Hawk's Heart: A Reverse Harem Shifter Romance (Guardian's of the Fae Realms Book 4)

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Hawk's Heart: A Reverse Harem Shifter Romance (Guardian's of the Fae Realms Book 4) Page 13

by JL Madore

  Jaxx finishes his and holds his glass out for a top-up. “And the umbrellas and swizzle sticks are cute.”

  I laugh. “I can’t believe a rugged jaguar alpha like you said swizzle sticks are cute. You’re too funny.”

  When Jaxx has his refill, I hold up my glass. “Here’s to our mating bond sex being complete. Yay team.” I drink but the two of them are staring at me with matching looks of cocked brow amusement. “What? We’ve all had sex and accepted everyone. Why are you looking at me like that?”

  Jaxx lifts his knee and rests his arm across it. The shift in position gives me a glorious view but I try not to look. If I do, he’ll see me checking out his junk, and then he’ll get hard and it’ll begin us down the neverending road of us having sex.


  “You’re right when you say all the combinations of joinin’ have been covered between us as individuals, kitten, but you’re missin’ one important combination.”

  “I am?”

  Brant’s deep bass chuckle does naughty things to my girlie bits. “You’re missing the grand finale.”

  I scowl at them both. “And what is the grand finale?”

  Jaxx lets off a sexy purr and flashes a grin. “All five of us together and servicin’ you at once.”

  I don’t know what they see in my expression, but both of them bust up laughing. Brant brushes the back of his finger against my cheek. “Look, puss. Our girl is blushing.”

  I swallow. “Nonsense. After all the things we’ve done and gone through why would having four men sharing me make me blush?”

  Brant shrugs. “Fuck if I know. It sounds hot as hell to me. I can’t wait.”

  “And when you say servicing me… you mean I’m the focus of all of you?”

  Jaxx nods. “We each need to release inside you in one sex session. The chemical culmination of our cum mixin’ with your feminine juices is how to complete the bondin’ ritual… among other things.”

  “Okay, I guess if that’s what gets things done, I can suffer through but the tone of your voice when you say ‘among other things’ makes me think I’m not going to like the next part. The five of us having sex completes the bonding ritual buuuut?”

  “But nothing,” Brant says. “The second part isn’t a but, it’s more of an and.”

  “Semantics. Okay, I’ll rephrase. A fivesome is how we complete the bonding ritual annnnd?”

  Jaxx makes a face and I know he’s hesitant to spill the beans. “It’s also how the phoenix conceives.”

  “Conceives? As in gets pregnant?”

  “Possibly.” He holds his finger up to emphasize the point. “Keep that in mind. It’s only a maybe.”

  “Still, a maybe is worth worrying about.” I run my fingers through my hair wishing I had a few more drinks in me before this convo. “Tell me all of it.”

  Jaxx places his hand on my foot and squeezes. “Remember when we first had sex at the Bastion and you asked me about birth control?”

  I suck back my second drink and hold my glass out for another. “Yeah, you said I was covered. That wildling magic would take care of me.”

  Brant nods and pours me another. “And it does. The wildling magic connected to the phoenix states that only when all four of us mate you in a single session will you conceive.”

  “So, who’s the father?”

  “We all are, kitten. That’s the magic. All the strengths and qualities of the four of us will blend with your genes to create our child.”

  Okay, that’s pretty cool. No one feeling any more or less of a dad than any of the others is a good thing. “But I’m not ready to be a mother. We’re only finding one another. I grew up more on the streets than off. I don’t know the first thing about raising a… what would it even be? A bear, wolf, jaguar, or hawk?”

  “A phoenix,” Brant says. “Your wildling genes are dominant over ours. Our child would be a baby phoenix.”

  Jaxx takes my glass and sets both of our drinks down. Pulling me into his lap, he snuggles me in. “Let’s not panic. Just because you could conceive, doesn’t mean you will. And if you do, you have the four of us standin’ right there with you, and Mama and Daddy already told me no matter where we go or what we need if they can be any help, they will.”

  “Your parents are wonderful, Jaxx,” I say, my eyes stinging, “but it’s not their job to raise my baby.”

  “Our baby,” Brant says, dropping to the floor to cup my cheek. “Just think, you and me and Kotah and Hawk know everything we wished could’ve been different in our upbringing and Jaxx has the opposite knowledge. He knows all about growing up in a loving family. Between the five of us, we can handle anything.”

  Jaxx chuckles. “We’re currently takin’ on corporate corruption and battlin’ to unite two realms, changin’ diapers and singin’ our baby girl to sleep at night is nothin’. It’ll be fine.”

  “And hey,” Brant says. “With Hawk as a baby daddy, the kid’s already a multi-millionaire.”

  I shrug. “I don’t care about that.”

  “I know you don’t, beautiful,” Brant says, brushing his thumb under my eye. “My point is it’ll be fine. We have enough love and devotion and money and support behind us that if it happens, the world won’t crumble. Our baby bird will be the luckiest wildling on the planet.”

  I draw a fortifying breath and force a smile. “Okay, I’ll try not to panic.”


  With my mating bond with Kotah locking into place, the fire of our phoenix sizzles over my skin. As before, I feel my connection with her, Jaxx, and Brant through the bond that connects us. My mates. They are close.

  The magic is still tingling in my cells when Kotah groans, drops his head, and I’m struck again by all that gorgeous hair. So, fucking sexy. “I’m going to come inside you and leave my mark. Then we’re going to do it all over again all fucking afternoon.”

  “Perfect,” he breathes. “I dare you.”

  Again with daring the Alpha. Cheeky bastard. I laugh and smack his ass for that. He stiffens and shutters. The wave of arousal that hits my senses is pure and heady. “Oh, like that, do you?”


  I give him another five star on the fleshy round of his ass and he drops his head to the pillows. “I do.”

  “Next time. I want you sweet and sexy this time, remember?” My cock throbs in argument but I won’t give sway to the male I am by nature. If sensations bombard I’ll claim him roughly. That’s not what I want for my first time with Kotah.

  He’s different than any other lover I’ve ever taken.

  He has no edge. No guile.

  He deserves more than a wild lay. He deserves more from me. “We’ll play soon enough, I promise. For tonight, just let me love you until you can’t move.”

  He chuckles and flashes a smile over his shoulder. “Well, when you put it that way, I suppose I can wait. Tell me again that you love me now that we’re mated.”

  I look at the platinum band on his ring finger and fight off the building of pressure. My release is pushing in and as much as I want to mark Kotah, I don’t want my first time inside him to end. “If I do, I’ll lose it.”

  “Mmm, then definitely tell me.”

  Gathering his hair, I wrap it around my fist and tug to the side to turn his face. “Lay down for me.”

  He collapses forward onto his belly and I go along for the ride. Turning his face to the side so he can breathe, I press his hips straight into the mattress. With my one hand tightening around his hair, I slide my other hand under his front and palm his cock. “Take pleasure from me while I take pleasure from you. Then I’ll tell you.”

  The growl that escapes his chest hits me right in the balls. As I pump into the sweet grip of his ass, the power of my thrusts has him humping my hand. He’s so hard and feels so good, a new hunger fills my mind.

  “Mmm, don’t lose it yet. I want to suck on you.”

  “Gawd, now you tell me?”

  I chuckle and dish him a bit of his own
medicine. “I dare you to hold off, Wolf. You want to plunge your cock in my mouth right?”

  His whole body tenses and his jaw clenching as he fights off his release.

  The rough panting of his ragged breath mixed with the tight constriction on my cock is too much. Too fucking sexy. The last of my defenses dissolve and my body goes rigid in a series of racking spasms. The orgasm I pour into him is soul-shattering… and seems endless.

  I release my grip on his cock and switch my hold. Sliding my hands up his sides, I grip both his shoulders from beneath and leverage my strength. Lost in the mindless pleasure of emptying into him, I thrust harder.

  “Fuck… I love you, Wolf,” I gasp, my voice hoarse. “You’re mine. And I don’t want you to ever forget it.”

  Kotah’s breathy shout and mattress humping signal that he’s making one helluva mess on the new bedding.

  Oh well, when you’re having the sex of your life, cleanup is the least of your worries.

  I nip the back of his neck and growl. “Couldn’t hold out, I take it.”

  “Too good,” he moans, finishing his love affair with the coverlet.

  I chuckle. “Then, I’ll keep fucking you like this until you’re hot and hard again. Then, I’ll suck on you as I planned. Tell me when.”

  “Oh, it won’t take long.”

  Knowing I haven’t got long to play, I enjoy my last moments filling him. His ass is as good as it looks.


  “You’re ready and hard for me?”

  “Hells yeah.”

  I flip him on his back and shift down the bed. Drawing my tongue up the length of his shaft, I groan. His cock is rock solid and slicked with his release. He tastes like sex and nature and I’m so thirsty for him it’s ridiculous.

  “Oh… fuck,” he groans, as I suck him between my lips.

  I play a bit, getting a feel for him and his likes, and then, I bring him onto his knees so he’s fucking my mouth.

  I grip his shaft with a firm hand and suck him off. “Fuck my mouth,” I say around his cock. “Cream down my throat.”

  The growl of his wolf increases and a split-second later, Kotah grips the headboard with one hand, braces his other palm beside my head, and lets loose. Pumping like his hips are powered by pistons, he proceeds to do exactly as asked and fucks the everloving shit out of my mouth.

  I take it all, my hawk shrieking at the perfection.

  The kid’s hips are unhinged. The thrust and retreat action is wild but wonderful. I grip the base of his erection harder so I don’t lose track of it.

  Kotah has my heart pounding and my balls crawling tight to my core, burning with the promise of another release.

  On a hard thrust to the back of my throat, his hips lock and he lets off a throaty hiss. The first rush of cum releases and spurts into my mouth in warm, salty waves. I swallow and suck and milk him for everything he’s got.

  More, give me more.

  I don’t know if it’s one orgasm that lasts for ages or he keeps fucking my mouth and coming until I’ve had my fill, but by the time he collapses on the mattress beside me, it’s dark outside.

  “Fuck you taste good, Wolf.”

  His eyes are closed and his smile content. I crawl up behind him, collect him in my arms, and kiss his neck. With our naked bodies aligned, I’m so wet and slick with cum, I slide right in.

  “I won’t last long. You rest and let me love you.”

  “You do you, Hawk… or me, I guess. You do me.”

  I chuckle and move my hips in slow rhythm with delicious penetration. I’m a man of my word. After the adrenaline and emotion of the past hours, I grind him from behind for only a few minutes before I mark him again and my body finally rests.

  “I love you, Nakotah Northwood. And—in case you haven’t guessed it yet—you are thoroughly marked.”

  “Thoroughly,” Kotah says, yawning.

  Still connected, I close my eyes wondering who marked who more thoroughly. By the unfamiliar sense of peace soothing my soul… I give him the win.



  “Welcome back to the land of the livin’,” Jaxx says. He pauses the movie and gets up from the couch to greet Kotah and Hawk as they join us in the living room. “You two must be starvin’.”

  “Famished,” Kotah says. “And more than a little dehydrated, I’m sure.”

  I chuckle. “I am intimately familiar with that sensation.”

  Jaxx heads to the kitchen to heat them some of the leftovers from dinner. “Sex with an alpha can do that to you.”

  Hawk arches a brow and sends him a private smile. “And what does sex with two alphas do to you?”

  Oh, hot. I luuurve when the two of them start throwing around that look. Whatever it is the two of them get up to I’d bet it’s worth the price of admission to watch.

  Jaxx’s cat lets off a purr and all of us straighten. “Okay, enough sexy talk, or we’ll all end up naked again. We’ve got real-world stuff to discuss.”

  “Agreed,” Hawk says. “I have one order of personal business and then we’ll get to it.”

  Jaxx dons the oven mitts and goes back to readying two heaping plates of food for our weary and sex-weakened mates.

  I swing my feet off the couch and onto the floor. “Okay, go. You’ve got our attention. What’s up?”

  Hawk strides over to where I’m sitting in the living room and drops to one knee on the rug. He pulls out a black velvet ring box and winks. “My original plan was to wine and dine you all and do this up with romance and panache. That went out the window and I jumped the gun earlier and asked Kotah. He has agreed to officially be not only my mate but my husband.”

  Kotah holds up his left hand and flashes a sexy titanium band. The happiness beaming from our wolf makes my heart sing. Good on Hawk for getting our boy sorted out and locked into the mating.

  “Since you were raised human and the ideals from that community still influence you, I thought it would be nice to honor your customs as well as our own. So, Calliope Tannis,” he says, locking gazes with me, “will you be our wife?”

  Hawk. The man who thinks of everything.

  “Yes, I will.”

  “Well, hot damn,” Jaxx says, carrying two plates of dinner over to the table. “I give you full points on this, hotness. Seein’ the smile on her face makes me wish I thought of this myself.”

  Hawk opens the ring box and smiles. “It’s a plain titanium band to match ours. I had Lukas spell it so it’ll survive your transitions into phoenix and I had it engraved.”

  I accept the ring and tilt the band toward the light. “Our fire. I love it. I love you.”

  “I love you, too, Spitfire.”

  I freeze, my pulse picking up pace. Did he just say…?

  Hawk closes the distance and makes a gentle sweep across my lips with his mouth. “Close your mouth. You don’t have to look so shocked. I told you I’d get there. I love you.”

  My eyes are stinging and I don’t want to cause a huge emotional scene, so I blink and try to regroup. “Will you put it on me?”

  Hawk takes the ring and slides it on my finger. “If you would rather a gemstone, I can do that. I just thought with the battles and fighting, this was more practical… and you’ve never seemed that fussy about jewelry… but if it’s not what you want—”

  “—It’s perfect,” I say, interrupting his tailspin. “I said I love it and I meant it. I don’t care for flashy diamonds or gems. It matches all of yours. That makes my heart ache. It’s perfect.”

  The relief in his smile makes his gift that much more perfect. Yes, he can afford anything, but his gifts always reflect a depth of consideration I appreciate.

  “What does yours say, Wolf?” Jaxx asks as Kotah sits at the table and accepts one of the plates.

  “Our soul.”

  Hawk kisses me on the cheek and moves to Brant. Without preamble, our bear puts out his left hand. Hawk slides his ring into place. “Yours says, Our streng

  Brant admires the band on his hand and flexes his fingers. “Accurate and spank.”

  “Glad you like it,” he says, moving to Jaxx. He rounds the kitchen island and stops right before our jaguar. “Our passion.”

  Jaxx waits until the ring is on his finger and then grips Hawk by both sides of his neck and pulls him in for a sultry kiss. “You rock my cock, Bastian. I love you so hard.”

  “I love you too.”

  That’s the second time I’ve heard Jaxx call Hawk Bastian. I’ll have to ask him about that privately some time.

  “And what does yours say, Hawk?” Brant asks.

  “Nothing yet. I expressed how I see each of you. I’ll let you decide what you think mine should say when we get back to the engravers at the Palace.”

  Kotah’s wolf lets off a warning rumble. “And what if I don’t want to go back there.”

  Hawk shrugs. “Then we don’t go back there. Simple as that. I’ve put the Fae Council and the Prime into a time-out for the moment. If we want to shake up how things are done, you and I are the two most politically powerful members of the realm. We can change the landscape.”

  “Yeah, baby,” Brant says, coming over to the kitchen table to sit with us while Hawk and Kotah eat. “And we’re sleeping our way to the top.”

  Jaxx nods. “There ain’t no such thing as an indecent proposal. Remember that you two. There are no HR issues here. We’re willin’ to sex our way to the top. Blowjobs. Bendin’ over. Whatever you need.”

  Hawk rolls his eyes and starts in on his dinner. “Okay, tell me what’s been going on over the past—shit—five hours of fucking.”


  It’s nine o’clock that night when Lukas gets back from my office and comes in to update us on the status of things in Manhattan. He looks tired and I make a mental note to give him a month off when this is over—maybe two. “Jayne and Victor are safe and tucked away in your penthouse as instructed. The office is locked down, police and fire have gone through and they’ll want to speak to you first thing to take your statement.”


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