Friends with Benefits

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Friends with Benefits Page 11

by Olivia Gaines

  Frazier whispered a dig and congratulations to her at the same time. Charlize, was still processing what her mother had said, “If you sing to them.”

  DECEMBER ROLLED IN with cool winds, followed by an ice storm, sleet, and tons of wetness dumped on Atlanta. The new job offer came in and Charlize gave her notice to the Falcons. After the New Year, she would start her new 8 to 5 job at the flashy sports medicine and orthopedic institute. Many of the same doctors worked there, but she no longer had to be on the road, or under the constant pressure of her current job.

  She and Grayson attended the company Christmas party where a well-wisher opened the bag and acted surprised when the cat ran out. She had been waiting for the right time to tell Grayson, but now would have to be it. His only response, “I trust your judgment.” He secretly hoped that she was preparing to marry him and start a family, but he would not push. Charlize was different. Her thought processes were different. She was a woman who needed time to think some things through, and he was willing to wait. He waited all of this time, and at least they were living together as a couple.

  At his client Christmas party, she embarrassed him a bit when a record executive presented his latest rap act, while the group performed, Charlize began to vomit loudly. Grayson’s assistant, Angie, brought her crackers, a ginger ale, and a big smile. She said nothing to the assistant, the assistant said nothing to her, and all remained quiet.

  Her sleeping habits had changed and she found herself now slumbering like Grayson. She hit the pillow and passed out; no movement until daybreak. The hormones were running rampant and she could not get enough of loving him. When her job ended on the fifteenth, she was home every day, and by the time he arrived from work, she was in full-blown arousal. One evening, he arrived home and she climbed and mounted him against the door before he even had a chance to close it all the way. Two days later he arrived home to find her watching It’s a Wonderful Life and bawling uncontrollably in front of the TV.

  There were smaller things he noticed as well, but still refused to comment, giving her time to work out in her head whatever needed to be said or handled. The first thing he noticed was that she was no longer drinking wine. She had even cut out her daily intake of decaf, backed off of fish and seafood, and slept the weekend away.

  Grayson was worried as they entered the week before Christmas and his family festivities started. On the twentieth of December, the Yule Tide celebrations kicked off with a holiday breakfast at Aunt Lula’s, hosted by the grand dame herself and her offsprings. She smiled at Charlize, and whispered, “Congrats,” when she found her soon-to-be niece-in-law in the kitchen stuffing pancakes in her face like a child stealing cookies.

  The twenty-first meant dinner with his Uncle Buddy and Aunt Anita. Everything smelled greasy, looked greasy, and tasted greasy. Charlize threw up the whole evening. Aunt Lula brought her ginger ale and soda crackers. Uncle Buddy brought her a cup of tea that smelled like horseshit which made her throw up even more. Charlize, now furious, just wanted to go back to the hotel, “Grayson, what the hell is wrong with your Uncle Buddy?”

  The 22nd was hosted by Uncle Stanley and Aunt Carol, who were advocates of non-processed food and sugars. What didn’t taste like cardboard was bitter or loaded with Agave. In the irony of it all, Agave is a processed plant—which Charlize told Aunt Carol, who refused to speak with her anymore that evening. Charlize began to cry and Marquez brought her a cookie, well at least he didn’t pull it out of his underwear. Bok Choy stood watch and barked at everyone who came close and Charlize just wanted to go home.

  The twenty-third, they were still in Warner Robins, and dinner at the VFW was hosted by Uncle Arthur and Aunt Delia. Since Terre had been their only child, this dinner was a potluck, and every one brought something. Uncle Buddy, the cheap son of a gun, brought leftovers from the dinner at his house two days ago. The same food, the same smell, the same reaction: vomiting and more vomiting. Charlize was beginning to think she would not survive the Broche family Christmas Extravaganza. It was a rotating feast of fatty foods, items she didn’t recognize with pots of hooves, snouts, feet, ears and parts of animals that should not be eaten. She followed Grayson’s lead and ate the salads and baked chicken. She spoke with Aunt Delia privately about Marquez, who remained close by her side to make sure she was okay. Instead of returning to the hotel, Grayson pointed the car towards Atlanta and headed home loaded with Marquez and Bok Choy, who refused to leave Charlize’s side. She assured the boy that she was not close to death and everything would be okay. He was standing fast, just to make certain.

  Christmas Eve was celebrated at Grayson’s parent’s house and Ayanna Broche took one look at her and held her close, “Why are you waiting so long, my dear? You know he has figured it out.”

  “I am waiting for New Year’s Eve; I have something special planned,” she said as she took the cup of peppermint tea. Ayanna asked her to follow her into the master bedroom where she closed the door and grabbed a box from under the bed. “This is my Christmas present to you, Charlize.”

  Charlize opened the box to find hand crafted baby blankets and a silver rattle. “I had one of these made for each of my children. This one belonged to Grayson. I would love for his child to have it.” There was no way to stop the flood of tears.

  “Charlize, you are going to make a great Mom,” Ayanna hugged her tightly and guided her back downstairs for dinner.

  CHRISTMAS DINNER WAS at her parents’ home and for the first time in many years, there was no tension between Melea and Charlize. Instead the youngest sister was being helpful. Marquez maintained his vigil, ensuring she had plenty of fluids, while Bok Choy made a point of keeping her feet warm with his hairy body. Her thoughts were distant as the family exchanged gifts, while Grayson was surprised that he had received so many. Marquez was ecstatic with his haul and Charlize just sat there, zoned out.

  Grayson presented her with a box that indicated a ring, but she handed it back, asking him, “Hold on to that for a minute.”

  Later that night, she was hit with a surge of hormones that made her almost pull his hair out. Finally he’d had enough, “Damn it, Charlize, talk to me. Just tell me what is going on in your head and we can work through it together. I am not leaving and you are not kicking me out the car with your feet!”

  She laughed and held him close, “Just bear with me a few more days, that’s all I need.”

  It was going to have to be; it was all Grayson Broche had.

  Chapter Twenty- Six

  CHARLIZE SHOWERED AND dressed for the New Year’s Eve Party in a loose fitting black cocktail dress and a red wrap. Grayson donned a black suit and she asked him to pull his hair back. Few words had been said about where they were headed, but she put Marquez in a suit as well as Bok Choy, who seemed to enjoy the mock jacket and tie. Grayson wanted to know why the boy was in a suit. “I going to drop them off at my parent’s house, and they are heading to church tonight.” His next question was why was the dog in a suit? Marquez told him that Bok Choy liked to play superhero.

  Grayson opened the door to the house and immediately wondered where everyone was. He could hear the music from the family room, and Marquez and Bok Choy headed in that direction. Charlize stayed back, “Grayson, I need to talk to you.” Those were six words that every man hated to hear.

  Grayson took a seat the dining room table, still looking about for her family. Charlize cleared her throat. “I am stubborn, prideful, arrogant, and set in my ways.” Grayson’s eyes got wide, so far, what she said was true, and he nodded in agreement. “But, one of the great benefits of being your friend, is that you have accepted me as I am, and loved me no matter how hard I am to live with.”

  He still was looking around for her family. Even the dog was quiet. Grayson was now uncomfortable. She took his chin in her hand and turned his head back towards her face, “Grayson, you told me when I was ready to give you sons and daughters, that I could have your name.”

  “Uhmm, yeah,” he said as
he tried to stand to see where Marquez had went and where were her parents.

  “Grayson, focus please, I am trying to have a conversation with you.”

  “I’m sorry Charlie, but something feels off.....”

  “Dude, this is not easy for me, can you please focus.”

  “I’m sorry, mi querida, what were you saying?

  She held his hand, and got down on one knee in front of him. He furrowed his brow trying to understand what she was doing. “Grayson Broche, I would like to propose a compromise to our original conversation, by asking you to marry me, give me your name, and make us a family."

  He sat there for a few minutes trying to focus, “What do you mean, us?”

  “You, me, Marquez, Bok Choy,” and she rose, placed his hand on her tummy, “and your son and daughter.”

  Grayson started to stutter, “Marquez too, really? And twins?” He was starting to get a bit emotional. “I would like to pay tribute to Terre’s service to our country and your friendship to him, by raising his son as our own,” she opened a jewelry box with a diamond studded ring, “Grayson Jaime Broche, will you marry us?”

  The largest smile she had ever saw lit his face as he stood and wrapped his arms around her, kissing her, “Yes, Charlize, I will,” his hand shook as he placed it on her stomach again, “A son and daughter? And we are getting married?”

  “Yes, we are getting married, right now. Again, are you ready to marry us?”

  The door slid open and all of his family as well as hers poured from closets, came down the stairs, out of side rooms and filled every inch of the Filleman home. The good Reverend Dr. Stottlemire stepped forward and somewhere in the background, Melanie began to play Here Comes the Bride.

  Jorge, Antonio, Frazier and three other cousins lined up to Grayson’s right, while her sisters, Brianna, and three of his cousins lined up to her left. Marquez served as his best man and even had the ring ready. Her nieces served as make-shift flower girls and Bok Choy sat at her feet during the ceremony.

  At the stroke of midnight, before a round of Auld Lang Syne, Grayson Broche kissed his wife. At 12:15, they signed the custody papers making Marquez Broche a permanent member of their family. As the happy couple shook hands, exchanged hugs and well-wishes, Charlize smiled at her new husband and was grateful for the many blessings bestowed upon her. She had almost said no to his offer to be more than friends, but that man always had a way with her. She looked down at her fabulous Christmas present and loved how it sparkled on her hand.

  Grayson Broche was now a proud husband, and a father of almost three, as he milled about the crowd, shaking hands. In her first free moment she pulled him to the side for a few more kisses. Bok Choy was jealous as he barked each time their lips met. Marquez was happy and told Frazier III they were now cousins as well as best friends. His happiness didn’t stop there, he hugged Charlize so hard he nearly choked her out, then asked, “When can we move in? Can my room be painted blue? Can we paint the Batman logo on one wall? Can I have some Batman sheets?”

  Uncle Arthur pulled Grayson to the side and hugged him tightly, thanking him, as the guest loaded the dining room table with wedding gifts as they made their way out the door, headed to their homes or relatives to get some sleep. Aunt Lula gave them both hugs as she made her way out the door. It was Uncle Buddy that surprised them both with a hand carved baby rattle. Charlize embraced him and held him close. “I like you Doc,” was all he mumbled before he joined the others in the driveway.

  Dr. Charlize Broche was choked up with emotions as she gazed at her new husband, son and their dog. In her purse was his wedding present of the two tickets to Kauai for the honeymoon. As she presented the items to him, she whispered in his ear, that technically, she had held up her end of the deal, with three kids and a dog, which made four, “Does that work for you, Mr. Broche?”

  His eyes were filled with tears as he looked at his little cousin, which was now his legal son, the dog with way too much personality and the woman that he loved. It was hard to imagine how empty his life had been before he asked her to be more than friends. He held her close, staring into her eyes, “It works just perfectly Mrs. Broche.”

  And that was how Grayson Broche learned the benefits of loving his best friend as he became a husband, a father and gained man’s best friend all in one night.


  Other works by Olivia Gaines


  The Bounty: Lizzie’s Vengeance

  Two Nights in Vegas

  A Letter to My Mother

  The Perfect Man

  The Basement of Mr. McGee

  A Few More Nights

  Being Mrs. Blakemore

  To find out more about my books, connect with me online at

  Or join the bibliophile family on Twitter or Facebook


  Olivia Gaines, Author

  Book Club Questions

  Why do you think Charlize was so dismissive of Melea?

  Why do you think it took Charlize so long to come around?

  Is a relationship based on friendship ruined when you add sex?

  Did you see an evolution in Charlize? If so, what changed?

  How did Charlize’s pregnancy change her?

  How much of a role do you think Marquez played in the defining of Charlize and Grayson’s relationship?

  If you could ask the author one question, what would you want to know?

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  Also by Olivia Gaines

  Modern Mail Order Brides

  Oregon Trails

  On A Rainy Night in Georgia

  Buckeye and the Babe

  The Tennessee Mountain Man

  Lobsters, Bisques & Berries

  Sunflowers and Honey (Coming Soon)

  Bleu, Grass, Bourbon

  Serenity Series

  Welcome to Serenity


  Farmer Takes A Wife

  Slice of Life

  Friends with Benefits

  Slivers of Love

  The Cost to Play

  Thursdays in Savannah

  The Blakemore Files

  Being Mrs. Blakemore

  Shopping with Mrs. Blakemore

  Dancing with Mr. Blakemore

  Cruising with the Blakemores

  Dinner with the Blakemores

  Loving the Czar

  Being Mr. Blakemore

  A Weekend with the Blakemores

  The Davonshire Series

  Courting Guinevere

  Vanity's Pleasure

  The Delgado Files


  Becoming the Czar


  The Men of Endurance

  A Walk Through Endurance

  A Return to Endurance

  A Walk Through Endurance

  The Technicians

  Blind Hope

  Blind Luck

  Blind Fate

  Blind Copy

  Blind Turn

  Blind Fold (Coming Soon)

  The Value of A Man

  My Mail Order Wife

  A Weekend with the Cromwells

p; Cutting it Close

  The Zelda Diaries

  It Happened Last Wednesday

  A Frickin' Fantastic Friday

  A Tantalizing Tuesday


  Santa's Big Helper

  A Menu For Loving

  North to Alaska

  Turning the Page

  An Untitled Love

  Wyoming Nights


  Blind Date

  The Christmas Quilts

  Watch for more at Olivia Gaines’s site.




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