The Legacy Series (Book 2): The Ranch [A Legacy of Violence]

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The Legacy Series (Book 2): The Ranch [A Legacy of Violence] Page 33

by Liscom, Sean

  “I remember it, Dan. There is so much more going on than you know!”

  “I knew your whole damn family, Melissa! For fucks sake! Let me help you! I mean, if you’re

  playing for the other team, tell me now and I can arrange some leniency.....”

  “Dammit Dan! It's not like that!”

  “Then tell me how it is!”

  “I CAN'T!” she shouted, unwilling to back down.

  “Is this a set up? Are you trying to lure the two remaining Teams into a trap? Trying to decimate our defenses? Jason?”

  “Oh Lord, Dan! I told you the truth about Jason. This is not a trap! I'm trying to help for fucks sake!”

  “Then tell me who you're working for!” Dan demanded. Melissa took a deep breath before beginning again.

  “I can't.”

  “Then I have no choice as your commanding officer. Effectively immediately, you are suspended. You are confined to quarters until I get some answers.”

  “I won't betray the confidence that has been entrusted to me for a long, long time. You can also be assured that I have in NO way compromised the safety or security of the ranch. You can choose to trust me or you can fucking arrest me, that is your choice,” she dropped the reigns and held her hands up. “But know this Dan. You are only going to get one shot to save this ranch and the Sterling’s. If you fail, if you fuck

  it up because you chose not to believe me, all of

  this and so much more will be lost. Now make your choice!” she said in a dead calm voice.

  She could see the muscles in Dan's jaw flexing, his dark eyes seemed to be peering into her soul. She never broke eye contact and she continued to hold her hands up. It was a full minute before he said anything at all.

  “You are not to leave the barracks building until I get some answers and if I find out that you're lying to me, even God won't be able to help you! Be absolutely fucking sure of that!” he growled and then spun away from her. She continued to stand there doing everything she could do to keep from shaking in her boots.

  He was halfway back to the shack when he and Melissa heard the same sound at the same time. The sound of rotor blades slapping the air were rapidly growing louder. Melissa was the first to react. She grabbed her rifle from the scabbard on the side of her horse and she started to sprint for the center tower.

  She was halfway up the ladder when she spotted the UH-60 Blackhawk coming in really low from the north. She pulled hard on the ladder rungs and threw herself through the hatch in the floor of the tallest tower on the ranch property. She rolled to her feet and took up a position behind the fifty caliber machine gun. The chopper cleared the wall and flared hard

  Melissa was an instant away from opening

  fire when she saw Braden run from the shack. He was waving his arms, signaling everyone to stand down. As soon as the wheels of the chopper were on the ground, Major Jackson stepped out onto the grass. Jeff Owens, leader of Team 2, climbed out right behind him.

  Melissa evacuated the guard tower as soon as the chopper began to shut down. This wasn't a development that she had foreseen. Trotting over to the shack, she walked through the open front door. Everyone turned slightly to look at her when she entered the room.

  “OUT!” Dan ordered her. She shook her head and slowly turned to leave. After she closed the door and started to walk away, the tears began to roll down the side of her face.

  “We've secured the fuel but now we need to secure the towns. I knew I wouldn't have to worry about Elko and I have a suspicion that Winnemucca has already been retaken,” Dennis finished.

  “How did you know about the fuel staging area?” Dan asked.

  “Funny story actually. We intercept this radio call yesterday. Some dude named Party Boy was talking to this Red Squadron. He was relaying coordinates for their next target, a fuel convoy. We were too far away to make it there first but we saddled up and headed out anyway.”

  “We closed to about five miles of this dry

  lake bed and we already know that it's going down. Gunfire, explosions all that good shit. I'm sitting on the spotting scope and it's the fucking Ghost crew I've been chasing and they are tearing the shit out of the convoy escorts. Those poor bastards of Ray's never stood a chance. The Convoy started to scatter but they rounded them up like a bunch of cowboys bringing in the herd. It was a beautiful sight to watch.”

  “So they get the convoy back together and round up all of the truck crews. They leave them all tied up, like hogtied, and they take off with two of the tankers. Here's the crazy part. The last Hummer is getting ready to leave and this total knockout with long black hair climbs up on the hood and looks directly at me! She takes a bow and then makes a show of dropping a piece of paper on the ground. She waves at me, climbs back in the rig and they haul ass.”

  “What was on the paper?” Braden asked. Dennis pulled the paper from his pocket and laid it on the desk.

  “It says, and I quote, “Get your asses in the fight!” The numbers here on the next line were coordinates to the pad where Ray's choppers were. They were waiting for the fuel too. Lucky for me, one of my guys was actually a Blackhawk pilot in Iraq.”

  “How soon can we get the fuel distributed?” Dan asked.

  “I've already got rigs headed this way,”


  “I'm telling you guys right now, we're going after Vegas,” that statement from Dennis drew blank stares from both Braden and Dan.

  “We're too far away, we don't have the manpower or firepower,” Braden was the first to protest.

  “We have both, Braden. I've already talked to Mayor Calvert about this and he's onboard. As of right now, he's drawing up plans to leave a reserve force behind to protect Elko and the ranch. He's sending his best fighters and the conscripts from Elko....”

  “The conscripts?” Braden interrupted.

  “Yes, even the conscripts. Most of those guys have family or friends that are being held by Judge and Adolpha. Those guys are ready for some payback and we're going to give them their shot.”

  “Can they be trusted?” again Braden questioned.

  “We have to trust them! Just as they trust that we won't be shooting them in the back when this is all over and done with.”

  “I'm not sure....”Braden stopped when the laptop on the desk chimed. He opened it and Bill's face filled the screen. The intercom between

  the shack and the underground also had a video feed.

  “You remember that talk we had yesterday, Braden?” Bill began.

  “How the hell could I forget?”

  “This is what being in the big chair is all about. You've got people all around you who are willing to give you advice but you are the one that has to make the final call.”

  “I know that, Bill! This just seems too risky!”

  “Might I remind you, Braden? You now have a small army at your back. Your brother is going after an army on his own.”

  “We'd be going in blind!” The words had just left his lips when he saw Bill type something in on the laptop keyboard. An instant later, satellite images of downtown Las Vegas began to flash across Braden’s screen.

  “Those were taken yesterday. I have some that are closer and higher resolution.”

  “How in the holy.....” Braden’s voice trailed off.


  Sunday August 27th, 2017

  Caliente, Nevada.

  I'd been pushing hard ever since I'd left Atlanta. There was so much that I was trying to figure out. Atlanta was the second relay station that I had been to where everyone was already dead. I'd seen the Ghost crew both times. That seemed a little more than coincidence. Or was it Ghost crews? How had they managed to evade the Major at every turn?

  My mind also kept jumping back to Sheriff Wagner. I kept hoping that she had made the choice to run north. If Braden was manning the radio at the ranch that meant Jill was back in charge. I really hoped so anyway. Had Melissa made it back? Had she been able to secure the he
lp I was going to need?

  What the bloody hell was I going to do once I got to Vegas? Waltz in? Sneak in? How was I going to get my shot at Ray and Adolpha? It wasn't too late to turn around and run..... No, I had to do this.....

  I had to drop down onto highway 93 a couple of miles north of Caliente. The canyon was fairly narrow with a small stream running on the east side of the road. As I came over the small rise and around the slight bend in the road,

  I was faced with a road block.

  It appeared to be manned by two women wearing what looked like stola's, the female version of the toga. There had been a small shack constructed to one side of the road and it had a large awning to protect them from the sun. Neither woman presented any weapons but one of the women held up her hand to signal me to stop.

  “Good morning, sir. Welcome to Blisshaven. Will you be staying with us or are you just passing through?” the attractive, tall redhead asked as I drew to a stop.

  “I..... Where am I? I thought this was Caliente.”

  “Oh, I apologize for the confusion. This used to be Caliente. It's now known as Blisshaven,” she explained with a smile.

  “I see. I have actually been on the trail for a while and I was hoping to stay here for a day, maybe two to rest and resupply.”

  “Am I to assume this will be your first stay here?”

  “Yes, ma'am.”

  “Excellent! As a first timer, there are some things you should know. First and foremost, this is neutral, sacred ground. Business deals may be made but there is to be NO transaction of coin here. That must be done at the bank and ONLY at the bank. Second, the business of killing is strictly

  prohibited in Blisshaven. Anyone caught conducting that nefarious act will meet an unfortunate end. I might add for emphasis that it’s also a very long and painful end.”

  “We do work on a barter system and some of the merchants will even work on credit. That's not usually something for a first timer though, sorry. We do offer suites that include breakfast in your room and a communal dinner at 6pm. The suites are first come, first serve and are completely complimentary. We also have hot springs that a wary traveler, such as yourself, might find relaxing. The water is quite hot and exceptionally healing for sore and tired muscles.”

  “The ladies of Blisshaven are all private contractors so if you wish to indulge in their services, you will have to negotiate solely with them. If it's not the ladies that fit your fancy, we do have several male contractors as well. As with everything here, it's all kept in the strictest of confidence,” she concluded her well-rehearsed speech with a flash of her white smile.

  “Do you have any questions?”

  “Um, no.... I don't think so.”

  “Very good! So, if you stay on this road for another half mile you will come to an intersection. Turn left there and follow that until you see the sign for the visitor’s center. Go in there and speak to Sister Gretchen at the front desk. She can get you a room and see to your

  horse’s needs as well.”

  “Thank you, ma'am,” I replied. She stepped aside and allowed me to pass.

  “Have a blessed day,” she said cheerfully.

  I continued on the highway as instructed and made the first left I came to. After a short distance, I came to the ornate, hand carved sign that announced the Visitor Center. There was a huge expanse of manicured grass on the left side of the road and mature trees on the right.

  A couple hundred yards later, I was in front of the main building. There were several shaded hitching posts and water troughs for horses so I dismounted and tied up mine. I'd been in the saddle almost nonstop for nearly three days and my body felt like it.

  Riding a horse for pleasure and riding a horse for survival were two very, very different things. I'm sure my horse would have agreed! I freed the saddle bags and threw them over my shoulder and then I took the AR-15 from its hanging spot on the saddle horn. Carrying it in my left hand, I walked into the visitor center.

  It instantly felt like I'd stepped foot on another planet. Air conditioning! There was a long counter to the right with a “Check In” sign hanging above the center of it. As I approached, a very tall, statuesque blonde stood from her chair. She was also wearing a stola.

  “Good day, my friend!” she said in greeting.

  “Hello. I was told to see Sister Gretchen about a place to stay....”

  “That would be me and I'd be more than happy to help you,” she paused long enough to pull a ledger from behind the counter. “How many days will you be with us?”

  “At least one, no more than two.”

  “Alright, I'll put you down for two. If you change your mind, we can always change it. How many horses?”

  “Just the buckskin mare tied up out front,” this was surreal. It was like checking into a hotel for the weekend.

  “Will she require the services of a farrier?” the young lady asked.

  “Probably wouldn't hurt.”

  “Any special dietary needs for you or your horse?”

  “No, ma'am.”

  “Very good then. Breakfast will be brought to your room at 8am. It usually consists of a thick slice of ham, three scrambled eggs and two slices of wheat toast. A glass of fresh squeezed orange juice and small carafe of black coffee will come with it. Will that be to your liking?”

  “Yes!” I replied, she giggled a little.

  “Dinner is in the main hall, through that door down there,” she pointed. “It starts at 6pm and we do offer an assortment of alcoholic beverages. Will you be requiring the services of

  any of our ladies?”

  “Um, no, thank you.”

  “Laundry service?”

  “Yes, please,” I replied. She reached under the counter again and produced a canvas bag. She handed it over to me.

  “Place your dirty laundry in that and place it outside of your door. It will be taken care of tonight and returned no later than 6am. Is there anything else I may be of assistance with?”

  “Uh, no. How am I supposed to pay for this?”

  “All of our services are complimentary. There is no charge.”

  “Okay.....” I replied hesitantly. She smiled and placed the ledger on the counter facing me.

  “If you would just sign on that line right there, we can complete your check in process,” she handed me the pen that she had been using. I signed my name and turned the ledger back to her. Without even looking at the signature, she closed the book and put it back in the drawer.

  She walked to the end of the counter and stepped around it. “Please, follow me and I'll show you to your room.”

  I followed her down the main corridor and up a stairwell at the end. We went to the second floor and she stopped in front of door 210. She turned the handle, pushed on the door and stepped aside. The room before me looked to be

  fit for a king.

  “The keys are on the bathroom counter. That is the only set of keys, so please don't misplace them. If there is anything that I or one of the other sisters can get you, please feel free to ask,” she said from the doorway behind me.

  “I think I'm good.....” my voice just above a whisper. This was unreal. Sister Gretchen gave a small bow and closed the door, leaving me in utter amazement. I leaned my AR against the wall and dropped the saddle bags on the floor. I was terrified to touch anything because I was filthy and damn near everything in the room was the purest white.

  I stepped into the bathroom and expected to find a wash basin and a pitcher of water. It wasn't there. I turned the handle of the chrome faucet and the water came on. I must have looked like a caveman discovering some new tool. The last two weeks had been a lot harder on me than I thought.

  Hanging behind the bathroom door was a pair of plush bathrobes and there was an assortment of towels on the rack between the shower and the toilet. On the shelf in the shower were shaving supplies and bar soap. I quickly stripped down and took the longest hottest shower I could stand. It was almost euphoric to wash the tr
ail off of me. After half an hour in the shower, I toweled off and dropped my weary

  body on the overstuffed bed. The last thing I remember before exhaustion took over was pulling the sheet over me. For the first time in two weeks, I was finally able to relax.

  Jill arrived at the checkpoint on highway 93 just north of Caliente a little after noon. She received the same welcome speech from the same tall redhead. A few minutes later and she too was standing at the check in desk of the visitor’s center.

  She wasn't so sure that she hadn't gotten a hold of some bad water or something, this all seemed like one big hallucination. What the hell was this place? She answered all of Sister Gretchen’s questions and started to sign her name in the ledger. She happened to glance at the name above hers, R. Cogburn.

  “This man, Reuben Cogburn, is he still here?” Jill asked.

  “Why, yes. He checked in this morning. An acquaintance?” Jill felt her heart begin to race.

  “You could say that! He's my husband, I didn't realize that he got here before me!” she said excitedly. “Can you tell me what room he's in?”

  “He's in room 210 but I cannot let you into his room. He has the only set of keys.”

  “That's okay. I'll knock. Knowing him, he probably forgot to lock it anyway,” Jill joked as she started for the stairwell. She raced up the

  stairs and burst out onto the second floor. She looked at the room numbers and stopped at 210.

  She reached for the handle, barely able to contain her excitement any longer. She twisted it and the door opened.

  He had forgotten to lock it! She threw the door open and quickly stepped inside. Jason was sprawled out on the bed and didn't move at her intrusion. She closed the door and moved to the side of the bed. She stroked the side of his face with her hand and he still didn't wake.

  “Jason..... Jason.....” she said gently. “Jason.....” this time he started to react. His eyes opened but were unfocused, searching. “Jason, it's me, Jill.”

  His eyes narrowed in on her face. There was confusion and recognition all at the same time. His hand finally came up to the side of her face.


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