Trust the Push

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Trust the Push Page 6

by Kaylee Ryan

  “Camber.” This time my voice is stern. My dog stops, and turns to look at me, then turns right back around waiting on more affection from her new friend.

  “Where should I park my car?” Aubree asks, standing back to her full height.

  “Pull it up to the shop. That way it will be on camera.”

  “Uh, should I be worried about it being stolen?”

  “No. However, when in the public eye, everyone knows your schedule. We don’t take unnecessary risks.”

  “Got it.” Without another word, she climbs back into her car and pulls up next to the shop where I instructed.

  “Come on, girl.” I tap my leg, and Camber follows dutifully. “Pop the trunk and I’ll get your bags.” I’m sure she has a shit ton, so I might as well get them loaded now.

  “Oh, I can get it.” Opening the back door of her car, she reaches in and pulls out a duffel bag much like mine. She reaches in again and comes back with a small messenger bag.

  “Step back and I’ll get the rest,” I tell her.

  “This is it.”

  I watch as she slings one bag over each shoulder, hits the lock on her remote which sounds the horn, letting us know her car is now locked. “You got everything you need?”

  “Yeah, I mean, it’s a race track, right? I brought shorts, jeans, a hoodie. They gave me new shirts to wear with our logo and your name and number on them. Should I have brought something to dress up in?” She bites down on her plump bottom lip.

  I can see the worry and… what might be fear on her face. “No, you’re good. I guess I just expected you to have more.”

  “I think I have what I need. Enough clothes for the week, cell charger, bathroom essentials. My laptop and e-reader. Money.” She verbally goes through her mental checklist as if I’m not even standing here.

  “Aubree.” She stops and looks up at me. “Are you done? We need to get loaded so we can roll out when the rest of the crew get here.”

  “Oh.” Her face turns an adorable light shade of pink. “Sorry.” Since when do I notice adorable? Not just that, but my body reacts to her. I have to shift my stance to make room for my cock and his appreciation for that exact light shade of pink on her cheeks.

  She hitches her duffel higher on her shoulder, causing her pink tank top to stretch over her breasts. Nope, can’t go there. Shutting down that train of thought, I turn and head toward the toter home. I can hear her following along behind me.

  “Wow,” she breathes as we step into the living quarters. “This is… not what I expected.”


  “No, I mean, I don’t really know what I was expecting but not… this.” Her eyes travel over our surroundings, taking it in. Black leather captains’ chairs for whoever happens to be up front. State of the art GPS and a sound system sits in the dash. There’s a leather couch that turns into a bed, as well as a booth that also has black leather seats that turn into a bed. “It’s all close together,” she comments, still taking it all in.

  “These are slide outs. You push that button on either side and the room expands. It’s actually a lot of space once that happens.”

  “This kitchen, I’m impressed.”

  “You cook?”

  “Yeah, I mean a little. It’s not so much fun cooking for one. I know enough not to starve.”

  With a nod in her direction, I head back to the master bedroom. Full-size bed with a slide out on each side.

  “This is you?” she asks from behind me.

  “Yep. My domain.” I say it so she knows she won’t be spending any time in my bed. No way am I going there if she’s going to be traveling with us. That’s a disaster in the making. She’ll think it’s more and it’s not. It would never be more.

  “Got it. Uh, where will I sleep?”

  “There are four bunks. You can take one of them or the couch or table. Ash is coming this trip, so she and Kevin usually take one of the two. If you prefer to not have a bunk, you can work it out with the two of them.” I hear a truck pull up and know everyone is starting to get here. Stepping toward her, I turn sideways to move past her. Her breasts brush against my chest, her breath hitches, and my cock twitches. Her scent, something sweet and flowery assaults my senses, but I don’t stop. I continue on as if she’s just another stranger on the street and step out of the toter home.

  “There you are.” My mom smiles. “We saw Camber so we knew you were out here somewhere. All set?” Something catches her eye as she looks over my shoulder. I close mine and take a deep breath. “Oh, hello,” Mom says, way too damn chipper for this time in the morning. It’s her “I’m excited and trying not to show it” greeting. She assumes Aubree is here with me.

  “Hi,” a soft voice greets her.

  “Mom, this is Aubree. Aubree, this is my mother, Robin Bishop. Mom, Aubree is from KHP. Apparently, Kevin agreed to have her travel with us this year as a part of our sponsorship.”

  “How wonderful. It will be nice to have another woman around. I usually only get that when Ashley comes with us.”

  “Don’t mind me. I’ll just be over here on my own.” Dad chuckles.

  “Dad, this is Aubree, Aubree, my dad, Brian Bishop.”

  “Nice to meet you.” Dad offers her his hand and she shakes it.

  “You as well.”

  “So, what it is that you do, Aubree?”

  “Well, I—”

  “Mom, can we do this later? We have a long drive ahead of us for the two of you to get acquainted.”

  “Well, that’s nonsense. She’s not riding with us, and I was just being polite, something you apparently forgot how to be.”

  I have to refrain from rolling my eyes. It’s a feat, trust me. “Fine, but I’ve got shit to do today.”

  “Blaine Bishop, you’re not too old for me to wash your mouth out with soap,” she calls after me as I stalk off toward the shop. I need to take one last look, just to be certain everything is loaded and ready to go. We’re going to Eldora this week, and it’s a six-hour drive if we don’t stop. That never happens. We always stop to eat and to fuel up. The toter home is badass. It’s matte black and with blacked-out windows, but it sucks the diesel.

  By the time I make it back outside, everyone is there. Mom and Ashley are laughing with Aubree, while Dad and the guys are shooting the shit. “We ready?” I ask, stalking past them.

  “What crawled up your ass?” Kevin asks as I pass them.

  “We need to get on the road,” I say, not bothering to stop. Instead, I climb on the toter and get behind the wheel. I fire up the engine and take a deep breath. So, what if this hot, little number is tagging along for the remainder of the season? She’s just another pretty face and hot body. I won’t let her get under my skin. Her sweet and innocent act is not going to work on me. One by one, they pile on while my parents head to their RV that’s pulling the T-shirt trailer.

  “Just have a seat anywhere,” Rick says. “We just kind of spread out. The four of us take turns driving this beast, the rest of the time we just enjoy the ride.”

  “Okay. Thank you. I don’t want to be in the way.”

  “Too late,” I mumble under my breath, but it must not have been low enough because I get smacked in the back of the head. Turning to see who it was, I find Ashley glaring at me with her hands on her hips. Then a grin breaks across her face. That can only mean trouble.

  “Aubree, have you ever ridden in a toter home or RV?” she asks.

  “No. We, uh, didn’t travel when I was a kid.”

  “Well, then you have to experience it. It’s so weird sitting up high and being king, or should I say queen of the road. Take the passenger seat. You and I can switch off when Kev takes his leg of the driving.”

  “I don’t know….” She hesitates.

  What is with this girl? “Come on if you’re going to. We need to get on the road,” I snap. I feel another smack to the back of my head and wince. “Damnit, Ash.”

  “Be nice,” she whispers harshly.

ome on, Aubree. Just for a bit. It’s fine. Blaine is just a grumpy bear. Get used to it. That’s his normal MO.”

  “If you’re sure,” she says, and I know she’s asking me, but I don’t bother to reply. I pretend to be messing with the navigation.

  “Definitely. Let me know if you want to switch or get tired of sitting next to Mr. Moody Pants.”

  Ash steps back, and Aubree takes her place. She climbs into the passenger seat, straps her seat belt, and folds her hands on her lap. She keeps her stare straight ahead as I pull out onto the road. Everyone is quiet. It’s still early in the morning and we have a long way to go. I turn on the radio, to a country station. It’s something I know everyone will enjoy. Well, everyone but Aubree, I don’t know her preference. Not that it matters. She’s outnumbered.

  When we reach the Kentucky state line, she pulls out her cell phone and snaps a picture. Her eyes are wide as she takes in the scenery as it passes by. “You act like you’ve never been to Kentucky before,” I comment.

  “I haven’t.”

  “Really? We’re what, forty-five minutes from the state line. You’ve never been here?”

  “No.” Her voice is soft. Glancing over, I see her staring out the passenger window. “I’ve never been out of the state of Tennessee.”

  I let her words sink in. How is it possible she’s never been out of the state of Tennessee? “How old are you?” It’s a simple question, but it comes out harsh.

  She turns to look at me. “I’m twenty-three. How old are you?” she asks, crossing her arms over her chest.

  Pulling my attention back to the highway, I answer her. “Twenty-five.” We’re quiet for a few minutes. I can hear murmurs of the others’ conversations but can’t quite make them out. “You’ve really never been out of Tennessee?” I ask her. This time my voice is calm.

  “No.” One word is spoken so that I know this conversation is over.

  Over the next couple of hours, I watch her from the corner of my eye as she snaps pictures of scenery. Her eyes light up as we pass the many horse farms of Lexington. It really is beautiful to see: huge houses, bigger barns, and fields of white painted fence for miles. I want to ask her what she’s thinking, but I don’t. I let her enjoy it, the newness of it all while I ponder why she’s never left Tennessee.

  If I wasn’t so excited to be seeing new places, I would be embarrassed. I’m sure Blaine thinks I’m acting like a kid, but I can’t seem to help myself. I’ve always wanted to travel, see what else was out there past my little home state of Tennessee. Growing up, that wasn’t an option, and now that I’m on my own, well… I don’t really have a reason. Not unless you count fear and change as excuses. The fear of change to be more specific. Maria and Isaac were right. I’ve found my little piece of comfort. I make a good living and can provide for myself and whatever I might need. That’s more than I’ve ever had. When the majority of your childhood you grow up without those things, it’s only natural that when you finally get them, you hold on tight.

  “Hey, man.” Kevin appears between Blaine and me. “You ready for a break?”

  “Yeah, we need to stop and fuel up. I need to tell Mom and Dad.” He reaches for his phone, but I stop him.

  “What are you doing? You can’t drive this monstrosity and text at the same time.”

  He throws his head back in laughter. “I can, but I’m not going to.” He hits a button in his phone and presses it to his ear. “Hey, we’re stopping just up ahead.” He listens, says goodbye, and places his phone back in the cup holder between us. “Happy?” His smile is smug.

  “Yes.” I turn my attention back out the window, not wanting to miss anything and to avoid any further conversation with him. First impression, he was an asshole. Second impression, he’s still an asshole.

  Once we’re at the gas station, I rush inside to use the restroom. After, I grab a bottle of water and also pick up a few snacks. The others seem to be doing the same.

  “He’s not a bad guy,” Ashley says from beside me.


  She throws her head back and laughs. “No. I promise. He’s not much for change, especially when it comes to racing season. Blaine is focused. Determined to win this championship.”

  “Then why agree to this?” That’s what I can’t seem to figure out. If he’s so pissed off that I’m here, then why am I here?

  “You can thank my husband for that. Kevin agreed to the deal with KHP. Your boss I assume?”

  “My boss’s boss.”

  She nods. “It’ll be nice to have you around. These guys work hard, and as a fan of massage, they don’t know what they’re missing.”

  “Speak for yourself. I know, and I can’t wait for my next visit,” Rick says, reaching around me to grab a Snickers bar.

  “You’re good,” I tell him. “Two sessions, and on our second you were much better.”

  “Do I have to be injured to use your services?” He wags his eyebrows.

  “Yes.” Blaine’s deep voice appears from behind us, causing us all to jump. “Get what you need. We gotta go.” He stalks off toward the register to pay for whatever it is he’s buying.

  I look at Ashley with a “see” expression, and she laughs. “He’ll warm up to you. Give him time.”

  “I’m not here for him to warm up to me. I just need to stay out of his way, and it will be fine.”

  “Come on.” She tugs on my arm, and I follow her to the checkout.

  We each pay for our items and head back to the toter home. “I’ll sit up front with Kevin. Take a seat anywhere,” she tells me as we climb back inside. I take a look around. Blaine and Jacob are sitting at the table, a notebook between them, deep in conversation. Rick is sitting on one end of the couch on his phone. Deciding Rick is the safer bet, I take the other side of the couch and settle in. Grabbing my phone out of my pocket, I sift through all the pictures I’ve taken this far. Turning sideways, I open the blind so I can see out. The view is not nearly as good as the one I had up front, but it’s still better than the walls that seem to be closing in on me. It’s a tight space without the slide outs extended. Cramped.

  “Whatcha looking at?” Rick asks.

  “Just taking it all in.”

  He looks out the window. “You travel much?”

  “No, never been outside of Tennessee actually.”

  “I heard you mention that.”

  “Yeah, my mom left when I was young. On my first birthday, actually.” I don’t know why I just told him all of that. I’m usually a closed book. Rick is so laid-back he’s easy to talk to, I guess.

  “Tough break.”

  “Dad blamed me. Life was hard growing up.”

  “That sucks, Aubs.”

  “Yes. Yes, it does. But things are better now.” I take a sip of my water. “What are you doing over there?” I point to his phone.

  “Oh, I was just playing poker.”

  “Big gambler, are you?” I tease.

  “Nah, just something to pass the time. You play?”

  “Um, that would be a no.”

  “Slide over. I’ll teach you.” He pats the center couch cushion next to him.

  Doing as he says, I move over. He slants his phone so that we can both see the screen. “Okay, so we’re playing Texas Hold’em.” He goes on to explain the combination of cards, and it’s going through one ear and out the other.

  “You expect me to learn all this? I need to be taking notes,” I say with a laugh.

  “It takes practice.” He grins. “Now, this is what I call a royal flush.” He points to his cards.

  “I take it that’s good?”

  “Yeah, Aubs, that’s good. Girl, I’ve got my work cut out with you.” He goes back to playing and I watch. I’m not really retaining it, but it’s something to pass the time. Uncle Bobby tried to teach me to play poker once. Dad found out and threw a fit. I have no desire to learn now, didn’t really then either, but it made Uncle Bobby happy. He was doing the best he could with a teenage girl who was
hated and scared to death of her father.

  When I yawn for the fourth time, Rick chuckles. “Use me as your pillow. I’m too hyped up about this race to sleep.”

  “No, I can—”

  “Aubree, it’s fine. Take a catnap. We still have about two hours or so to go.”

  “Okay.” I relent and cautiously lay my head on his shoulder and let the lull of the tires against the road send me off to sleep.

  “What the fuck are you doing?” a deep voice asks. I know that voice; it’s Blaine. I keep my eyes closed, not wanting to be on the receiving end of his bad attitude yet again today. I’ve met my quota.

  “What?” Rick whispers.

  “She’s here to work, just like you. Not for you to hit on her and… this… whatever this is,” Blaine sneers.

  “This is me being nice. She kept yawning so I told her to use me as a pillow and take a nap. It’s not exactly the Hilton on this thing all cramped up like this.”

  “There’s a full-size bed back there.”

  “Right? And you would have been okay with me sending her to your bed?”

  Blaine releases a heavy sigh. “She’s not here for you, or you”—I assume he’s talking to Jacob—“to hit on, or fuck or whatever it is you might have brewing in your mind. She’s an employee of our sponsor here to represent them. End of.”

  “Chill out,” this from Kevin. “Go take a walk.”

  Heavy footsteps and a slamming door I assume courtesy of Blaine. Slowly I open my eyes. I find Rick, Ashley, Kevin, and Jacob all watching me. “I’m so sorry. I just meant to shut my eyes. I didn’t mean to fall asleep.”

  Rick stands when I sit up. “Don’t worry about him. He has a shifter up his ass,” he mumbles before stepping out of the toter home as well. Kevin and Jacob trail behind him, leaving me alone with Ashley.

  I bury my face in my hands, barely able to fight back the tears. “I knew this was a bad idea.” My gut clenches and nausea washes over me. This is my first trip with them and I’m already screwing up. I didn’t mean to fall asleep.

  “What are you talking about?” she asks, placing her arm over my shoulders.

  “Being here. I knew he hated me, and this… this is a disaster in the making.”


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