Highland Heat

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Highland Heat Page 4

by Eliza Knight

  “Is he your man?” Anger rushed through him anew. He didn’t know why. It wasn’t like she was his woman or that he’d claimed her but somehow, perhaps, maybe, in the back of his mind, he’d thought…What the hell was he thinking?

  “Oh no, he’s the dancer.”

  Camden looked again. The man didn’t look like the dancers who normally entertained at Dunvegan. Truth be told, the man looked like a warrior.

  Searing pain shot across his forehead. He pinched the bridge of his nose and massaged his brows. A wicked headache was the last thing he needed.

  “I have to get rid of him. Stay here. I’ll be right back. Then we’ll discuss everything.”

  She disappeared from the room, and he watched out the window as a moment later the man returned to his car. Her soft footsteps padded across the bedroom floor, alerting him she’d returned. It felt right for her to be standing there, which sent a shot of dread spiraling down his spine. Damn! He frowned fiercely out the window. How was it that a woman he’d only just met—albeit they’d shattered the earth when their bodies connected—could have made such a deep impression on him?

  “Camden, there’s something I need to show you.”

  He turned to face her, his frown softening when he gazed on her gorgeous features. She lifted the stone necklace from between her breasts and over her head. The stone dangled in the air between them as she held it out to him.

  “Here, this might belong to you.”

  Camden took hold of the stone, shaking his head. “I’ve never seen it before.”

  This time Amanda frowned. “I thought it might have explained some of what’s going on here.” She turned around and walked across the room, collapsing onto one of the plush chairs. “Earlier today, I went to the top of the Fairy Tower, and I found that necklace.”

  His jaw clenched involuntarily. Until now, he’d had some inkling of hope that this wasn’t his castle, and his ideas of traveling through time were just his imagination. Perhaps there was another castle with the same name. But he knew of only one Fairy Tower, and it resided at his castle, Dunvegan.

  “Some really weird stuff happened like the air swirling, and I had these visions. I could have sworn I saw you—or your eyes, at least.” She kept on talking, describing what happened to her in the tower.

  Camden half-listened as the stone in his hand grew warmer when he touched it as if by magic. He opened his fingers and examined the necklace nestled in his palm.

  Was it possible? Was this the necklace?

  His eyes widened in amazement as he ran a finger over its smooth surface. He’d once heard a story about the enchanted necklace. But no one had been able to find it; the stone had remained hidden in the tower for decades. The talk of legends. The story went that the stone necklace was supposed to have some sort of magical powers to bring soul mates together. The stone was given by the fairies to Clan MacLeod at the same time as the Fairy Flag, but it had been lost in the tower.

  Suddenly, things became clearer to him. If this was the enchanted stone, and the things that Amanda was saying were true, that meant…His thoughts trailed off. He couldn’t comprehend all the new sensations and his surroundings, let alone think about what was happening.

  “I do know this stone,” he murmured. Damn, if only he’d paid more attention! He might have been able to get himself out of this mess. The stone was enchanted, brought lovers together, even if it meant forsaking one’s own time for another.

  Amanda’s head shot up. “You do?” She paused a moment, chewing on her lower lip. “Does that mean you have traveled through time?”



  The warmth that had traveled so fiercely through her body less than an hour before dissipated. Amanda opened her mouth to speak but closed it again. She clicked her teeth together and drummed her fingers on the arm of the chair. If her trip to the top of the Fairy Tower hadn’t been so unreal, and bordering on paranormal, she wouldn’t have believed a word of what Camden was saying.

  But as it turned out, it had been strange and magical. When she’d first gazed at him, she’d recognized his eyes from her vision. That invisible aura had chanted about her soul mate. Was Camden her soul mate? From the moment they’d met, sparks had flown, and she was instantly at peace, yet ironically at the same time, her blood burned and rushed for him and him alone.

  The half-clad warrior paced in front of her as she sat in one of the armchairs. She admired him from his muscled calves and thighs to his kilt, which covered his most powerful weapon, and then on up to the carved-from-stone abdomen, chest and broad shoulders. He exuded energy, strength and vigor. If ever her life needed saving, she’d gladly place it in his hands.

  She watched in fascination as his muscles rippled while he walked, how he ran his long thick fingers through silky, black tendrils of hair. Good Lord, had she really slept with him? Chewing on her lower lip, she envisioned what her friends would say when they saw him. The man was the epitome of perfection, and to think, from what she’d been able to decipher, he had a nice disposition as well. His Scottish burr sent ribbons of pleasure wafting through her. He could talk to her all day and night if he wanted to, and she would just bask in the sensuality of his voice.

  “Are ye listening to me, Amanda?”

  Eyes widening, she hadn’t realized she’d tuned him out. Her lips spread into a sheepish smile, and her cheeks burned. “I’m sorry. This is all just so much.”

  “I was telling ye of the legends, the fairies.” He rolled his eyes and came to stand in front of her.

  Her breath caught in her throat as he placed a hand firmly on either side of her and brought his face close to hers, his soft breath teasing her flesh. “I know ’tis a lot to take in, lass, but we’ve got to figure this out. I’m stuck in your time. My people have been left to fend for themselves. I’ve got to get back.”

  Her heart clenched in her chest. She didn’t want him to leave, but she understood his need to take care of his own. Heck, he might even have a wife and a dozen children running around his time. That thought struck her something fierce. She decided right then and there she didn’t want to know. Let them live in the moment; let them enjoy each other. She’d ask questions when and if it ever became important.

  “Maybe I can help.” Her friends wouldn’t be back for a couple of hours. At least she wouldn’t have any explaining to do until then.

  His eyes brightened, and he smiled at her genuinely. “How?”

  “I own a bookshop. There are tons of books on the Fairy Tower and legends surrounding Skye. Maybe one of them will give us a clue as to how we can get you back to when you came from?”

  “Ah, lassie, ’twould be wonderful.” He paused for a moment and looked down at his attire. “Is my kilt all right to wear?”

  Perfectly all right in her mind…but she did suppose he might need some shoes and a shirt as well. “Tell you what, we’ll stop off at a shop I know. You can stay in the car, and I’ll run in and grab a couple of things for you.”

  He held out his hand to her, and she accepted it, letting him pull her to standing. “Will ye be wearing that temping cover, then?” He raised his eyebrows suggestively and ran a finger along the collar of her robe, his nail skimming between her still tender breasts.

  Heat rushed through her, settling in her cheeks and the apex of her thighs. Good Lord, she wished she could wear her robe everywhere…

  “I’m going to put my dress back on, but seeing how much you like my panties…” She went to the dresser and lifted out a clean thong, holding it up for him to see. “I’ll wear this underneath.”

  “Ye tempt me just as badly as the fey. Are ye sure ye aren’t magical?”

  Amanda couldn’t help the sigh that escaped her. The man was truly charming. “For you, Camden, I could be anything.”

  Amanda took a deep breath as they entered her bookshop, taking in the familiar scents. Camden walked past her. His masculine aroma wafted over her like a breeze, and now she’d forever have the sm
ell of fresh pine, wool and spice to add to her favorite scents.

  Clad now in a linen shirt, his plaid properly belted into place and a long shaft of it slung over and pinned at his shoulder, he looked every bit a Scottish warrior—minus his weapons. Leather boots covered his muscular shins, ending at the knee, and she licked her lips, wishing he would just strip everything off for her in that one instant. Her body reacted, nipples tightening achingly.

  “’Tis your place?” He gazed around in wonderment, pulling books from the shelves. He flipped through the pages voraciously, like a man who’d tasted a woman’s flesh for the first time. “I canna believe it, Amanda. These books…they are nothing like the ones we have. And look!” His voice rose with excitement as he turned to show her photographs of a garden on one of the pages.

  It struck her suddenly that he would have never seen a photograph before, and the colors and imagery must indeed be mystifying to him.

  “Those are photographs.” She explained about cameras and how people developed pictures.

  “I’m truly amazed. Do ye have one of those?” he asked.

  Amanda laughed aloud, and it occurred to her then just how much fun they could have with her camera. “Yes, I do have a camera. I’ll be happy to show it to you tonight.”

  A forlorn look crossed his face, and he came up close, his boot tips touching the tips of her sandals. He whispered, “Ah, Amanda. If only things were different.”

  Their gazes connected, locked, and they stared deeply into each other’s eyes for what seemed like hours. Nothing was said. Nothing needed to be said. The tension grew thick, palpable. She’d never felt this way before. Not one time in her life had she ever gazed so long into another’s eyes as if viewing their soul and sharing her own.

  Amanda could stand it no longer. She would either burst into confusing tears or melt to the floor in a fluttering heap.

  “Do you like to read?” she asked, breaking their trance.

  “Oh, aye. Until I saw all this,” his hands swept out, “I thought I had a very impressive library.”

  Amanda smiled and giggled at the thought of Camden lounging and reading, all dressed up in warrior garb, battle paint smeared on his cheeks.

  “What do you find so humorous?” His lips quirked into a smile.

  “Just the thought of you preferring books to parrying with swords.”

  He tilted his head back and laughed. “I didna say that, lass! Or at least, don’t tell my men. I do love a good brawl, but God’s truth, I prefer the lighter side of life. Music, books, plays.”

  She nodded. “We’ll get along just fine then, warrior.”

  He came to stand in front of her, his eyes squinting as he studied her. “I’ve never met anyone like ye before. Most of the women in my time are only out for their own good. They want a man to support them or a man to protect them. Not a companion.”

  “Things are different here, now, I suppose. I can support myself. We don’t have the neighboring clans planning a battle. We have hospitals. Women, me included, can take the time to enjoy a man’s company.”

  “And are ye enjoying mine? For however long that may be?” His eyes searched hers, looking for something, but she wasn’t sure what.


  His hand came up, fingertips running along her jaw. “I’m enjoying yours too.”

  His lips came down to touch hers gently, their smoothness a caress to her senses. Why did the kiss have to feel like goodbye? But she knew why. He was telling her without saying the words that he may not be there tonight. His whispered words were a sentiment she chanted wholeheartedly within her own mind. Her emotional reaction confused her. She’d only just met the man, yet here she was, saddened that he may leave.

  Whimpering deep in the back of her throat, she threaded her fingers through his hair and pulled him in closer. She wanted this kiss to last, to mean something. She felt like her heart was breaking, no matter how absurd that sounded. Camden tossed the book he held in one hand to the side, and lifted both of his hands to caress her face and her hair as if he too were trying to memorize her face and remember this moment.

  Emotions seemed to be ruling them as they eagerly kissed one another. Their tongues swirling, stroking, tasting. Desire pumped through her veins, and her body, which already ached for him, cried out to be touched. To be brought once again soaring into heaven.

  Camden skimmed his hands down her arms to her hips and slowly inched her dress up around her waist. The cool air of the bookstore touched the skin of her bottom, sending gooseflesh along her legs—but it was quickly gone with the warmth of Camden’s roving hands. His thumbs hooked into her panties, but he didn’t make a move to remove them. Instead, he lavished her mouth with erotic kisses and pressed his engorged, straining cock against her.

  Amanda couldn’t wait another moment to feel that solid length of flesh inside her again, one last time. And lucky for her, she didn’t have to. She inched his kilt up over his hips until his warm cock lay against the triangle of her panties.

  He growled deep in his chest, tearing his mouth from hers and kissing her from her chin to her collarbone and lower. He took a nipple into his mouth through the fabric of her dress, teasing it relentlessly with his teeth and tongue. All the while she stroked him up and down, thumb curving over the tip. They were frenzied as if they couldn’t get enough of each other, as if this last time they’d come together would be burned forever in their memories. They were starving for each other.

  With a sudden jerk, he ripped the thong from her body, tossing the tattered fabric to the floor, and in that instant, his warm, hard cock met her swollen, wet flesh. They both cried out at the sudden contact.

  Eager for him to be inside her, Amanda lifted a leg around his hip, moaning as the head of his cock slipped between her folds to tease her welcoming slit.

  “I want you inside me,” she murmured, biting his earlobe.

  Camden captured her lips for a searing kiss and lifted her by her arse. She put an arm above her head, grabbing a shelf for leverage as her other hand wove through his hair. He teased her relentlessly, rubbing his cock along the seam of her cleft, tantalizing her with his head.

  “How bad do ye want me, woman?” he murmured against her neck.

  “So bad…”

  “Do I make ye wet?”

  “Oh yes…” Her head fell back as her body tightened, and he rubbed his cock with increasing pressure. His naughty words were driving her wild.

  “Do I make ye pant with wanting?” He nipped at her breasts.

  “Mmm…” Her breathing became erratic as spasms of pleasure shot through her limbs.

  “Come for me, lass. Say my name. I want to hear ye scream it.”

  As if on cue, her body responded to his demands. White heat soared to her center, exploding. “I’m coming! Oh, Camden!”

  As her body shattered—her legs tightening around his hips, her screams echoing off the book stacks—he thrust deep inside her. Tears stung her eyes. But not from pain or even sadness, from the sheer rapture and joy he brought her. He drove in again and again, and her orgasm didn’t stop, only continued like a tidal wave crashing until she was completely delirious with pleasure. His groans, rotating and thrusting hips, were all she knew. She licked and nipped at his neck and shoulder, repeating his name over and over. With one last forceful plunge, his body quaked. He shouted her name as he came, pouring himself inside her.

  They stood panting against the bookshelves, each trying to recover from the frenzied love they’d just made.

  “I never knew a bookstore could be so erotic,” Amanda said with a teasing smile, her forehead resting against his.

  “Ye never met me, angel.” He winked and set her down.

  He didn’t know how true his words were or that she’d never meet a man like him ever again.

  They straightened themselves up, and Amanda excused herself to use the bathroom, only to have to show Camden what the heck a toilet was and have him exclaim over such ingenuity.
br />   When she came back, he was holding up her shredded panties. “I’m guessing ye canna make do with these any longer?”

  She laughed aloud and grasped the lace. “Not likely.” She tossed them into the trash. “But,” she winked seductively, “I have plenty more.”


  Sultry pink and orange shades slashed across the Highland horizon as the sun sank below the surface. A gentle breeze tickled the air and gently lifted Amanda’s hair from her shoulders as she walked beside Camden. She watched as he gazed about the grounds. He murmured his amazement at how much, yet how little, had changed. They hadn’t been able to find anything in the books that would help him to get back to his time, and the only thing they could come up with was roving the grounds and castle themselves to figure it out.

  In just an hour or so, Trish and the dozen or so girls she’d invited would return, and the bachelorette party would begin. Dunvegan was already coming to life. Twinkling lights dangled from the trees in the gardens, and candles within the castle sent glittering light into the courtyard. As she and Camden approached the imposing front doors, they swept open.

  “Miss Bennett, I’ve been looking for ye,” Sophie, the party coordinator, said. She wouldn’t be staying but had come highly recommended for being discreet and knowing just how to set the mood for private parties.

  “Is everything all set up?” Amanda asked.

  Sophie’s gaze roved hungrily over Camden, and Amanda couldn’t help the stab of jealousy that wove its way around her belly.

  “Yes, it is. Come have a look.” She beckoned them inside. “Sophie Leonard,” she said, holding out her hand to Camden.

  He took it firmly in his and kissed her knuckles. Amanda suppressed the catlike growl that pushed up from her throat and instead glanced around the great hall. Sophie truly was a magician!

  “Oh, it’s fabulous.” Amanda twirled in a circle.


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