FOUR BODIES – You can distinguish that you live in Four Bodies. The Four Bodies are the physical body (the bones and tissues with sensations), the intellectual body (the mind, psychology, and intellectual capital of the Box with thoughts, knowledge, logic, and reasons), the emotional body (the heart with feelings and emotions), and the energetic or spiritual body (the soul with presence, essence, and being). Each body has its own kind of pain, its own kind of ecstasy, its own kind of food, its own kind of intelligence, its own kind of liquid state, and its own kind of intimacy with other people’s Four Bodies. Western culture neurotically reinforces our identification with the intellectual body, so you can assume that you start off significantly imbalanced. It takes efforts to bring all Four Bodies into a working harmony. (Possibility Manager Wolfgang Köhler invented the Map of Four Bodies in September 2005.) (See: Box, Edgework, Feeling, Heart, Intimacy, Mind, Physical Center, Soul)
GAMEWORLD – A Gameworld is a dynamic environment created by two or more people agreeing to relate according to an internally consistent story. Gameworlds can range from temporary and of minor consequence to longer lasting and of major consequence. Examples of Gameworlds include: let’s go up the elevator, let’s have a party, let’s have a relationship, let’s have a family, let’s have a company, let’s have a town, let’s have a country, let’s have a religion, let’s have a war, and so on. Gameworlds can be responsible or irresponsible, depending on their purpose and their results. Gameworlds become defensive if their stories are believed to be true or are kept invisible to the participants, in which case the participants are said to be identified with their Gameworld. Even if a Gameworld is considered to be the “one and only true reality” by a majority of its players, it is still a Gameworld. Gameworlds founded in beliefs build false community and survive through competing for limited resources through war. Gameworlds founded in Bright Principles and responsible results build authentic community and thrive on creative collaboration to source the resources. Taking responsibility at the level of being the story maker for Gameworlds is the entry door to Possibility Management. Responsible Gameworlds tend to be more galaxical than hierarchical in design. In a galaxical Gameworld the source people are found serving as its center. (See: Center of a Gameworld, Identification, Organization, Possibility Management, Purpose, Reality, Result, Story)
GAP – Several tools and techniques from Possibility Management derive their effectiveness when you consciously enter the Gap in time between moments, or the Gap in space between you and your Box. Such Gaps can be as thin as a sheet of paper, but that sliver of opportunity is enough to disconnect the false bond and reclaim a natural freedom of movement. When you put your attention on the Gap and remember that it is there, then, for example, the world can provide a stimulus, but you do not have to respond because the stimulus has no power to create meaning in your Box. Or, your Box can be going crazy with reactions, but you need not say a word because the reactions die in the Gap and never manifest. The idea that there could be a Gap in time between moments or that there could be a Gap in space between your inner world and your outer world are concepts that can enter your mind. Actually navigating your way into those Gaps and tolerating the intensity of staying there occurs in experiential reality rather than in verbal reality and requires live coaching and feedback from another human being during a training. (See: Attention, Bag of Things, Experiential Reality, Minimize Now, Unhookable, Verbal Reality)
GODDESS – The Goddess is one particular aspect of the Pirate Sorceress Warrioress Queen Goddess Woman, the Archetypal Feminine. The qualities of Goddess come through the space being held for the Archetypal Feminine by the Archetypal Masculine and are not a manifestation of the Box. Therefore, Goddess cannot be produced by willpower alone, and cannot serve charismatic or self-centered purposes. When a woman can enter and stay in the Adult responsible ego state in the company of an Adult man who is holding Archetypal space for her, if the woman is willing to shift into the Archetypal Feminine then the Goddess can unfold through her. The Goddess inherently remembers the way through the Great Labyrinth of Spaces to the Heart of the Labyrinth and can lead her Man there. Such a rare and beautiful radiance! The Goddess enjoys, blesses and heals, and offers the sweet nectar of Archetypal intimacy that is Countenance. (See: Adult, Archetype, Countenance, Experiential Reality, Navigating Space)
GOING STELLAR – Going Stellar means having free access to full 100-percent Archetypal experience and expression of any of the four feelings without reason and without warning whenever necessary. This is comparable to having the radiant power of a star with an on-off switch. Since Western culture does not bring you through a rite of passage to consciously ignite your responsible feelings, you can obtain that initiation in certain trainings. Once you have consciously stellated your four Archetypes, from then on, for the rest of your life, you have the uninhibited ability to Go Stellar. The energy and information of all four feelings are then available for your use as an inexhaustible resource. Going Stellar is one of the seven core skills. (See: Core Skills, Feelings, Stellating Archetypes)
GREMLIN – Your Gremlin is the Archetypal King or Queen of your Shadow World. Everybody has parts. Everybody is part Gremlin. Gremlin is the part of you dedicated to creating low drama and serving your hidden purpose. Gremlin is quite likely to take over whenever you are unconscious of the purpose of your action. When Gremlin takes over you do not know the true cost of your irresponsible actions. Gremlin creates low drama gameworlds based on scarcity, competition, and survival in order to eat Gremlin food. For example, Gremlin leaders take other people’s centers and surround themselves with followers in order to feel safe. Gremlin derives joy at other people’s expense through “I win! You lose!” and “I’m right! You’re wrong!” and “Ha ha! I got you!” games and nasty little jokes. As you begin to get clarity about the presence and participation of Gremlin in your life, it is crucial to remember that Gremlin is not bad. Gremlin is Gremlin and can be counted on to do what Gremlins do. Gremlin cannot be rehabilitated to be responsible, and besides, that is not the point. Gremlin is not your enemy. The idea is not to kill, imprison or disempower Gremlin, as you may have been taught through some kind of moral system, but rather to establish a relationship with Gremlin such that you own Gremlin rather than Gremlin owning you. When Gremlin is consciously integrated into your general presence and sits at your feet at your command, you become responsibly “dangerous,” that is, no longer gullible or naïve. Gremlin awareness refines your overall awareness. Transforming your relationship to Gremlin is the way to stellate joy, and like stellating the other feelings involves two phases. Phase 1 is liberating Gremlin to 100-percent capacity and presence (which obviously must be done in a special Gremlin-proof environment designed exactly for this purpose). Phase 2 is integrating Gremlin capacities into practical skills through conscious practice. Since Gremlin can destroy any space at any time for no reason, there are many practical uses for Gremlin that nothing else can accomplish. Some of these uses are, for example, staying unhypnotized, staying unhookable, and going nonlinear. Expanding to responsibly include Gremlin takes time and practice, and necessitates building matrix. (See: Center, Hidden Purpose, Low Drama, Map of Possibility, Purpose, Matrix, Nonlinear, Pirate, Practice, Unhookable)
HEART – Your Heart is the center of your emotional body and the transducer of feelings. To create clarity in your relationship, give your Heart to the partner you love, and give your soul to your destiny. Your destiny does not require your Heart, and your partner is not your destiny. (See: Destiny, Feelings, Four Bodies, Soul)
HIDDEN PURPOSE – Your Hidden Purpose is the personalized set of three, four or five Shadow Principles that you serve as your survival strategy. Your commitment to serving Hidden Purpose is primary, previous to any other commitment in your life because your first choice is always to survive. It is shocking to realize that in the noble endeavor to s
urvive we are so dedicated to irresponsibility. That is why the Hidden Purpose is called “Hidden.” As a child, when you choose to live instead of die, you replace your instinctive perception of what “normal” should be with the often cataclysmic “normal” of your Western culture childhood environment. Your Hidden Purpose is to duplicate and sustain the abnormal normal at any expense because in that state your Box knows that it can continue to survive. (See: Box, Gremlin, Hidden Purpose Process, Map of Possibility)
HIDDEN PURPOSE PROCESS – The Hidden Purpose Process is a guided expedition during which you enter your Shadow World and extract jewels of clarity about your Shadow Principles. As you could well imagine, the Hidden Purpose Process can be loud and intense, and is done carefully in a safe and sustainable way by a certified Possibility Trainer. Knowing the three to five Shadow Principles of your Hidden Purpose gives you one little choice that can change your life – the choice of not serving Hidden Purpose. (See: Bright Principle, Distilling Destiny Process, Gremlin, Hidden Purpose, Map of Possibility, Possibility Trainer, Shadow Principle, True Purpose)
HIGH DRAMA (HIGH LEVEL FUN) – High Drama is any action intended to take responsibility. High Drama is conscious theater enacted for serving Bright Principles. An example of High Drama is committing to produce results before you know how to do it. If you create High Drama, the world lays itself before you like an open oyster (or if you are not attracted to raw oysters – which is quite understandable – how about “like a peeled mango”? or “like a sliced pepperoni pizza”?) begging you to live as your destiny in action. Most of us are so imprisoned by our Box that we do not even perceive the universe’s invitation, let alone act on it. Another example of High Drama is expanding the Box. Because the Box is so cleverly defended, expanding the Box is impossible and cannot be figured out with the mind. High Drama is to go ahead and commit to doing it anyway. (See: Action, Adult, Communicator, Conscious Theater, Creator, Destiny, Doer, Expand the Box, Low Drama, Map of Possibility, Pirate Agreement, Possibility Manager, Radical Responsibility)
HIGH LEVEL FUN – (See: High Drama)
HOLDING SPACE – Holding Space is the act of being responsible at the level of space. Holding Space implies conscious intention. Before you can Hold Space you must first declare space into existence as a distinction between what is in the space and what is outside the space. Space is declared either as an eight-pointed box or as an amorphous bubble. Space is held through using a percentage of your conscious attention to dedicate the space to serving Bright Principles. When you first try to Hold Space you might use control, domination or manipulation, but these are Shadow Principles. Holding Space is a core skill. Once you can Hold Space you can learn to navigate space. (See: Attention, Core Skills, Navigating Space, Purpose, Space)
HOOKED – Being Hooked is when you are knocked unconscious and behaving according to mechanical Box reactions. Being Hooked is psychological imprisonment. When you are Hooked, your attention and identity are confined to the limitations of your Box’s defense strategy. When you are Hooked, you easily enter low drama and have no access to possibility. Being Hooked is not accidental. The purpose for being Hooked is to create low drama to feed your Gremlin. Since being Hooked is not accidental, it can also be avoided. (See: Box Mechanics, Disk of Nothing, Gremlin, Low Drama, Reminding Factor, Springscreen, Unhookable)
IDENTIFICATION – Identification is the unconscious or conscious action of using is-glue to declare who you are. Unconscious Identification equates you to being your Box, produces ordinary human relationship, and is the result of standard human intelligence thoughtware. Conscious Identification equates you to being a vast and awesome potential, specifically as the space through which the Bright Principles that you serve can do their work. There is far greater possibility available when you are Identified as a vast potential than when you are Identified as your Box. (See: Conscious Theater, Creator, Hooked, Thoughtware, Is-Glue, Is-Glue Dissolver, Shift, Unhookable)
IMAGINATION – In many ways, who you are is your Imagination. But in Western culture, mind is at war with Imagination. And mind has won. You can get your Imagination back. The work of rehabilitating your Imagination is preparatory work for stellating your Masculine or Feminine Archetypes. Imagination is an endlessly rich resource of wild, unpredictable, radiantly humorous nonlinear possibilities. You may be using an unconscious form of Imagination right now in one of these two forms: 1) You imagine that things are as you perceive them, when in fact your perceptions of things have become quite distorted by your Box and they are not really that way. 2) You imagine that things are different from how they are, meaning that you are living in a fantasy world as a way of avoiding the way things actually are. Imagination can be intentionally applied for the practical purpose of creating possibility. (See: Creating Possibility, Mind, Nonlinear)
INNER NAVIGATING – No one can negotiate your internal experiences but you. The set of skills for distinguishing where you are in your internal world, what is happening there, what you do about it, and why, is called Inner Navigating. Without Inner Navigation skills, moving through the experiences of being yourself would be like sailing through treacherous waters without a chart or compass. Many people choose to stay at home and watch TV and leave their Inner Navigating to licensed professionals. You have obviously made a different choice. Inner Navigating improves through self-observation, self-knowledge, and practice with feedback and coaching in an environment of immediate clarity. Inner Navigating involves connecting delicate intuitively-sensed experiences with clear thought-maps of feelings, worlds, and spaces. Since inner experiences are so convincing it is crucial to distinguish between what is authentic and what is reactive theater. Regular self-sitting and together-sitting are indispensable practice for Inner Navigating. (See: Box Mechanics, Conscious Theater, Emotions, Experiential Reality, Feelings, Identification, Navigating Space, Practice, Rapid Learning)
INTIMACY – Relationship does not die from lack of love. Relationship dies from lack of Intimacy. Intimacy implies distinguishing between a person and their Box. Intimacy is being closer to a person than your Boxes would normally allow, so you are being-with each other as beings rather than being-with each other as Boxes. Intimacy does not mean being in another person’s personal space – this is enmeshment and leads to co-dependency and adaptive behavior. Authentic Adult intimacy builds matrix. You can enter new territory by doing Intimacy Edgework experiments in all four bodies. (See: Adult, Being Centered, Being-With, Contact, Countenance, Edgework, Experiment, Four Bodies, Matrix, Relationship)
IRRESPONSIBILITY – Irresponsibility is unconscious theater about pretending to not be at source, acting as if you are not at cause, acting as if there is not enough, trying to disown, playing the victim role, or in any way being contracted from your inherent limitless potential. From the Archetypal perspective, irresponsibility is an illusion. (See: Conscious Theater, Low Drama, Map of Possibility, Radical Responsibility)
IS-GLUE – Is-Glue does not exist in nature. The concept of “is” and its many conjugations including am, are, was, were, has, have, had, do, does, did, may, might, must, can, could, should, would, shall, will, and also the “not” forms, such as is not, am not, and so on, are all a product of the human mind. Is-Glue hangs on your Possibility Manager tool belt and resembles a tube of toothpaste. You squeeze out a blob, “PPPlthlthlthl” and glue two completely disassociated things together to serve conscious or unconscious Purposes. If used unconsciously, Is-Glue produces assumptions, expectations, conclusions, beliefs, etc., that form rigid if not crystallized parts of your Box. For example: “This job is impossible.” From this detached perspective you can see that “job” is not at all connected to “impossible” until you glue them together with Is-Glue. You can also use Is-Glue consciously, for example, to build a platform for high drama, such as with, “Our team loves doing impossible jobs.” Whether unconsciously or consciously used, you create your own Is-Glued stories and then act as if your story is true even though you just glued i
t together yourself. (See: Declaring, Gameworld, Is-Glue Dissolver, Meme, Reality, Story, Tool Belt)
IS-GLUE DISSOLVER – Is-Glue Dissolver comes in a handy spray bottle and is clipped to your Possibility Manager tool belt. Is-Glue Dissolver is a declaration that disassembles Is-Glued realities through recognizing that thoughtware is only held together with Is-Glue and is not in fact objectively real. To experiment with Is-Glue Dissolver, choose a story about yourself that disempowers you, such as, “I might fail.” Hold it out in front of you and clearly distinguish the three components, the two solids “I” and “fail,” and the Is-Glue “might.” Spray on a little Is-Glue Dissolver, “Pffffftttth, pffffffttttth.” Clip the Is-Glue Dissolver bottle back on your tool belt and use both hands to slide the two solids apart from each other so you have one in each hand. Your left hand holds “I” and your right hand holds “fail.” Nothing connects the two together any longer – they are completely independent, one from the other. Now you can separately decide what you want to do with each. Experiment with putting “fail” back into the “bag of things” hanging on your tool belt, and reaching past it for something else you could glue to “I” that would better empower you. With the “bag of things” you never know what you will pull out before you pull it out and look at it. For example, you could pull out “an experimenter,” and try Is-Gluing that to “I” with the Is-Glue “am.” Then you have “I am an experimenter.” Does that empower you? Or you could pull out, “love to learn by doing,” or “trust the universe,” or “love to make new contacts,” or “open interesting doors of possibility with every action.” Try a few nonlinear possibilities rather than settling on whatever you come up with first, keeping in mind that whatever you try you can easily change again with Is-Glue Dissolver!Is-Glue Dissolver is very powerful, so the suggestion is to begin using it with caution. (See: Bag of Things, Creating Possibility, Declaring, Is-Glue, Nonlinear, Reality, Story, Thoughtware, Tool Belt)
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