Amazing Grace

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Amazing Grace Page 2

by Crystal Humphrey

  "I will send your regrets to Harvard since you will no longer be able to attend. I would appreciate it if you just didn't mention us anymore. You are no longer family."

  Abby Grace watched in disbelief as her mother stood, joined her father by the door, and her parents left her room without a backwards glance. She sighed, turned her head toward the window of the room she was in, and let the tears fall for the third time that day. Her parents had often made it clear what the consequences would be if she got pregnant, but they were her parents. She didn't really believe they would disown her.

  But apparently they would and they did. She tried to cover the sob that escaped as she cried. She didn't hear the doctor enter the room.


  Payton was about to check on his young patient when he heard Mr. Wilson harshly criticize his daughter for her foolish mistake. He was shocked and outraged when her parents exited the room a few minutes later after basically disowning her and throwing her out on the streets. Payton walked quietly into the room.

  The beautiful young girl in the bed was staring out of the window. He could see that she had started crying. He hated to disturb her, but he needed to check on her.

  He stepped back to the hallway, and pulled her chart from the bin on the door, making enough noise so she would know he was there. He pretended not to notice her wiping her eyes and trying to sit up in the bed. He did, however, notice her wince as she tried to move.

  "Don't sit up just yet. I would prefer it if you try not to move too much at first. How are you feeling?"

  Abby Grace turned to the voice she heard at the foot of her bed. Payton watched as her sad eyes took in his presence.

  "I'm Doctor Payton Talley. You've had quite a day young lady."

  Abby Grace nodded at him, but didn't say anything.

  "Do you know what happened?"

  "I'm not sure. I was driving home. I was on Interstate 65. Then I woke up here."

  "Did your parents tell you anything?"

  "Just that they know about the abortion I had earlier today. I assume I have you to thank for that?"

  "Yes. I was not aware they did not know. I apologize. I was more concerned about the accident you were involved in at the time."

  "I'm sorry. You're not to blame for my decision or my parents' reactions to them. Please tell me what happened."

  "It looks as if you were rear ended while driving. You will have to get the police report to get any more information than that. But you were airlifted here where you were treated for a broken arm, a broken leg, and a few minor lacerations."

  "Where is here?" Abby Grace asked.

  "You are at Huntsville Hospital."

  "What else?"

  "Excuse me?"

  "What else did you need to tell me? I can see there is something you don't want to say. Probably what you told my parents that confirmed the abortion. What is it?"

  Payton was impressed with the young women he was talking with. She wasn't like other eighteen year olds. She was composed. Too composed for what she had just experienced.

  "Yes, there is more. The doctor who performed your abortion nicked your uterus. You were bleeding internally."

  "There was a lot of pain. I didn't know what it was. I was trying to get home so I could lie down."

  Payton nodded. "Be glad you didn't make it there. The accident might have saved your life. Unfortunately it came with a price. I had to do a full hysterectomy." Payton stopped and waited for this to sink in.

  "By getting rid of one pregnancy, I made sure not to have any others." Abby Grace said quietly.

  "I'm not sure I would look at it like that," Payton answered.

  "Yeah, how would you look at it Dr. Talley?"

  "I believe God has a purpose and a place for everything. There is a reason you are going through this time right now. But when that reason is revealed, it will make all the pain and confusion you are experiencing now worth it."

  "God? You believe in God? And you think he did this to me on purpose? What, to pay me back for my sin, for having sex outside of marriage?" Abby Grace sounded slightly disgusted.

  "Yes, I believe in God, and no I don't think he did this to you on purpose. I'm sorry, Miss Wilson. I didn't mean to offend, only comfort. Do you have any other questions?"

  "How long do you think I will be here?

  "At least a week. It will depend on how fast you heal."

  "Thank you Doctor Talley. Thanks for the honesty."

  "You're welcome. Do you mind if I pray for you?"

  Abby Grace looked intently at Payton. He wondered what she was thinking. She gave a short nod and turned to the window. He knew he had been dismissed. On his way out of her room, he once more lifted the young woman up in pray to his Father above.

  •Chapter 5•

  Abby Grace listened as the doctor's footsteps faded from her room and the door swung quietly closed behind him. She scoffed quietly to herself. God. Her father always said you made your own way in life. Her parents didn't take her to church. They believed in God, they just didn't believe he really cared about each individual's daily life. Her father would have laughed the doctor out of the room for his statements.

  Her dad professed to be a conservative with Christian values, but in her opinion, it was all for show. How Christian was it to throw your only daughter into the street. She wondered briefly how they would spin that one with the press.

  Luckily, Abby Grace was not without means to take care of herself. Her parents had given her a weekly allowance for as long as she could remember. But never really needing anything, she rarely spent it. As soon as she had turned eighteen, she had opened her own checking account. Her parents had no access to it. She doubted they were even aware of its existence. She also still had her graduation money. People had been extremely generous with the towns' former mayor's daughter.

  What most girls her age would consider a small fortune, she knew she would have to be extremely careful with until she could find a job. Imagine that. Only daughter of Jeremiah and Celeste Wilson, Harvard bound, now destitute and homeless.

  A nurse entered her room interrupting her thoughts.

  "I need to take your vitals, Miss Wilson. How are you feeling?"

  "I am beginning to be uncomfortable in my abdomen."

  "I've got some pain medication for you. It should help you sleep."

  "Thank you."

  Abby Grace waited patiently as the nurse took her temperature, her blood pressure, and noted everything in her chart. Then she took the pills the nurse gave her with some water. The water was cool and refreshing, and Abby Grace realized she had not had anything to eat or drink that day.

  She watched as the nurse wheeled her machine out of the room and once more closed the door. Abby Grace turned to the side, noticed a television remote and turned on the TV. Maybe she could find something to watch. Anything to keep her thoughts off of the crazy day she was having.


  "You're not serious, Payton. Just kicked her out into the streets? I would not have thought that of the Wilson's. You know he's running for something to do with the state legislature, don't you?"

  "Yes, Aunt Ruth. I did know. And you can be assured he won't have my vote."

  "What is that poor child going to do now?"

  "I don't know Aunt Ruth, but I do know she can use our prayers. I'm sure the Lord has a plan for her life as He does for us all, but she is not willing to accept that right now."

  "Well can you blame her?"

  Payton sighed into the phone. He was sitting in the doctor's lounge enlisting the help of his God-fearing Aunt to pray for his young patient. He was concerned about what she would do when she was released from the hospital. He would keep her as long as he could, but she would still have a cast on one leg and one arm when she was released.

  "You know, Payton. I have some room here, and I could always use some help at the florist."

p; "You want to take her in as another one of your projects, Aunt Ruth?"

  "Well, I assume that's one of the reasons you called me, young man," Ruth chuckled. "You knew I wouldn't be able to turn down a homeless child."

  "Well, I was hoping."

  "I'll visit in a few days."

  "Thanks Aunt Ruth."

  Payton hung up the phone and smiled. He knew his Aunt Ruth would help his young patient.

  •Chapter 6•

  Abby Grace was growing tired of the hospital bed she had been confined to. Even the television could not lift her spirits. She had no visitors other than the nurses who were constantly in and out of her room taking vitals and bringing her meals. Meals that were tasteless and bland.

  She was unable to move much with one arm laid out beside her in a cast and one leg in a cast. Her doctor still had not given her a definite date of discharge. It was beginning to irritate her. She had no way of making any plans. Her cell phone had been destroyed in the crash and her purse had not been returned to her.

  If she had counted correctly, she had been in this bed for six days. Six very long and boring days. She had nothing to break up the monotony of the routine that had become her life. She could almost predict when the nurses were going to come into her room.

  Abby Grace was spiraling into another depression. She picked up the remote of her TV and began flipping through channels. She had already discovered there were not many to choose from, but because it was Sunday, there were even fewer. Several channels had some sort of preaching service, and she was just not interested in what they had to say.

  One channel did catch her attention though when she heard the words to an old familiar hymn.

  Amazing Grace how sweet the sound

  That saved a wretch like me

  I once was lost, but now I'm found

  Was blind, but now I see.

  Abby Grace scoffed and almost turned the channel. This song had not ever been one of comfort to her. Instead, kids at school used it to torture her. Singing it to her and changing the words to match her name.

  She had tried so hard to be what her parents wanted her to be that she had ostracized herself from her classmates. They thought she was a stuck up little rich girl. She had not tried to prove any of them wrong.

  With her finger on the remote, she was just about to push the button when the next verse caught her attention, and then something she had not heard, a chorus that spoke to her.

  'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear

  And grace my fears relieved

  How precious did that grace appear

  The hour I first believed

  My chains are gone, I've been set free

  My God, my Savior has ransomed me

  And like a flood His mercy reigns

  Unending love, amazing grace

  Abby Grace thought about that for a minute. Was it true? Could she be set free from the guilt and shame she felt? Did God really love her enough to ransom her as the song said?

  She wanted to believe, but in her mind she didn't think God would forgive her for killing her unborn child. She deserved what her parents had done to her. She deserved whatever bad came her way.

  Abby Grace quickly turned the television off and tried to go to sleep. She didn't want to think these thoughts any more.


  Ruth Love stood just outside of the hospital room observing the lovely young girl in the hospital bed. Her long, brown hair flowed over her pillow behind her, and she could just see her bright green eyes as they focused on the television. Ruth could hear Chris Tomlin's version of Amazing Grace on the TV. It was one of her favorites, reminding her of what her Lord and Savior had done for her so long ago.

  She watched as the emotions played over Abby Grace's face. She saw the disgust as the girl started to change the channel. Then she saw the hope that flashed into her eyes for just a moment, then dimmed as her mind seemed to remember things from her past. Ruth took this in and knew in her heart Abby Grace was struggling. She was lost and needed to find her way.

  "Father, please help this precious girl find You. She will never find the peace she needs if she doesn't turn her heart toward the only One that can help her. Help me, Father, to be a light for You. Give me the right words to use to put her on the right path."

  Ruth finished her prayer and stepped into the hospital room to introduce herself to her nephew's patient.

  "That's one of my favorite songs by that artist. Have you heard it before?"


  Ruth could see the surprise in the eyes of the girl as she jumped slightly at the sound of her voice.

  "I heard the song you were listening too. It's one of my favorites. My name is Ruth Love. Doctor Talley is my nephew. I asked him if I could visit. I hope it's alright."

  Abby Grace nodded.

  Ruth sat down on one of the two seats in the room. She watched as Abby Grace studied her.

  "I hope you don't mind, dear, but Payton told me a little bit about your story. I have been praying for you that you will have a quick and speedy recovery. These hospital beds can get old pretty fast."

  Abby Grace nodded once more still saying nothing.

  "This is going to sound crazy, but I was wondering if you would consider coming to live with me. I have a small apartment over my garage I rent out from time to time to help supplement my income. It's vacant now. My last tenant moved out a month ago and I haven't found anyone I would feel comfortable renting it out too.

  "I also own a small florist shop. I can use some help if you need a job. I am smack dab in the middle of the wedding season. I hauled flowers to three of them yesterday. It's enough to wear a person out.

  "You don't have to give me an answer now. I can seem you're a little overwhelmed by all this. I can't say I blame you. A stranger coming into your room and asking you to live with them."

  Ruth could tell Abby Grace was thinking about it. Her lovely green eyes were alight with the possibilities.

  "I live about forty minutes from here in a small town. Much smaller than the one you're use to. But we are a close knit community, and I think you will like it. I only have a couple of requirements. I will pray for you daily, and I will invite you to church. I won't force you to come, that has to be your decision. I don't tolerate alcohol or anything that might bring shame to me or my business. Other than that, well, your eighteen, you will be free to come and go as you please.

  "You think about it and let Payton know. He will tell me you're decision. If you are agreeable I'll pick you up as soon as Payton releases you. I will help you get yourself comfortable until you get on your feet."

  Ruth started to rise from her chair. She had seen the emotions playing across the young woman's face, and was unsure whether or not she would actually consider or not. She seemed to shut down when Ruth mentioned asking her to church.


  Ruth stopped. "Call me Ruth," she suggested.

  "Ruth, how much is the room?"

  Ruth smiled. "Two-fifty a month due on the first, but I will wait for you to get a job, whether working for me or someone else before the first month is due."

  "That won't be necessary. I have some money saved up. It is more than enough to support me for awhile. I would love to rent your apartment, and I would be grateful for the job. I have no idea how to work with flowers, but I would love to learn."

  "Great. When you are released, I'll come and take you home."

  "Thank you Ruth. Please tell Doctor Talley thank you as well. I appreciate you both for thinking about me."

  "You're welcome dear. I will let you rest now. Hopefully, I will see you in a few days."

  Ruth left the young woman with a smile on her face. She heard her turn the television back on and smiled herself. She would need to tell her nephew the news.

  •Chapter 7•

  Three days later, Abby Grace was released from the hospital. She had nothing to
wear. Her parents had not come back to visit after that first day. Payton had thought about that and informed his aunt who brought along a pair of sweatpants and a loose fitting button up shirt for the girl to wear until they could get her clothes.

  "I apologize if it's a little big. I wasn't sure of your size."

  "No, it's fine. These will work just fine. The pants actually fit over my cast," Abby Grace called from the bathroom as she tried carefully to dress. It was very difficult to accomplish with two of her four limbs in casts.

  "Ta-da," she said as she slowly walked out of the bathroom. The crutch she was leaning on wasn't very comfortable, but it did help her maneuver around despite her handicap at the moment.

  Ruth laughed. "You look marvelous, darling, truly you do," she said in her best Scarlet O'Hara accent.

  It was Abby Grace's turn to laugh. This may turn out to be quite an adventure for her. She was a little excited to start this next chapter in her life although it was definitely different than what she had envisioned life after graduation would be.

  Payton joined the ladies in the room with a wheelchair in tow. He planned to walk them out himself instead of allowing the discharge nurse to wheel her down. Abby Grace couldn't help but admire the young doctor.

  He was much taller than her own five foot three frame. You judged him to be a little over six feet himself. He had light brown, almost sandy blond hair that constantly fell over his forehead. He would shake his head to the side, sending back in place, only for it to fall forward again. His light brown eyes had a light in them that could draw you and make you wonder where that inner joy came from.

  It almost made her want to find that same joy, but she just did not have the confidence that a Higher Power could do that for her. She would wait and see. This family did have something she knew was missing from her life.

  "Are you ready to go, dear?" Ruth asked.

  "Yes. I am so ready to get out of here."

  Payton chuckled. "Tired of our accommodations young lady?"


  "Well let's get this show on the road. Hop in," he said as he patted the wheelchair. Abby Grace sat in the chair and handed her crutch to Ruth.


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