Custom Love

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Custom Love Page 5

by Chantal Fernando

  I shrug. “The family didn’t want it to get out.”

  “Your life sounds interesting,” he admits, glancing over at me.

  “Sometimes. But a lot of the time it really is just following cheating spouses.” I smile and he starts laughing. “But a girl has to do what a girl has to do.”

  “Are you cynical about love? If that’s what you spend most of your clocked-in time doing...”

  “A bit, yeah. Usually it’s obvious that those couples shouldn’t be together in the first place. But then I have people like Bronte and Crow, and Cam and Orion, around me, so there is hope for the rest of us,” I reply.

  And Trade and Ariel, of course, but I don’t want to bring her up unless he does.

  “Chains has started seeing someone, too,” Trade admits, chuckling. “And if he can find someone there is hope for everyone, trust me.” Chains is a member of the Knights of Fury MC, and also works under Trade at Fast & Fury as a mechanic. He’s kind of the dark horse of the MC, so him dating someone is a big thing. He’s been single as long as I’ve known him. In fact, I don’t think he’s had a girlfriend since he joined the MC.

  “Good to know. I can’t even remember the last time I went on a date...”

  Or had sex, but that’s a whole different story. My love life is extremely boring and, in fact, depressing. Especially when I hear all the stories from my friends and the women in the MC. But I don’t know, maybe I was just meant to be a woman who focuses on her career. I don’t really have an interest in dating at the moment. I suppose it will happen for me when fate decides.

  Either way, I want it all or nothing at all; I’m not settling for less. I want the Crow and Bronte love. The trust, the commitment, and just knowing that person will always have your back no matter what.

  Trade goes silent, and I realize he’s probably thinking about his last date, which would have been with Ariel.

  Shit. I need to think before I speak. So I try to change the subject to cheer him up. “Do you have anywhere to be right now?”

  “Not until school pickup. Today is my day off. Why?”

  I start my engine. “Because there she is and it looks like you’re coming with me.”

  “Oh fuck,” he whispers, but doesn’t object. He puts his bags in the back seat of my car and braces himself, seatbelt secured tightly. “Okay, I’m ready. This is my first stakeout.”

  “Didn’t you used to be a member of the Knights?”

  “Yeah, for a brief time, but I never got to do stakeouts or anything like that.” He has a faraway look as if he’s remembering a different time fondly.

  “Do you miss it?” I ask, wondering if someone can leave a life like that so easily. I know he’s still friends with everyone—his brother is the president—but I heard he quit when he had to raise his kids alone.

  “No, I chose my kids and did what was right for them,” he says with confidence, and turns to give me a wide smile. “Let’s go get this woman.”

  He’s clearly a very brave man and has accepted his fate. I laugh. “What exactly do you expect? That we’re going to catch her red-handed and jump out going ‘ah-ha’?”

  He laughs. “Maybe. Definitely not your first time following someone then, huh?”

  “Nope, this is my job. It can be very hands-on at times.” I let two cars stay in between us to not make it obvious, and we follow her little black Honda Civic.

  “So who is this woman exactly?” Trade asks.

  “She’s the ex-girlfriend of a client in prison,” I say, realizing how stupid bringing him with me was. What the hell was I thinking? I enjoyed his company so I got lost in our conversation.

  Trade was never supposed to find out about this unless I could prove that Damon was innocent—that way he wouldn’t get unnecessarily hurt. But that plan isn’t going to work if he’s here with me, helping me without knowing it.

  Please don’t ask about who my client is, or what they did.

  I don’t know how I got myself into this mess. I should have said bye to him and gone on my merry way instead of inviting him to follow a lead having to do with a case that’s personal to him. But I missed having someone on a stakeout with me. Bronte and I used to have the best time together. Nothing like working with your best friend every day. And if I’m being completely honest with myself, I like Trade. I enjoy his company and he’s easy to talk to.

  “Before you say anything, I tried to call her but she wouldn’t speak to me, so I just want to see why she is being so shady. Have to follow every lead, you know?” I explain.

  “She’s speeding,” he comments, shaking his head as we watch her weave in and out of traffic.

  “I know. I don’t think she’s seen us. I think she’s just reckless. I just wanted to speak to her. I need to cover all my bases. This is what I have to do when I have no good leads. I have to make some.”

  “You should have let me drive,” he suddenly says, staring at her car. “We’re going to lose her.”

  “Are you a pro at high-speed chases?” I ask in a dry tone. “I would have brought Cam along if I knew I was going to need someone good at that.” Cam used to steal cars, and therefore is good at driving away without getting caught.

  Trade barks out a laugh. “I’m going to tell her you said that.”

  My lip twitches as I turn right, low-key wishing he was driving because this shit is stressful. “I’m perfectly capable... Oh, she’s turning into that driveway with the blue house.”

  Trying not to be obvious, I slow down and park across the street in front of a playground, where other vehicles are also parked. “It is weird to stop here without kids?” he asks.

  “Yeah, damn, we should have brought one of yours along,” I mutter, my eyes on Taylor as he laughs. She gets out of the car, with her bag, and goes inside the blue house.

  “Now what?” he asks, sounding a little excited. “Should we go in there and see if she will talk?”

  I turn to him, and sure enough, his deep brown eyes are filled with eagerness. He taps his fingers on his jean-clad thigh and looks at me in anticipation.

  He’s a handsome man, there’s no denying that. He’s also a father, he’s a business owner, he runs a household, and he has a dash of bad boy to him. He’s just all-around attractive. He’s confident, and he knows who he is.

  “I don’t know, I’m kind of winging it,” I admit, smiling when he laughs again. “I could go in there and try to get her to talk to me, or if I don’t, bide my time and wait until I can find something on her and use that to my advantage.”

  “Remind me never to piss you off, Nadia,” he murmurs, ducking his head and staring at the house. “How do we know whose house she’s visiting? Is it her house?”

  “No, I went by her house earlier—that’s how I followed her to the shopping center. Let me take down this address and I’ll look into it later.” I grab the pen from out of my bun and write it on my hand. “Oooh, she’s on the move again.”

  We both watch as she gets back in her car, and then share a look.

  “Can I drive this time?” he asks, flashing his straight white teeth at me with a grin. “Please?”

  “Okay, fine, but we need to hurry or we’re going to lose her,” I reply, jumping in the back so he can get into the driver’s seat, limbs flying everywhere without getting out of the car.

  Once he’s settled, he starts the engine while I move to the passenger’s side and quickly put my seat belt on. And just in time, because Trade drives like a fucking Formula One racer.

  I hold on tight and give him a narrow-eyed look. “I do not want to die today.”

  “We won’t,” he promises, turning right and almost sending me through the window. “But she’s speeding, and if we go too slowly, we’re going to lose her. We aren’t speeding right now. I mean, maybe we are, but only a little. Your call.”

  “It’s not only
a little if you drive like a Formula One driver.”

  “Formula One drivers win,” he replies.

  “Fuck it, let’s get her,” I tell him, keeping my eyes on her car.

  We follow her for the next fifteen minutes, and when she makes a left turn toward a warehouse, Trade and I share a quick glance.

  What the hell?

  “Why the fuck is she heading to Fast & Fury?” I ask.

  Chapter Six

  I cannot believe it and I’m watching with my own eyes.

  “It’s a little too much of a coincidence, don’t you think?” Trade says.

  “I have no idea,” I mutter, shocked at this turn of events. “What are the chances...?”

  We park a few down from her and watch as she gets out of the car and heads inside, not a worry in the world. Why is she here? Is it just a coincidence and she wants to look at a motorcycle or something? There has to be a valid explanation.

  “Maybe she knew we were following her and who we are so she came here to mess with us,” he says, eyes going wide.

  “That’s pretty far-fetched even for me,” I laugh. “And that would mean she’s one step ahead of us, so I don’t really like that idea.”

  “True. This definitely seems like a job where you need to stay one step ahead at all times.”

  “Maybe I can pull her out the back and question her so she can’t run from me,” I think out loud, looking to Trade. “Manager approval?”

  “Granted,” he replies, as we both get out of my car and walk toward the entrance.

  Bronte smiles when she sees me, finishes up with her customer and then comes over. She looks confused as she notices Trade behind me. “Today is your off day—what are you doing here? Wait, did the two of you just walk in together?”

  I didn’t even think how this would look, but I don’t have the time to clear that up right now. I can just imagine what my best friend is thinking. “I’ll explain later, but I need to talk to that woman who just walked in,” I say.

  “Oh fuck,” Bronte whispers. “I’ll be back at my desk if you need me.”


  I approach Taylor, who is standing in the corner eyeing a motorcycle helmet.

  “Hi, can I help you with anything?” I say, making her jump. I hope she doesn’t actually ask me about motorcycles or helmets, ’cause I honestly don’t know anything.

  “Oh, no, thank you. I’m just browsing,” she replies, stepping away from me.

  “Okay, no worries,” I say, wondering which way to take this. “So I was wondering if I could talk to you about something?”

  “Me?” she asks, picking up some leather gloves. “What about?”

  “I’m the woman who called you, and who you hung up on,” I tell her. “If you don’t mind, I need to ask you some questions.”

  She gives me her full attention, placing the gloves back down. “Did you follow me here? How did you know where I’d be?”

  I’m about to explain that I’m actually here a fair bit when she calls out a name. And not just any name—it’s a name of someone we all know.


  I stop in my tracks and glance over at Trade and Bronte, who both appear as surprised as me. Chains comes out from the garage door, an oil-covered rag in his hands.

  He looks confused as he sees me standing next to Taylor. “What is going on here?”

  “I have no idea. Do you know her?” I ask.

  I turn to Taylor, who smiles. “That’s my boyfriend.”

  My eyes go to Chains. “Are you?”

  Trade moves to my side. “Wait, this is the woman you’ve been seeing?”

  Chains nods, looking a little sheepish. “Yeah, we just started seeing each other. Why?”

  “I just wanted to ask her some questions is all.”

  “About what?” Chains asks, sounding curious, not angry, but it’s not like I can tell him the truth with Trade right next to me. I look at Bronte, who winces; she must have realized the situation I’m in.

  “It’s a private matter having to do with one of my clients,” I conclude, clearing my throat. “But I only have questions. I’m not the police. I’m just a private investigator.”

  “I don’t have to answer any of your questions,” she replies.

  Trade automatically steps even closer, his arm brushing mine.

  “These people are my friends, Taylor,” Chains says, speaking calmly. “Why don’t you just chat with Nadia? It’s not like you have anything to hide, right?”

  Taylor opens her mouth, then closes it. “Fine. What do you want to ask?”

  Again, we are in front of everyone, Trade included, and now I don’t know what the fuck to do. If I mention Damon’s name, everyone is going to know who he is.

  I’m about to ask her if she would step outside with me when Bronte saves the fucking day.

  “Can I speak with you for a second?” she asks Trade, who nods and steps away with her. I hate the position I’ve put her in, but she always has my back.

  I turn to Taylor, hoping she’ll make this easy for me.

  “I know this is about Damon. Yes, we dated, but when he got arrested, I cut all ties with him and I have had nothing to do with him since then. That was months ago. I met Chains and moved on with my life.”

  I can feel Chains’s eyes on me, but at least Trade isn’t here. I know I should have spoken to her in private, but maybe it won’t register. Maybe Chains won’t put two and two together.

  “Do you think he did it?” I ask her plainly.

  “I do, and the evidence proved that. He was found guilty. Why are you still holding on to this?”

  I nod slowly. I don’t know if I believe her, but I let it go for now. “Okay, thank you. That’s all I wanted to ask you.”

  She nods and looks over at Chains.

  “Damon?” Chains asks her, brow furrowing.

  So it didn’t click for him, but it sure as hell would have for Trade.

  “My ex,” she replies, shrugging. “He’s in prison now.”

  The two of them walk away, chatting between themselves, and I wonder how the hell I’m going to keep this act going.

  I feel like such a fraud.

  Bronte meets me halfway across the room. “Well, that was a plot twist I didn’t see coming.”

  “Tell me about it. Trade mentioned that Chains was seeing someone, but did it have to be Damon’s ex-girlfriend?” I groan, stretching my neck from side to side. “Maybe I should just walk away. Tell Marisol that I couldn’t find anything.”

  Bronte gives me a look. The one she normally gives me when she doesn’t believe what I’m saying. “Let me ask you something. If this wasn’t Ariel, would you continue to pursue this case?”

  I think about her question and know the answer deep in my heart. “Yes. I don’t know if Damon did it, but I would try to find evidence to confirm it one way or the other.”

  “Then there is your answer. You have to see this through, Nadia. I know you. You didn’t finish the police academy just to walk away for no reason. You turned to being a private investigator because you were after the truth, regardless of what the law said. You have to find out the truth.”

  I give my best friend a hug. I needed to hear that. “You’re right. Thank you. And thanks for pulling Trade away as well. I didn’t know how I was going to get out of that one.”

  “No problem.”

  “Speaking of Trade...what’s the deal with him? He ran over to protect you from Chains, just in case he was going to take his girlfriend’s side. Please do explain. You guys came in here together?”

  “Long story, but I ran into him in the shopping center parking lot when I was waiting for Taylor to come out. He kept me company and joined me on a car chase, and then we followed her here. I’m going to have to drop him off at his car now,” I explain,
ignoring her wide-eyed reaction.

  “That is quite the story,” she replies, sounding curious.

  “We are friends,” I clarify.

  “Yes, you are,” she answers, concern in her tone. “You are also both good looking and single, so I understand why you’d be interested—”

  “It’s not like that.”

  “But I just want you to be careful, all right? This is a complicated, delicate situation with him.”

  “I know,” I agree. “And thank you. But really, we are just friends.”

  She nods slowly. “Okay.”

  “Anyway, it’s time for me to go,” I say, smiling at her. “I love you, goodbye.”

  I ignore her eyes still on me, and go find Trade, who is chatting with Chains in the corner. “You ready to go?”

  He nods. “Yeah.”

  “Sorry for the drama with your new squeeze,” I say to Chains quietly.

  His lip twitches. “No problem.”

  Trade and I make a quick exit, and we both turn to look at each other as soon as we get into the car. “I can say I did not see that coming,” I admit.

  “You and me both,” he replies, and our eyes lock and hold. “At least she wasn’t one step ahead of us.”


  I haven’t been part of an us in a long time, and I’d be lying if I said it didn’t feel good to hear it. But this is Trade, and he’s been through something traumatic. I refuse to let myself go down that road.

  I break my thoughts by starting the engine.

  He clears his throat. “I’ve been meaning to email you that information about Mila’s dad, too. But I had to speak to Izzy about it first, and I’ve been putting it off. Technically Ariel wanted Mila to go to Izzy, at least that’s what her old will said, but Mila wanted to stay with me and Izzy agreed. I’m worried she might not agree with me adopting her. Letting her live with me is one thing, but making it official and giving me all rights? I’m not so sure.”

  “So what’s the deal with her biological father?” I ask.

  “His name is Merve, and he’s a deadbeat. He hasn’t had anything to do with her since she was a baby, and even then I think he only saw her a few times. His name is on her birth certificate, though, and I’m hoping he will do what’s best for Mila and just sign over her rights. Except we have no idea where he is.”


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