Striking Blow: Book Two of the Strike Zone Series

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Striking Blow: Book Two of the Strike Zone Series Page 10

by Louise Dawn

  Antonio leaned back on his elbows and scanned the adjacent splash pad, spotting Pearl, brandishing a water gun, and chasing Aysha through a dancing fountain. They were both soaked. Aysha wore a bathing suit, but Pearl hadn’t bothered. Her short, turquoise summer dress clung to her long legs as she danced in circles. God, she was gorgeous.

  Antonio grinned, both at the conversation and at the beautiful woman. “Seriously, man? You’re ready to settle in one place?” Bronco had been a roving drifter ever since he’d left the service. “I’m at a local park—I can text you the directions.”

  “I’m only in town for another week. I’ll head your way.”

  “Hold on a sec.” Antonio walked over to the recreation area and held his phone to his chest. “Pearl, do you mind if a friend joins us?”

  “Sure.” She ran a hand through her glistening hair. “If you have an evening already planned—or a date—just drop us at home.”

  “No—don’t misunderstand! An old Army buddy is in town and needs advice. I can meet him tomorrow?”

  “Today is fine if he doesn’t mind hanging with an overexcited four-year-old.”

  Nodding, Antonio pulled his phone back up to his ear as Pearl aimed her bright green weapon at her giggling kid. “Lovebug acquired!”

  “Not the ears, Mommy.” Aysha covered her ears and raced across the rain deck.

  The afternoon felt perfect—low humidity with a warm summer breeze. After hanging up, Antonio picked up another water gun they’d purchased on the way to the park and joined in on the fun. He cornered Aysha and picked her up before racing through a rainbow pipe shower. Pearl nailed him with a shot to the face and he placed Aysha on her feet before zeroing in on his largest adversary.

  Pearl laughed and tried to back off, but it was too late. Boom! One to the chest, and he rushed at his pretty target and wrapped an arm around her waist before swinging her under a tree-shaped shower. Delicate hands clung to his shoulders as she squealed in surprise.

  Time seemed to slow as he lowered her to her feet. A misting spray blocked out everything else but her, and his hand rose to swipe at her damp cheek. Her eyes were shining galaxies, and he could see why she’d been named “Pearl.” Everything about this woman shone.

  Unable to resist, he slowly leaned down and brushed his lips across hers. Her cool lips parted beneath his, and Antonio ached to deepen the kiss.

  “Mommy! That boy tripped me, and I fell.”

  Quickly pulling back, Pearl tore her gaze from his and glanced down at Aysha. “Are… are you hurt?”

  “No, but he’s naughty.”

  “And you look hungry. How about that picnic?” Antonio took her tiny hand in his, and they all headed for the grass.

  After grabbing towels, they took a seat on the blanket as Antonio unpacked the food from the cooler.

  “I also have chicken nuggets.” He grinned at the kid’s excited expression.

  “As long as you’re sharing that with me!” Pearl smiled at the both of them, and Antonio took his time to study her perfect face in the soft shade.

  She shivered, and he immediately reached for another towel and wrapped it around her shoulders. “You shouldn’t be wearing a wet dress.”

  “It will dry quickly.”

  “Am I interrupting a family moment?” Antonio’s friend approached.

  “Pearl, meet—”

  “Bronco. Just call me Bronco.”

  “That’s an unusual name.” Pearl stood and stretched out her hand. “Sorry—Thanks to the splash pad, I look like a drowned rat.”

  “His old call sign.” Antonio whacked his friend on the back. “Sit and relax.”

  “Do you have a beer?”

  “No alcohol. I’m driving two beautiful ladies home.”

  Pearl seemed to blush as she looked down, and Antonio watched her fiddle with her hands in her lap. He liked her occasional shyness.

  “Always the ladies’ man.” Bronco sat beside Pearl, his muscled shoulder almost rubbing hers as he reached for a bag of chips. “How did you guys meet?”

  Before Antonio could answer, Pearl cut in. “Through a mutual friend. And you served together?”

  “Yeah. 5th Special Forces Group. Not on the same team—but we were both Alpha Company.”

  “We saw enough of each other.” Antonio handed out sandwiches and winked at Pearl.

  “You just miss my scarred and aging ass.”

  “No cursing.” Antonio glanced at Aysha.

  “Sorry, man.”

  “So, you want to join DSS?”

  “Maybe. Talk to me about Federal Law Enforcement.”

  Pearl listened to the men talk as she ate her sandwich. Antonio’s friend was built like a tank on steroids. His piercing eyes almost drilled into her soul, and she’d been fascinated by his rough face. A small scar marked his forehead. Another marred his cheek. His career in the military had obviously taken its toll on the rugged soldier.

  No comparison to Antonio’s good looks—at least not in her eyes. Her stomach still fluttered from that kiss beneath the tree fountain. He’d kissed her—Antonio Torres had touched his lips to hers. Everything about him had been irresistible before he’d walked into the water spray. After that, it was game over. Antonio’s t-shirt had clung to every muscled plane, and the man was built like a god. A skillful and enticing god who’d held her so gently beneath the spray. The way he’d wiped her cheek and cupped her neck as he’d leaned down…

  Pearl hadn’t been touched by a man in a very long time, and she’d never experienced such tenderness in one earth-shattering moment—a moment she never wanted to forget. That second where she’d briefly soared above the clouds meant everything in an uncertain existence. She touched her blushing cheek as she watched Aysha play with her stuffed bear as she lay on the blanket.

  “Can I take Shreddy to the splash pad?”

  “No. For the millionth time, he’s not waterproof.”

  “He’s kinda talking again.” Aysha pressed on his wonky voice box.

  “I’ll replace his batteries and see if that won’t help.”

  A couple laughed as they walked by. A dog barked as its owner threw a ball. The day seemed too perfect, and Pearl felt her tears gather. She hadn’t had perfect in a very long time. A stupid picnic seemed like nothing to most, but to Pearl, it meant everything. She felt almost normal in a strange place. That’s all she wanted—safety and normalcy. Before she made a fool of herself, Pearl stood.

  “I’m going for a walk. Aysha, let’s go.”

  Her daughter sprung to her feet and pointed to a family at a distant tree. “Can we pet that puppy?”

  “Are you okay?” Antonio rose.

  “Fine.” Pearl smiled sunnily. “I’ll leave you guys to catch up.”

  Grabbing Aysha’s hand, she led her down a path. Without looking back, she could feel Antonio’s concerned gaze on her back. His sharp scrutiny never missed anything.

  “Are you having fun, Mommy?”

  “Of course, Lovebug. I’m with my favorite human.”

  “Me?” Aysha skipped alongside.

  “Always, you.”

  “I’m having the most fun I’ve ever had. I never want it to end.”

  Ah, shit. Pearl slammed to a stop. What kind of life had she offered her daughter where a visit to a park was the highlight of Aysha’s existence? Pearl had been so wrapped up in building their new life that she hadn’t thought of her daughter’s happiness.

  The same had applied in Sri Lanka when Pearl’s life had fallen apart. Everything had centered around the divorce, finding new accommodations, and dealing with the local press. And all that while, Aysha had been her best little self.

  Pearl swung around and knelt. Her child looked at her with wide eyes.

  “Are you crying, Mommy?”

  “I’m so proud of you. You’re the best darn kid on the planet. Do you know how lucky I am to have such an awesome little girl?”

  “I love you too. Don’t cry.” Aysha’s chin wobbled. />
  “And I promise, we’re going to have so much fun in the future. Every weekend, we’ll do something special.” Pearl pulled Aysha in for a long hug. “Let’s go find that puppy.”

  Later that evening, Pearl opened the door to her condo, and Antonio carried a sleeping Aysha into the home. Her head lolled on his shoulder, and he cupped her hair with a large hand. “Where do you want her?”

  “Upstairs.” Thankfully, she’d dressed Aysha in soft leggings and a long-sleeved shirt after her swimming session and would put her straight to bed.

  After following Pearl into Aysha’s room, Antonio placed the sleeping child gently under the covers and stepped back as Pearl situated the pillows and placed Shreddy in her arms.

  “Do you see the rhinos on the walls?” Pearl glanced over at Antonio.

  He looked surprised as he took in the posters and a magazine cutting.

  “Thanks to you, she’s obsessed with rhinos. I think our next outing will be to the zoo.”

  “I like that.” He crossed his arms and leaned against the doorframe.

  Pearl walked to the door, but he didn’t budge. Instead, he reached out and brushed her nose. “You got a little sunburned.”

  Her heart did a flip at his touch and whispered words.

  “Thank you for today.”

  “My pleasure.” A strong hand reached out and cupped her waist. When he tugged her towards him, Pearl didn’t resist. She breathed in his scent—a mix of chlorinated water, warm male, and a trace of his spicy cologne. His lips met her forehead, and he placed a lingering kiss. Pearl forgot to breathe as the moment stretched. Instead, her hands curled around his shirt, and she held on to the sacred minute.

  When he drew away, he pulled her in for an embrace. “Walk me to the door while I still have the willpower to leave.”

  Smiling into his chest, Pearl nodded. As they headed towards the stairs, she took his hand and led the way.

  He paused at the entrance. “I like you and… I want to ask you out on a date sometime.”

  Pearl felt her cheeks heat.

  “I don’t need an answer immediately. I know you have a lot on your plate.” His thumb rubbed across her hand, and he let go. “Lock up after I leave.”

  After she closed the door, she turned and slid to her ass. Her heart pounded, and she fanned her warm face. A date… when last had she been on a date? Six years ago? Was this wise? Getting involved while hiding out from her ex-husband? What if Rajin was never caught? Would Pearl delay her life for decades to come? There were plenty of war criminals on the planet that evaded justice and built new lives. Rajin wouldn’t take away Pearl’s freedom. Besides, a date wasn’t a big deal.

  No—a date with Antonio felt like a huge deal. Pearl valued his friendship and steady support. Complicating that relationship might be a risky move. Pearl would think about the request before jumping in with both feet.

  Chapter Eleven

  Antonio had been sitting in his SUV for the past hour, watching the front of the store. Thanks to the rain, there weren’t many customers. Probably not just because of the weather—this wasn’t a wholesome-looking establishment. He watched as Pearl stocked an aisle and chatted with a fellow employee—a young girl who looked barely out of school. What the hell would they do if armed thugs barged through the door?

  His head buzzed with exhaustion as he stretched in his seat. He’d been in his office at six in the morning, prepping for a long meeting. Antonio glanced at his watch. Almost nine o’clock. Pearl would be off work soon, and he planned to drive her over to Aysha. Suppressing a yawn, he climbed out of the vehicle as the two women left after their shift.

  “How was your first day?”

  Pearl jumped before turning. “You gave me a fright.”

  Antonio opened the umbrella and sheltered her from the rain as they walked to the car.

  “A piece of cake—the hardest part was learning about the inventory. You didn’t have to come.”

  “It’s raining, and I didn’t want you walking home in a storm.”

  “How long have you been waiting.”

  “Five minutes.” He lied. “Here—this is mine.” Opening the passenger door, Antonio stepped aside.

  “An FJ Cruiser? What happened to your suburban?”

  “I still have it. This is a spare which I’d lent to a workmate. I got it back today.”

  “Nice. Toyota doesn’t make them anymore.”

  Now that he had two vehicles, he wanted to lend this to Pearl to use, but knew she’d protest. How could he convince this stubborn and proud woman?

  “Call your sister and tell her we’ll pick up Aysha. Let’s get take-out on the way.”

  “You don’t have to—”

  “I feel like a hamburger. Have you been to M&G Burgers? It’s a mom and pops joint.”

  Pearl shook her head as she climbed in. Antonio circled to the driver’s side and shook out the umbrella.

  “Do you have sterile wet wipes?”

  Antonio pulled a pack from a seat pocket and pulled one for himself before handing them over.

  On the drive to the burger joint, Pearl chatted about her shift. Antonio did the same, and once they’d ordered burgers and shakes, he parked the Cruiser under a tree. The rain had stopped, and the night still felt warm. While Pearl waited for their order, he opened up the back of the SUV and laid down a blanket.

  “What are you doing?” Pearl walked across the lot with their food.

  “Let’s enjoy the fresh air; hop up.”

  Smiling, she settled beside him, and they stared into the quiet night. Water dripped from the tree onto the roof, and a soft wind stirred up an empty container that rolled across the lot.

  “It’s so quiet tonight.” Pearl took a long sip of her Coke. They were the only customers; the place was indeed deserted. Leaning into him, she snagged one of his fries, and he pretended to protest.

  “Order your own!”

  “I just want one. Stop!”

  He tried to tickle her, and she wriggled sideways. “They’re so good. Maybe two.” She giggled. “Or three?”

  “Oh, now it’s war!” He dipped a finger in the sweet sauce and waved it in her face.

  “Don’t you dare!”

  “I’m aiming for your nose!”

  “Antonio! I’m going to spill my drink.” Laughing, she grabbed his hand.

  “Don’t even try and stop the finger.”

  “I won’t.” She lunged and wrapped her mouth around the tip of his digit.

  They both froze, and her eyes widened. His dick turned to granite as he watched her slowly slide her soft lips off his finger. Her throat moved as she swallowed, and he suppressed a groan. Blood pounded through his heated veins, and his hand hovered, still frozen in place.

  “Holy fuck.” That was him.

  “Problem solved.” That was her.

  Pearl offered the sweetest smile before turning back to her burger. Before she could take a bite, he pulled her in for a kiss. His need eradicated the will to be gentle as he crushed her lips beneath his. Her lips parted, and she moaned as his tongue delved into her warmth. He tasted the trace of the sauce, and he angled in for a deeper kiss. His chest heaved like he’d run a mile. He’d never felt this drawn to a woman, and Antonio craved more.

  Her hand traced his shoulder and gripped his neck. Removing the drink from her lap, Antonio blindly laid it to the side and hoped it didn’t fall over. He eased her back onto the cargo bed as he deepened the kiss. Pearl arched beneath him, and he ran his hand down her side as he pulled her closer. Antonio loved kissing, and Pearl could kiss. His head spun as her hands cupped his face and held him in place. Her thumbs rubbed his jaw as he fell into the moment. His hand slid up, and he traced her breast through her blouse. He could feel her pebbled nipple beneath his palm, and he rubbed slowly as he delved into her pretty mouth.

  A car door slammed in the distance, and Antonio jerked away. They were in a public place—a damn parking lot. Pearl deserved more than being pawed by a
randy agent in public in the middle of the night. And he hadn’t even taken her on that first date.

  “I’m sorry.” He helped her to rise. “I got carried away.”

  “Don’t apologize.” Pearl pulled at her blouse. “I liked it… I… um… I like you.”

  “Uh… I like… I like you too.” Jeez. He felt like a fumbling teenager.

  “I want to finish my burger.” She pointed at the food. “Can you pass the drink?”

  “Sure. Yeah.” His fingers shook, and Antonio stopped to stare. His hands hadn’t shaken in years—not even on the battlefield. Not even when he’d experienced the horrors of war. He was a machine, on and off the field. His father’s words rolled through his brain. “Never show weakness. Vulnerability will be the beginning of your end.”

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing. I… uh… I’m just tired.” Was his attraction to Pearl a weakness? He hadn’t been able to forget her—or Aysha. Why not? Why couldn’t he walk away? He could? Couldn’t he? Did she have a hold on him? Not like Bianca. This was different. Bianca’s betrayal left him reeling, and yet he’d always kept back a part of himself with her.

  With Pearl, he wanted to give everything. Slice himself apart like a sacrifice on a platter. And they barely knew each other. That was a lie—he’d spent enough time with Pearl. What about her secrets—her childhood? What kind of woman had she been in Sri Lanka? What kind of trophy wife? And why had she dropped that facade so easily? Who was the real Pearl?

  His hamburger tasted like cardboard as doubts assailed his exhausted brain. The rain began to fall again, and they closed up the back and drove out of the lot. Antonio turned up the radio and focused on the road.

  His need for Pearl still had him aching for her touch, and he took even breaths as he resisted the pull. Perhaps he’d spend some time apart and think about direction. Where should his priorities lie? Antonio had a future to think about, which involved long deployments and MSD ambitions.

  A week had passed since she’d seen Antonio, and he’d been right. She was a foolish woman who’d taken a dangerous job. Her current predicament had evolved so quickly, she hadn’t even had time to hit the silent alarm. She’d been in the candy aisle when the shit had hit the fan, on top of the fact that she was the only one working tonight. The college kid hadn’t shown up for her shift, and the owner was a lazy shit who spent his nights in the bottle.


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