Better Late Than Never

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Better Late Than Never Page 5

by Diva D. Wood

  “Negative. She’s not your woman anymore, Derek. And I suggest you saddle up your sorry-ass posse and ride off into the sunset before you get another beating like the one I administered to you last night.”

  A chorus of “oohs” rippled through the crowd.

  “Yeah.” Derek nodded. “We’ll see how you do when it’s five on one.”

  “Five on two,” Joe said menacingly, stepping to Landon’s right.

  “Five on three,” Ganyard announced with authority, moving to Landon’s left.

  “Five on four,” said Tom Silva, a beefy former offensive lineman, stepping swiftly to Joe’s right.

  “Five on five,” growled Reggie Miller, a deep-voiced ex-defensive lineman and current Army Ranger, taking a spot on Ganyard’s left and folding his arms intimidatingly.

  Derek, despite his drunk and stupid state, reassessed the situation. “So apparently you boys aren’t going to let me talk to Desiree?”

  “Not a matter of ‘letting’ you do a damn thing, Derek,” Landon said, taking a firm step forward. “Desiree has already made her intentions crystal-clear as they pertain to you. Now, take your sorry ass and get the fuck out of here. That goes for your wannabe henchmen too. But before you go—remember to make that trip to the bank tomorrow. Or else.”

  Derek nodded. He nodded silently to his companions and they retreated to their vehicle.

  Landon’s heart returned to its normal rate as Desiree hugged him.

  “I’m sorry, Landon,” she said softly, tears forming in her brown eyes.

  “For what?”

  “That you have to deal with my mistake.”

  Landon smiled. “Mistakes aren’t always a bad thing as long as we learn from them and don’t repeat them.”

  “Somehow, I don’t think this will be the end of Derek’s efforts to make trouble for me…or us.”

  “He can’t do anything but bluster,” Landon said. “At his core, he’s a coward. He knows it, we know it, and he knows we know it.”

  Desiree smiled. “I’m not sure even you know what you meant by all that, but okay.”

  “Your troubles with him are over. I promise.”

  “I believe you.” She looped her arms around Landon’s waist, holding on tightly.

  They stayed that way for a long time as darkness settled over the beach like a warm blanket. Finally, Landon exhaled. “You about ready to call it a night?”

  “I guess,” Desiree replied reluctantly. “The kids will be wondering where I am. I haven’t checked in today.”

  “I hope I can meet them some day.”

  “You will,” she promised. “Some day soon, so be ready.”

  “I’m always ready, baby.”

  Desiree laughed. She shifted gears. “So, when do I get to see you again?”

  “Is tomorrow morning soon enough?”

  “I have to work,” she said with a sigh. “Somebody has to make some money. What did you have in mind?”

  “Evil, unspeakable things. Can you take the day off?”

  “I’m the boss. I think that might be arranged.”

  “Then arrange it,” Landon said authoritatively.

  “Yes, sir. Right away, sir.”

  “What time do your kids leave?”

  “They’re both taking summer school classes, so they leave about seven-thirty.”

  “Then I’ll be over at seven-thirty-five.”

  Desiree laughed. “I see you’re just as eager to see me again as I am to see you. How about eight?”

  “Eight works. Joe and I have training at noon, so we’ll have to make the most of some limited time tomorrow. But we’ll be done by about five. Joe and I are going to the Padre game tomorrow night. Are you free after?”

  “I could be. I was already planning on hanging out with Danita, so I guess you can come home with Joe tomorrow night after the game.”

  “Works for me. If you can drop me off at the base, I’m good for tonight.”

  “Okay,” she said. “Maybe I can see your digs one of these days?”

  “Just see them, or chickify them too?”

  “Come on, now,” Desiree kidded. “Would I do that?”

  “Oh, I think you would,” Landon said, unable to suppress a grin. “And you will. I have absolutely no doubt about that.”

  Desiree beamed.

  Chapter 10

  August 1983

  Landon stood underneath the shower in the football locker room for a long time, sighing as the hot water caressed his aching muscles.

  His leisurely shower was rudely interrupted by the sharp sting of a wet towel snapping against his bare ass.

  “Ouch!” Landon growled.

  He turned around to see his childhood friend and quarterback, Joe Mawhorter, grinning like the proverbial Cheshire cat.

  “What was that for, asshole?” Landon asked.

  “Getting your attention.”

  “Normal people can accomplish that with a simple, ‘Hey, how’s it going?’ or ‘What’s up?’” Landon observed. “But then again, ‘normal’ isn’t a phrase we can apply to you, now is it?”

  “Nope,” Joe said, laughing. “Normal is overrated. Crazy is much more fun.”

  Landon rolled his eyes. He turned off the water, wrapped a dry towel around his waist, and followed Joe to the locker area.

  “Any plans for tonight?” Joe asked.

  “What a silly question.”

  “Hey, the answer could have been a different one today.”

  “It’s not.”

  “Well, it is now.”

  “How so?” Landon asked.

  “You’re coming along with Danita and I on a date.”

  “Third wheel? Thanks for the generous offer, but I’ll pass.”

  “A double date, dumbass.”

  “I see.” Landon put on deodorant and then a Castle Park Football t-shirt. “And who, pray tell, will my date be?”

  “Desiree Freeman.”

  “Oh? Isn’t she Derek’s girl?”

  “Was. He dumped her last week. She’s a free agent.”

  “That’s nice. But what does that have to do with me?”

  “You’re a free agent too.”

  “And a satisfied one at that,” Landon said, zipping up his athletic bag. “What’s your point?”

  “My point is that Danita and I are doing a bit of matchmaking,” Joe said as he zipped up his own bag and threw a book-laden backpack over his left shoulder. “Desiree reportedly thinks you’re kind of hot. I think you’re one ugly motherfucker myself, but maybe that’s just me.”

  “Whatever, asshole,” Landon said with a laugh. “Is me saying no an option here? I’m guessing not, but I have to ask anyway.”

  “You would be correct.”

  “What’s the plan then?”

  “The basics for now. Dinner and a movie.”

  Landon exhaled, resigned to his fate. “I’ll be there, buddy. What time?”

  “Roll by my house about seven.”

  “What’s the dress code?”


  Landon smiled, shaking his head. “You’ve got it all planned out, as usual.”


  “That’s going to come in real handy in the Navy.”

  “Someday,” Joe said with a twinkle in his blue eyes. “But not tonight.”

  * * * *

  It was almost eleven PM when Desiree and Landon found themselves alone, mysteriously ditched by Joe and Danita. They were walking along the Imperial Beach Pier, the cool sea breeze caressing their faces as they walked aimlessly to the end of the long structure, which at this time of the night was inhabited only by them and a few elderly fishermen.

  “I guess Danita and Joe must think you’re all right, leaving me alone with you,” Desiree observed with a smile.

  “I guess,” Landon agreed. “I’m completely harmless when I take my medication.”

  “Nice to know,” Desiree replied, laughing. “So…you and Joe have known each other how long?”<
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  “Since kindergarten. We’ve pretty much grown up together. We’re like brothers.”

  “He seems like a great guy.”

  “He is. Your girl Danita got herself a good one.”

  “Seems that way. He’s headed to the Naval Academy next year, I hear.”

  “You hear correctly. I’m going too.”


  “Yes.” Landon nodded. “We just heard about our appointments last week. We’re going to be playing football there.”

  “Cool,” Desiree said.

  “So, what’s your story?” Landon asked. “Last I heard, you were tight with Derek.”

  “Yeah.” She nodded sadly. “Was.”

  “Why was?”

  “Because I’m tired of his shit,” Desiree said. “He’s a player. He’s been juggling me and two other girls the entire time we’ve been together. He’s a dog.”

  “Just a canine runnin’ ’round in heat, huh?”

  “Something like that,” she said, laughing. “Big Pebbles fan, are we?”

  “Hey, I like pretty much all music.” Landon grinned. “I’m not just some dumb jock. I’ve got a lot of layers. Stick around and you’ll see all of them.”

  Desiree exhaled. “I’m looking forward to that. I just need time. Derek hurt me pretty badly.”

  “Damn,” Landon said softly. “I’m sorry, Desiree. You deserve better. You deserve someone who will treat you like the queen you are.”

  “Nice line.”

  “It’s more than a line to me,” he said. “Much more. Stick around a while and you’ll learn that.”

  “I just may do that.” Desiree took Landon’s hand, intertwining her fingers with his and squeezing as they reached the end of the pier.

  Landon’s arm tentatively snaked around Desiree’s shoulders as they looked out over the northern night horizon. The lights of San Diego twinkled invitingly in the distance; the Coronado Bridge towered over San Diego Bay, linking San Diego with Coronado and its Navy amphibious base.

  The early fall breeze turned sharply colder, and a shiver rippled through Desiree. Landon took off his Castle Park letterman’s jacket and draped it across her shoulders.

  “And a gentleman too!” Desiree cooed.

  “Of course,” he replied. “My mama raised me right.”

  “Tell me about her.”

  Landon smiled. “I’m an only child, and my sperm donor—err, father—left us when I was two. I haven’t seen him since. My mom works at NASSCO, the shipyard down on the waterfront. She was diagnosed with breast cancer recently, but she’s doing okay for now.”

  “Oh,” Desiree said. “I hope it all works out.”

  “It will,” he said. “Her medicine and treatments stretch our budget to the limit, but we scrape by. I work part-time.”

  Desiree was liking what she was hearing more every second.

  “What about you?” Landon asked. “Brothers? Sisters?”

  “An older brother in college. My parents have been married for twenty-five years. They’re a great example for me to follow.”

  Landon smiled warmly. “Glad to hear it.”

  The unmistakable tones of the local CBS News station’s on-the-hour broadcast from one of the elderly fishermen’s tiny transistor radio, signified that eleven PM had arrived.

  Landon sighed. “As much as I don’t want this evening to end, it’s time to take you home.”

  “Do we have to?”

  Landon smiled again, his smile and the promise of another date held within it easing Desiree’s disappointment somewhat. “Yes. I wouldn’t want your folks getting a bad first impression of me.”

  Desiree frowned, but she was secretly pleased with Landon’s gentlemanly manner and easygoing way about him. They were a refreshing change from her ex-boyfriend Derek’s swaggering arrogance and lack of regard for anyone’s feelings but his own.

  “Okay,” she said quietly, not bothering to hide her slight disappointment. “Do I at least get a kiss goodnight?”

  “I think that might be arranged,” Landon said with a roguish grin.

  Desiree made her move, pressing her lips to Landon’s and wrapping her arms around him.

  Landon quickly adjusted, enveloping her in the tightest hug she’d ever experienced.

  Their kiss, starting out tender and tentative, soon turned passionate and sensual as their tongues dueled frantically.

  After an eternity, Landon reluctantly broke the kiss. “I’ll call you tomorrow, okay?”

  “Okay,” Desiree said, trying to hide the disappointment in her voice as she and Landon walked hand-in-hand back to the parking lot and Landon’s car.

  “Don’t pout,” Landon whispered in her ear, his silky voice making Desiree’s panties wet and sending a shiver through her body. “This is the beginning of something special…if you want it to be…”

  Chapter 11

  “We need to do this more often,” Joe Mawhorter remarked as he and Landon passed through the turnstiles at PETCO Park.

  “What? Come see the Padres?”

  “That, but mainly get out and do guy shit together, just you and I. Like back in the day.”

  Landon smiled. “Of course. Life gets in the way, huh? At least it does for you.”

  “That’s changing for you too, Landon. And it’s about damn time, if you ask me.”

  “Nobody asked you,” Landon said with a grin. “Maybe it is, maybe it isn’t.”

  “Bullshit,” Joe said as he and Landon found their seats in the outfield bleachers. “Everyone saw your disappearing act with Desiree the other night. It was quite the scandal. Not your best work in terms of a stealthy extraction, I’m afraid.”

  “Whatever.” Landon shrugged. “I made up for it with a stealthy insertion later.”

  “TMI, buddy.”

  “In that case, what happens at the reunion stays at the reunion.”

  “Does that also apply to the reunion beach party?”


  “I think not,” Joe said, a twinkle in his eye. “You’ll tell me what I want to know when I want to know it. Sometime before this night is over. Ve have vays to make you talk,” he added in a bad Colonel Klink impression.

  Landon rolled his eyes. “Bring it on, buddy. If I can handle a Taliban interrogation, I can certainly withstand whatever you can try.”

  “Watch it, Lieutenant Stone. I may have to unleash the queen on you.”

  “Not that,” Landon said, raising his hands in mock horror. “Uncle.”

  “That’s more like it.”

  They stood as the national anthem was sung by some local high school student whose name neither recognized.

  “What’ll it be, gentlemen?” a female server asked.

  “Two large beers, two large nachos, and two pretzels extra salt,” Joe said. “And two boxes of Cracker Jacks.”

  “Last of the big spenders, eh, buddy?”

  “Oh, shut up,” Joe growled. “Postgame chow is on you. I’ve got this.”

  “Oh, it’s like that, huh?” Landon said, shaking his head.

  “Uh-huh. You’ve got much more disposable income than I do these days. Single and unencumbered. I, on the other hand, have a kid in college, one almost there, and two of them are in braces.”

  “And a wife who likes to spend money like it’s going out of style.”

  “If Danita can help it, she’ll never be out of style,” Joe said.

  “Is that what I have to look forward to?”

  “Pretty much,” Joe said. “You trying to tell me something, big guy?”

  “Later,” Landon said. “Let’s enjoy the game.”

  * * * *

  About three hours later, Landon and Joe exited PETCO Park with hordes of happy, somewhat inebriated Padre fans after a 2-1 win over the hated Dodgers.

  “Doesn’t get much better than beating the boys in blue, does it?” Joe said.

  “Not at all,” Landon replied. “And my boy Yonder Alonso winning it with the two-run wa
lk-off jack in the bottom of the ninth. Love me some pitcher’s duels. As long as we win.”

  “He’s going to be a good one. Not quite in Adrian territory yet. But he’s well on his way.”

  “Agreed. How about the Tilted Kilt?”

  “Works for me. And maybe a few more adult beverages since we’re not driving home.”

  “You might not be, but I have to eventually.”

  “Oh, hell no. You can just crash at our place. We’re on leave. There’s no reason for you to rush back to empty officer’s quarters on the base.”

  “I can tell that this is one of those issues that isn’t going to be open for discussion,” Landon said. “Am I correct?”

  “Affirmative, Lieutenant Stone.”

  “All right.”

  The Tilted Kilt was its usual postgame Padre party as Landon and Joe arrived. They found a high table in the bar area, and Joe motioned for a waitress. “Two Coronas, please.”

  She nodded and disappeared.

  Joe’s pocket buzzed, and he fished out his cellphone.

  “The queen?”

  “Yep,” Joe announced. “Just wants to know the final score of the game.”

  “Bullshit.” Landon laughed. “This text is a two-fer. She really wants to know what time we’ll be home. Correct?”

  “Correct. And two-fer is correct as well. Desiree probably wants to know what time her man is coming home too.”

  “Oh, so I’m Desiree’s man now? Tell them we’ll be there in a bit.”

  Joe painstakingly typed out the message and hit send, then returned the phone to his pocket. “We won’t stay long. But we’re not leaving until you give up some details of your weekend with Desiree.”

  “We’re back to that now, huh?” Landon shook his head. “Fuck you, buddy.” But he was trying to stifle a laugh.

  “That’s how we’re going to roll, huh? I guess I’ll just have to drag your sorry ass home and turn you over to the queen and her enhanced interrogation techniques.”

  “Everything went well. We enjoyed each other’s company immensely. Primary objectives were achieved. Mission accomplished.”

  “Jesus Christ, Landon,” Joe groaned. “This isn’t a fucking after-action report. You’re going to have to do better than that. Much better.”

  “Okay, okay. We had a great time, soaked the bed so much we had to sleep in the other one, reconnected in a major way. You can relay to the queen that her diabolical conspiracy worked to perfection.”


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