3012: The Artifact

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3012: The Artifact Page 57

by John M Grier


  They had only been on the move for a few hours when Jack said “There’s a small town nearby that has a restaurant on the dock. We may overwhelm them, but I think it’s a good idea to stop and get everyone a hot meal. We’ll figure out sleeping arrangements as well. This boat can only comfortably hold about a third of the people we have on board. But we’ll figure something out.”

  Jack pulled up to the dock and got some strange looks from the pair of fishermen who were relaxing on a bench nearby. It was only then that Jack remembered the hovercraft parked on his roof. It was obviously old and battered, but the simple fact remained that it hadn’t been created yet and looked ‘futuristic.’ Hopefully, it would be taken for an old movie prop and simply ignored.

  Jack said “We are still in Canada. I suggest everyone refrain from conversation with the locals as much as possible. Be polite, but avoid any questions about where we are from. We’re going to Washington, DC, if anyone should ask. I’ll go and arrange food with the restaurant. I would imagine it’ll take them a while, so you may as well get comfortable.”

  Jack left the boat and walked the short distance down the pier to the small restaurant. He found the owner, who was also the cook, and his wife, the sole waitress. There were only a few locals in the establishment, and business looked like it was always a bit slow.

  Jack said “Hi! I have a boat full of hungry people. I know it would have been wise to call ahead, but to be honest; we didn’t have any local phone numbers. We’ve been up north exploring and are making our way south to Washington, DC. There are thirty-two of us total and we would be obliged if there was anything you could put together for us. I am willing to pay a handsome tip as well as the entire bill myself, up front if necessary.”

  The owner and his wife were quite happy for the extra business and said so. He said “I’ll tell you what. Since there are so many of you, it’ll be easier if we set something up like a buffet. Would that be okay? I have an assortment of seafood and lobster I can easily prepare.” They agreed on the price and approximate time it would be ready. Jack returned to the boat to let his passengers know the news.

  He approached the boat to find many of the people already on the pier. Jesse saw him and smiled. Jack said “I arranged for a seafood buffet at the restaurant at the end of the pier. We have an hour and a half or so to kill before it’s ready.

  “I suggest everyone stretch their legs a bit and perhaps you and I can discuss sleeping arrangements. I have a couple of tents in the hold and the hovercraft parked on the roof has three bench seats that can be used. Other than that, we have two options. One, we can sleep in shifts, or two, we can dock near a hotel every night. I can easily afford the bill and would be happy to do so. What do you think?”

  Jesse said “I sure appreciate everything you have done this far. I can’t in good conscience ask for more.”

  “It would be my pleasure. I’ll tell you what…I’ll ask the owner of the restaurant if there’s a motel nearby. If there is, we will rent some rooms. If not, we will make do.”

  “I can’t possibly ask for more than that. Thank you again, Jack.”

  As they slowly made their way to dinner, Jack and his companions started to get to know the others. The owner of the restaurant and his wife had arranged the tables in such a manner that everyone sat together family style, making dinner conversation much easier.

  Jack got his biggest surprise of the dinner when Paul and Janet saw the buffet. Both of them were visibly upset at the thought of eating a creature that was lying on a plate looking back at them. Chuckling quietly, he said “Paul, you have tried everything I have put before you. Why the strange looks at seafood?”

  “When I tried the cow, he wasn’t lying on a plate staring at me as I ate his flesh. You have to admit Jack, this is pretty creepy.”

  “I suppose it is at that, Paul, but believe me when I tell you that this meal is a top of the line dinner in my day. These people really put on quite a spread for us. It would be rude to not at least try it.”

  Janet was so upset that she couldn’t speak. Suzie saw her dilemma and in an attempt to console her said “Janet, try to eat something. Just avoid looking the food in the eye, if possible.”

  Janet just about lost her breakfast at that comment, even though Suzie was only trying to help. Finally, she said “I suppose I can find something to eat on the table. The salad looks wonderful.”

  “That’s the spirit!” said Jack.

  They all sat down and Jesse gathered everyone’s attention. He spoke saying “I think this meal is going to become a significant memory for us all. As we become missionaries to an unknown future, we will have this day to look back on as the day of our new beginning. Jack here has offered not only to transport us but has agreed to supply our needs in a manner such as this until we actually get to where we are going. I can’t thank him enough.

  “Also, I can’t help but give thanks to God for bringing us out of that life. Shall we pray?” He bowed his head and clasped the hands of the two people on either side of him as he continued “Dear Lord, thank you for sending Jack and his friends to deliver us out of certain death. We thank you for our continued good health and the mission you have placed in front of us as well as the gift of salvation through your son Jesus. We thank you for this fine feast you have placed before us as well. Please bless this food to the nourishment of our bodies as well as bless the hands that made it. Thank you for everything you have done for us, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”

  Everyone said “amen” then began their meal. Janet and Paul found the whole experience interesting in spite of the sea creatures looking at them the whole time. Paul couldn’t help but think of the family near the underground city they had shared a meal with. Even though that hadn’t been very long ago, it sure seemed like a lifetime had passed.

  Jack spoke with the owner of the restaurant and discovered a motel nearby. He told Jesse about it. “Jesse, there’s a motel nearby which should solve our dilemma nicely. If you don’t mind, I’ll ask you to divide everyone up and figure out who goes to the motel and who stays on the boat.”

  Jesse said “If this is the hardest of the tasks you are going to ask of me, I shall have no problem sailing under your leadership, Captain Murphy.” Both men got a chuckle out of that and Jack left Jesse to his task.

  He found Suzie and the two of them went for a walk along the beach. Suzie was very quiet and seemed a bit nervous. Noticing her reluctance to speak, Jack said “Is something bothering you, Suzie?”

  “Not really, I mean, maybe…I don’t know. I can’t help but think of Jesse’s hologram that we left behind in Canada, back in the future. I know he and I only had a short time to get to know each other, but there was a connection there, I think. But, I also think of you and the relationship we have. I’m so confused.”

  Jack didn’t answer for a few minutes. Finally he said “Suzie, I must admit that after ten years in your company, I became almost obsessed with you. But, you showed me that there is no way we could be anything other than really good friends. I understand that now and am glad that you have found someone that you can be happy with. I also understand that it’s not too late for me, either. To be honest, I was rather taken with Susan. And in a way, that is somewhat like being with you, if you know what I mean.”

  “I know exactly what you mean. And it’s a good thing, I think. I think we’ll both be okay.”

  “So do I Suzie. So do I.”

  They made their way back to the boat to find that Jesse and Paul had taken charge and had everyone settled down for the night. The evening was cool, but pleasant. Jack found it easy to sleep for a change.

  In the morning, Jesse set out for the motel to gather everyone up so they could get started. Jack and Janet went to the local grocery store and purchased enough food for a few days of breakfast and lunch for their large group. By the time Jesse had returned, Paul and Janet had b
reakfast served for the first wave of travelers.

  The second wave would have to eat while underway. Jack found these people amazing in that they could adapt so easily to such unusual circumstances and manage to keep smiling the whole time.

  They got underway and made pretty good time with the wind behind them helping to push them south. They fell into a routine, stopping at a small town for dinner and hopefully, a motel. Only once during the journey was there no motel near enough. Jack broke out the tents and some people just slept on the deck. It was chaos, but organized chaos, and everyone endured it with a pleasant attitude. Jack found himself really liking these people.

  Finally, after a week they made it to the Chesapeake Bay where Jack parked the boat in its usual spot. He told Jesse that they would have to make several trips to get everyone to Freedom Base, but it was only about an hour or so at top speed.

  He avoided Harmony as he made his way to his home. He would have plenty of time to explain that place later. First things first, he needed to get these people to someplace they could call home. It took several trips and most of the day, but eventually, they all made it ‘home’.

  Once everyone was there, Jack, Paul and Janet told them all about Harmony and the state of the world. They also told of the underground city and its strange society. The people were eager to meet the family that Paul spoke of as living underground near the city.

  Jack showed Jesse the two prisoners and said “We still haven’t figured out what to do with these two yet, but obviously, we can’t just let them go back to their city. If you have any ideas, I am all ears.”

  The larger of the two prisoners said “I have an idea. How about allowing us to remain here? Never have we eaten so good back home. And in the society we are used to we will never be able to do anything other than what we do now. The women in charge decide everything and many of them hate men altogether. They see us as a necessary evil and treat us as such.”

  Jesse said “Jack, I don’t know these two at all and will gladly defer to your decision, but I think we could give them a chance, provided they don’t run off and start a war we simply don’t need.”

  “I still don’t know if we can trust them, but I don’t see why we can’t see what happens for a few days at least.”

  Suzie popped into existence just out of their sight. She strolled over to the cells dressed as she was when they were captured and said “Don’t worry Jack; I’ll keep an eye on them.” She raised her weapon and the two guys actually cringed. Suzie laughed heartily at this.

  Jack opened the cell door and said “One false move and both of you go back to where you came from. Or, better yet, I’ll let Suzie have you.”

  Both men said almost in unison “We’ll be good, you’ll see.”

  With a cautious smile on his face, the larger man stuck his hand out in an obvious attempt to be friendly and said “It is a pleasure to meet you sir. My name is Benjamin Ulysses Grimm…you can call me ‘Bug.’” He pointed to his companion “This is Jim Shultz. We won’t let you down.”


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