Warlord 4

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Warlord 4 Page 40

by Chen Ran

  The telescope quickly adjusted the distance in Gino's hands, and the soldier quickly saw that there was a large shadow moving behind the female living corpse. A large number of living corpse s were walking toward the Remot like ghosts coming from the ruins of the city. Gino did not dare imagine what would happen if the army of the dead were to charge into the Remot.

  "Warning!" Quickly, Yarvik, inform the captain, a large number of living corpse have appeared! " Gino shouted loudly, hoping that his comrades would immediately take action.

  But there was no response.

  Damn it! I said the recruits weren't reliable!

  Gino thought and turned around at the same time. Yarvik was definitely still sleeping, he thought. However, a terrifying scene appeared in his line of sight.

  A thin and weak man suddenly appeared beside Yarvik. The man's hands and feet were long, and sharp bone spikes grew out from his joints. Gino took a closer look and discovered that it was a skull, with a head full of short hair. When he looked at Yarvik again, the top half of the recruit's head had already been opened, the brain inside was still perfectly preserved, and was gently trembling time and time again.

  Yarvik's face was calm, as though he did not know that his head had been opened. Looking at this scene, Gino wanted to say: "Yarvik, you're still f * cking sleeping, your head has already been opened. "Look, your brain is still fucking moving in front of me", but when Gino yelled out, it changed into: "Yarvik, be careful!"

  Hearing this loud shout, Yarvik finally opened his eyes. However, in the next moment, the intense pain caused his face to change drastically. Following that, he started to scream miserably. The man at the side laughed strangely, with his claws directly grabbing Yarvik's head, he took out the brain tissue and sent it into his mouth. Yarvik didn't need to shout anymore because his head had become someone else's food.

  Gino roared, he touched the machine gun on the side and was about to shoot. However, he found that the machine gun weighed more than a thousand pounds, and did not budge an inch. When he looked over, he saw another strange hand pressing down on the machine gun. Following that, Gino felt a sharp pain in his chest, as if his heart and lungs were being torn apart. He looked down and was surprised to see a clawed hand clawing through his chest.

  There was a pain in his neck, and in the midst of Gino's rest, a woman was currently lying on his shoulder and biting on his neck tightly.

  If Gino could turn around, he would see a lacerator s with its two feet fixed on the outside of the post tower's wall, and its upper body practically crawling into the post tower's body.

  Hearing the sound of blood being drawn, Gino struggled to take out a grenade. With a weak smile, he pulled out the safety catch.

  I'm sorry, sir, but I'm afraid I can't take you to the red light district.

  As Gino thought about this, dazzling flames filled his eyes.

  With a boom, almost all of the post tower that Gino was on exploded into the sky, turning into a giant ball of fire. The explosion made Glenn look towards the direction of the post tower, and at the same time, he saw a big figure rushing towards his defense line like a tank under the reflection of the flames.

  A butcher with a crude weld of metal pipes and irregularly shaped iron came running in the direction of the line of defense. Every step the butcher took was ten meters, and every step he took left a clear footprint on the ground. On the post tower that was blown away, the giant crashed into the barbed wire net. The warhammer swung in a circle, heavily smashing into the already electrified high voltage electric net.

  The butcher's fearsome defensive power endured the electric attack with one hundred thousand volts, but he still easily used his hammer to break through the electric net, and ripped a hole in the defense that Remot thought was strong.

  As soon as Glenn saw the butcher, he let out a loud roar. The muscles and bones throughout his body began to emit crackling sounds. In a flash, Glenn swelled up, and even his shirt was torn apart by the bulging muscles. Glenn's wounded upper body was exposed, and he dashed towards the butcher.

  "Enemy attack!"

  Glenn shouted as he ran. But without his warning, the sudden explosion of the post tower was already the best warning. A moment later, an ear-piercing beep sounded out and an alarm resounded above Remot.

  Glenn activated his strength and defense as a LV 5 fighter, and the first thing he did was to rush at the butcher. The butcher, who had sensed Glenn's murderous intent and vigor, didn't give in and let out a roar. Instead of retreating, he rushed towards Glenn.

  The two giants collided in front of the defensive line. Violent shockwaves were released from their feet, bringing up countless dust with them. The ground cracked into fine cracks, extending ten meters away. The shockwave from the collision almost caused Glenn and the butcher to fly into the air, and they landed heavily on the ground after rising about 10 centimeters into the air.

  Glenn roared and threw a punch at the butcher's mask. The simple iron mask immediately deformed, and the metal branches broke. Glenn's iron fist deeply sank into the butcher's face. Immediately, the sound of a fracture could be heard from beneath the mask.

  The butcher roared and retreated, but the blow from his warhammer missed. Glenn slipped to the side in time and rushed towards her. He rammed into the butcher's stomach and grabbed his waist with both hands, pushing him away from the line like a car pushing earth.

  The butcher tried desperately to stand on his feet, but his feet plowed the ground in vain.

  Glenn led the butcher along with him and charged for a hundred meters before he raised the giant creature up high with a loud shout.

  For a moment, Glenn could see what was happening in front of him.

  Countless living corpse surged past him like floodwaters. Be it Green's might or the smell of a butcher, these ordinary living corpse did not dare to approach him. However, they surged towards the Remot one after another, the defensive line was currently in an intense offensive and defensive battle. Although the defense line had opened up a hole for the butcher, the gap had already been filled up by a dozen soldiers who had used their firepower.

  The high voltage electric net was still working, it had turned every living corpse into barbecue. Atop the post tower s, the roars of heavy machine guns resounded through the night sky. Under the dense barrage of fire, countless living corpse turned into corpses.

  But the living corpse had an endless number of them, so they used their corpses to suppress the electric net. However, the agile figures on the post tower s caused the heavy machine guns to sound hoarse. It was the lacerator, these extremely fast mutated beasts from the living corpse had become the most terrifying assassins, and were breaking down and expanding the gap in their defense line!

  "F * ck!" Glenn shouted and pulled the butcher down with both hands. At the same time, he lifted his right knee. The butcher's landing point was just where his spine had been.

  With a crack, the butcher's spine snapped in the middle. Greene threw it to the ground and mounted it savagely on the butcher's body. He squeezed the butcher's hand with his legs, then twisted his head to the side as he wrapped his hands around the butcher's head. Regardless of whether the butcher was willing or not, with the separation of the head and the body, no matter how strong the butcher's vitality was, the body would not be able to climb back up.

  After throwing away the butcher's head, Glenn let out a sigh of relief, followed by a loud roar and swinging his fists, he turned living corpse who was only passing by him one by one into a real corpse. But he was only one person after all, and in the living corpse's Great Tide, he could at most splash a single wave, which was of very limited use. But Glenn couldn't care about that, every time he killed a living corpse, the pressure on his defense would decrease a little.

  However, there were at least a hundred corpses lying at Glenn's feet. The living corpse s also became smarter, they moved far away from Clint, leaving him with no chance of fighting back. However, when Glenn turned around a
nd was about to rush back to the defense line, he heard a fierce sound of something breaking through the air behind him.

  He suddenly moved away, and an axe swept past his previous position, chopping a nearby unlucky living corpse into two. Glenn turned around and saw that the army of the living corpse had split apart and a tall figure had appeared in front of him.

  The other butcher!

  Glenn spit out the phlegm on his back and took out the two metal knives on his back. Glenn was about to rush up when he suddenly felt pain on his back. Glenn didn't have time to think before he swung his machete backwards. The feeling of his two blades touching something was followed by a sharp friction sound and a large amount of sparks appearing at the same time.

  Under the starfire, Glenn saw a thin face smiling at him. Glenn had not expected that it was a lacerator that had ambushed him. The lacerator's appearance was very close to that of a normal living corpse. It must have mixed itself into the normal group of living corpse and took advantage of the moment when his attention was attracted to the butcher to suddenly make its move.

  Behind him came the roar of a butcher. While the ground was shaking, the butcher and the lacerator attacked Glenn one after the other. Under the dark night, the light of the blade was like lightning, dancing in the wilderness like a lonely dancer.

  When Green fought the butcher and lacerator, Bryan woke up with his daughter's screams. The accountant opened his eyes just in time to see his wife, Jenny's, terrified face, and the roar of a machine gun outside the window.

  "What's going on?" Bryan hurriedly put on his clothes.

  "I'm not sure. It seems like we were attacked." Jenny ran out of the bedroom and brought her daughter in.

  After Bryan was dressed properly, he hugged his precious daughter on his wife's hand, then pulled Jenny along and said: "Hurry, it's not safe here."

  As the family of three ran past the house, they realized that the world outside the house was in chaos. The neighbors in the building ran to the elevator in panic, but the elevator could not accommodate so many people, so rough men drove the other citizens with their fists to make room for more than enough.

  "Take the safe passage!"

  Bryan shouted to his wife. It was obvious that he could not take the lift anymore, so the fastest way to get out was through the safe passage. Thus, the family and a few neighbors ran towards the safety passage. Unlike the messy hallway, the safety passage was quite quiet. The dim yellow light illuminated the stairs of the passage. Bryan felt slightly at ease as he carried his daughter and ran down the stairs with his wife and the others.

  Arriving at the third floor, the Accountant was a little pleased to see the exit in sight, and his pace quickened a little. However, at this time, the exit door underneath the building was ruthlessly rammed by someone, producing a loud sound. Following which, a group of people came out.

  "It's not safe up there, man, let's go." Klein called out, and quickened his pace.

  As his voice rang out, the people in the corridor began to pay attention. They all raised their heads, revealing bloodshot eyes and broken faces.

  Little Fanny immediately shrieked, "Father, father, what kind of monsters are they?"

  A drop of cold sweat rolled down Bryan's forehead as he shouted with a trembling voice, "Go back, run back! They are the living corpse! "

  Chapter 289 - Crisis Outbreak (II)

  So painful ….

  Above his head, the light covering the ceiling transformed into a few shadows in front of Ke Rhine's eyes. He was like a drunk man, unable to concentrate. However, he could feel that his right hand was gradually becoming numb and cold. Chewing sounds came out, followed by the feeling of something being torn apart. It transmitted waves of pain towards Klein's brain. But the more painful it was, the number it became.

  Klein could no longer feel any additional pain, it was as if he had returned to his youth. At that time, when Klein faced this desperate world, he could only use marijuana and other drugs to anesthetize himself. Until he met her.He was the one who brought hope and radiance to Klein's life to the current Jenny. She was the one who pulled Klein back from the abyss of despair.

  But at that moment, the laughing Jenny would never laugh. She was lying beside Klein at the corner of the stairs, where a living corpse was crazily nibbling on her body. Jenny's clothes were torn, revealing the plump peaks underneath. But living corpse didn't really know how to appreciate them. It stretched its head, bit Jenny's lips, and tore open a hole in her softest part. Then, it pulled out the intestines inside and chewed them slowly.

  Jenny looked ahead with empty eyes, she did not know if she was hallucinating, but Ke Rhine felt that she was staring at him.

  Just like how when Klein wanted to be lazy, he would glower at him like this as a warning. Following which, a smile would appear on her face. At this moment, she was the most beautiful.

  Obviously, Jenny already knew not to laugh.

  As Klein thought about this, the things that happened in the past became as distant as the stories of others.

  I want to sleep. Just as Klein was thinking of this, suddenly, a delicate scream came out beside his ears: "Father, chase them away!"

  Little Fanny!

  In his mind, the helpless image of his daughter suddenly expanded infinitely in Klein's mind. ~ Who knows where, but Klein opened his eyes wide and roared as he jumped up. On his body, his left hand had already been bitten to half of a bone, but a living corpse was still desperately biting on it. Klein could not be bothered with it, and searched for Fen Ni's figure in his search.

  The corridor was full of bodies, most of them the neighbors who had just run down the safe passage with him. However, the safe passage was no longer safe, the living corpse that ran in from the exit attacked them. They were just ordinary citizens, how could they be a match for these dead people?

  And it seemed that only Klein and the unknown Fen Ni were still alive.

  Very quickly, Klein found his daughter, who was at the top of the stairs. Little Fanny curled up helplessly like a trembling kitten in the winter. Beside her, two living corpse s looked at her with interest. From the large amount of saliva left in living corpse's mouth, it could be seen that they were very satisfied with the food in front of them.

  "Fanny!" Klein roared, he placed his right hand on top of living corpse's head and pushed forcefully, pushing living corpse and half of his arms away. He ran up the stairs like an angry beast and kicked living corpse who was close by down the stairs. His other hand grabbed the second living corpse's collar and pulled it aside.

  Klein turned around and stood in front of the woman, protecting her.

  At this moment, he was no longer the refined accountant Klein. He was more like a fighter, and also the father who protected his daughter!

  Of course the living corpse would not listen obediently, so they pounced on him again. Klein roared, he did not retreat but chose to advance instead. He rushed towards the two living corpse s and started fighting with each other. Two corpses and one person rolled down the stairs. During the battle, Klein seemed to have gone crazy as he bit onto one of the living corpse's neck.

  He bit so hard that his teeth sank deep into the rotting flesh. Klein used all his strength to tear off a large chunk of flesh and trachea from living corpse's neck. The living corpse immediately tilted its head, losing the strength to fight with Klein. But just then, the other living corpse took the chance to bite Klein's shoulder.

  Klein shouted as he caught it by the neck and spun with all his might. living corpse was swung towards the stairs by him, the spine was instantly broken, and the lower half of his body dropped onto the ground. Klein used all of his strength to rip off the dead body that was biting onto him. However, because of this, a large chunk of flesh was missing from his shoulder.

  Klein who had turned into a bloody person gritted his teeth as he walked towards his daughter. Fanny, on the stairs, burst into tears at the sight of her father's injury. She stood up and was about
to run over, when the remaining living corpse s on the stairs all rushed towards Klein. This time, Klein no longer had the strength to fight with them. Very quickly, Klein was engulfed by their figures.

  Just as Fen Ni watched all of this with a blank face, Klein crawled out from the pile of corpses with difficulty with his remaining hand. He looked at Fanny and looked at her affectionately. "Darling, run."

  After he finished speaking, he used his last bit of strength to grip onto living corpse tightly. This way, before he was eaten, little Fanny wouldn't be in any danger. This was Klein's last thought.

  Little Fanny seemed to read something in her father's last words. She wiped her eyes and turned to run. From then on, there was no one more naive and naive girl in this world, but instead, there was an extra strong person!

  The crazy chewing sounds came up from the stairs, all the way until Klein's body was bitten into pieces by the living corpse, but he did not loosen his grip on one of the living corpse s at all!

  In the face of a disaster, ordinary people might not be able to face the enemy like those capable people. However, the power they could muster for their loved one was enough to even move the highest of abilities. Just like how Klein was able to make a complete sacrifice for his daughter. There were men who did it for their wives, mothers for their sons, and young children for their elderly parents … Many people chose to give in before despair. However, there were also many who chose to stand up strongly and use their lives to build the final line of defense for their family and friends!

  Other than commoners like Klein, there were also warriors like Green who were unwilling to fall.

  In the wilderness outside the Remot's defensive line, Green stood up straight like an iron tower. The machete in his hands was covered with blood, and under his feet were a few corpses of lacerator, as well as butchers who had their heads and bodies separated from each other.


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