Amazing Grace

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by Crystal Humphrey

  Abby Grace watched the whole thing in rapt fascination. She wasn't sure why she was drawn into the service as she was, but she could feel a small tug on her heartstrings every time the preacher or the song leader talked about the amazing grace of God.

  Once more the preacher came up on the stage. "I want everyone to stand and join us in this last song as we get ready to come and worship at the feet of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ."

  He walked off the stage and the music began. It was softer this time. And Abby Grace focused on the screen that held the words to the verses. She let the melody and words wash over her as the parishioners sang once more.

  Light of the world

  You stepped out into darkness

  Opened my eyes, let me see

  Beauty that made this heart adore you

  Hope of a life spent with You

  Here I am to worship

  Here I am to bow down

  Here I am to say that You're my God

  You're altogether lovely

  Altogether worthy

  Altogether wonderful to me

  King of all days

  Oh so highly exalted

  Glorious in heaven above

  Humbly You came to the earth You created

  All for love's sake become poor

  Here I am to worship

  Here I am to bow down

  Here I am to say that You're my God

  You're altogether lovely

  Altogether worthy,

  Altogether wonderful to me

  Abby Grace's heart was touched by the music. She pondered the words in her heart as the congregation sang the chorus two more times before the preacher came back onto the stage. There was a quietness, a reverence that had come over the crowd.

  Abby Grace felt a constriction in her heart. She could feel the Presence of a Higher Power. She was in awe of the emotions coursing through her and wondered what it meant.

  •Chapter 11•

  "Turn in your Bibles to Ephesians chapter two, verses eight and nine. I want to speak to you about the abundant grace of a merciful Lord. Please stand together for the reading of God's word."

  Abby Grace stood with Ruth and Payton. The verses the preacher was reading were on the screen just as the words to the songs they had sung. She didn't have a Bible, but she was able to follow along.

  The preacher began to read, "For by grace are ye saved by faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast."

  Abby Grace watched as the preacher bowed his head and began talking to God as if he were a close, personal friend. She looked at Ruth and saw that her head was bowed as well. Abby Grace quickly lowered her own head. She had not realized the preacher was preaching.

  "You may be seated," he said after he had finished his prayer. First, I want to concentrate on that word, grace. What is grace? What does the word grace mean? If you look up grace in the dictionary, there are several meanings. But one meaning in particular describes this grace. The definition reads 'the infinite love, mercy, favor, and goodwill shown to humankind by God.'

  "Only God could have provided this type of grace. Only He is powerful enough and loves us enough to do so. God's grace comes through the death of His own Son who took our place and gave His life that we could receive this free gift of grace. This takes me back to that lovely old gospel hymn:

  Marvelous grace of our loving Lord,

  Grace that exceeds our sin and our guilt!

  Yonder on Calvary's mount outpoured,

  There were the blood of the Lamb was spilled.

  Grace, grace, God's grace,

  Grace that will pardon and cleanse within;

  Grace, grace, God's grace,

  Grace that is greater than all our sin!

  The preacher stopped. He let the words sink in. Abby Grace could hear them still. Was it true? Did God love her enough to cover her sins? Did he send a Savior for her? She would have to think on this.


  Payton could see the rapt attention on Abby Grace's face. He hoped she was taking in what Pastor Smith was saying. He prayed silently in his heart for the young woman. Lord please help her find the answers she seeks. Help her to see who You are and what You want to be to her. Touch her soul Father and open her heart to the wonderful, amazing grace you have given to Your creation.

  •Chapter 12•

  The songs sung in church on Sunday and the words of the preacher rang through Abby Grace's heart and mind throughout the week. She started at the florist on Monday, learning what Ruth needed in a helper as she prepared for a total of five weddings that coming Saturday.

  There was a lot to be done, and even though Abby Grace was hobbling, she was a hard worker. Ruth played music over the intercom in the shop as they worked. It was a Christian music station, and Abby Grace was learning the words to many of the songs by the end of the week. She had even heard the ones that had been sung in church.

  She liked the station. The hosts were funny, and the songs were uplifting. At the end of the day, when she was in her apartment, she would find herself still humming some of the songs. She had not asked Ruth any questions yet, choosing instead to roll the sermon around in her head for a few days.


  Ruth watched Abby Grace around the shop. She was thankful for the help, Abby Grace had been. She worked hard, and put in more time than Ruth had intended for her to given the fact she was in a cast. Abby Grace insisted when she saw the amount of work to be done.

  Now, it was Friday, and most of the setup had been done for all five weddings. There were just a few last minute things to do for the next day, like deliver the bridal bouquets and boutonnieres and any last minute arrangements needed.

  Ruth was tired and ready to call it a day, but she was concerned about her new friend. She wondered what was weighing so heavily on Abby Grace's mind. There girl had been in another world for the better part of each day. Did she miss home, her parents? Ruth decided that must be it. The girl was probably homesick. She had no friends and no family around.

  Ruth sent Abby Grace home that Friday evening with her first paycheck. It felt good to give it to her. Abby Grace had truly earned every penny of it, and then some. Ruth had other help, but this week was a lot busier for the shop than normal, and Abby Grace had been a blessing.

  Ruth looked up when she heard the bell to the door on her shop and then sighed when she saw her nephew.

  "I'm so glad it's you. I'm not sure I could handle one more flower order for today. These weddings have just about done me in."

  "I'm so happy to see you too, Aunt Ruth," Payton said with a laugh.

  "How was your day today, young man?"

  "It was good. No one died on my watch."

  "Oh, Payton, don't even joke like that. Today has been hectic, but we managed to get everything where it needed to be."

  "Really? How's your newest employee working out for you?"

  "That girl is a wonder, Payton. She works tirelessly even hobbling around as she does. It is a wonder. I'm very thankful to have her."

  "You're not overworking her I hope. She doesn't need to be doing to much. She did just have surgery three weeks ago."

  Payton, I couldn't stop her if I wanted to. She is a hard working young lady. But I get the feeling something is on her mind, bothering her. She was very quiet, reserved.

  "She is always quiet, Aunt Ruth."

  "Agreed, but this was different. You could almost see the wheels turning in her brain. She's got something bothering her. She hasn't felt like she can open up about it yet, but I think she wants to. She would look at me, almost say something, then turn away. I don't want to pry or push her, but I would like to help her."

  "Aunt Ruth, of course there's something bothering her. She was kicked out of her home, abandoned by her parents and whoever knocked her up, and battered from a car accident and the notion of how permanent that abortion turned
out for her. She has plenty on her mind to be thinking over."

  Ruth let out a long sigh. Her nephew was right. That poor girl had been put through the ringer over the last few weeks. She wanted to help her, to bring just a little laughter and joy to her life. She was too young to be so beat down and defeated as she seemed to be.

  "Hey, isn't there a church function for the young adults tomorrow night?"

  "Yes. We are getting to together in the auditorium to watch Fire Proof, the movie starring Kirk Cameron. I haven't seen it yet, but I heard it's pretty good. I'm looking forward to going."

  "Why don't you invite Abby Grace to go with you? It would get her out of the house and maybe out of her head for a little bit."

  "I can't do that, Aunt Ruth."

  "Why not, Payton? I think it would be good for her."

  "Because I wouldn't want her to mistake the good intentions as me asking her out on a date or something. She is a beautiful girl, Aunt Ruth, and a man could get lost in those sad, green eyes of hers. But the Bible says tells us not to date non Christians. I wouldn't want to accidentally fall into that trap. What if I ask Rebecca Joy Singleton to invite Abby Grace. The two are close in age."

  "That is a great idea, Payton! Thank you. I think Abby Grace will enjoy it. Will you call Rebecca Joy? I will go and talk with Abby Grace if Rebecca Joy says yes."

  •Chapter 13•

  Abby Grace was sitting on the couch in her living room that Friday evening. She had made a pot of coffee, just the way she liked it. She was having a hard time getting the preacher's words out of her mind. He had said only God could provide grace. Grace that would set you free from your sins and take you to heaven when you die. He said it was a gift, and there was no other way to receive it but to simply accept it. But what did that mean exactly? How did she accept it? She wanted to, she really did. He had made it sound so easy. Please help me, she cried out in her mind.

  The answer came in the form of a knock at her door. Abby Grace answered it to see Ruth standing there with a plate of food in hand. "I thought you might be hungry. Can I come in?"

  "Sure, Ruth. Come in."

  "Oh my. I smell that delicious smell again. I don't know how you do it, Abby Grace, but that is the best smelling coffee."

  "Would you like some?"

  "I would love some, but then I would be up all night, and I have to get up early tomorrow to get those flowers delivered."

  "Well, you are in luck then, because I made decaf. Let me make you a cup, just the way I like it. I would love your opinion on it." Abby Grace poured a cup of coffee and mixed in her special blends of creamers. She brought it to Ruth to try as they sat on the couch together.

  "Oh, wow. This is wonderful coffee, Abby Grace. How did you make this?"

  "I love coffee. As a matter of fact, I was spending a lot of money at Starbucks for a long time. One day I thought I would like to try to find something better. I started researching until I found two brands I really liked best, and then I mixed them to make one. I loved the richness. I did the same with the creamers. Now, I have my own little concoction."

  "It is absolutely wonderful, Abby Grace. I think you could open up a coffee shop with this stuff."

  "I had thought about that. I have enough set aside to try, but I would be terribly afraid of failing."

  "You know, I have an idea. Why don't you make your special blend at the shop? When customers come in, you can serve it to them. See how it goes and if it's as good as I think it is, you might be able to open that shop in no time."

  "Really, Ruth? You would let me do that?"

  "Of course, child. I think it would go over well."

  "Thanks Ruth, that would be great."

  "Well, I had better get back to the house. I need to clean up the kitchen and get into bed. I have an early day tomorrow."

  Abby Grace stopped Ruth as she started to rise. "Can I ask you a question, Ruth?"

  "Sure, anytime."

  "I can't stop thinking about what your preacher said on Sunday. I want to receive this gift he talked about, but I don't know how. I want that same peace in my heart that you and Payton seem to have. Can you help me?"

  Ruth closed her eyes for a brief minute, sent a quick prayer to her heavenly Father, and took Abby Grace's hand in hers.

  "I would love to help. What do you want to know?"

  "Mr. Smith said the only way to heaven is through Jesus. How? I don't understand. He also said the only to get grace is through the free gift God gives us, which he said is also Jesus. Then one of the songs that was sang talked about Jesus laying down his life for us. What does it all mean?"

  "Well, let me start at the beginning. When God created the earth, he created it to be perfect. The people he created were perfect. They had a perfect place to live where everything was provided for them. They did not have to work, they did not have to ask for anything. They walked and talked everyday with their Creator. Can you imagine?

  "But there was another in the garden that did not want all to be perfect, so he tricked the people into doing something that separated them from the loving God who had created them. From that moment on, sin entered the world. It has been a struggle throughout mankind. But God provided a way for his creation to come back to Him, through the bloodshed of the perfect sinless Lamb of God, His only Son, Jesus. He died on a cross to cover the sins of the whole world. And that is the gift that God gave us. A way to wash our sins so we could still be allowed access to him."

  "So, how do I accept this gift?"

  "Oh, child, you simply ask for it. You talk to God as if he is sitting right here beside you on this couch, and you ask him to come into your heart and wash it clean. I'll pray with you if you like."

  Abby Grace nodded her head then bowed in prayer as Ruth began.

  "Father, we come to you today, and ask you to bless this child, your child Father, as she tries to find her way to you. Help her Lord, as she gives her heart, her life to you. In the name of your Son, Jesus, we ask this, Amen."

  Now it was her turn. The words just came pouring out of Abby Grace. "Jesus, please forgive me of my sin. I didn't know how I was hurting you. Please come into my heart and cleanse my soul. Help me to be the person you want me to be. Help me to change my life to be what you want me to become. Thank you."

  When she finished and looked up at Ruth, both had tears streaming down their cheeks. She threw herself into the older women's arms and thanked her in between great gulping sobs. Ruth patted her back until she finished sobbing, then helped Abby Grace to bed. She thanked Ruth once more.

  •Chapter 14•

  Saturday dawned beautiful and sunny. Abby Grace watched with her cup of coffee as the sky was once again painted, only this time, she had a new appreciation of the One doing the painting. She lifted her heart in prayer to the One who had saved her the night before.

  When she finished her coffee, and was dressed, she decided to go to the shop to help Ruth. She did not have to work today, but she knew Ruth still had a lot to do. Besides, she was ready to start on Ruth's idea. Abby Grace grabbed her coffee and creamers, and made her way to the shop. Ruth was already inside, putting last minute touches on a few of the bouquets.

  "Good morning Abby Grace. What brings you in today?"

  "I thought I would make some coffee like we said, and I wanted to help. You can always use an extra hand. I would have said pair of hands, but then, I only have the one," Abby Grace laughed.

  "Alright then. I do have some things you can do. Go ahead and get the coffee started. I would love to have a cup myself. I'll set up a table with some snacks and cups."

  Ruth went into a back room, and came out with one of the round tables she used to set up at weddings. She laid a table cover on it, pulled out a silver coffee server set, and added some silver plates where she laid out some cookies and brownies she had happened to bake the night before.

  Abby Grace was touched
by the amount of thought Ruth had put into this little venture of hers. She was excited as well. This could be the beginning of something big for her. She had much rather do this, own a small shop in a small town, than to be a big time lawyer like her father.

  Abby Grace bustled around the shop, humming along with the radio station Ruth had playing. She watched as Ruth boxed up the remaining bouquets and began to take them outside to load into the delivery vans. Amazing Grace my Chains are Gone came on the radio. Abby Grace sang along getting a little louder on the chorus:

  My chains are gone

  I've been set free

  My God, my Savior has ransomed me

  And like a flood his mercy reigns

  Unending love, Amazing Grace.

  That song had new meaning this morning. Abby Grace was practically dancing around the shop as she sang. She stopped though when she caught sight of Ruth outside talking with a man she had not yet met. Ruth looked upset, and the stranger looked sad, broken. If she had seen him on the street, Abby Grace would have mistaken him for homeless.

  He reached for Ruth's arms, grabbing her close to her shoulders. Ruth threw her hands up, and swung them around to shake off the hold the stranger had on her. Abby Grace felt bad for spying, but she was curious and a little worried for her friend. She turned away from the window and walked outside to see if she could be of any assistance.

  "Ruth, are you okay?"

  "Yes, Abby Grace, everything is fine. Thank you," Ruth answered without taking her eyes off of the man in front of her. "You can go back in. I'll handle this."

  "Okay." Abby Grace hobbled back into the shop, but continued to watch the altercation outside. She didn't like the sound she heard in Ruth's voice. Despair, hurt, and anger. Abby Grace was thankful when she saw a police car drive by, stop then back up.


  "What are you doing here Darren?"

  "I just needed to see you, Ruth. I missed you, baby."


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