The Biker's Plaything (Straight to Hell MC Book 1)

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The Biker's Plaything (Straight to Hell MC Book 1) Page 3

by Sam Crescent

  Chapter Three

  Taking her hadn’t been part of the plan, but the one thing Lord was used to was adapting. He knew in his gut killing her wouldn’t bring him any kind of pleasure. Her grip tightened around him and he liked it. He could never tolerate touch—until now. He savored the feel of those thick, juicy thighs holding on to him. It had been a long time since he’d seen a curvy woman like her.

  The current women of the club were slender. Some were nothing more than skin and bone. Just feeling this woman, he knew she was different. It was a gut feeling that had taken him by surprise as soon as he laid eyes on her. There was no denying it.

  His cock hardened at the thought of seeing her naked. He didn’t know what the fuck to do with her.

  When her head rested against his shoulder, he tensed up. He hated being touched, but this … her touch didn’t piss him off. Was she trying to get comfort from him? This chick confused him, no doubt about it. There was no way any woman should ever want to get any kind of anything from him. He was a monster, through and through. He’d learned by pain and suffering himself to never let anyone in.


  That was her name.

  Lord wanted to know more. Every detail. Was Ally short for Allyson, Alysia, something else? For some fucked-up reason, he actually cared to find out.

  He also needed to constantly remind himself that she was the enemy. The daughter of a rat bastard. They weren’t friends.

  Gritting his teeth, he tried not to think about what he really wanted. The moment she’d asked if her father had sold her to him, he’d seen the glint in her eyes. Even as her body had shaken in fear, he knew she was attracted to him, and what was more, she hated herself for it as well.

  Ally needed to learn to keep her mouth shut because she’d given him a wicked idea. Pressing his foot to the gas, he rode all the way back to his clubhouse, which was in the middle of nowhere. Not a single house in sight, which was exactly how he liked it.

  He hated most people and learned at an early age that the world was made up of liars and cheats. He’d simply become the master, and their fates were now in his hands. There were no squeaky-clean people within his world. They were all after something from him, and like always, he had a price.

  Not once did he stop on his journey back home.

  Bobby’s death didn’t bother him. Tying up loose ends was all part of the deal, and Bobby had fucked up big time. He had no doubt that the only reason the cop went out to find this girl was because he was hiding something himself.

  People lied.

  The words were a constant mantra in his head.

  They lied and cheated.

  The gates to the clubhouse were already open. Several club whores were huddled together in a corner. They hadn’t even bothered to grab a jacket to ward off the cold. Mini skirts and revealing tops in case one of the brothers looked their way.

  He cut the engine. “Get off,” he said.

  Ally let him go and he wasn’t surprised when she ended up a heap on the ground, to which the women in the corner laughed.

  “Get lost before I kick your asses out,” he said, yelling so they knew he wasn’t kidding around. Again, he didn’t know why their laughter bothered him. Ally stood up, red-faced, and stared at the ground.

  “I’ve never been on a bike before. It was a new experience.”

  He should have warned her. She’d heard the cop get killed, not to mention the fact she’d been taken against her will, and well, to normal people, it made for a really hard day.

  Lord stared at her for several moments. Her blonde hair was long. He hadn’t gotten too close back at Bobby’s house, but the locks easily fell to her ass, but it wasn’t dull or lank. There were waves, and it looked silky to touch. The jeans and shirt she wore covered up her curves. They weren’t exactly flattering clothes, but what he’d felt up close, well, that had gotten him really interested.

  This shouldn’t be happening to him. He didn’t want a woman in his life, or in any part of his world. It pissed him off to even be thinking about keeping her.

  A virgin.

  He wet his lips. Those were the words she whispered to him. No man had ever touched her. Lord tapped his fingers against his thigh as his men began to arrive. Reaper would have been the one to stay behind to see the end of the job done.

  None of the men stopped to greet him as he stared at Ally, who continued to watch everything.

  He saw her taking it all in like a damn sponge. She was so young and innocent. He didn’t know how Richard had managed to keep a daughter oblivious to the demons of this world. Lord ran a hand down his face, trying to clear the fog from his mind.

  There was no denying what he wanted. Even now, his dick made it perfectly clear what he’d be happy to do.

  Hating how weak he fucking felt at responding to a woman, he grabbed her arm none too gently and marched her through the clubhouse, going straight to his office. A couple of women tried to gain his attention, but one look at his face and they were all scampering away. No one wanted to be in the firing line, and he was ready to cause pain and destruction. He kicked his door closed and released Ally with a shove. She fell against his sofa, and he went straight to his liquor cabinet. A whiskey was what he needed.

  After pouring himself a large shot, he downed it in one go. His body was becoming old and jaded. It didn’t even burn as it slid down anymore. The first time he’d tasted whiskey was when he was fourteen, not long after another beating from his stepfather. He never hit back, at least not that time. No, it had been a couple of weeks later that he’d finally punched the fucker back, and that feeling had given him a giant rush.

  He pushed those thoughts aside and instead focused on the sexy-as-fuck blonde in front of him. She sat, her legs closed, hands resting on her thighs. She looked sweet and kind. He didn’t want to think about kindness, not right now when he wanted to fuck her.

  “Do you want to be mine?” he asked.

  She frowned at him. “You said he didn’t sell me to you.”

  “Didn’t answer my question.”

  “You didn’t answer mine.”

  He threw the glass down and charged at her. She shrank back as he put his hands at either side of her head, trapping her against the sofa. There was nowhere for her to escape, and that was exactly what he wanted. Even though she’d been camped out in Bobby’s trunk all night, she smelled good.

  A virgin.

  Lord couldn’t recall ever meeting such a woman in all of his life. The first time he had sex was with a woman in her thirties who was more than willing to teach a sixteen-year-old how to please a woman. He’d learned fast how to get what he wanted from the opposite sex.

  With Ally in his life now, he wondered if he could have a little toy all to himself. Would she be willing to give herself to him to keep her life?

  She swallowed hard. “You’re scaring me.”

  “Good. I told you I intended to kill you. And look, you’re still breathing.”

  “You think I should be grateful to you for that?”

  He loved the fact she had a spine. No woman had spoken to him like this in a really long time. Stroking a finger down her cheek, he expected her to cower away, but little Ally was full of surprises as she didn’t respond. She glared at him.

  Lord chuckled.

  This was the most entertainment he’d experienced in ages. He sat back on the coffee table as he studied her. “I’ve got a proposition for you.”


  He stared at her for a moment, wondering if he was making the biggest mistake of his life. He wanted to fuck her, sure. Play and toy with her. Push her boundaries and limits, but she was still a woman, and that made him stop. Women were a pain in the ass. They always had an agenda, and he knew women were master manipulators.

  Still, his dick wanted attention. The women who passed themselves around the club were no longer welcome to him. He had no desire to even go near them.

  “How much do you value your life?” he as

  “Is this a trick question?”

  He got up and poured himself another generous shot of whiskey, and he decided to give her one as well. Picking up the small glass, he moved back toward her.

  She grimaced. “I don’t drink.”

  “Bobby picked you up outside of a bar. Don’t fucking lie to me. A virgin you may be, but you drink.”

  She stared at the glass then took it. “I work there, but that doesn’t mean I drink hard liquor.” She leaned forward and placed the full glass on the table. Her hands went back to her thighs.

  He noted her shaking and continued to stand, watching her every move.

  “What do you want from me?”

  “I wanted you dead.”

  “Why? You don’t know me.” She sighed. “I get it. You hated my dead-beat dad and he owed you money and all that, but I’m not him. Do you expect to pay for your father’s sins?”

  “I did.” He pointed at his eye and her face paled. She didn’t need to know that he got the scars from his stepfather. If his own father hadn’t fucked off when his mother was pregnant, maybe things would have gone differently. Maybe not.

  “Oh, I’m so sorry.” Her voice had faded to a whisper. It was the sweetest fucking sound he’d ever heard.

  “Cut the crap. Just tell me what you’d be willing to do to live?”


  She was going to wake up.

  Ally kept on pinching her thigh, hoping the bad dream that felt very, very fucking real would fade and she’d go back to being normal again. Maybe she’d passed out in the cold and was in a hospital bed right now.

  The sharp bursts of pain weren’t helping.

  She gritted her teeth.

  “Answer me!” His growl cut through her prayers and she stood up for the first time.

  Her heart raced, and she felt a little sick from how scary he was acting. She wanted to slap him, but instead, with her hands clenched, she frowned at him. “I don’t want to die. I don’t think it’s right that you would dare to expect me to pay because my dad is an asshole. I already got the memo on how bad he is, was, and I know you’ve killed him. So what? You did me a favor.”

  Shut up, Ally. This is why you always get into trouble. Why you’ve lost several jobs. She struggled to get her emotions into check. It was embarrassing, and right now, it wasn’t exactly helping her cause.

  Lord reached out and grabbed her around the neck with one hand. He pinned her up against the wall. For a few seconds, she thought he was going to choke her, but he didn’t hold her tightly enough. There was no reason to even claw at his arms.

  “We are all fucking pawns to the sins of our parents. I can’t trust you, Ally. You’re a liability.”

  “You made me one. I hadn’t spoken to him in months, if not years. He hated me.” She gripped his wrist, hoping in some way she’d be able to stop him from killing her. It was laughable for her to even believe she could try to stop a powerhouse like him.

  He was bigger, stronger, harder. She didn’t hurt anyone or anything, while Lord killed without remorse. His reputation preceded him.

  “You’re starting to irritate me,” he said.

  “And you’re not exactly my favorite person. Actually, you’re an asshole, too.” She pursed her lips together, expecting him to choke her to death, only, he smiled.

  He pressed his entire body against her.

  His cock.

  Oh, my. She felt it flush to her stomach and she tensed up. Her was pussy soaked through. How was it possible to be aroused by this man when she hated him with every single fiber of her being? He was horrible, an unforgiving bully. Yet, here she was, her virgin body betraying her.

  She hoped he wouldn’t notice.

  Lord smirked. “I bet you’re soaking wet for me right now.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “No?” The hand on her throat moved, and before she realized what was happening, his hand was inside her pants, touching her bare pussy. The jeans she wore were loose, as were her panties. She’d lost some weight due to the fact she couldn’t afford much food, and she didn’t have the funds to buy new clothes either.

  There was a time her clothes had been too tight.

  Not anymore.

  She closed her eyes, mortified as he felt how wet she was. His dominance aroused her even more, when it should have sickened her. She’d never bowed down to a man, not even her father. She wasn’t a pushover, and yet here she was with a total stranger threatening her life, and she was panting for more.

  This wasn’t her. Or was it?

  “So, my little virgin, you think this is you not being wet?” He chuckled as he rubbed his nose against her cheek, going around to her neck and biting down on her pulse. The sharp bite of his teeth felt so good. “I bet I could have you riding my dick like a good little slut.”

  She moaned.

  Damn him.

  “You’re not saying stop.”

  She wanted to. Her lips opened to scream the word, but he did something magical over her clit. She’d touched herself many times, but she hadn’t been able to make it feel this good. What was he doing to her? This was better than anything she’d ever experienced.

  All of a sudden, the pleasure was gone.

  Ally opened her eyes and her mouth parted as he put his fingers to his own and licked her right off him.

  “You know, Ally, I’ve got a proposition for you.”

  She couldn’t even think, and he wanted to negotiate. She didn’t have the first clue how to react right now. All she wanted to do was take his hand and shove it right back into her panties, but that wasn’t right. She wasn’t a whore.

  “What do you want?” she asked.

  Where she was able to find the words was beyond her. Talking wasn’t exactly in her wheelhouse right now. He took her hand and moved her back toward the sofa.

  She let out a little gasp as his door was suddenly rattled and shouting could be heard from beyond, but no one came in.

  He picked up her glass of whiskey and swallowed it down. He’d taken three shots and still looked normal. No signs of him appearing tipsy or the alcohol going to his head. Working in a bar, she’d watched men turn nasty from drinking.

  “Do you want to live?” he asked.

  “You know I do.” She had so much to live for. It was corny, but she wanted the four kids, a husband, a beautiful home, many dogs and cats, rabbits as well. Living with nothing and no one, she wanted it all.

  Dying because of her father wasn’t an option, not for her. He hadn’t been worth the time to even mourn. She knew it made her a bad person to think that, but she was more than glad he was dead.

  The smile he gave her didn’t exactly make her feel safe or happy.

  “I’ll allow you to live, but in return…” He stopped and kept on looking at her. Ally didn’t interrupt. She knew whatever he was thinking couldn’t be good. Nibbling on her bottom lip, she waited. Her nerves picked up with every passing second. “Your body is mine to do with as I please.”

  She wasn’t expecting that. “Excuse me?”

  “I want you to be my fuck toy.”

  Silence rang out.

  A fuck toy?

  Ally couldn’t believe she’d heard him right, but with the way he looked at her, there was no mistaking his meaning. He knew what he wanted.

  Avoiding his gaze, she stared down at her hands. She’d been pressing her nails into the flesh of her thighs. The sharp bite of pain made her stop.

  “You … you, want to have sex with me?” she asked. She didn’t dare look up.


  He reached out, his finger going to her chin. He tilted her head back so she had no choice but to look at him. He didn’t allow her to take an inch.

  “Yes. What I want, Ally, is for you to be mine. Your tits, ass, and pussy, they’re all mine. You’ll be at my beck and call. You won’t work. I keep odd hours, so where I go, you’ll go. No one else is allowed to touch you. You’re going to be mine
to use.”

  She licked her lips.

  “Don’t make any mistake. I’m not offering you love or a lifetime. When I’m done with you and bored, you can go.”

  “Just like that?”

  “You value your life, so you won’t run to the cops.”

  She wouldn’t rat. They’d already killed a cop right in front of her, so they’d have no problem doing it again or killing her. She wasn’t an idiot. Even if he was to let her leave now, she wouldn’t even tell her best friend what she’d witnessed. She thought about Becky.

  “I have … my friend, Becky. She’ll probably be worried about me. We’ve gotten close the past couple of years. She’d notice if I disappeared.”

  Lord grabbed his cell phone. “Give me her details.”

  She nibbled on her lip.

  “Ally, I either kill you tonight, or you get to live. Also, if you don’t make the right choice, your friend will be on the kill list as well.”

  She gave him all the details. “You promise you won’t hurt her?”

  “I don’t have a reason to.” He clicked his cell phone. “But I can make sure it looks like you just took off. Fickle young girls do it every day.”

  Ally shook her head. “No, you don’t understand. Becky won’t believe that.”

  “For your sake, you better hope she does.” He put his cell phone down. “I take it we have a deal?”

  She had never belonged to anyone. There was a long list of things she hadn’t done in her life. Never dated. Never been kissed. Sloppy gropes from customers didn’t count, not even for a second. But sex with this man terrified her. He’d rip her apart, take everything she valued away from her. She’d be like one of the whores lurking around the entrance to the club, and that wasn’t who she was.

  “I agree, but I have conditions!” She spoke fast, holding her hand up as if in surrender.

  “You’re a woman. I didn’t expect anything less.”

  He sounded bitter. Already Lord judged her based on the women he’d been with before. Ally was certain he’d never been with anyone like her.

  “I can’t get pregnant,” she said. “I’m not on the pill, so you’re going to have to use condoms.”


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