The logic of Magic

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The logic of Magic Page 1

by Dylan Burnell

Dylan Burnell

  Copyright 2010 by Dylan Burnell

  Logic Of Magic

  Chapter X Introduction

  The dark blue orb sat upon the worn stone pedestal surrounded by Greek columns. The roof having caved in centuries before letting the rainfall unhindered to land in the temples marble floor. The orb all that remains of the world’s greatest magic. A dim flash and the orb is gone.

  Five hundred miles away.” The boy is fine doctor Hash” The old nurse said rocking the blanket wrapped baby. “Of course he is not fine shouted” William.” He was sleeping peacefully and then started to glow blue!” “I understand William” Dr. Hash sooths. “Let me Finish looking over him”. And keep your voice down will you, we don’t need to wake the child the old nurse whispered fiercely. “Of Corse nurse I’m just so worried.” “Understandable” Dr. Hash says looking up at William.’ However, I have not found a Single thing wrong with the boy. He is for lack of a better term; Fit as a fiddle.’

  “Dr. He glowed blue!” William whispered, “That can’t be normal?” “William I don’t believe it possible, however I have heard of this happening once before”. As the Dr is talking, he moves in front of the nurse and takes the baby in his arms. “Nurse you may go home. It is late and you will be required to be in tomorrow morning same time as usual”. “Of Corse Dr Hash” the nurse said as she scuffled out of the nursery.

  “Dr you mentioned that you have heard of such a thing before?” William asked in confusion. “I have William, but it is not something you would talk about lightly. What I was speaking of William believe me or not; was magic.” “Ridicules! Magic may have once existed but now it is gone. Has been for hundreds of years.” William walks over to the Dr and takes the baby. As he is walking towards the crib, the doctor mumbles, “We will only know when he turns fifteen. His magic, if it exists won’t mature until then.”

  “Leave my house Dr. I would also appreciate you never mentioning this magic” he spat. “I will leave William, but you must promise me that if the boy is Gifted that you won’t treat him with resent.” The Dr looks down sadly. “Our world is changing William, Goodnight.” Goodnight Dr. William turns back to the crib and lays the child down. “What are you?” he asks quietly. Only the moan of the wood under his shifting feet replied. “I don’t understand it. Nevertheless, I will keep my promise. Goodnight child.” As William closes the door another blue flash and the child’s eyes change to electric blue.

  Chapter 2 Coming into power

  Dad I can’t go to the shop tonight. I have a concert. It was planned .Hush up James. You and I both know that you just made that up on the spot. I did not I sputter you just don’t want me to have a social life. I turn 15 tomorrow, I say as I look down. My life is like a prison I mumble.

  Damn right it is James. The last time you went out you managed to set half the town on fire! I told you it wasn’t me! I exclaimed. I told you what happened. Yes, James my father signed. You told a cock and bull story about how you were running after your friends and you suddenly were right next to them on fire, and then miraculously went out like a candle in the wind. I did! It is not my fault that they were hiding in a pile of hay to scare me.

  James I said no. I made planes for us to go out anyway. I know I sound skeptical as I start talking but I cannot keep it out of my voice. You made plans; you haven’t made plans for us to do anything since I was seven. DAMN IT JAMES stop arguing and eat. We are leaving in 2 hours. I look up from my bowl of eggs as he storms out of the room. Yeah as if I argue so often I mumble.

  I live in this craphole of a house that is as bare as the desert that is but a day’s ride away. Our kitchen has 1 old stove 2 old wooden chairs and a table. I am forced to stay in this prison most days that I don’t have school or work because my Father insists that it isn’t safe to go outside. I finish my eggs as I continue my internal rant. My room is even worse a small bed with a couple of skimpy blankets and a small cloths chest.

  One day I will be free I mumble as I throw myself back first onto my bed. I just want to live my own life. I say to myself as I look up at the ceiling and the peeling paint. I found it my dad shouts as he runs into my room. He tosses a book on me chest before I can even ask what he was talking about. What is this I say as I hold up an old and beaten book? That my son is what I have been looking for since you were but a babe. Ah so this “book” is what you have been searching for the last 15 years. Spending every penny you make and almost starving the both of us on a monthly basis. For this book.

  Yes, now shut up and read the title. I look down and turn the book over in my hands. The cover is soft leather. Worn but not as beaten as I originally thought. Training A Mage it read. What is this crap I say holding the book up. You know that there has not been a mage or magic in over 3 or 4 hundred years! I know James, but I believe that you are a mage, or could become one with training.

  Have you finally lost your mind I yell as I hold the book up? This book is probably a complete hoax. Even if it was a surviving artifact, it is no use to me. I cannot be a mage. James my dad mutters as he comes and sits down next to me. The first sign that you were a mage showed up just a few days after you were born. I had just come back from your mother’s funeral and you started to glow blue. It lasted but a minute but you were blue he exclaimed.

  I was so worried that you had been cursed or some such. So I called a doctor. He told me that you may have magic. I thought that he was a numb skull so I threw him out. Two years latter, you somehow managed to turn our Table purple when you saw a flyer for a circus that was coming to town. You gurgled pretty then the table was the same color. It faded after a week but after that I believed the doctor.

  I then threw my whole life into finding out what you were and what was happening to you. I spent all of my gold from my inheritance and then some. I found many things but none were very useful at all. Then last year I found this book. So why didn’t you give it to me last year when you found it? I demanded. Because you were not ready. I read the book front to back. It told me that a Mage or a child of magic should not know he is of magic until he is of age. I saw no harm in giving it to you a few hours earlier.

  Ok so according to this book I am a child of magic? As far as I am away yes. Look he says as he takes the book away from me. He flips pages a few times then comes to a stop on a particularly old page that seems looks as if it will fall apart with a simple touch. He points to the heading on the page. The test Read this page then tell me what you think. I already have everything ready. Fine I say as I snatch the book from his hands.

  The test, the test is an initiation right into the world of magic. It is not simply a test to find your magic, but a test on your life and strength of magic. Wonderful, so I can die if I fail this test, just great. I mumble and continue reading. The test consists of three parts.

  Part one: submit yourself to the test. This shows your willingness to accept magic into your life.

  Part two: Drink the potion (recipe on page 52) This will bring out all of your potential at once. A warning that drinking this potion more than once in a lifetime will cause your magic to turn against you and destroy you from the inside.


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