3012: The Artifact

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3012: The Artifact Page 46

by John M Grier


  Using one hand to hang on with, Jack quickly input the future date and they jumped once again. They were instantly in calm, beautiful Caribbean waters. They all breathed a sigh of relief before untying themselves and climbing to the deck to get some fresh air. It was much needed after their brief ordeal.

  Janet was the first to notice that they had landed right next to a ship. She was looking at it in such a way that Jack had to see what had her attention. He turned around and saw a ship that appeared to be from the seventeenth century. Then he saw that there was no flag flying. That made him immediately nervous. He whispered “Paul, go back down and bring our weapons. Everyone is to be armed again. Go quickly before they spot us.”

  Suzie noticed the ship, estimated the era and appeared dressed in the finest ladies clothing available in the seventeenth century. Jack saw her and whispered “Suzie, I think that’s a pirate ship. If they see you like that, they will attack us, thinking this is a wealthy merchant ship. Try changing into something more like a pirate, maybe we can bluff our way out of this.”

  Suzie smiled and quickly changed to look like a fierce lady pirate, complete with a huge sword in her waistband and three pistols on a strap across her chest. She completed it with a hat that was huge. Fortunately, frilly clothing was popular with people of both sexes during this era, and Suzie spared no frill.

  Paul returned with their weapons and quietly passed them out. He was both excited and nervous at the thought of what type of people was on the ship next to them.

  The other ship was much larger than Jack’s boat. It was also very close. Amazingly, they had been here for a few minutes and still no one had hailed them. Jack decided to take charge of the situation and yelled over to the other vessel “Ahoy! Who be captain of this fine vessel?”

  Immediately, every head turned their way. Swords were drawn on the other ship and a few pistols as well. “Now, let’s not be hasty, gentlemen” Jack said. “No need for hostility just yet.”

  The captain of the other vessel strolled over to the rail to get a closer look at Jack and his crew. “I notice no banner on your vessel captain. Ye wouldn’t be pirates now would ye?”

  Jack smiled and said “I would rather just say that we prefer to remain neutral in matters such as allegiance. I notice you must share a similar sentiment since your fine vessel lacks the same.”

  The other captain laughed heartily. Finally, he spoke “Neutral in matters such as allegiance. I shall have to remember that. Yes, I suppose ye could say that we are also neutral.” After a brief pause, he said “How is it, I feel I must ask, did ye manage to get the jump on us with naught so much as a lookout seeing your vessel until ye greeted us? Surely ye are adrift for I see no sails.”

  “Don’t let the lack of sails disturb you, captain. Our vessel is powered by other means. Rest assured, we are capable of making great speed. And, if ye were to possess such ideas as to acquiring said vessel yourself, I would point out that we are armed as well. We may be fewer in numbers, but we are superior in strength.”

  Having made this bold statement to a ship full of pirates, Jack took his rifle and fired in the air about a dozen times in quick succession, but not on rapid fire. He would save that little surprise for later, if he needed it.

  The two ships were close enough now that one pirate let loose a yell and leaped to the deck of Jack’s boat. He had sword in hand and made a swipe at Paul. Paul pulled his molecular knife out, which was nearly as long as the other man’s sword and simply sliced it off at the hilt. He then very calmly brought the blade up to the man’s neck and held it there without touching the skin. If he so desired, he could have very simply removed the man’s head with little or no effort.

  The crew of the other ship saw this and let out a gasp. None could believe what they just witnessed. The captain, slipping back into his ‘innocent’ persona said, “Now, now lads, there be no need for aggression. These fine people certainly mean us no harm.”

  Paul slowly lowered the blade and the man climbed back to his own vessel. He would most likely pay dearly for his misadventure later, but there was nothing that could be done about that now. Paul had spared him and that was all they could do.

  The pirate captain said “Yours certainly is a vessel full of great wonders, Captain. My hat goes off to you.” With that, he removed his hat and in a grand gesture, swept it around in a fancy bow.

  Jack returned the gesture in hopes of defusing a bad situation. The pirate captain then said “Captain, might I interest you in a quiet conversation, away from our crews?”

  Not liking it one bit, but afraid to say no, Jack said “I suppose that would be acceptable Captain.”

  Turning to Paul he said “Keep an eye on everyone. I’m going to try to get him over here, but if I have to join him on his ship, it could get ugly. Hopefully, you won’t have to come after me on a rescue mission.”

  Nodding, Paul said “Certainly Captain. I shall endeavor to follow your wishes.”

  Jack had a slight grin at Paul for so easily falling into the role expected of him by the crew of the other ship. Turning back to the other ship, he said “Captain, might I invite you over to my vessel for our parlay? Since I have the lesser crew, you should feel perfectly safe here. We can remain at the aft deck where no one can hear us, if you like.”

  The pirate captain rubbed his beard, obviously considering the pros and cons of the situation. Finally, he satisfied himself that he could see no problems with it, so he agreed. Jack quietly breathed a sigh of relief. The captain climbed over to Jack’s boat and strolled to the rear of the deck. He looked around, not recognizing most of the items he saw.

  Jack walked briskly back to the meeting with the pirate captain. When he got there, he said “Captain, let us dispense with the formalities since it is just the two of us. My name is Captain Jack Murphy, but please call me Jack.”

  The pirate considered this a moment, and said “Then by all means you may call me William, although never in front of my crew. To my crew I am Captain MacGreggor.”

  “Fair enough’ said Jack.

  William said “Jack, I couldn’t help but have the opinion that with the size of my crew and your fancy rapid-shot guns, not to mention that amazing edge your first mate has on his blade, the two of us could pool our resources and enter into an accord that would assure mutual wealth.”

  Jack sat back and considered this a moment. He had to get away from this pirate and figure out what was wrong with his time machine, then make his exit. He was still a few hundred years short of his goal and had not even had the chance to look at the display to see ‘when’ he was.

  He decided that it would be best to just go along with him for the moment. He had no idea how he would keep the fact from notice that there were only four of them, one of which had more of the appearance of a ghost than a person, if they were to enter into any sort of battle. Finally he said “I had not intended to join with anyone, and certainly shall not join on any sort of permanent basis. However, I am willing to see how we do together. Shall we say a fifty, fifty split of the outcome of our venture?”

  “Well now fifty, fifty doesn’t seem quite fair to me, since I have to share it with many more people. What say you to ten percent for the each of us with the rest divvied up between our pair of crews? How big is your crew, anyway?”

  “It is plenty big enough to get the job done, whatever that job may be.”

  “Okay then, fair enough. I can certainly see your quest for secrecy, what with all these unusual devices you have scattered about your vessel.” He paused before continuing with a huge smile on his face saying “I happen to know of a great treasure three days sail from here. It is too much for my crew alone, but with your assistance, it would suddenly seem that same vast treasure be ours for the taking.”

  Jack stood up and thrust his hand forward and shook William’s hand. He said “I shall follow you for three days then. Upon reaching ou
r destination, I hope to have a few more details.”

  “Have them you shall, Captain Murphy.” He then made his exit, strolling back across the deck and made a hasty climb to his own ship.

  Jack walked back to the bridge and positioned the boat behind the pirate ship, noticing for the first time the name of the ship, ‘Queen Mary's Dagger’.

  He said “It would seem we have become pirates in league with that other ship, at least for the next three days. Hopefully, we will be able to make our exit sometime between now and three days from now. Otherwise, we’ll be involved in a heist.”

  Suzie said “Shame on you, you big Pirate!” She then laughed. Her laughter got them all laughing.


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