POSSIBILITY WAND – The Possibility Wand is a tool clipped to your Possibility Manager tool belt. The Possibility Wand is a sentence, specifically the declaration that, “Something completely different from this is possible right now.” The most bewildering aspect of using your Possibility Wand is simply remembering, in the moment when you need it, that you have it. (See: Declaration, Possibility Manager, Reminding Factor, Tool Belt)
PRACTICE – Practice is intentionally enacting behaviors producing a quality of stress that builds matrix. Practice is often orthogonal to what is happening in a space, and can therefore require the conscious use of Gremlin to break free of the embarrassment of Practicing when others in the space are not Practicing. Extraordinary human relationship and Archetypal Relationship only arise when supported by a certain level of Practice. You can gradually build for yourself a life of Practice. The experience of Practice, for example when you first try Adult responsible communication with completion loops, may at first feel unreal, unnatural or inauthentic. This sensation of strangeness can arise because when you first start consciously Practicing you are not hooked. The sense that your action is unreal is only the unfamiliar gap in space that comes with the non-identification characteristic of conscious theater. The gap allows you to move in any direction in any moment for no reason. Practice only happens consciously. Consciousness creates freedom. (See: Conscious Theater, Gap, Gremlin, Identification, Inner Navigating, Matrix, Orthogonal,)
PRINCIPLE – A Principle is an energetic force of nature (to borrow a phrase from George Bernard Shaw). Bright Principles are facets of responsibility, such as respect, clarity, possibility, or Winning Happening. Shadow Principles are facets of irresponsibility, such as revenge, good / bad, deception, or I win / you lose. When you become the space through which the Bright Principles that you serve can do their work, you are used by something greater than your Box and you become a Force of Nature. When serving Bright Principles, you become Archetypal Man or Woman as your destiny in action. When serving Shadow Principles, you become Gremlin as your hidden purpose in action. Buckminster Fuller spoke about Principles like this: “There are no solids. There are no things. There are only interfering and noninterfering patterns operative in pure principle, and principles are eternal. Principles never contradict principles … The synergetic integral of the totality of principles is God, whose sum-total behavior in pure principle is beyond our comprehension and is utterly mysterious to us, because as humans – in pure principle – we do not and never will know all the principles.” (Fuller, R. Buckminster. Critical Path. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1981, 158-159.) (See: Archetype, Bright Principle, Destiny, Force of Nature, Hidden Purpose, Map of Possibility, Shadow Principle)
PROBLEM – On the Map of Possibility there is actually no such thing as a Problem. Therefore, any time there appears to be a Problem, either from your perspective or from someone else’s perspective, the Problem is an act of conscious or unconscious theater. You can try the experiment of regarding any Problem as an indicator that signals the start of the next gameworld – often the invitation to deeper intimacy. This is the basis of the Possibility Management meeting technology named “The Problem Is the Solution.” (See: Conscious Theater, Low Drama, Meeting Technology, Victim)
PROJECTION – An extremely effective Box defense strategy. The Box takes any part of itself that it does not accept and transfers that quality to other people, whom we can then outwardly ridicule. (See: Box, Box Mechanics)
PSYCHOLOGY – Another name for Box. All of Psychology is a virtual reality. (See: Box, Mind, Thoughtware)
PURPOSE – Purpose is the fundamental motivator in human beings. Every action we take has a Purpose. We are either conscious or unconscious of the Purpose of our action. Our consciousness or unconsciousness places our action on either the responsible or irresponsible side of the Map of Possibility and determines the quality of the results that we create. We can determine the true Purpose of our action or inaction by looking at the results. We may be fooling ourselves about our Purpose, but the results never lie. (See: Action, Map of Possibility, Navigating Space, Result)
QUEEN – (See: Adult, Archetype)
RADICAL RESPONSIBILITY – Ordinary responsibility has a bad reputation in Western civilization. The message is that responsibility is a burden. Responsibility makes you guilty. If you are responsible, then you are the one to be blamed or punished. To differentiate the Responsibility of high drama from ordinary responsibility, we introduce the term Radical Responsibility. Radical Responsibility is the unreasonable declaration that you are the cause of everything, and that you take full Responsibility for everything that is and everything that happens, even though you cannot control it – like in juggling, for example, where you have only two hands but you are responsible for three balls, even though you often cannot control one of them. Radical Responsibility is taking Responsibility even for the level of Responsibility you are taking. If you take Radical Responsibility then you are suddenly far beyond the influence of circumstances, excuses, reason, logic or psychology. Everything that happens is neutral, without story, without meaning. There is no such thing as a problem. It is impossible to be a victim of a situation because you created the situation exactly like it is. Irresponsibility is a complete illusion. Radical Responsibility is the practical manifestation of Archetypal Love. (See: Archetype, Love, Map of Possibility, Unreasonable)
RAPID LEARNING – Rapid Learning is a three-step model of short, cycle-time evolution that proves to be a simple and useful model for improving relationship. Rapid Learning begins with Go! Try something first, before you try to figure it all out in advance. What you can trust about the world is that it will give you feedback about whatever you do or do not do. There are only two kinds of feedback that you can get: Go! or Beep! Go! tells you to keep Go! ing. Beep! tells you to shift your behavior according to your goal, and then Go! again. These are the three steps of Rapid Learning. Go! Feedback. Shift. Then Go! again. Rapid Learning is a simple powerful thought-map, useful for making sense of what happens in a rapidly evolving environment like relationship. (See: Coaching, Feedback, High Drama, Meeting Technology, Shift, Swamp, Thought-Map)
REAL QUESTION – Questions can come from any of the four bodies. We are most familiar with reasonable questions or curiosity questions that come from the intellectual body. Answers to intellectual questions further expand your already expanded intellect. A Real Question comes from the heart of the emotional body or the soul of the energetic body and is often unreasonable. One who asks a Real Question puts themselves at risk of getting an answer. Gaining an intellectual answer to a Real Question destroys the Box-expanding potential of the Real Question, because the mind grabs hold of the answer and thinks it has something. But the Box tricks the mind into forgetting the answer in the next moment. A more intelligent and more uncomfortable use of Real Questions is to let them remain unanswered. The discomfort, over time, builds matrix, so you become the answer. (See: Asking, Box, Dangerous Question, Discovery Speaking, Four Bodies, Matrix, Unreasonable)
REALITY – Objective Reality is “What is, as it is, here and now, without judgment,” in the words of Swami Prajnanpad and Arnaud Desjardins; or, “Just this,” one of the core teachings of Lee Lozowick. Subjective Reality is what is seen through the story that is agreed upon to establish the rules in any particular gameworld. Realities can be more or less rigid. The true nature of the universe is fluid and groundless. Realities become rigid when people take the position (believe) that the stories of their gameworld are true and not just stories. Rigid Realities tend to generate war. Fluid realities tend to generate possibility. (See: Belief, Gameworld, Memetic Virus, Painting Doorways, Reinventing Reality, Story)
REINVENTING REALITY – The stories that produce a reality can be rewritten, that is, restructured into new forms so as to contain different sets of possibilities. With regard to reality, function follows form. That is, when a reality has a new form it has a new functionality. You can Reinvent Reality s
uch that your choices and actions serve your destiny. (See: Action, Choosing, Is-Glue, Is-Glue Dissolver, Liquid State)
RELATIONSHIP – Three distinctions determine the experiential quality of your Relationship: ordinary human, extraordinary human, and Archetypal. In ordinary human Relationship you avoid responsibility, there is a scarcity of love, and you use your partner to create low drama. In extraordinary human Relationship you take adult responsibility and create high drama as a source of extraordinary human Love. In Archetypal Relationship you take radical responsibility for Relationship. Then there is no such “thing” as a Relationship. What exists is a potential that can be lived into and enlivened, any way you want; a space that can be navigated; a possibility that always does not yet exist, so therefore cannot be already known. Relationship is then nothing, until you produce what it is through ongoing acts of nonlinear creation. Archetypal Relationship thrives when you commit to what the other person is committed to and communicate about what arises in relationship. Immediate communication creates intimacy. An easy gauge of what space you are navigating your Relationship into is to detect your purpose. Either you are seeking to be right, or you are seeking to be in Relationship. (See: Experiential Reality, Laboratory, Love, Navigating Space, Nonlinear)
REMINDING FACTOR – A Reminding Factor is a self-arranged condition that indicates a way out of the constraints of a particular space. Without Reminding Factors, the Box’s defensive filtering easily blocks you from remembering that “Something completely different from this is always possible right now.” You can develop the knack of arranging Reminding Factors to keep one foot outside of a space. Then, no matter what the circumstances are, “Possibility” is always a possibility. Reminding Factors must be somehow disturbing or uncomfortable in order to function, and they can vary wildly. For example, the practice of behaving in some way contrary to any of the Box’s habits creates a Reminding Factor (e.g., not smiling or cursing when you make an error in sports, or tying your shoes with the bow pointing another way). You will find it necessary to persistently develop new Reminding Factors because the Box’s propensity for self-induced sleep can disem-power the wake-up effect of a Reminding Factor in a remarkably short time. (See: Matrix, Possibility Wand, Practice, Radical Responsibility, Space)
RESCUER – The Rescuer is a Shadow World Archetypal character who unconsciously uses the energy of fear to serve your Gremlin in low drama. The Rescuer takes the position of “I am okay, you are not okay,” and uses that as justification for doing something for someone else because you feel afraid that they cannot adequately do it for themselves. (See: Gremlin, Low Drama, Map of Possibility)
RESPONSIBILITY – Responsibility is consciousness in action. We cannot choose our level of consciousness. If we could choose our level of consciousness, we could simply stop having low drama; we could stop having wars; we could stop degrading our environment. Since we cannot choose our level of consciousness, we also cannot choose our level of Responsibility. Responsibility increases through building the thing upon which consciousness can grow. That thing is matrix. (See: Action, Low Drama, Matrix, Parallel Culture, Radical Responsibility)
RESPONSIBLE PRINCIPLES – (See: Bright Principles, Map of Possibility)
RESPONSIBLE STORY – A Responsible Story is high drama consciously generated as an arena for serving Bright Principles. Responsible Stories are neither better nor worse than victim stories; they simply give you more power. (See: Conscious Theater, Story, Victim Story)
RESULT – A Result is the outcome of an action. Examining the Results shows whether an action served responsible purposes or irresponsible purposes. Results locate your action on the Map of Possibility as either low drama or high drama. Whatever your intentions, the Results never lie. (See: Action, Irresponsibility, Map of Possibility, Radical Responsibility, and the example given in entry for Thought-Map)
RITE OF PASSAGE – (See: Stellating Archetypes)
SELF-SITTING – Self-Sitting is a contemplative form of practice done in stillness and silence, usually with the eyes closed, at the same time and the same place for the same length of time each day. A regular practice of Self-Sitting builds matrix and is ideal for developing attention, inner navigation and being. (See: Attention, Being Center, Inner Navigating, Matrix, Practice, Together-Sitting)
SHADOW PRINCIPLE – Shadow Principles are an Archetypal force of nature. The overriding Shadow Principle is irresponsibility or unconsciousness. Irresponsibility is unconsciousness in action. Unconsciousness prisms into a rainbow of Shadow Principles including revenge, hatred, survival, betrayal, being betrayed, superiority, manipulation, blame, deception, exclusion, disempowerment, good / bad, arrogance, disrespect, scarcity, competition, being right, self pity, greed, envy, jealousy, sneaking, resentment, making wrong, withholding, domination, contamination, separation, right / wrong, and so on. Gremlin thrives in the service of Shadow Principles. (See: Bright Principle, Gremlin, Map of Possibility, Principle)
SHADOW WORLD (UNDERWORLD) – The domain of actions and gameworlds dedicated to serving Shadow Principles. (See: Gremlin, Low Drama, Map of Possibility, Shadow Principle)
SHIFT – Shift is step three in the rapid learning process. Shift means to briefly enter the liquid state so that your internal reference points (“assemblage points” per Carlos Castaneda’s writings about the teachings of Don Juan Matus) can reorganize themselves. The new association of reference points gives your Box new functionality because your actions come from a redrawn thought-map. Since your set of possible actions is defined by the character in yourself with which you are presently identified, by Shifting identity you Shift what is possible for you. A useful identity to Shift into is the Possibility Manager. The clicker makes Shifting clear and quick. (See: Box Mechanics, Clicker, Coaching, Feedback, Identification, Liquid State, Rapid Learning, Reinventing Reality, Story, Thought-Map)
SORCERESS – (See: Creator)
SOUL – (We tread on protected territory attempting to define the term “Soul” here. But, hey, this is Possibility Management! Let us give it a try! The worst thing that can happen is we get a Beep.) A human being has four bodies: a physical body with organs that have sensations, an intellectual body with a mind that has thoughts, an emotional body with a heart that has feelings, and an energetic body with a Soul that has presence or being. The Soul is the being center of your energetic body. The Soul is born to fulfill a destiny, is nurtured through intimacy, and is capable of being inspired. Your Soul starts out about the size of a grapefruit. Your Soul can grow when your matrix grows, through certain kinds of stresses, nutrients, shocks, experiences, radiations, influences, efforts, repetitions, and clarity about how things work. In especially safe environments, Soul can let itself be known. The willingness to let one’s Soul be known builds authentic community in organizations. (For more on this see the books Open Space Technology by Harrison Owen and The Different Drum by M. Scott Peck). (See: Box, Four Bodies, Matrix)
SPACE – There are two kinds of Space: physical Space as defined by solid walls, ceilings and floors, and energetic Space that comes into existence through declaration. Energetic Space can change size, location and purpose according to your conscious intention. You can learn to declare energetic Space as a skill. Declared energetic Space is a volume of attention in which you take responsibility for responsibility. When a Space is declared and owned, that Space can then be navigated to serve true purposes. (See: Declaring, Holding Space, Navigating Space, Possibility Trainer, True Purpose)
SPACE HOLDING – (See: Holding Space)
SPEAKING AS A SPACE – (See: Possibility Speaking)
SPRINGSCREEN – A Possibility Management tool that allows you to avoid being hooked. The Springscreen is useful when you encounter a scene that would normally upset you, offend you, frighten you, take your center, knock you off balance, over stimulate you (for example with rich food, easy money, or casual sex), or in some way hook you into low drama. To use the Springscreen, first notice that the scene before you appears
on a white screen. This screen has a rubber loop hanging from its bottom. If you simply unhook the rubber band from the floor the entire screen rolls up like a movie projection screen and instantly vanishes. It is a Springscreen! All that remains is the next perfectly blank white Springscreen. If the same scene starts to replay itself on your new Screen, simply unhook that one and it zips away too! You have an unlimited number of Springscreens! (Possibility Manager Johann Göbel invented the Springscreen in 2003.) (See: Disk of Nothing, Hooked, Unhookable)
STANDARD HUMAN INTELLIGENCE THOUGHTWARE – The way you think is not random. You think in repeated patterns determined by how you perceive the relationships between things as described by your Thoughtware and thought-maps. You derived your present set of Thoughtware largely from your parents before you went to school. Where did your parents get their Thoughtware? From their parents. Where did they get their Thoughtware? From their parents, and so on. Most people adopt their birth culture’s Standard Human Intelligence Thoughtware, the same set of memes that has been passed down from generation to generation for thousands of years. You are probably using some very old Thoughtware. Newer versions of Thoughtware exist. You have the option of upgrading your Thoughtware whenever you want to. Such upgrading happens in trainings. Trainings differ from classes in that a class gives you new information to think about, whereas a training gives you new Thoughtware and thought-maps to think with. (See: Belief, Expand the Box, Marshmallow Zone, Meme, Possibility Trainer, Thought-Map, Thoughtware)
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