

  “Sounds good.”

  While we cut up veggies side by side, I feel that same way that I felt while living at the Ross’s. Then Jade and Ryan walk down the stairs and into the kitchen, bringing reality with them.

  I miss him.

  Tessa doesn’t let it stay quiet for long. She gives Jade a big hug then announces, “We have broccoli, mushrooms, onions, peppers, cheese, ham, and bacon for omelets. Give Lucas your orders, and I’ll get to cooking.”

  It’s not until Jade is scarfing down her omelet that the heavy lifts and I remember he is still here.

  When she finishes, way before anyone else, Ryan chuckles at her. “You want mine?”

  She smacks his arm. “Yes, actually.”

  He passes it to her. “Eat up, Jade.”

  Tessa begins making him another.

  “I don’t know why I’m so hungry,” Jade mumbles, diving in.

  Ryan chuckles.

  “What?” Jade giggles, taking another bite.

  “Jade,” he whispers, “you’re pregnant; you’re supposed to be hungry.”

  “Do you see that?” Tessa whispers to me.

  “I’ve seen that for a few months now.”

  “And …?” she asks cautiously.

  “I think he really cares about her. Tommy did, too.”

  “That doesn’t bother you?”

  “No, she loves Tommy, and Ryan isn’t an idiot; he knows that,” I say quietly.

  Tessa looks down. “Her brothers … that was an awful time for her, and every time I feel sorry for myself, I think about them.” She takes a deep breath. “And now all this.”

  I hug her and rub my nose against hers.

  Phoebe and Alex walk in, holding hands, both looking exhausted. I heard crying, but not the details, and after our little confessional in the Ross family living room a few months back, I imagine there’s a lot of pain behind her normally bright eyes. Eyes that show a desire to be a part of something and show that she’s a loyal friend. She does that, and she does it with a fierceness that I appreciate.

  Tessa has already begun their omelets, and I bring them some OJ. “Enjoy.”

  Alex pulls a chair out for Phoebe, and she looks down as she sits and stays looking down.

  Tessa places their omelets in front of them then sets to making hers and mine.

  “Phoebe, eat please. Just a bite,” Alex whispers, yet she continues to sit, unmoving. The way she does this isn’t her being defiant; she seems kind of lost in her own head.

  Tessa and I eat, and we do so quickly as Jade, Ryan, and Alex discuss heading into the city to do some shopping. I let them know I have an appointment, and Tessa said she’ll come with me, that we can meet them afterward.

  Plans set for the day, Jade and Ryan leave to go get ready, and I help Tessa do dishes as Alex sits and watches Phoebe, who is still completely zoned out.

  Drying her hands, Tessa asks, “Alex, can you give us a minute?”

  He nods as he stands, shoulders wilting like late season flowers. I follow him into the family room.

  “Hold up,” I stop him when I hear Tessa do what she does best—take care of people. “Your sister is going to make an excellent nurse.”

  He runs his hair over his head. “Yeah.”

  Then we hear Tessa say, “Phoebe, are you okay?”

  Voice hoarse, she responds, “I can’t even look at him. It’s hard enough looking at you.”

  I peek around the corner and see Tess pick up the fork with eggs on it.

  “These are magic eggs, Phoebe. I made them for you. Please eat them.” She makes an airplane noise, like you would feeding a baby.

  Phoebe smiles politely, opens her mouth, and then chews.

  “When you were sleeping last night, I came in. My brother told me he loves you.” Tessa scoops up more eggs and makes the airplane noise again.

  I step aside and motion for Alex to watch.

  “Do you love my brother?”

  Phoebe whispers, “Very much. But he’s good and I’m …” She stops and shakes her head, swallowing, and a tear follows.

  Tessa makes the noise again and puts more food in Phoebe’s mouth. “If Alex says he loves you, it’s as real as a heart needing to beat to live. The kind of love we give, Phoebe, the kind I know you give, too, it’s the kind that never stops. He told me how you responded when he said it. I think he feels like you don’t feel the same.”

  Phoebe swallows the last bite that Tessa feeds her. “That’s not what I want, Tessa. He deserves more. I’d never hurt him. I love him very much.”

  Tessa looks at the doorway, at Alex standing there, leaning against the wall.

  “What’s more than love, Pheebs?” He pushes off the doorway and walks toward her.

  She covers her face. “Oh God.”

  “You believe in Him? You believe in love, right?” Alex squats down as he turns her stool to face him.

  Tessa musses up her hair then walks away. “Love you, Phoebe.” I watch her look at Alex when she says, “Love you, too.”

  Alex hugs her as I take Tessa’s hand.

  “Can we try this again?” he asks, and she nods. “Phoebe, I love you.”

  She smiles, but it’s pained. “I love you, Alex. I’m sorry.”

  Tessa smiles and does some sort of happy dance, and I hear laughter coming from behind us.

  I look back and see Audrianna, who giggles.

  “You are so precious.”

  Tessa covers her face and groans. “Embarrassing.”

  Then I hear Dad say, “You do know we can still see you, right? Even with your eyes closed?”

  “When did you two get back?” I ask, confused.

  Audri elbows Dad before he says what I assume would be, While you were buried in girlfriend.

  He smiles. “When you were little, you didn’t think we could see you when you covered your face. I just thought Tessa should know we could still see her, since she is a woman now.”

  Audri elbows him harder now and, yep, they heard us.

  He looks at his watch. “You have an appointment you need to get ready for.”

  I grab Tessa’s hand and head upstairs where Jade and Ryan are sitting in the family room that overlooks the living room.

  “I have a physical in a bit. You two sure it’s okay if I take Tessa with me and we meet you later?”

  “Of course.” Jade smiles. “Besides, I think I’m going to grab that chess board and kick this boy’s butt.”

  Ryan laughs. “Jade, you don’t have a chance.”

  Chapter Thirty Three

  Lucas leaves the highway and drives down a road, hand gripping mine a bit tighter.

  “Nervous?” I ask.

  “About passing the physical to be on a D1 football team?”

p; I squeeze his hand, and he chuckles.

  “Not at all.” As he pulls onto another road, I see a park of some sorts. I didn’t see the sign because he’s driving too fast or was it because I’m too busy looking at him? Seriously, I’m still gawking at and crushing on him. Even more so now.

  When he pulls up a seasonal road, I laugh. “Strange place for a doctor’s office.” Then heat builds between my legs when I realize we’re not going straight to his appointment.

  Lucas looks out of the corner of his eye. I sit back and close my eyes.

  “Nice,” he says under his breath.

  He pulls off the road and onto an overlook then hops out of his SUV. Hurrying around the vehicle, he opens my door, unbuckles my seat belt, and extends his hand, asking for permission.

  I reach out and grab it again.

  “Nice,” he whispers.

  I follow him to a small cabin in a clearing. “You don’t have to be quiet here, baby.” He looks back at me. “You all right?”

  I nod and look in his eyes, unsure of what to expect.

  Lucas wastes no time as he slowly undresses me, kissing me sweetly. But as each article of clothing is removed, tossed, making somewhat of a breadcrumb trail behind him, his kisses become more intense.

  Next to the picnic table, in the middle of nowhere, he pulls off his long-sleeved white tee then steps to the table and spreads it out like a blanket. Quickly, he moves back to me, grabbing my hips and lifting me to set me on it, nostrils flaring, jaw clenched.

  “If it gets to be too much, tell me, baby.”

  He kisses a trail from my neck to my mouth then down to my breasts. I flinch as he bites down hard on it, but the pain ceases and turns to … “Oh God.”

  He hooks a finger into my mouth when I’m about to clench it shut, to silence myself. “I want to hear you, baby,” he whispers, continuing down my abdomen.

  I cry out when he spreads me and thrusts a finger deep inside, one and then another.

  His palm against my folds, he watches, entranced. Then he looks back up at me. “Give it to me, baby.”

  “Oh God, Lucas,” I cry out then hear his name echo around us.


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