Professor X

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Professor X Page 30

by Kiki Leach

  "It was nothing," I said, a flood of emotions washing over me as I shook my head in refusal to unveil the truth. "What did you tell Cheddar?"

  "That shit didn't go as planned out here; let him know more is gonna have to come out with the brothers tonight."

  "What time are you going to the club?"

  "'Round 8 or 9, somethin' like that. Prez and VP had to venture out to fuckin' Honey Grove, Texas with Poke, Chop and Rugger for some foreign car parts. Damn near three hour drive to get there and same time to come back." I nodded as he laid on top of me, his skin now warm and wet from sweat. He pushed his thighs between my hips and rubbed his shaft between my slit; I gulped as his tongue cradled my bottom lip and the hairs of his chest tickled my breasts. "Hey, baby."

  "Hey..." I blinked and wagged my hips against him as he wrapped my hands inside of his own and dragged them above my head. "Are we doing this again?"

  "You want me to stop?"

  "No. I just want to make sure that when we make love this time, I'm wearing your cut like you want."

  His eyes brightened as his head jerked. "You serious?" I nodded. "Shiiiit." He lept from the bed like a rocket and snatched his cut from atop my dresser. I stood up as he returned and placed it around my shoulders, then pushed my arms through the open sleeves and dragged my fingers across the leather of his lapels. "How you feelin' in that shit, darlin'?"

  "Good. Warm and much closer to you."

  "Yeah?" I nodded again as he guided me back down to the bed and slipped his hands beneath my thighs, slinking my legs around his waist. "You want me to go slow this time, baby?" He kissed me until I reached for his dick and stroked his shaft. "Shit." His hands flew to my face as his tongue deepened, as my fingers brushed his balls and his breathing rushed between my lips like a flood. "Fuck..."

  "I want it slow," I told him. "So slow that it's almost painful; too painful in a way that feels too good to stop."


  I turned my head when he finally pushed inside of me, then rolled my eyes back to his face as he grinded his hips. "Tell me that you love me, Xavier." A euphoric burst of adrenaline sparked my skin as he burned against me with elation. "That no matter what happens, you'll always love me forever."

  "I fuckin' love you, baby." He stared into my eyes as a flush of crinkles marked the corners of his own. "Gonna love you forever..." I clawed his back as his mouth fell to the side of my throat, as his lips parted and I felt his tongue on my skin. He grunted. "Ain't nobody on earth ever gonna give you more than me."


  "Yeah, baby, fuckin' promise you that shit... Always fuckin' promise 'til the goddamn end."

  Chapter Twenty-Nine


  By sundown, we were back at Xavier's house and I was in current need of something more than he had promised to give.

  After kissing me goodbye, he hopped onto his bike and backed out of his driveway, taking off for the club.

  Once the dust settled from the spin of his wheels, I turned to Smoke, the grey-eyed Viking that had been assigned to watch me in his absence, and tugged his cut. "You don't have to stay out here until he comes back this time," I said. "You're free to come inside and maybe have something to eat with me? Maybe a drink?"

  His eyes twinkled with a ray of hope as his pale cheeks flushed; then he turned from me and cleared his throat. "Think it's best if I just stayed out here like before."

  "I'm not attempting to suck your dick," I told him. "Or any other part of you at the moment or ever, but I do need a favor."

  "What is it?"

  "You keeping your mouth shut for a gift in return? Come inside with me."

  I slipped my hand around his wrist and dragged him into the living room, then slammed the door and turned the lock.

  He stumbled toward the couch and clutched his chest before turning back to me with arched brows and a sneer. "What's this shit about with you now, Mariah?"

  I stepped forward and pressed my hands together, then shut my eyes and deeply exhaled. "I need to make a run somewhere on my own and I need you to stay here while I do it."

  He wagged his head and looked aside while straightening his back. "Sorry, darlin' -- Your man's orders. If I don't keep my promise to a member, my dick goes flyin' off right along with this cut. And a motherfucker like X would take pleasure in both happenin' when it comes to you."

  "He won't have to know about anything as long as you stay put out here. This thing that I need to take care of can help him and the club."

  He soured as his eyes narrowed. "How do you figure that shit?"

  "It's not something that I can actually talk about right now, but just know that if you let me go, you'll be doing me a favor. One that would allow me to put in a good word for you with X and the brothers. Maybe push you up to a top tier, ride along prospect instead of old lady babysitter. I know that I'm not your first one."

  His eyes lowered for a few seconds as the weight of my offer swirled his brain; then he quickly crossed his arms and shook his head again. "No, darlin', sorry. Somethin' happens to you while you're alone out there and I'm fucked."

  "You won't be," I told him. "I can promise you that, no matter what happens." I peeked at the clock hanging high above the television and gulped as each tick of the arm sounded like a gong inside my ears the closer it moved to 10pm. "Look..." I took one of his hands inside of my own and smiled. "I know that there is something I can get for you to keep quiet; name it beyond the cut and I can make it happen for you in less than five minutes."

  He swallowed hard and readjusted himself. "Darlin'--"

  "Do you want pussy? Because I can get that for you. Not mine, but someone else's."

  He rolled his tongue between his cheeks as intrigue began to overwhelm him like a shaken can of soda, and made a face. "How far are you tryin' to go from here?"

  "Not too far from this house."

  "And you'd make it back before X shot back through here at 1am?"

  "He'll be gone much longer than that considering the club's meeting tonight; either way, I can promise trying to make it back before he does, and I can promise that you won't see any consequences for yourself if I don't."

  "Shit." He snatched his hand from mine and crossed the room, then shook his fingers through his hair and glanced over his shoulder. "Who were you thinkin' about callin' out here for me?"

  I smirked. "Anyone you wanted. Maybe a few of the girls that aren't planning to make a run out there tonight for the other brothers?"

  "Three of 'em," he replied. "Two brunettes and a blond; fat tits, tight pussy."

  "Okay. Does it matter who they are?"

  "No. Just make sure they get here."

  "I can do that..." I paused. "You also have to promise me that whatever you do with them will be in the guest room -- no couches, no tables, nothing out here. I can clean it up before X gets back. And they're not allowed to take more food than they would at the club, and a single beer each. Xavier will know how much is missing and will start asking questions; that's something I can't lie to him about since he knows my appetite."

  "But you can lie about this other shit?" he asked.

  "He'll find out what I'm doing when he realizes that it was to help his club. Now I'll call some of the girls I reconnected with at Rider's party and see if they can be here within the next fifteen minutes or so."

  "Cool. But what if X calls me up while you're out?"

  "Tell him I'm sleeping or in the shower, he'll believe it."

  After calling the girls as requested, I changed my clothes and straightened the guest room. When they finally arrived half dressed and fully horny, I explained the rules of the house and my need for secrecy before grabbing my beretta and purse and hurrying to my car.

  Within two hours, I was back at the Kings' compound. After snatching my purse from the glove compartment and snapping it shut, I jumped out of the car and headed inside the quietly empty clubhouse. Once the door closed behind me, I bypassed the darkly lit bar and moved upstai
rs, then trailed the hallway leading to T-Bone's office and stopped in front of his door.

  I shut my eyes and inhaled a few times before lifting my hand to knock, then stepped back as he barked at me to come inside.

  I pushed the door open with ease and peeked my head around the frame, frowning as soon as I saw him standing in front of his desk, his hand above his face in an attempt to hide the black and blue bruises covering his skin. "Oh my God." My hand flew to my mouth as his swollen eyes searched mine.

  He sniffed and pinched the tip of what looked to be a broken nose as a strip of white tape lined the bridge, then reached for the glass seated next to him and lifted it to his painfully swollen lips. "You gonna stand there all goddamn night like that? 'Cause I can't see the pussy from here, darlin'." I swallowed hard and stepped inside, then gradually traipsed to the middle of the room as the door slammed shut. "Lose the purse," he snapped. "I know you got somethin' in that shit ready to take my ass out when I ain't lookin'."

  "I don't have anything in here--"

  "Bullshit. You want me goin' through it?"

  I dragged my eyes from his and rolled them toward the ceiling. "If you have cameras in here, it wouldn't matter either way, would it?"

  He squint as much as his eyes would allow and nodded. "Guess it wouldn't, darlin', if I had that kinda shit set up in here like that."

  "You don't?" I looked aside and shrugged. "Why not?"

  "Why the fuck are you askin' me goddamn questions on some shit like that, Mariah?"

  "No reason outside of me not wanting you to show Xavier that I was out here tonight after I promised him that I wouldn't be again. And I assumed with the club being high-profile, it would be automatic."

  "It ain't." He eyed me for a long while in silence, then chuckled and sipped what smelled like the fumes of rum spouting from his glass. "I don't have any cameras inside my goddamn office that show what goes down in here -- you know how much pussy would try fuckin' me over with that shit? And the ones for the club were turned off hours ago; didn't want you bein' spooked downstairs in case we made it down there after."

  I quietly swallowed back a growing trace of nausea and placed my purse onto a chair near his couch, then folded my hands in front of my skirt and wagged my head. "You wanted to talk about ACE'S?"

  His eyes dipped from my face as his tongue snaked the rim of his glass. "You too goddamn far away for me to talk about shit to do with anything, Mo."

  "I don't think I am and I still hate that nickname."

  "I don't give a fuck." He sat his glass back down and stood away from his desk, walked toward me and leaned into my face.

  I turned my head as the smell of rum on his breath nearly shattered my nostrils and gulped to keep the continued bile in my throat from making an unworthy appearance between us. "How much of that have you had to drink tonight?"

  "Not enough to numb what the fuck your man did to my goddamn face." He refocused on my breasts and bobbed his head. "Looks like you did what the fuck I asked; can see those nipples pokin' through, lookin' ripe and tight like always." He stroked himself through his pants as I folded my arms and winced. "You come without the panties too?" He shoved his other hand between my thighs and pushed his fingers toward my sex.

  "HEY!" I slapped his arm and jumped back, then slammed the base of my foot between his legs.

  "FUCK!" He clutched his penis as it swelled behind his zipper and dropped to his knees in front of me. "FUCK, BITCH!"

  "I asked you before and I'm asking again, how the hell do you know that you'll be coming into Rocka's 2% soon?" He snarled as his eyes lifted -- as sweat coated his face; he peeked at me beneath his lashes and clinched his teeth. "I can kick you much harder next time," I said.

  "What the fuck does it matter?!" he snapped. "Your man and his club ain't gonna get shit from it -- not as long as my name remains at the top of those contracts."

  "Your name is the only one on both contracts -- not the Kings as a whole?"

  He snickered. "The Kings as a goddamn whole own that 49% with me bein' at the top of the motherfuckin' food chain -- I'm the goddamn boss like always. Flex comes in second as my VP. LapDog could get his own piece, but... obviously can't rely on that disappearin' act of a motherfucker like I thought."

  "What about the 2%?" I started. "You own it outright in your name?"

  He climbed to his feet and nodded. "You're smarter than you've always fuckin' looked."

  "Don't be an asshole--"

  "Two fuckin' late for that shit -- can't change outta what the fuck I've always been." He straightened his penis and brushed his hands against his pants, then forced himself into my space and sneered. "We own ACE'S now, bitch. You wanna come back to work in the hope of keepin' that tight ass of yours in school, a goddamn toll is gonna need to be paid for it with that mouth and pussy first."

  I scoffed. "None of this makes you any different from Rocka."

  "Yeah it does, baby, 'cause unlike that piece of shit, I ain't a goddamn snitch willin' to rat out for pussy; I'm gettin' the shit free and fuckin' clear. Now all I'm askin' for is a goddamn piece like before, that's it. Get my cock wet like you used to and I'll send you back outta here on your goddamn way."

  "I get nothing out of this."

  "You get a motherfuckin' job."

  I glared. "The Devils gain nothing and I've gone behind their backs in coming here."

  "I won't say shit about it if you won't." He snatched his glass from the desk and brushed past me, crossing the room. "Now get undressed and meet me on this goddamn couch."

  "What if I dance for you instead?" I turned to him as he took a seat and readjusted his pants. "I could dance for you instead, and--"

  "First. You dance first and we fuck after." He lifted his index from around the glass and pointed. "That shit works for me too, darlin' -- whatever. As long as I get another taste of that sweet cunt and those tight, brown titties, I'm good."

  I looked across the room and scratched my neck, flexing my back and shoulders as I continued to think. "There's no music."

  "I didn't come up with this goddamn idea for dancin' for me first -- your ass did." He drank the remainder of his rum and lowered the glass to the floor. "Improvise and start shakin' some shit."

  "There's a chance I'm not as good as you remember."

  "Doubt that shit. Just you walkin' back in here like that got my dick flyin' the fuck outta control."


  "Yeah, darlin' -- before you tried fuckin' it up. Don't think you realize the kinda impact you've got on motherfuckers out here. That sweet fuckin' face, those fat, heavy tits and soft brown skin... They don't make bitches like you anymore."

  "You mean natural."

  He grinned and jerked his hips. "You gonna start removin' those clothes for me now or what?"

  "I want to ask you something else first."

  "Start strippin' as you do it."

  I stared down at myself and tugged at my tank while moving toward him. "Do you think you'll actually be successful in moving the Devils out of Pink?"

  "I think I can do any goddamn thing my mind and cock put forward, baby."

  "They won't leave without a fight, you know as much. Even with what happened today, it's not going to keep them from trying to get back onto campus or go to one of your dealers directly."

  "They wouldn't try that shit."

  "Why not?"

  "'Cause they don't know who the fuck is leadin' shit out there, Mariah."

  "It's not you?"

  He sneered. "Tryin' to catch me in some shit?"


  "Comm'ere." He reached for my hands and pulled me onto his lap, pushing his hips between my legs and groaning as I flinched. "You talkin' more than strippin'."

  "I'm trying to understand what I'll be up against if you actually manage to push the Devils out of Pink."

  "You bein' worried about what the fuck might happen to X as a result of my shit ain't none of my goddamn concern. Maybe shoulda rolled full-time with the Kin
gs instead of rollin' around with those goddamn Devils all these years. Now cut all this fuckin' talkin'."

  He shoved his face beneath my chin and trailed rough kisses across my neck, then lifted me from his lap and shoved my back into the couch. I winced and rolled aside as my head bounced against the arm and dropped my feet to the floor, attempting to sit up. T-Bone's hand clamped my throat as he pushed his knee between my thighs and unbuckled his pants. I gasped for air while kicking my legs against the couch, then snatched his glass from the floor and smashed it into the center of his face, breaking shards into his skin and my hand.

  He fell into the cushions and covered his face as it poured with blood. "FUCK!"

  I rolled to the floor with sudden tears streaming my cheeks and blood oozing from the cuts inside my hand, then grabbed my purse from the chair and raced to his door, latching onto the knob.

  He was on my heels within seconds, wrapping his hand around the back of my hair and pulling me back until I returned to the floor. He kicked my purse across the room as I tried crawling away from him, then finished unbuckling his pants and fell on top of me. I screamed until my voice nearly gave out and jammed my fingers into his eyes. He hollered out and dropped back, covering his face for a second time as I threw my hand on top of his desk and wrapped my fingers around a dangling pair of scissors. As he reached for me again, I turned without thought and slammed the pointed tip into his temple, releasing the grip as blood spouted from his nose and mouth, as the whites of his eyes burned red and nearly exploded inside their sockets before his lifeless body collapsed near my feet.

  I screamed again in realizing that he was dead, in realizing what I had done and why, then quickly gathered my purse and bolted from his office, flew out the front door of the club and returned to my car.

  With his blood covering my hands and clothes, I slammed the door and jammed my key into the ignition, then sped from the compound and headed straight to the Devils' clubhouse.

  Chapter Thirty


  As church carried into the next morning, the Devils grew weary of what was now bound to come next for them as a club.


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