Trust the Push

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Trust the Push Page 8

by Kaylee Ryan

  “This is turn four.” He points to the corner.

  “How are the turns determined?” I ask, my voice is strong, even though my insides are shaking. Why does he make me so nervous?

  “That’s the flag stand, the starting line, and the finish line all in one.” He then points to each corner naming them off one by one. “We always go in the same direction, so the turns and their numbers never change.”

  “Your dad said you go over one hundred miles an hour.”

  He nods. “Yeah, this track is short and fast.”

  “That’s scary.”

  “I guess to some. To, me, well, it’s who I am.”

  We both grow quiet as he stares at the track. I wish I knew what he was thinking. Is he strategizing how to win the race? Does he even need to do that? This is a whole new world for me. “I’m sorry that my being here upsets you,” I say when I can no longer take the silence.

  He heaves a heavy sigh and turns to face me. “It’s not you, as much as it’s the change. I have goals, Aubree. I want this championship. I want to make Dirt Late Model Racing history, and this is my chance to do that. I need my team zoned in and focused.”

  “You think my being here will prevent that?”

  “I don’t know. I know the guys, and even Ashley and my parents are enamored with you.”

  “But not you?” I don’t know why I say it, and as soon as those three words leave my mouth, I can feel my face heat with embarrassment.

  “Your beauty is hard to miss.”

  I’m shocked, embarrassed, and elated all at the same time. Biting down on my bottom lip I fight to keep my smile from showing through. “I’ll stay out of your way, and I promise you, nothing will happen with me and your crew. I’m here to do a job. If any of you need me, let me know. Otherwise, I’ll wear my required Bishop Racing and KHP apparel and smile for the cameras.”

  His eyes are trained on my lips, which makes me think about kissing him. I lick my lips, and he takes a step closer. My heart is beating so fast I’m sure he can hear it. I want him to lean in and kiss me. I want to taste his lips, for them to press against mine. Instead, I do the right thing, which is take a step back. “So…” I clear my throat. “Where is this tunnel?”

  He blinks rapidly before focusing his gaze back on me. “The Love Tunnel.” His voice is husky and sexy.

  “Y-yeah, that. Where is that?”

  “Turn three.”

  “So, there.” I point to turn three.

  “Yep. You wanna check it out?”

  “Are we allowed?” The last thing I want to do is get caught doing something illegal. Jonah would fire me for sure.

  “Yeah, it takes us to the infield.” He points back to where we just were.

  “So, why the tunnel if we can walk there the way we just did?”

  We begin to walk toward the tunnel. “The story goes that Earl, he used to be the owner, built this place to what it is today. Anyway, when it would rain, the track would be muddy as hell and getting from the stands to the infield”—he points to where we are parked—“was a challenge. I’ve seen some pictures where people would form a chain, linking hands to keep from falling just to cross the track. So, Earl decided to build the tunnel.”

  “And the name?” My mind is coming up with all kinds of scenarios of why it’s called the Love Tunnel.

  “Ah, the name. Not what you’re thinking.” He laughs, causing my breath to stall in my chest. He’s gorgeous when he’s not pissed off. “Once the tunnel was done, people would yell out as they saw him, “Hey, Earl, love the tunnel,” so that’s how it got its name. At least that’s the story I’ve heard countless times over the years. Who really knows if that’s the real reason or history behind it. However, I’m certain there’s an alternate story that would be guaranteed to make a girl like you blush.”

  “A girl like me?”

  “Yeah, innocent. Or is that just a front?”

  “Wow, from nice guy to asshole in two seconds flat. You’re good at that. If this racing gig ever goes south and you can find a use for that particular skill, you’ll have more money than you know what to do with.” I don’t wait for him; instead, I quicken my pace and head for the tunnel. I can’t help but smile when I see the sign that hangs above the entrance labeling it The Love Tunnel. I take one step then two until I’m inside. It’s dark and dingy and smells like dirt. There are dim lights near the ceiling as well as the fading sunlight at the entrance and exit. Leaning my back against the wall, I close my eyes and take a deep breath.

  “You okay?” his deep voice asks.

  My eyes flutter open, and there he is standing way too close for comfort. “Fine.”

  He steps even closer, so close that our toes are touching and if he or I either one of us were to lean in just a little, our bodies would be aligned. Suddenly, it’s hot as hell in this tunnel. “Don’t do that.”

  “What?” I manage to ask.

  “Don’t sugarcoat it for me with fine. I know you’re pissed.”

  “You know what? I am pissed. One minute you’re this nice, charming guy, and then next you act as if I have some rare communicable disease.” He surprises me when he reaches out and moves my bangs out of my eyes.

  “I’m sorry,” he says softly. “I don’t mean to be an asshole, but you being here, it messes with me.”

  “Then call my boss and tell him that you don’t need me.”

  “I can’t do that, Bree.” The nickname rolls off his tongue effortlessly, as if he’s called me that for years. Truth is no one has ever called me Bree; it’s always Aubree or Aubs.

  “Then we have to find a way to work together.”

  “That’s the problem,” he admits. “When you’re this close to me, I want to do more than just work with you. You’re under my skin, like no other woman has ever been.” Slowly, his index finger traces the line of my jaw. “You feel it, right?”

  “No.” Lie. Lie. Lie. I’m lying through my teeth and he can see right through me.

  “Hmm,” he says, his thumb landing on my pulse at the base of my neck. “This says otherwise.”


  He chuckles. “There’s that word again. Fine.”

  “Yes, fine. I feel something, but then you open your mouth, and it all goes away. It’s a physical attraction. We’re both adults. We’re smart enough not to act on it.”

  “Are we?” He leans in and whispers, his lips next to my ear, “I’m not so sure I am.”

  As soon as his hot breath hits my skin, I close my eyes and fight like hell to not let him see what it does to me. What he does to me. I’ve never been this attracted to someone. It’s running hot through my veins, and it’s a bad idea. A very bad idea.

  “Doesn’t matter,” I murmur.

  “We can figure this out,” he urges. “As long as you know up front that this thing between us will never be more than a fling, a way to scratch this itch, to eliminate this burning attraction between us. It will be a good time.”

  “No.” Placing my hands on his chest, I push him back. “No. There will be no fling, no scratching of any itch, no good times, not in the way you’re thinking.” I take a deep breath and slowly exhale. Before either of us can say a word, his cell rings.

  “Hello.” He listens. “Yeah, we’re in the tunnel now.” Again, he listens to whoever is on the other end. “Good.” Even though it’s dimly lit in this tunnel, I can see the fire burning in his hazel eyes. “Aubree can get the full experience.” Another pause. “Yeah, we’ll head back soon.” He slides his phone back into his pocket just as a rounding sound of an engine sounds above us.

  “What?” I ask.

  “Seems a few of the drivers are taking their cars out on the track.”

  “Now? Is it safe to be here?” I ask, moving from my perch against the wall, to head out of the tunnel. Blaine stops me by grabbing my hand.

  “Relax, Bree. It’s safe. Come here.” He gives my hand a gentle tug and pulls me into him. He moves us so that our backs are agai
nst the wall, his hand remaining laced through mine. The roaring starts again, and the walls vibrate behind us. It’s loud, so loud I can feel the vibration as if it’s a part of me. “Feel it,” he asks, his lips are once again next to my ear so that I can hear him. “Let it roll through you. The vibration, the thrill. There is nothing like it. This place is special.” He places a featherlight kiss just below my ear. Pulling away, he rests his head back against the wall, his hand still holding tightly to mine as the cars race above us. When the noise fades away and the walls are no longer shaking, he releases his hold on me. “We better get back.”

  He doesn’t wait for me. No, he’s back to asshole Blaine as he walks out of the tunnel. It takes me a few minutes to get my feet to move, overwhelmed with this entire interaction between the two of us. When I exit the tunnel, I have to run to catch up with him. Neither of us says a word as we approach his hauler. Ashley pulls me to the side and begins asking about what he showed me. I give short answers, but she doesn’t seem to notice. Looking around, I try to find Blaine, but he’s nowhere in sight. It’s better that way. I don’t want him to see me flustered by what happened. I’ll be better prepared for him next time around.

  If there is a next time.

  It’s just after midnight and I’ve had enough. I can’t sit here any longer and listen to her soft laughter or see her bright smile over the fire. She’s driving me fucking insane just for breathing. Living. It’s time for me to call it a night. Standing from the lawn chair, I stretch and toss my water bottle into the trash can that we keep outside. “See you all in the morning. Come on, girl,” I say to Camber, not stopping to talk to any of them. Instead, I walk right on past my family and friends, not making eye contact. In the toter home, I head to the bedroom and fall face first into the bed. I’m almost asleep when I hear voices.

  “Kev and I usually take the sofa bed,” Ashley whispers. “Are you claustrophobic?”

  “No,” Aubree replies.

  “Great. You can take either of the bunks on the right side. Rick and Jacob are on the left.”

  “Which one does Kevin usually sleep in when you’re not here?”

  “He usually takes the top.”

  “Then I’ll take the bottom. You won’t even know I’m here,” Aubree tells her.

  If only that were true. I’ve done nothing but think about her since the first night she stepped into my shop. Even though I am dead tired, I’m all too aware of the fact that she’s going to be sleeping just mere feet away from me. I blame Kevin. He should have asked me before he agreed to let her tag along. She’s a distraction, a big one. One that I don’t want or need in my life right now.

  I hear rustling around, and then their voices grow softer. A murmur that I can’t quite make out. I’m both relieved and angry by this, which pisses me off even more. I don’t care what they’re saying. Sure, I like the sound of her soft southern voice, but she’s bad news. Very bad news.

  After tossing and turning for what feels like hours, I’m finally drifting off to sleep when I hear feet hit the floor. Camber jumps off the bed to go investigate. I left the door cracked, and she was able to wiggle her nose to get out of my room. Lesson learned. I can tell from the soft pad of feet that it’s her, Aubree. None of the guys are that light-footed, and Ashley is sleeping up front so I wouldn’t have heard her climb out of bed. Using Camber as an excuse, I climb out of bed and softly call for her. Not wanting to wake anyone, but loud enough for those who are already awake to hear me.

  “Sorry,” Aubree says.

  I look down to see her crouched to the floor, petting Camber. Of course my dog, man’s supposed best friend, is loving every minute of it.

  “I had to use the restroom. I didn’t mean to wake either of you,” she whispers.

  I watch her as she nuzzles close to Camber, showing her the kind of affection only a dog’s owner shows them. That owner being me. Camber doesn’t care. She just wants the attention. Traitor.

  “Camber,” I say, stern yet soft. “Come.” I pat my leg for her to come to me. She whimpers, licks Aubree’s hand, and then slowly makes her way to me. “Back to bed,” I tell her. Like a child who has been scolded, she hangs her head and heads toward the bedroom.

  “She’s smart,” Aubree comments.

  “She is,” I say, looking her in the eyes. I’m trying really hard to not rake my eyes over her toned, little body. She’s wearing a tank top with thin straps and a tiny pair of shorts. So tiny that they should be illegal. Giving in, my eyes drop to her bare feet. Light pink polish adorns her toenails, soft and subtle. Her toned, tanned legs lead up to those tiny cream-colored shorts that mold to her body as if they were a second skin. Her tank top has ridden up so I can see a small slither of skin. Just enough for my cock to wonder what else she’s hiding from me. I keep going, my eyes raking over her chest. Not small, not outrageously large. Just about a handful if I had to guess, which is perfect. She’s wearing a bra, much to my disappointment, but I’m a man of many talents, and I can imagine her pert nipples as I suck them into my mouth. My eyes roam over the column of her long, slender neck, and I lick my lips, my mouth watering, wondering what it would be like to trace it with my tongue.

  “Sorry.” Her soft, plump lips move. “I didn’t mean to wake you.”

  Her green eyes, bright even in the dim light, are boring into me. “I’m going back to bed.” I turn on my heel and head back to the bedroom. My feet carry me as fast as they can go, my only defense mechanism from pulling her into my arms and kissing the hell out of her. Then finally I could feel her plump lips pressed to mine; I wouldn’t have to wonder about their softness. I could use my tongue to trace the long, slender column of her neck, making sure to cover every inch. Lying down on my bed, Camber hops up next to me and settles in. My cock is hard, and I can’t do a damn thing about it. Not with a trailer full of my friends and… her. Instead, I grab my phone and my headphones and turn on some music. I don’t know how long I lie here, but I do know that thoughts of Aubree are in the forefront of my mind when I drift off to sleep.

  When I wake what feels like minutes later, the sun is shining through the windows. Camber is no longer at my side, which means I’m probably the last one up. I left the door cracked again, but this time not by accident. Climbing out of bed, I pass the bunks and notice the curtain is pulled on Aubree’s. Slowly, I peel it back and reveal her there, sleeping peacefully. I take her in, the gentle rise and fall of her chest, the softness of her features. She’s breathtaking. I stare at her a little longer, tempting myself with the forbidden fruit I can never have. I will admit, I’m surprised she turned me down, but in the end, it’s what needed to happen. She’s indirectly an employee of Bishop Racing. I need to remain professional. Not to mention, if we took things farther, that’s sure to be a complicated mess. A very pleasurable mess, but complicated all the same. One that I don’t need. I need to keep my focus on my career.

  Stepping back, I close the curtain and head to the bathroom, to take care of business, and turn on the water. I’m excited to be a spectator today for the sport I love. It’s not often I get to watch a race. Climbing out of the shower, I grab a towel and dry off. Reaching for my clothes, I realize my mistake. I was so consumed with Aubree, I didn’t bring any with me. Tying the towel around my waist, I brush my teeth and head to my room. Aubree is bending over, pulling clothes out of her bag, and the asshole that I am, even though I see her, I keep walking so that we bump into one another. My hands grip her hips to keep her from falling over.

  “Ahh,” she screeches. Her hands reach for the bunk to steady herself.

  “I’ve got you.” My voice is a husky whisper in her ear as I pull her ass into me. My cock twitches from beneath the towel. I know she can feel it.

  She stands to her full height and steps out of my hold. Reluctantly, I let her go. “You scared the hell….” Her voice trails off as her eyes rake over my naked chest.

  I watch her closely as her eyes follow along my abs until they reach the towel, and th
e obvious bulge hiding just beneath the surface. “That’s not helping,” I tell her.

  “Uh, wh-what?” She shakes her head and looks up at me. Her pupils are dilated and her breathing is rapid as she bites down on her bottom lip. I wonder if she realizes what that small action does to me? Does she know she’s making me hard? Does she realize how fucking sexy she is when she does that?

  “Your eyes, Bree. The way you’re staring at my cock. That’s not helping.”

  “I wasn’t, I mean, I—” She closes her eyes as her cheeks turn the slightest shade of pink.

  I step toward her. “You were. Do you like what you see?”

  Slowly her eyes open, liquid pools of green filled with desire stare up at me. “Doesn’t matter,” she croaks out. “I’m not playing this game with you.” She stands tall, squaring her shoulders. “Excuse me, I need to take a shower.”

  I don’t move, making her press her tight, little body against mine as she passes by me to get to the shower. It’s wrong, I know this, but the feeling of her pressed against me was worth it. Getting involved with her would be a disaster, I know this too. She would be a major distraction because I’m almost certain that one taste of her would never be enough. Moving to my room, I hurry through getting dressed and go in search of some food. I find everyone sitting outside.

  “’Bout time you got up,” Dad says.

  “Didn’t sleep well,” I tell him.

  “Is Aubree still sleeping?” Ashley asks. I can tell from the sugary sweetness of her voice she’s prying.

  “She must be in the shower. I heard it running when I walked by.” I don’t make eye contact, because sure as shit as soon as I do, she’s going to see right through me.

  “I made both of you a plate.” Dad points to the outdoor kitchen where two plates covered in foil are waiting.

  “Thanks, I’m starving.”

  “Maybe you should wait on Aubree, you know, so she doesn’t have to eat alone,” Mom suggests.

  “She’s a big girl,” I say, pulling the foil from my plate, grabbing a plastic fork and digging in. Bacon, eggs, and biscuits are piled high, and I’m starving.


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