Striking Blow: Book Two of the Strike Zone Series

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Striking Blow: Book Two of the Strike Zone Series Page 12

by Louise Dawn

  “Join the club.”

  “Can I stay the night? On the couch. I want to be near.” He stroked her temple with a thumb, and her skin tingled at the reassuring touch.

  “I’d like that. But I don’t think I’m ready for sleep.”

  “Are you still hurting?”

  “A little. But this feels nice.” Pearl hugged his waist with her draped arm.

  “What you said—about your childhood earlier. I had no idea.”

  “Why should you? I’ve tried hard to run from that existence, except I never get far.”

  He nudged up her chin, and she met his concerned brown eyes. “What do you mean?”

  “You have a solid family and grew up surrounded by love. This much I know.”

  Antonio nodded. “I did, but we had our issues. No family is perfect, although my father demanded perfection. He still does.”

  Curling a hand in his shirt, Pearl thought back to a time when she’d only known innocence. “I loved my mother—she was my world. She never felt the same about her children. Are you sure you want to hear about our sad story?”

  “As long as you’re comfortable telling me.”

  “No great secret, but I dream about her every night—about that day.” Pearl closed her eyes as she recounted the past. She’d never told anyone about the day she’d been thrown away like trash.

  “I think my mother was depressed—or suffering some kind of breakdown. My father died when I was five. He wasn’t a great dad, and I barely saw him. He died in an alley after getting stabbed by some drug dealer. But my mother loved him.”

  “I’m sorry.” Antonio stroked Pearl’s cheek.

  “After that, her mental state deteriorated. When your biggest wish as a kid is for your mother to be happy… That was my dream, and I tried my best to make her smile. I’d clean my room and pour her favorite cereal for breakfast. I’d follow her around like a babbling shadow, yet she cried all the time. And, then one day, she stopped. We lived in a crappy apartment, and we hadn’t been out in months. She announced that we were going on a vacation. I’ll never forget my excitement when she shoved my clothes and toys in a garbage bag. She told me that we would go to the beach and play in the sea. I hadn’t seen the ocean before, and it seemed like a wild dream. Looking back, I know now that she never intended to return to that place. She’d packed everything.”

  Fiddling with a button on Antonio’s shirt, Pearl remembered the long trip.

  “We drove for hours, and I desperately needed to go to the bathroom. I kept asking—begging for mom to stop. She drove in a trance. I remember that Coraline kept crying—screaming. We hadn’t eaten or drunk anything in hours. The old car didn’t have air conditioning, and I remember feeling like I couldn’t breathe. When she finally slowed and turned into a truck stop, she parked, dampened a towel, and wiped our blotchy faces. Without saying a word, she took our hands and led us into this old diner. She took us to the bathroom and then settled us at a table.”

  Pearl remembered the musty-smelling booth—Coraline’s warm body tucked beside her big sister. And she’d never forgotten her mother’s last words.

  “Mom handed me a menu and a wad of cash. She said, ‘Order whatever you want. Mummy needs some air.’ She never came back.”

  “Shit. And you remember everything?”

  “Hard to forget. First, I ordered pancakes for the table. I felt like such a big girl, taking care of my family. I ordered a Coke for mom and got juice and milkshakes for my sister and me. I’d never held that much money in my hand before. I thought we were rich. In reality, it was probably just fifty dollars in chunk change. Severance pay.”

  “And you’re sure that she willingly left you?”

  “Oh, yeah. Our mother took the car and disappeared. Months later, she contacted the orphanage and gave up her parental rights.” Old anger surged, and Pearl swallowed past the pain. “When she never came back, I ran to the bathroom to find her. Then I ran out to the car—which was gone. I panicked and raced back inside to Coraline. The waitress asked me where mom was, and I began to cry.”

  “Help. Where’s my mommy?”

  “It’ll be okay. Is she in the bathroom?”

  “We’re going to the sea! Where’s my mom?”

  Pearl recalled the terror. “Later, they found the garbage bag filled with our things—left near the front door. She’d dumped our toys and clothes before driving away. I refused to leave and tried to hold onto the leg of the table. Child services and the police had to pry me away. I kept saying that Mommy would come back. I screamed so loud, and for so long, I lost my voice.”

  Antonio’s large hand cupped her face, and he pressed a long kiss to her forehead. Pearl closed her eyes and breathed in his warm cologne.

  “You’re so brave.”

  Immediately rejecting his muttered words, Pearl cupped his neck. Her past—and present—wasn’t about bravery, only about survival.

  “Child services sent us to an orphanage after establishing that we had no family—a dismal establishment and a gray existence. That’s where we met Everett. He became a protector. I lost my sister when a lovely couple adopted her but refused to take her older sister. I can’t forgive them for that.”

  “They split up two sisters?” Antonio’s body turned to stone.

  “Without hesitation.” Pearl snorted. “The separation crippled me in grief. For years, I never saw Coraline. When I was finally adopted, all I could think of was finding my way back to my little sister. I didn’t know where she was and when I asked, the orphanage refused to say. I know now that they were a corrupted organization. At eleven, I had no choice but to adapt to my new home. I wish an adoptee had the choice to annul the relationship. I had no say in my adoption when I landed with a bad mother.”

  Antonio rubbed her back. “How did you eventually find your sister?”

  “Everett and his undying loyalty.” Pearl smiled. “We’re the same age, and his path took a dark turn. He never found a family and ran away from the institution. I can’t imagine what he lived through, but the boy who turned up at my doorstep? He was barely recognizable, and he had connections. Everett looked like a young thug. He’d found me—and tracked down Coraline.”

  Pearl chuckled. “Although his eyes reflected pain and sadness, he was still like a big brother who loved me dearly. I ran away with him, and we went to ‘rescue’ Coraline, who didn’t need saving.”

  “She was happy?”

  “Very much. Good school… sweet friends… loving parents. For two weeks, we watched on the sidelines. I didn’t disturb her happiness. I eventually returned to my hellish life to finish school, but I’d made plans for freedom. Everett continued to watch over my sister. A few months later, I moved out and in with Everett.”

  “You moved in with him?”

  “Yes.” Pearl sat up and smiled. “That was a good year. Two seventeen-year-olds trying to play ‘house.’ He wasn’t an easy roommate. I’d been right about the connections. He’d found an uncle who, let’s just say, operated outside of the law. A dangerous man who at first didn’t want anything to do with the kid. Everett’s persistence paid off, and they bonded. So, our apartment was like a train station with gangsters passing through. But his uncle wanted Everett who was a bright kid—to be a legitimate success in life and forced him to finish school and then sent him to business school.”

  “Let me guess, then he used his nephew’s knowledge to build his business?”

  “I never asked. But Everett worked hard to build his empire, and he never took his eyes away from my sister. When she was eighteen, he knocked on her door.”

  “So, you were all reunited?”

  “Briefly.” Pearl twisted her hands in her lap. “I’d fallen into the modeling game after being scouted by an agency. I flew back and forth to Europe, and once my sister knew that I’d found her, we hung out regularly. Then she started dating Everett, much to her parents’ horror. And then…” Old heartache surged.

  Shaking her head, Pearl stoo
d and held her side. “I’ve spoken enough about my complicated past. I’m going to take a long shower and get ready for bed.”

  Rising, Antonio cupped her elbow. “You’re hurting. Let me help you to your room.”

  “Are you sure you want to stay? I’m sure you’re tired and—”

  “The sofa feels comfortable. I’ll be fine.”

  When they passed the upstairs linen closet, Pearl gave him a pillow and a light duvet. After shutting the door, she heard him descending the stairs and sighed. Had she said too much? Antonio was a good listener, and she never shared. Feeling grateful that she hadn’t done the same with Rajin, Pearl walked into the bathroom. She winced when she turned on the light. Two small bruises decorated her jaw. Her face was washed of color, and she looked like a zombie.

  “Zombie” was an appropriate term to describe her current existence—a reanimated dead body. Her lethargy after her divorce—and loss of lifestyle in Sri Lanka—had persisted. Perhaps her current attitude had something to do with her failure to launch.

  In truth, Pearl missed life in Sri Lanka. Not her marriage, but her friends and her charity work. It was time to let go. She was back in America and needed to make her home. Starting tomorrow, Pearl would map out a five-year plan. She needed to find a passion—in a reliable career. She’d be the best example for Aysha to follow.

  Getting back into modeling for extra income would make the most sense—Pearl had connections in the industry, and there was a market for older models. But thanks to her situation, she couldn’t have her image shared online. Nope, not the right choice—not yet. And no more panic and no more excuses. She’d fight the job market and find that second job.

  Chapter Twelve

  Antonio’s phone alarm buzzed, and he jerked awake. Six in the morning. Yawning, he rolled to his back and stretched. He hadn’t slept well, as he’d kept checking on Pearl throughout the night. Registering movement in the kitchen, Antonio rolled off the sofa and followed the scent of coffee.

  “You’re up.” He studied Pearl through bleary eyes.

  “Up and showered and ready for the day.” Looking sexy in a white t-shirt and black shorts, she handed him a coffee.

  Instead of taking the mug, he traced the two bruises on her jawline. “I still wanna kill them. How do you feel this morning?”

  “Much better. My side doesn’t even hurt. Thankfully, it was just a scratch.”

  “A deep scratch.” He took the mug and sucked down hot coffee, which needed sugar, but he was after the caffeine. “I need more than one coffee this morning.”

  “Noted. Have a shower. I left a new toothbrush by the sink. It’s an extra kid’s ‘mermaid’ toothbrush so prepare yourself. I’m making breakfast. Get changed in my room—I placed your clothes on the chair.”

  “Breakfast, huh?” He admired her long, shapely legs as she pulled open the fridge. “How spoiled am I?”

  “What time do you have to be at work?”

  “I’ll leave here at seven-thirty and stop by my place for a new change of clothes.”

  “Coraline is dropping Aysha at nine. I’ll need to look for a new second job.”

  “You’ll have a car, so keep that in mind.”

  “A what?”

  “I’m lending you the FJ Cruiser.”

  “I can’t take your SUV.”

  “You’re not taking anything. It’ll be on loan. I’ll add you as a driver on the policy. Do you have a license?”

  “I used to—I would probably take another test?”

  “I’ll help you to get it sorted. You have a different last name so I’m guessing that’s what would happen.”

  “Antonio… You’re doing too much. How am I ever going to repay you?”

  “By keeping safe, that’s how. Last night—I wanted to hurl, knowing you were in danger.” With a mug salute, he retreated, knowing if he stood there any longer, he’d tell her how he really felt, and he wasn’t ready to go there.

  After a steaming shower, Antonio wrapped a towel around his waist, stepped out of the guest bathroom, and paused.

  “Oh, damn.” Pearl jerked to a stop, and hot coffee spilled over her hand. “Ouch, shit. Dammit!”

  Rushing forward, Antonio grabbed the cup.

  “Your second coffee, as requested.” Pearl shook out her hand. “You took me by surprise. I was just leaving this in the room for you.” Her gaze drifted over his chest and then his stomach, and Antonio tried not to smile.

  “You… you must work out a lot.”

  “A requirement for my past and present line of work.”

  “Sheesh… Holy abdominals. Okay. Focus. Breakfast.”

  Pearl turned to leave, and Antonio grabbed her wrist. “Can I see your hand?”

  “Uh… why?”

  He led her into the bedroom, where rays of sunlight bled through the half-opened blinds. Placing the mug on her dresser, he cradled her palm and angled it towards the light. “How hot was that coffee?”

  “Oh, I’m fine.”

  “You should run this under cool water.”

  “It’s not even red. But my face is red.”

  Antonio glanced up at her flushed face.

  “I feel like a beetroot. You need a… a license for all of that.” Pearl gestured towards his chest, and he laughed.

  “I’m serious. I… I can’t think or breathe. I need air.”

  He stepped towards her. “Now you know how I feel whenever you walk into a room.”

  “Don’t be cheesy. That’s a great one-liner, though.”

  “I’m serious.” Antonio curled his hand around her neck and edged his lips towards hers.

  “What… what are you doing?”

  “I want to kiss that mouth. Do you want that too?”

  Nodding once, Pearl gripped his biceps, and he covered her lips with his. Antonio took his time, nibbling before delving. Hot hunger soared as she met him, stroke for stroke. He groaned into her mouth as the kiss turned frenzied.

  He wanted all of her and her hungered response had him pulling her closer. Antonio cupped her rounded ass and lifted her onto the bed. Pearl pulled off her shirt, and he tugged down her white bra strap and bit her pretty shoulder before running his lips along her graceful neck. His hand traced the band-aid on her waist, and Antonio froze.

  “I forgot about—”

  “I don’t feel any pain. Don’t you dare stop—it’s a graze.”

  “Pearl…” He growled her name as his pulse pounded.

  Reaching back, she unclipped her bra and allowed it to drop.

  Antonio swore before running a hand across her chest. “You’re so damn beautiful.”

  “I’ve had a child.” She covered her stomach.

  “A wonderful child. And look—you’re perfect.” He bent down and placed a kiss between her breasts. “I feel like the luckiest man—to be here with you.”

  Pearl stroked his thick hair as he planted kisses across her chest. “You’re going to make me cry.”

  “Your skin feels like silk.” Unable to resist, he covered her pebbled nipple with his mouth, and she let out a moan. Easing her back onto the mattress, Antonio took his time, paying attention to her pretty breasts, licking and sucking.

  “I’m… I’m going to make you late for work.”

  “I don’t care. Do you want this?”

  “Yes. God, yes.” With shaking fingers, Pearl unbuttoned her shorts.

  Antonio dragged down her panties and shorts in one smooth move. His chest heaved with suffocating need as he took in the splayed woman on the bed.

  “Your turn.” Pearl gestured at the towel, and Antonio looked down. There was no going back, and he wanted to savor every moment.

  “Do you have protection?”

  He nodded at the question. “In my wallet.”

  “I haven’t been with… with a man in years. And I’m clean.”

  “Me too—I mean—I get tested through my work before deployments.” Antonio walked to the chair and dug in his pants pocket. His hand tre
mbled as he tore open the package. This felt like his first time—he didn’t want to disappoint Pearl. When he pulled off the towel, Pearl sat up and watched. Under her hungry gaze, he grew impossibly large, and she smiled as he turned to her.

  “You’re built like a god—I’m sure you know that.”

  “You make me feel like a god.” He spoke the truth. He loved that he was able to help and protect her. Antonio never wanted to let her down.

  “Lie back. Let me please you.”

  Complying, she did as asked, and Antonio crawled between her legs. First, he paid attention to her gorgeous thighs and stomach, kissing and biting and finding all her weak spots. When he licked her right hip bone, she yelped before moaning; the same went for her inner thighs and her breasts. He loved how sensitive she was to his touch while enjoying her soft lemon scent.

  And when his tongue touched her wet pussy, they both almost came apart. He sunk a finger deep as he bit and licked. Learning from her responses, he alternated between hard and soft strokes, waiting for her toes to curl and for her fists to grip the covers. When she broke apart and screamed his name, Antonio could wait no longer.

  Placing himself at her damp entrance, he covered her still fisted hands. Unfurling her fingers and threading her hands in his, Pearl’s smile was all the permission he needed. He drove into her tight heat, and she surged up to meet his hard cock. Inch by slow inch, he filled her, and when Pearl gripped his ass and bit his neck, he nearly blew apart like a grenade.

  They both panted as he held himself in place.

  “You feel… like heaven.”

  “You need to move. I want to feel you—everywhere.”

  “Yes, my Cielo.” Pulling out, he surged back in, and his eyes nearly rolled back with pleasure.

  And then they were dancing, in an ancient rhythm that had them both groaning. Harder and faster, his need built like an electric current, matched by the wild demand in her eyes.

  “Can’t get… enough.”

  Pearl’s sobbing words had him shouting her name as he rolled his hips possessively.


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