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Accelerate Page 10

by Kay Marie

  I could get used to this, I think to myself as I drift off to sleep.

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  I wake up, still wrapped in Raze’s arms. For the first time in years, I actually feel rested— even after waking up for rounds two and three. Most nights, I wake up from nightmares. Sometimes I’m reliving the day we lost Hawk. Other times, I have nightmares of the Iron Lords or Brody coming for me.

  When I was with Brody, the nightmares were mostly of the Iron Lords. Being with Raze, or should I say Mason, last night was more than I could have imagined. It’s turning me on just thinking about it.

  “Shhh. You’re being too loud,” he whispers in my ear.

  “What?” I asked, confused.

  “You’re thoughts. They’re too loud.” I giggle as I roll over so I’m facing him.

  “Good morning, beautiful.” He gives me a chaste kiss on my lips.

  “It’s definitely a good morning.” I grin, making him chuckle. “Now, if we could just stay here all day, it would be a good day too.”

  He lets out a full laugh at that. “I wish we could, Kitty. More than anything. But I need to check in with Prez. Find out if Tech has found anything.”

  “Ughh,” I groan. “I was hoping that part was just a bad dream.”

  Raze slides a finger down the side of my face. “I wish it was, but it was very real. Tech will do everything he can to find him. Believe that. Now, let’s get moving before I change my mind.”

  Two weeks go by with not much to show for it. I haven’t gotten any more anonymous texts or heard a peep from Brody. I can’t say I’m disappointed, but I know it’s needed for us to find him quicker.

  Tech hasn’t been able to find anything on him yet. It’s as if he never even existed. Raze is almost always with me. We go visit Jager every other day. The days we don’t visit, I hang out at the clubhouse while Raze works at the shop. He has slept next to me every night since that first night we had sex, and I’ve never slept better. Buster and the guys went back to Arizona about a week and a half ago. They plan on coming back, but needed to go back to wrap up things there.

  Today, Rivet and I are hanging out at the clubhouse. We gave the cut bunnies the day off, and we’re cleaning up the main room while the guys are working. The shop is just next door, but we still have a couple of prospects with us. You can never be too safe around here. My phone starts buzzing on the bar. I rush to grab it. Seeing that it’s Pops, I instantly worry. He’s at the hospital visiting with Jager.

  “Hey, Pops.” I can hear the fear in my own voice.

  “Hey, babygirl. Get one of the prospects to bring you and Riv up to the hospital. Jager is awake.” The smile in his voice has me smiling.


  “Yes, really. Now get moving,” he laughs out and hangs up.

  “Mouse!” I shout out to him. He disappeared into the kitchen not too long ago. Probably for a snack. That kid is always eating. He pops his head out of the kitchen.

  “What’s up?”

  “Pops called. We need you to take us up to the hospital.” I pause and his eyes go wide. “Jager is awake.”

  I see him visibly relax. He assumed it was something bad. I can’t blame him, since I thought the same thing when I saw Pops calling. The three of us hurry outside and hop in one of the cages.

  The drive to the hospital is quiet. Pops said Jager is awake, but none of us know what to expect when we get there. My mind is going a hundred miles per hour right now. We get up to the floor where his room is and his door is ajar.

  “I’ll be right out here in case y’all need anything,” Mouse whispers to me. Him speaking up was just the push I needed to go into Jager’s room. Rivet links her arm in mine and we walk in together. Pops turns to look at us as we walk in.

  “My girls,” he says with a smile. I smile back at him and he gestures for us to come closer. “Jager, your sisters are here to see you.”

  “Hey, Jager,” I say meekly.

  “He still has his breathing tube in, so he can’t respond verbally. He can respond to yes or no questions,” Pops tells us. I move to sit by his side and grab his hand.

  “Hey, bro.” I smirk. “Are you happy to see me?”

  He slowly nods his head up and down. I smile so much, my cheeks began to ache. We all start talking, asking Jager questions every so often. Mostly just enjoying us all being together. I’m so into our conversation that I don’t realize how much time has gone by. I hear a light knock on the door and Mouse walks in.

  “I’m sorry to interrupt, Prez,” he starts, then looks to me. “I have Raze on the phone. He’s been trying to reach you.”

  “Oh shit! I think I left my phone in the car,” I respond to Mouse. I look to Jager. “We’ll probably have to leave, but I’ll be back soon. You keep getting better. We need you.”

  Jager squeezes my hand, and I place a kiss on the top of his head before heading out of the room. As soon as I walk out of the room, Mouse hands me his phone.

  “Hello?” I purr out.

  “Minx,” Raze breathes out. “How’s Jager doing?”

  “He’s awake, but can’t talk yet. He still has the breathing tube in. He’s alert though.”

  “That’s good. Hey, listen . . .” he pauses for a brief second. “I have some club business to take care of. I’m not sure how long it will take. I’ll try to keep you updated, but if I’m not back before you go to bed, you can crash in my room at the clubhouse.”

  “Thanks, Mason,” I whisper so only he hears me and he growls. “And be careful out there. Come back to me in one piece.”

  “I will, Kitty. I’ll see you soon. Try to stay out of trouble.” There’s a trace of humor in his tone.

  “I’ll try.” I laugh, and we hang up. I know better than to ask him what the club business is because it’s just that— club business. I may be the club princess, but I’m not even his old lady. I know my place.

  “Ready to go back to the clubhouse?” I ask Mouse and Rivet as I hand Mouse his phone back.

  “Ten-four. Let’s go.” Rivet responds. I can’t help but chuckle at her.

  The ride back to the clubhouse is just as quiet as it was there. Only this time, it’s not as tense. My heart is so full. Spending time with Jager and talking to him now that he’s awake was just what I needed. When we pull up to the clubhouse, there are a handful of bikes. It looks like most of the guys are out dealing with whatever club business Raze mentioned. It’s quiet in the clubhouse. There was a prospect at the gate and Sketch and Hollywood are the only two in the main room. And now Mouse, Rivet and I.

  “Where were y’all at?” Sketch asks as we walk in.

  “We went to visit Jager,” I tell him, moving to sit on the couch next to him.

  “How was he?”

  “Good.” I smile. “He was really good.”

  We settle into a comfortable conversation and talk for hours. At some point, someone ordered pizza, and we all ate. The guys dealing with club shit still weren’t back and I was starting to get tired. By the time I decided to go to Raze’s room, it was just after ten.

  I walk into his room, and I’m instantly assaulted by his scent. Even without him physically here, the smell of mahogany, jasmine, and musk still has a calming effect on me as if he were here. I close the door behind me, taking a glance around his room.

  It’s pretty plain and so clean. No pictures, no decorations, nothing on the floor. He has a bed, with grey blankets, a desk, couch, and TV. There’s a private, full bathroom. It’s a cozy room.

  I walk over to the closet and take out one of his shirts to wear. It’s a black shirt with the Savage Menaces colors on it. I change into it, taking my shorts and bra off, and climb into Raze’s bed. I turn the TV on and a Fast and the Furious movie is playing. I smirk. These movies are my favorites! The only thing that could make this better is having Raze here with me. I send up a prayer to the gods to keep Raze and the guys safe, and also for Jager to keep getting better.

sp; After a few minutes, I drift off to sleep.

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  We close up shop early today so we can handle some club business. We got word that a group of thugs were scoping out the area where we have our warehouse that contains all out weapons— weapons we’re working out a deal with the Russians to sell. So if anything happens to those weapons, there goes our deal.

  We head over to the clubhouse before taking off. One of the brothers suggested we grab a bite to eat before hitting the road. I’m on board with that, because that means I get to see Minx before we leave. Only, when I get to the clubhouse, she isn’t there. No one is, except for the prospect at the gate.

  I knew the cut bunnies wouldn’t be here, but Minx, Rivet, and Mouse should be. I call her phone and after a few rings, I get her voicemail. Where the hell could my girl be? She usually lets me know if Mouse is taking her to run errands or anything.

  I call her again. Voicemail. She might not hear her phone, so I decide to grab a bite to eat, see if she’ll call me back. After I eat and I still haven’t heard from her, I start to worry. I decide to call Mouse to check that he’s with her.

  “Hey, Raze. What’s up?” Mouse asks.

  “Tell me you’re with Minx,” I growl out.

  “I am. The girls are visiting with Prez and Jager. You wanna talk to her?”

  “Yeah, put her on.” The line goes quiet, and then I hear muffled voices. He must have covered up the phone. Minx gets on the phone and I let out a breath I didn’t realize I was holding. Hearing her voice was something I didn’t know I needed. She lets me know about Jager, and I tell her that I need to go handle club business.

  “If I’m not back before you go to bed, you can crash in my room at the clubhouse,” I tell her.

  “Thanks, Mason,” she whispers and I growl. Hearing her say my name goes straight to my fucking dick. I can’t be thinking with that head right now. “And be careful out there. Come back to me in one piece.”

  Come back to me in one piece. That one sentence does me in. If she were standing in front of me, I would kiss the hell out of her. I’m at her mercy and there’s nothing I can do about it.

  “I will, Kitty. I’ll see you soon. Try to stay out of trouble,” I say smiling.

  “I’ll try.” She laughs and it’s such a sweet sound. We hang up after that. I wish more than anything I could stay and be here when she gets back. I know I need to go help my brothers. The club comes first after all.

  We get loaded up and hit the road. The warehouse is half an hour away from the clubhouse. Tech tricked out the security for it. It’s loaded up with top of the line, hidden cameras all around the building. Tech has it rigged up for us to be able to see all the way around the building and out away from the building about three yards.

  Whoever was scoping the place out was smart. Every single one of them had their faces and arms covered so we couldn’t see anything that could give away who they might be. When Tech viewed the footage, it looked like they were just walking around the perimeter.

  There’s a small town just before we get to the area our warehouse is in. There’s an abandoned building at the entrance of the town, and Chains makes a turn to pull the club’s cage into the parking lot. Trigger, Ratchet, Thor, and Kicks follow him. They’ll leave their bikes and ride with Chains out to the warehouse. Just in case anyone is still out there, they won’t be spooked by the loud bikes.

  Rascal, Saint, and I head over to the town’s diner. Our goal is to see if we can get any information out of anyone. See if maybe they’ve seen any suspicious people around. Some of the brothers come out here every other week or so and talk with the locals. We want them to feel safe with us around, and for them to talk to us if they do see anything out of sorts. There are some interesting folks here, and the food ain’t bad either.

  We pull up to the diner and there are only a handful of cars. We park and head inside, sitting in a booth where all three of us can see the whole diner pretty well. You can never be too safe. I glance out the window, looking for any suspicious cars.

  “What can I get you fellas to drink?” a waitress asks. I don’t turn to look at her.

  “We’ll all take a water, burger, and fries, please,” Rascal answers for Saint and I.

  “You got it,” she purrs out at him.

  When I turn to look at the guys, Saint is casually looking around the dinner. If you didn’t know him, you’d think he was checking out the waitress.

  “There are a couple of guys across the diner that don’t look like they belong,” he says in a low voice. The waitress brings our drinks and Rascal stops her before she walks away.

  “Hey, sweetheart, have you noticed anyone come in today that you may not have recognized? Someone new to town?” Rascal asks her. She pauses to think for a second.

  “There was a group of guys that came in this morning,” she starts. “I thought it was weird because they all had long sleeves on and it’s so dang hot out.”

  “When you walk away, take a look at the guys across the diner without making it too obvious. See if they look like any of the guys that came in this morning,” Saint tells her.

  She nods her head in response and walks away to check on our order. She comes back ten minutes later and she’s carrying all three of our plates. She’s got a plate in her left hand, with one balancing on her forearm and the third she’s carrying in her right hand. That shit takes some damn talent if you ask me. She has a worried look on her face as she sets our plates down in front of us.

  “I’m about 85% sure those two guys were here this morning,” she speaks softly to Rascal. “One of the girls says their names are Dragon and Tiny.”

  “Thanks, sweetheart. Don’t worry, we’ll make sure you stay safe,” he assures her. She gives him a small smile.

  “If y’all need anything else, just let me know.” She winks and she goes to check on her other customers.

  Rascal’s phone must have been buzzing in his pocket. He pulls it out and holds it up to his ear to answer.

  “What’s up?” he asks. I hear someone talking on the other end, but I can’t hear who it is or what they’re saying. Rascal then goes on to explain what the waitress told us. “Have Chains take you and Kicks to your bikes. Then he can bring Thor and Ratchet back in the cage to follow these jokers and pick them up. Then you or Kicks can keep an eye on the waitress for a day or two. We’ll meet y’all at the barn once you snatch these fuckers up.”

  Saint and I give each other devilish smirks. The barn is where we beat and torture information out of enemies. It’s on the 200 acres of land that the club owns, but it’s in an area of the property where there’s absolutely nothing and no one around for miles. They can scream out all they want, but no one will ever hear them. We haven’t had a good torture session in a while, so this should be fun.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  Rascal, Saint, and I arrive at the barn about an hour and a half later. We’re the only ones here so far. I sent out a group text to the brothers that didn’t come with to let them know where we would be in case any of them wanted in on the torturing.

  I know Tech will stay at the clubhouse and on standby so he can run any names we get through the systems he has on his computer. He’s already looking into our new toys, Dragon and Tiny. Twenty minutes go by and I hear the sound of multiple bikes coming our way. I look toward the road and see four motorcycles and the cage. They’re here.

  Once they park, Saint is at the back of the van, opening the doors. Chains has the two guys in the back of the cage tied up with, you guessed it, chains. I shake my head with a grin. This kid finds a way to use chains for everything.

  The guys are still knocked out when Saint and I drag them out of the van by their feet. As soon as their heads hit the ground, they both start groaning, like they’re coming to. We drag them into the barn where we hang them on some hooks by the chains binding their wrists, then walk back outside.

  The plan is to
let them wake up and stew a little before we go in and get to work. We end up standing around for an hour before we hear the chains rattling in the barn.

  “Our new punching bags are awake.” Excitement laces Ratchet’s voice.

  “Let’s go have some fun, fellas.” Thor rubs his hands together menacingly and heads into the barn. Ratchet grabs a bag of torturing tools out of his saddlebag before heading in. The rest of us follow them.

  Ratchet rolls out his bag on a nearby table and picks up one of the skinning knives. He goes up to the two men and one at a time, cuts their shirts off. Thor is at the table, looking over his options.

  There are some hunting knives, like a caping knife, a boning knife, a gut-hook skinner, a bowie-style butcher knife, and a machete. There are multiples of each one, as Ratchet has them all in different sizes too. He finally settles on the eight-inch butcher knife and walks to stand by Ratchet.

  “Who are you working for?” Ratchet asks the men. As expected, neither one budge. “Check their tats,” he orders us.

  Saint and I move to them. Neither of them have tats on their chests or stomachs. I go around to one guy’s back, take my knife out and cut down the back of his shirt.

  “Bingo.” There, on his whole back, is the Iron Lords insignia. “Iron Lords bastards.”

  Above his MC’s insignia is his road name. Dragon. The other guy must be Tiny.

  “Mother fucker,” Ratchet bites out, then walks out of the barn. My guess is to call Prez. When he comes back in, his expression is blank.

  “We need to wait for Ranger to get here. It could be a while, so get cozy,” Ratchet tells us. Ranger, our VP, is probably with his Ol’ Lady, which is the only reason it would take him longer to get here since they live a little further away. We all settle down to wait.


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