The Bloodwood Curse: An Epic Fantasy Adventure of Swords, Magic and Romance. (The Rosethorn Chronicles Book 1)

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The Bloodwood Curse: An Epic Fantasy Adventure of Swords, Magic and Romance. (The Rosethorn Chronicles Book 1) Page 26

by Peter Summersby

  “Eight seals guard the realms of men,” informed the dragon, “preventing magical creatures from entering.”

  “You are here,” Aife called out.

  “Yes, and so are you,” replied the dragon. “When the eight seals have been broken I will lead my army south and crush the realms of men, starting with this fort.”

  The dragon flapped jumped off the tower, sending a shower of rubble to the ground.

  “You have been warned,” the dragon boomed, flapping down his wings and flying off.

  Chapter 34 Alliance

  4th day of the 9th month 580th year of the 8th era

  Aife and Akuchi walked home hand in hand with their armour, Oghenekaro had insisted on them keeping it.

  “What do you think the dragon meant by the eight seals?” Akuchi asked.

  “I could go ask the King, or the priests back home.”

  Akuchi undid the fasteners on his leather armour and began to disrobe, Aife followed suit.

  “You could if you wanted to,” agreed Akuchi.

  “I will be back before the sun sets,” Aife promised. She stepped out of her armour and gave Akuchi a quick kiss. She grabbed her glaive and dashed off into the forest.


  Aife ran down the length of the farm and bounded over the small farm fence and entered the forest. She didn’t stop running until she reached the first portal tree. At the portal tree, she heaved, drawing in deep breaths. She placed her glaive against the tree, calmed her mind, and then stepped into the tree. Darkness enveloped her, and she lost all sensation. Her body pricked with the cold of the tree before she snapped out. She stepped out of the tree. She was confronted by several spears pointing at her. Four dark elves held the spears were painted in a dark green, each having a white stripe across the body. One in the middle had two stripes, marking him as the patrol leader.

  “Who are you?” the patrol leader demanded.

  Aife looked at the members of the patrol. Their skin was clear of warts and lumps that had disfigured them.

  “I am Aife,” she declared, standing tall and imposing, “princess of the dark elves.”

  “Yeah,” the patrol leader said, “and I am the King’s mother.” A sneer crept on his face.

  I do look a lot different than when I was here before. They would not recognise me.

  “The King’s mother died, nearly two hundred years ago,” Aife informed them.

  “Why aren’t you wearing any paint?” one of the other soldiers asked.

  Aife turned her head and looked at him; he looked her in the eyes then flicked his eyes down at her naked body, flushed, and looked away.

  “I am married to a human, they don’t wear body paint,” Aife said.

  “The princess was married to a human,” agreed another soldier, “we should take her at least to our squad leader.”

  “Take me to the King,” Aife insisted, I must maintain the command here or it will take me forever to get to the King.

  “I make the calls,” said the patrol leader.

  He needs to feel better about his choice.

  “Of course you do,” agreed Aife. “You could kill me right now and then when my husband comes looking for me, he will kill you in single combat. Or you could take me to the squad leader who will bump me up to the ranks until I get to the King and then the King will punish you for preventing his daughter from visiting him, or you can take me directly to him and you might be pleasantly surprised.”

  Aife gave the patrol leader a stern look, who then looked at the other members of the patrol.

  The other members of the patrol all looked at him.

  “Come on, Earc,” urged a patrol member. “Let’s take her to the King.”

  Earc raised his spear and planted it in the ground. The other members followed suit.

  “Fine,” Earc said. “If I get in trouble for this, you will get the blame.”

  Earc lead down the path. Aife followed and the rest of the patrol forming a box around her.

  They marched to the next tree and were waved on by a sentry. They all stepped into the tree and blackness enveloped them. In the space of two short breaths they came out of the tree, just outside the Purple District.

  Earc kept close control on the formation. The city was alive. Elves both male and female were thronging the streets happily moving about. The overall demeanour of the city was that of high spirits.

  Aife’s head swung to either side and took in the bustling city. People of all paint colours mingled and conducted business, trading, singing, dancing, carousing any business that needed to be done was done in the open. Smiling faces and laughter washed over Aife as she was escorted through the streets.

  “What happened?” she asked one of the patrol members.

  “It all started about two months, a few days after the Princess left,” explained the soldier. “Everyone started to come out. Many had ditched their body paint as they were free of the curse.”

  “They all seem to be wearing the paint again,” Aife commented as they rounded a bend past a large oak tree.

  “The party was immense,” commented the soldier on Aife’s other side, “we had to break up a lot of fights as people were caught up in the euphoria of having the curse broken that they forgot who they were.”

  “After that, the paint was made obligatory to restrain people,” said the first soldier.

  “It doesn’t seem to have stopped everyone,” said Aife, nodding at a couple pressed up against the side of the building in the throes of passion.

  “That is true,” the first guard replied, “but they are painted, so they are following the law.”

  They turned a corner and emptied into the gathering space. It was full of people moving about rows and rows of small stalls. Each store offered a variety of goods, from jewellery and knick-knacks to weapons and some even offering rare leather armour. Aife and her escort moved around the edge of the gathering field. At the Mother Tree, the guard stopped and braced the door while patrol leader Earc and Aife continued inside.

  Earc marched up to the herald and smiled politely at her.

  “Aine.,” He smiled sweetly, fluttering his eyes. “I need to see the King.”

  She looked at him and then looked at Aife. She managed to look down her nose at Earc. She was painted in yellow with a flowery stars and stripes pattern across her breasts.

  Aife stepped forward and pushed Earc aside then bowed deep to Aine.

  “Aife, for the King,” Aife intoned in the ritual phrase and tone.

  Aine stood, bowed back, then stepped through the door.

  “How did you manage to do that?” Earc asked, his eyes wide at Aife.

  “I told you, I am the princess.” Aife returned.

  Aine stepped through the vine-covered door and indicated to Aife to follow. She glanced disdainfully at Earc.

  “I don’t think she likes you,” Aife whispered as she strode past Earc into the throne room beyond.

  Aife passed through the vine door and continued up the Petitioner’s Path. Last time I was here I was begging to join the ranks of the chosen, now I come bearing ill tidings and a warning from a creature I have never heard of before.

  Earc rushed to keep up behind her.

  As Aife reached the far end of the throne room the assembled nobles in their bright painted bodies, quieted and watched her walk past.

  The King sat tall on his throne.

  An elf woman standing to the side of the King, painted in red with twirls and stars, turned and glanced at the King.

  He waved her off with a slight wave of his hand and she disappeared down the side and out a door.

  Aife stopped at the bottom of the stairs and bowed before the King.

  Earc moved around her and stood beside. Her bowed as far down as he could go.

  “King Caradec,” intoned Aife. “It is I, Aife, returning with grave news from my husband.”

  “Aife,” the King exclaimed and stood. “Welcome back to your people.”

; Aife straightened up and Earc smiled before stepping back and bowed again.

  “Forgive my early return,” Aife declared. “I have news that you would need to hear.”

  Caradec strode down the stairs, arms out stretched.

  The assembled nobles bowed low.

  Caradec gathered Aife in a warm hug and then turned her around. They both began to walk down the Petitioner’s Path.

  “Tell me,” Caradec whispered. “What news do you bring?”

  “A dragon has shown itself at the fort.”


  Aife left the city of the Bloodwood Forest and stepped out as the sun was just beginning to touch the horizon. She was painted in a range of colours with a gentle light green base with an elaborate flower pattern that ran from her navel over her left shoulder and ended just under her left buttock. She carried her glaive. In a satchel on her right shoulder, she carried her jewellery and several ornaments that she hadn’t had time to bring with her before the wedding. She strode down the path between the fallow fields and saw that Akuchi had tilled the fields ready for tomorrow’s sowing. In front of the now sturdily made house the cooking fire blazed with Akuchi stirring the pot. Sweet smells of beef stew wafted over to her, causing her mouth to water.

  Akuchi spied her coming down the path and stood to greet her. A wide smile spread across his face as he watched her walk down the path.

  “Welcome back love,” he greeted, collecting her in a big hug. “How was your father?”

  Aife set the bag down and wrapped her arms around Akuchi’s slender frame. He responded and gathered her body to his and placed a gentle kiss on her moist lips.

  “Father was amazing,” she replied a look of pure bliss spreading across her face.

  “Tell me all about it,” Akuchi said, motioning her to sit on the polished log benches arrayed around the campfire. Worry crossed his face.

  “Well,” began Aife, “he was very concerned about the warning from the dragon; however, none of the priestly orders know anything about the eight seals. The mood of the whole forest has changed,” she elaborated. “The forest seems to be vibrant and glowing with a vitality I have never seen before. The Prophet of Din, however, did explain that the dark elves have been given a foretaste of what the end of the curse will be like. “

  Akuchi listened as he continued to watch the beef stew cook.

  “Your body paint is more elaborate,” complimented Akuchi. “I take it that getting the information didn’t take too long?”

  “The wait between seeing the priests was enormous,” Aife complained. “It took so long that a sweet old lady offered to do this for me while I waited. Do you like it?”

  “I do.”

  “The King has promised to send a whole regiment of men to help shore up the fort’s defences.”

  “I am sure that Oggy will just love that.”

  Aife laughed.

  “I hope a regiment will be enough to hold against a dragon.” Akuchi handed her a bowl of steaming soup and sat beside her.

  Aife smiled as she took up the spoon and began to eat the soup.

  Akuchi returned her smile and they ate in companionable silence.

  After they had finished the sun had set and Akuchi offered his hand to Aife. She took it and they headed into the house.

  Inside, Akuchi pulled her down onto the new soft mattress and they made love.

  Akuchi was slow and tender, listening for Aife’s small gasps of pleasure and moans, he would then move to capitalise on them.

  Soon they fell asleep with Akuchi spooning Aife as they slept on their bed.

  Chapter 35 Words at Night

  4th day of the 9th month 580th year of the 8th era

  Akuchi stood dressed in a suit of armour unlike any he had seen. Each piece was crafted in a different style. He stood at the bottom of a huge mountain. Dark clouds swirled around the top of the mountain. In his right hand, he carried his falchion. The weight felt comfortable. In his left hand, he carried a shield. It balanced out the weight of his sword easily. Behind him stood four other people. He didn’t recognise them due to their full armour.

  Lightning crashed and struck the ground in front of him. A man appeared from out of the lightning. He was covered in glowing golden armour all of one make. His eyes glowed. He wore his sword on his hilt and his shield on his back.

  “You dare defy me,” the bronze warrior intoned.

  “We defend the realms of man,” Akuchi herd himself say.

  “The realms of men are dying,” the bronze warrior intoned. “You will serve us or die.”

  The bronze warrior lifted his left hand. Fire sprouted out of his palm and leapt across the distance between them and struck Akuchi in the chest.

  Akuchi fell backwards and landed on his back in the dirt.


  Akuchi sat up, a coat of sweat on his forehead.

  Aife lay asleep next to him.

  Akuchi looked around the room and saw that everything was still fine.

  A man’s heart is fickle,

  Akuchi heard the words resound in his head.

  What was that?

  true must a man’s heart be

  I have heard those words before.

  to wield the spirit.

  Akuchi got up out of the bed and wandered into the other room His sword sat in its position against the wall near the door. It sat next to Aife’s glaive.

  Honour and glory,

  reveal the soul

  remain true to your word

  and see glory

  The words rebounded around his head again. What is happening? Am I hearing things?

  Akuchi strode up to his sword and picked it up. He drew the sword from its scabbard enough to reveal the words etched into the blade. One side read:

  A man’s heart is fickle,

  true must a man’s heart be

  to wield the spirit.

  Then he flipped it over and read the other side.

  Honour and glory,

  reveal the soul

  remain true to your word

  and see glory

  Why would those words come to my mind now? Do they have anything to do with the dream that I just had?

  “Akuchi, what are you doing?” Aife murmured from the doorway.

  Akuchi sheathed the sword and placed it back in its place.

  “Just checking something,” Akuchi replied. “Let’s go back to bed.”

  Akuchi looked over at Aife leaning against the door frame. Her skin smooth and clear under the body paint that was beginning to smudge. Aife’s eyes widened and she giggled then dashed back into the bed chamber.

  Akuchi dashed after her and was soon wrapped up in her embrace.

  Aife squealed in delight as he gave her a huge kiss.

  Akuchi ran his hands over her body. He kissed her deeper his tongue searching her mouth met with her and entwined together, sending a rush through his body.


  Akuchi and Aife sat around the fire place eating their breakfast, leftovers from last night’s beef stew.

  I need you to know this. Akuchi heard in his head. Don’t react and don’t interrupt.

  A man’s heart is fickle,

  true must a man’s heart be

  to wield the spirit.

  Honour and glory,

  reveal the soul

  remain true to your word

  and see glory

  Warrior’s work with steel,

  Philosopher’s work with pen,

  Gird yourself with truth

  Light of truth will guide you.

  What was that? Akuchi formed the words in his mind.

  I know you will have questions. The voice replied. I don’t have much energy, I believe you are the one, and I need you to remember those words.

  I am the one? Akuchi formed in his mind again.

  Just remember those words. It is important. The voice faded and left.

  Why must I remember those words? The voice didn’t return.

nbsp; Akuchi and Aife continued with their daily tasks. Akuchi kept those words in his mind all day reciting them to himself over and over.


  That night Akuchi sat next to the fire while Aife served dinner. He took the bowl and didn’t eat it right away.

  “What is the matter, my husband?” Aife asked. “You, have been quiet all day.”

  “I am hearing voices in my head,” Akuchi admitted.

  “Voices in your head,” Aife repeated. “What are they saying?”

  “Not much but the same thing over and over again. I am trying to work out what it means.”

  “Let me hear it,” Aife offered. “My life has been full of prophecy. Maybe I know something that will help you work it out.”

  “It says the words etched into the base of my sword.”

  “What could that mean?” wondered Aife.

  “I have been trying to work it out myself.”

  “The only thing I can offer to your mystery could be the fact that your sword was mentioned in my life’s prophecy.”

  “What was the prophecy?” Akuchi asked.

  “A purple maiden born

  To my cyclic star

  Taken from hearth and home,

  Her loins shall only,

  Be fruitful for him,

  Son of royalty and wonderer

  Great grief he shall bear,

  Nine generations

  then the maiden shall rest.”

  “That just adds to the mystery,” exclaimed Akuchi. “The voice did mention that I was the one and that I should not forget the words.”

  “Prophecies can be strange sometimes,” said Aife.


  5th day of the 9th month 580th year of the 8th era

  At first light, the dark elves emerged from the forest. They marched up the path between the sown fields. They marched two abreast, each carrying a long sword on their hip, a spear, and a large square shield. They wore leather jerkins and trousers. Each elfs’ face was painted a dark green and had white stripes on their faces, some having one or two others had four. The man at the front wore a metal helmet with a plume and had a star over his face, the only difference to his men.


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