Warlord 4

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Warlord 4 Page 26

by Chen Ran

  A snowy mound was naturally nothing to be suspicious of. Just when Jet thought that he was seeing things and wanted to put down the telescope. Suddenly, he saw the snowy mound move.

  The vibration appeared on this snowy hill, caused by a slight movement. Following that, a piece of black metal that was constantly rotating emerged from the snow mound. It constantly "swallowed" the snow, before shooting up from both sides. Amidst the billowing snow, a special vehicle roared as it worked.

  A snowplow!

  Jet was no stranger to these kinds of cars. He had two of these snowplows at Ron's company that had cleaned up Angry Reef City's accumulated snow. Now, however, the same plows made a passable path through the snow of the wilderness.

  Jet immediately used the telescope to look further away. Sure enough, behind the snowplow was a winding road that extended into the snowy road on the coastline. On the snowy road, Jet saw three modified four-wheel drive vehicles and a large number of modified motorcycles with anti-skid chains wrapped around their tires.

  On one of the A Land Cruiser s, Jet saw a flag. The flag was dark, with a skull painted in grey. At the bottom of the skull was written "D. K." in red paint.

  The DK Regiment!

  A chill went through Jet's heart as he prepared to warn his. In the telescope he saw a man with a sniper rifle aimed at him. The next moment, the muzzle of the sniper rifle shot out a long stream of flames.

  This was the last scene Jet saw. The moment the sniper rifle spat out a flame tongue, his entire body shook violently.

  A pool of blood flew out from the back of Jet's head along with a shattered skull, splashing all over the post tower's body until it was blood-red. A moment later, Jet's body fell into a pool of blood.

  After he fell down, the sound of a sniper rifle shot rang out. The rough sounds of gunfire broke the silence of the morning, followed by a few sharp whistles from the wilderness. A few streaks of fire swept through the air in a perfect arc, landing onto the post tower outside the Angry Reef City. The flames flickered continuously, and the shock wave from the explosion blew up the post tower and the soldiers inside into smithereens!

  At this time, the remaining post tower began to counterattack, and this caused the third attack of the DK Regiment to begin.

  "Damn, when will the Armed mob have such a luxurious snowplow?!"

  One of them was around forty years old. His body wasn't considered well-built, but it was well-proportioned. A height of 178 cm could not be considered tall, but his white face gave off a scholarly feeling. However, it was this kind of person who was full of vulgarities. He was even barbarically carrying a high speed machine gun that needed to be fixed with a frame as he moved through the empty space outside the city.

  As he spoke, the fuel tank of three motorcycles that he swept through exploded with a loud bang. However, from the thick smoke and flames that rose from the snow, more and more modified motorcycles broke out from the flames, the riders on the motorcycles did not want to die and rushed towards the Angry Reef City's defense line.

  "Bain, come back here!"

  A loud roar came from the post tower behind him. The roar was as rough as a wild bear's roar, causing even the ground to shake slightly. When the middle-aged man named Bain heard this voice, he ruthlessly strafed the place again before he carried the machine gun and ran back.

  Just as he turned around, a sharp whistle sounded out from behind him. Bain's expression changed, he recognized that it was the sound of shoulder-fired missiles. The DK Regiment's armed strength exceeded everyone's expectations. Not to mention the very rare snow plows, they even possessed destructive weapons that were specifically designed to destroy the battlefield.

  The shoulder-fired missile is only one of them, and the other is an oar grenade. Different from the common high explosive grenade, the electric paddle grenade, when detonated, would produce a strong current of up to a million volts, covering an area of a hundred meters square by means of a jumping ring movement. In addition to its terrifying destructive power to ordinary soldiers, it would also destroy electronic equipment, paralyzed the drive system of the chariot, causing unparalleled destructive power.

  Whether it was shoulder-fired missiles or electric paddle grenades, they were not easily obtainable. In addition to having to be customized from a weapons factory specializing in the production of these weapons, they also required a high fee. Judging from the situation with the DK Regiment, these barren settlements are not sufficient to provide the DK Regiment with the cost of buying these weapons of war.

  The problem now was that the Armed mob Group in the wilderness had weapons that even the armies of normal companies couldn't buy. This meant that there was an even bigger organization supporting them from behind the scenes. This was not hard to guess. The difficulty was, which faction supported the DK Regiment and what was their goal?

  But right now, Bain obviously did not have the time to think about it. The missile had clearly locked onto him and was shooting towards him at an extremely fast speed.

  Bain was someone who had the power and defense of the fifth step, but he did not advance, he only had the most basic of abilities. But even a fifth-step defense was not enough to face a missile's attack head on, and he was not able to retreat unscathed from a missile's attack without agility. So no matter how you looked at it, he was dead in the missile lock.

  Only Bain knew that he would not die. As long as the person on the post tower was here, this kind of weapon that relied on data to locate would not be able to kill him.

  Sure enough, when the missile began its descent from a distance, it suddenly began to sway left and right like a drunken man. Next, the missile turned and headed for the DK Regiment's position.

  The motorcyclists, who had been speeding forward, immediately exploded. The riders hurriedly controlled the locomotives to head off in the direction of the missile's landing point, but the missile was so fast that when they turned around, the missile had already landed.

  The ground suddenly shook. In the midst of the soaring flames, countless amounts of snow were brought up and evaporated into water vapor from the high temperature from the explosion. The water vapor mixed with the thick smoke formed the shape of a mushroom in the sky, which was wrapped in spitting flames.

  Bain almost scrambled back to the Angry Reef City's defense line. He sat down on the snowy ground and watched the black cloud in the sky from afar as he wiped off his cold sweat. Suddenly, a shadow flashed in front of his eyes, Bain raised his head, and was struck with an old fist.

  With regards to Bain, who was at the fifth stage of defense, the power of this punch didn't even qualify to tickle him. Bain rubbed his cheek as he stood up, his gaze landing on the tall, white male in front of him. The man was a head taller than Luo Qin, and his chin was covered with black stubble. He had a cigar in his mouth, a beret on his head, and a tight black uniform that made him look like a soldier on the battlefield.

  His name was Tungus, and he had a partner relationship with Bain. The two of them created Ron company, using it to hunt and make specimens for sale. Sometimes, Ron Corporation would also take over the business of guards and escorts. But overall, Ron's business scope was not wide, and it was mainly limited by the number of soldiers they had.

  Ron's company had less than two hundred soldiers, and the only capable ones were Tungus and Bain. Other than Bain, who was an ability user for the Fighting Domain, Tungus was also an ability user for the perceptual domain. As someone who had yet to develop his ability to advance, his expertise was only in the fourth step of energy interference and teleportation.

  The missile was destroyed by Tungus's interference of energy, resulting in the explosion of the enemy's camp. On the other hand, teleportation could allow Tungus to travel for a short distance in space, but this distance was simply too short. With such a short distance, forget about having the ability, even ordinary soldiers with guns could threaten Tungus.

  Fortunately, this ability was in effect, so no matter
what method he used, he was unable to detect Tungus's aura. As a result, he was unable to predict where this aura would land, allowing Tungus to obtain a small initiative.

  However, most of the time, Tungus would rarely use this ability.

  In fact, Bain was rather envious of his ability. Indeed, if the Fighting Domain's ability was combined with the teleportation ability of the mind, the power would increase exponentially. It's just that each person's Inherent Skills are different, Bain could only be envious of them.

  Tungus held onto Luo Qin's collar and roared: "If you want to waste my words again, then I'll send you out to die. Just wait for someone to retrieve your corpse, you bastard!"

  Bain laughed as he admitted his wrongs. In any case, every time Tungus said that, he would help and Bain was already used to it. Suddenly, Tungus's face changed, and pounced towards Bain.

  Just as Bain wanted to shout out that he did not have a strange sexual orientation, he saw a sandbag that had been temporarily placed in front of the barbed wire net pass by him, passed through it, and finally passed through Tungus's back, plowing a long trail of blood on the big size man's back.

  Then, the sound of a sniper rifle could be heard from afar.

  Tungus cursed with a darkened face: "Fuck, the shooting distance is at least 1500 meters, they have an amazing sniper!"

  Just as Tungus was talking, on the A Land Cruiser about a thousand meters away from the battlefield, a man wearing a cowboy hat lowered his sniper rifle. He had a piece of hay in his mouth and was wearing a dark red leather jacket. Inside the jacket was a gray shirt with a black tie under the collar. His tie blew in the wind and landed on the man's face.

  He was cursing something in his mouth as he frantically removed his tie from his line of sight while spitting out the grass from his mouth. The hay fell to the ground, but grew whiskers at the roots. Mao Xu worked hard to catch anything that could be used to hold himself in place.

  "Reo, what the hell are you doing? Fuck, don't you claim that your gun is useless? I spent a huge sum of money to invite you over. You can't even bring down a single leader of the enemy force! If you can't do it, get out of here immediately! "

  Another A Land Cruiser drove over, the man with the fiery red tattoo on the left side of his face shouted at the sniper.

  Chapter 273 - Returning to the Wilderness (II)

  Dekas looked at the man in the cowboy hat sitting on the carriage beside him angrily. Reo was a mercenary that was slightly famous in the Northern Wilderness. However, because he was in debt, he had to flee to the south, where he was currently working for Dekas.

  As one of the few people in the wilderness with the ability to advance, Reo's profession was Sniper Specialist. This class didn't seem to be anything special, but he had at least four leveling up skills: Snipe Specialist, Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit, Stealth, and Breath Locking. The reason why Reo was able to almost kill Bain from 1500 meters away was to increase his ability.

  It was a pity that amongst the two leaders of Angry Reef City, the other one seemed to possess the ability of perceptual domain. At the same time, Reo felt a killing intent coming from the wilderness, which saved his comrade's life.

  Now, hearing Kade's reprimand, Reo lazily said, "Don't worry, boss. As long as they do not hide in the city, I will kill them! "

  As he spoke, he jumped out of the car. However, Reo's foot barely touched the edge of the carriage, causing him to scream and fall onto the ground, biting into a mouthful of snow. Reo stood up in a panic, spitting out the dirt from his mouth and leaving while cursing. Looking at this untrustworthy figure, Kade began to doubt whether he was looking for a borrower.

  After they left the SUV for a distance, Reo began to move. When he was serious, he still had a bit of an assassin's professional appearance. At least, it was difficult to detect his movements, even Kade himself found it hard to detect or hit Reo while he was in stealth mode. This movement method that was unique to Sniper Specialist made Reo look like a spirit cat that had suddenly appeared out of nowhere, borrowing the cover of snowdrifts, cars, and even corpses to move in a blind spot in the enemy's line of sight.

  Just like this, Reo quickly shortened the distance by five hundred meters. A moment later, he fired a shot and continued to move.

  Reo was like a patient cheetah as he tried to find the limit of Tungus's reaction. When Tungus's senses could not keep up with his reaction speed, it would be his and Bain's time of death!

  At this moment, behind the defense line that was not firm outside of Angry Reef City, Tungus was hiding behind a SUV that was blown up. The firm and solid undercarriage of the jeep was his best cover while his companion Bain held his head and hid at the side. After the first sniper attack, they quickly faced off against the second attack. If Tungus had not quickly dragged Bain to the back of the SUV, Bain's head would have been pierced through by the sniper rifle.

  Tungus could also clearly feel that the other party had shortened the distance between the two of them and attacked them from about a kilometer away.

  The terrifying sniper was moving, Tungus didn't know how many more attacks the two of them could dodge. Of course, as long as they abandoned the city walls and ran into the city, or directly abandoned the city to escape, there was a great chance of them surviving. But Tungus would not do so, and at the same time, Bain was not someone who was afraid of death. Rather than asking them to give up on this hard-earned city, it would be more painful to just kill them.

  It was not only Tungus and Yue Yang, the situation of the Angry Reef City was also extremely bad. After the battle, the two missiles destroyed a few more post tower of the Angry Reef City. There was only one left that had not been damaged yet, obviously one of the quick fire machine gun s was not enough to stop the DK Regiment's advance. More and more soldiers of Ron's company used the temporary fortifications built by the post tower to retaliate, but in terms of firepower, Ron's company was obviously lacking.

  When the lightning bolts fell onto the defensive position, and the electric fire from the explosion ignited a few electric snakes wrapped in fireballs, more than half of Ron's company's soldiers were already dead and wounded.

  "This isn't the way to go on!" Bain bellowed with bloodshot eyes: "I'll go out and fight them!"

  He tightened the cannon in his hands and was about to stand up. Unexpectedly, his waist tightened, and was grabbed by Tungus. Tungus bellowed: "Are you trying to take advantage of the enemy's sniper for nothing?"

  "Then what else can I do?!"

  Bain asked, causing him to be immediately speechless.

  Patting Tungus on the shoulder, Bain said: "Friend, you can go. You're not like me, I'm a bachelor with nothing to worry about. But you have two women and seven children to raise, so you can't die! Go, and remember to tell my story to your little ones in the future. You have to let them know, their Uncle Bain died on the battlefield! "

  With that, Bain rushed out. But this time, Tungus was not able to grab hold of him.

  "Bastard!" Tungus roared as he left the SUV. He couldn't just watch his good friend die in front of him!

  The veins on Bain's hands tensed up. The power of the fifth stage allowed him to not only prop up the rapid fire cannon, but also easily cancel out the terrifying recoil from the heavy artillery. Bain was like a moving cannon, setting off a death metal tornado in the enemy's fleet!

  His attack was quickly met with a counterattack from the DK Regiment, with two riders on each of the modified motorcycles. One was in charge of driving and the other was in charge of attacking. After Bain destroyed two of the motorcycles, very quickly five riders locked onto Bain and counterattacked. Four machine guns and a shoulder-fired missile immediately flew towards Bain, he could ignore the might of the machine guns, but the missiles had surpassed his defensive limit.

  Just as Bain was about to roll away, he saw that the missile had changed its trajectory and landed on the wasteland south of the city outskirts. He immediately looked back, only to see Tungus running up, w
ith two light machine guns, Tungus rushed past Luo Qin's left and right slashing his bow, attacking towards the enemy's array.

  "Are you still waiting for a dried bird?" Let's kill these bastards and send them back home! "

  Tungus's roar brought Bain back to reality, he laughed and cursed, then followed suit. The two of them had a tacit understanding of each other and formed an effective suppression firepower, stopping the other party's convoy from getting any closer. However, this was all they could do. Therefore, when the convoy suddenly dispersed and a artillery tank appeared in front of them, even the normally calm Tungus could not help but start cursing angrily.

  "Damn, they actually have tanks!"

  Tungus scolded, while Bain had already pointed his rapid fire cannon at the Tank car. It was just that the bullet that struck the Tank car could not penetrate it, so it caused countless of sparks to fly in vain. At the same time as they attacked, the other party was also not idle. The flames on the Tank car aimed in their direction, flickering with light.

  A dull gun sound came out, and the moment the cannon spit out a ball of black fire, Bain suddenly threw himself down. The shell almost brushed the top of Rochelle's head before it landed on the fortification behind the two of them. The simple and crude wall of earth was immediately blown away, and within the exploding flames, there were also the figures of Ron Company's soldiers.

  "F * ck!" Bain squatted on the ground and roared as he pressed down the trigger. The rapid fire cannons opened fire repeatedly, but the torrent of metal could not stop the Tank car from advancing.

  At this point, the two of them had no time to pay attention to why the enemy sniper suddenly stopped attacking. Now, the Tank car was pressing down on them.

  When the distance between them was less than 100 meters, the ground suddenly shook. Following which, a large shadow appeared in the northwest. The shadow continued to move forward, revealing its true appearance under the light of the sun.


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