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Closure Page 12

by A. P. Jensen

  “The only thing that matters to Brent is money and Callie will do what she’s told. Brent needs me more than a stupid secretary.”

  Juliet’s heartbeat thumped in her ears. “Callie is Brent’s sister, asshole. You won’t touch her again.”

  Freddy laughed. “Callie’s mine and you… I’ll fuck you right in front of her. Nobody stops me from getting what I want. The Grants do what Gray says and I have Gray’s ear, you understand?”

  Juliet’s fist connected with his jaw. Freddy tumbled off his stool and moaned as he cradled his jaw.

  “You bitch! Neither Brent nor Gray wants anything to do with you. Aren’t you the reason Annie Grant slit her wrists?”

  Juliet unleashed the full force of her fury when she kicked him in the face with Maile’s cowboy boots. Freddy’s head snapped back and a tooth went flying. Juliet straddled his abdomen and punched him in the face with every ounce of strength she had. She got in three solid hits before someone jerked her off of Freddy. Juliet managed to stomp Freddy’s thigh before she went airborne. The arm around her stomach knocked the breath out of her. The man walked through the kitchen and out the back door before he released her. Juliet whirled and opened her mouth to yell, but Hunter beat her to it.

  “What the fuck are you doing?”

  If she wasn’t so angry, she would have backed away. Instead, she went nose to nose with him. The past two days roiled around inside of her. The confrontation with Gray and Brent, her unstable finances, finding Callie helpless and battered and now she faced off with her half-brother who couldn’t care less that they shared the same blood. Juliet was so enraged, she felt as if she could crush stone with her bare hands.

  “Answer me before I call the cops,” Hunter clipped.

  “He beat Callie!” Juliet shouted, voice full of rage and despair. She felt a rush of tears and knew he saw them before she dropped her eyes. She was shaking all over and now that she was thinking coherently, her hand throbbed like a bitch. Had she broken something?

  “Is she all right?” Hunter asked.

  “She will be.”

  “The baby?”

  “Fine.” She tipped her chin at him. “Are you going to call the cops?”

  Hunter shook his head.

  “I have to talk to Brent. Freddy thinks he won’t do shit to him. I need to know what I’m up against.” Juliet tried to flex her hand as she rambled. Hunter didn’t give a shit about her or the Grants, but she was glad he wouldn’t call the cops on her. She didn’t have time to answer their questions. Juliet tried to rein in her emotions which scattered in every direction. She hadn’t been this out of control since the night Annie died.

  “Get out of here. I’ll deal with this fucker,” Hunter said in such ominous tones that she blinked.

  Hunter walked inside. Juliet glanced down at her hands and shirt smeared with blood. Fucking bully. Freddy picked on someone smaller, who wouldn’t put up a fight. He didn’t know how to deal with a woman who fought back.

  Juliet drove onto the Grant estate with a jittery stomach. A private driveway led up to a white mansion that glinted in the setting sun. Juliet shook away the nightmares that rumbled around in her mind and walked up the steps, determined to hash this out. Juliet didn’t bother to knock. She opened the door and stepped onto plush carpet. The polished double staircase flanked by metal sculptures greeted her. Juliet had an image of the stairs covered in blood… Juliet abruptly turned towards the open office doors. The office that Gray ran his empire from was now occupied by Brent and Scarlet. They were crouched behind a computer screen.

  “What the hell are you doing here?” Brent demanded.

  “Is that blood?” Scarlet asked and then, “Whose is it, Juliet? Don’t tell me you murdered someone.”

  “From whore to murderer? Make up your mind, Scarlet,” Juliet said.

  “What did you do?” Brent asked, spine ramrod straight. “We’re not going to bail you out of something you’ve done wrong.”

  Juliet threw up her hands. “Will you two get your heads out of your asses? If you weren’t so busy trying to expand Gray’s empire, you’d have noticed what was happening right in front of you every damn day.”

  “What are you talking about?” Scarlet tapped her stiletto impatiently.

  Juliet held up her bloody knuckles. “I beat Freddy.”

  Scarlet and Brent glanced at each other.


  Juliet couldn’t stay still. She began to pace the office that was the setting for nightmares that haunted her till this day. Being here in this house, knowing that the room where Annie committed suicide was just upstairs made every hair on her body stand up. She had a hard time drawing in a proper breath. Was she having a panic attack? She didn’t have time for that.

  “I called Callie a couple of times today and she didn’t answer. I went over to the house. It was trashed, glass everywhere. I found her in the bathroom. She was beaten so badly, she couldn’t even open her eyes.”

  Scarlet’s mouth dropped open. “You’re lying.”

  Juliet grabbed a paperweight off the desk and threw it. Scarlet dodged and stood behind Brent who started shouting.

  “This has been happening for years!” Juliet roared. “How could you not know? She works with you.”

  They both fell silent.

  “Callie thinks you’ll choose Freddy and the company over her. That’s why she never spoke up!” Her chest heaved. “Why would she think that?”

  Scarlet was paper white and visibly shaken, but Juliet’s eyes were fixed on Brent. His expression revealed nothing.

  “I went to the bar to confront Freddy. He’s just as sure as Callie is that you won’t fire him because of the money he brings in.” She walked forward and slapped her hand on the desk. “Prove him wrong.”

  “Why do you care?” Brent asked.

  Those damn tears flooded her eyes again. “She’s my sister.”

  A muscle ticked in Brent’s jaw.

  “If you don’t fire Freddy and Callie means nothing to you, I’m staying permanently,” Juliet declared.

  Brent’s eyes narrowed.

  “I can always make money. I’ll stay and take care of her and the baby without your help. Or, after the baby is born I’ll move her to the mainland.” She waited, but neither said a peep. “I’m going to persuade her to get a divorce and I’ll do whatever it takes to keep Freddy away from her.” She willed them to say something, to give her hope that she wasn’t fighting Freddy and the Grants who had a fortune to reinforce whatever outcome they wanted. “I don’t care how you feel about me, but Callie’s innocent.”

  With that, Juliet turned and slammed out of the office. She had to get away from here. Once outside, she wiped her eyes and got into the bug. She paused when she saw Scarlet trying to run in stilettos towards her.

  “Where is she?” Scarlet asked.

  “Maile’s. I’m heading there now,” Juliet said.

  “I’ll follow you.”

  Scarlet got into her BMW. Weak with relief, Juliet rested her head on the steering wheel. She had Scarlet. They didn’t have the best relationship, but Scarlet’s support meant something. At least she wasn’t completely alone.

  When they pulled up to Maile’s house, there were no lights on. Juliet led Scarlet down the hallway to the guest bedroom and was relieved to find Callie still asleep. Scarlet let out a horrified gasp. Callie looked gruesome in the dim light. Scarlet sank to her knees beside the bed and gently brushed a finger over Callie’s cheek.

  “I’m sorry,” Scarlet whispered.

  “How could you not know?” Juliet hissed.

  “She’s sick a lot. She hasn’t been the same since Mom…”

  “That’s no excuse.”

  Scarlet nodded. “I know.”


  Juliet whirled and saw Brent standing in the doorway. He pushed past her and stood over Callie for a long minute. Scarlet looked up at him and Juliet held her breath as they waited for the verdict. Brent turned
towards Juliet. Banked rage kindled in his eyes.

  “How much damage did you do to Freddy?” Brent asked.

  Not sure where this was going she said, “I think I broke his nose and knocked out a tooth.”

  Brent nodded once. Juliet clenched her hands into fists.

  “Are you going to fire him?” she demanded.

  Brent gave her a killing glance that reassured her that he wasn’t completely like Gray. Juliet sagged against the wall as Brent decreed, “Callie’s coming with me.”

  “Why you?” Scarlet argued. “That will be the first place Freddy will look for her!”

  “Let him come,” Brent said.

  Juliet was delighted by the venom in his voice. She had no doubt Brent would make her beating look like child’s play. Seeing his wrath focused on Freddy nearly made her forget the late night visit he paid her the night before.

  “This is gonna be the fastest divorce in history. I’ll make sure of it,” Brent continued.

  “What about his rights to the baby?” Scarlet asked.

  “We’ll take pictures of her as she is right now. It’s gonna be damn hard for him to get access to the child.” Brent paused and the CEO made a reappearance. “I have to replace him. Scarlet, we have to go over previous applicants.”

  Juliet let out a disgusted sound. “You’re an idiot.”

  “Excuse me?” Brent said frostily.

  “Promote Scarlet.”

  “She’s a woman!” Brent said and Scarlet flushed.

  “Like I said, you’re an idiot. Scarlet could take your place as CEO! She knows just as much about the company as you. She’s more of a partner than your secretary. Only Gray thinks women should be secretaries. Welcome to the twenty-first century, jackass!”

  Juliet left the bedroom before she started yelling. She went to the kitchen, iced her knuckles and looked for pain killers. Brent and Scarlet argued in the bedroom. She hoped they didn’t wake Callie.

  The front door banged open and Bennie walked in with Maile in his arms. They had their lips locked and Maile’s silk blouse was already unbuttoned. Maile directed Bennie’s lips to her throat so she could talk.

  “What’s going on? There’s a lot of cars in front,” Maile said breathlessly.

  “We’re having a family meeting,” Juliet said.

  Maile gave her the thumbs up as Bennie carried her into her bedroom. A moment later, the door slammed. Juliet sat at the table and buried her face in her hands. She couldn’t stop shaking.


  Juliet looked up and saw Callie cradled in Brent’s arms. Callie stared solemnly at Juliet. She couldn’t tell whether Callie was happy or pissed. Seeing Callie being held so protectively against Brent’s chest stirred up a flurry of conflicting emotions that she ignored.

  “I’m going to take her to my place, get a doctor to look at her. If you want to see her, you’re welcome.” Brent shifted uncomfortably. “If you come, let me know ahead of time so I can get Dad out of the house.”

  “He lives there?” It never occurred to her that Brent and Gray lived in the mansion together. God, she could have run into him. The thought made her cold with fear.

  Brent frowned. “Of course.”

  Juliet looked at Callie. “Call me if you need me.”

  “Thanks, Juliet,” Callie mumbled.

  Brent gave her a hard look before he walked out of the house with Callie. Scarlet followed with Callie’s suitcase. Juliet stood on the porch and watched Brent and Scarlet drive away. She rolled her shoulders and wandered back into the house. She needed a drink despite the fact that you shouldn’t mix pills and booze. She located a Crown Royal bottle as Maile began to moan. Juliet tried to ignore it, but when the dirty talk started, she gave up. She poured a glass and settled on Nana’s rocking chair on the porch. Everything would be okay, right? Brent and Scarlet would take care of Callie and she was off the hook. This was a good thing… Then why didn’t she feel relieved? She felt empty, cold and restless.

  Juliet tensed at the sound of an approaching engine. Freddy? Juliet rose from the rocking chair and relaxed when she recognized the truck. Juliet leaned against the house and watched Dominick stroll towards the porch. He didn’t stop until he was less than a foot from her. He braced his hands on either side of her while she stared up at him.

  “You didn’t answer your phone,” he said.

  “Oh.” She couldn’t remember where it was. “It must be in the car.”

  “I was going to take you to dinner. What are you doing out here?” Dominick asked.

  “They’re loud.”

  “Who’s loud?”

  “Maile and Bennie.”

  Dominick’s mouth crooked at the corner.

  “It’s not funny. I think they’re roleplaying.”

  Juliet wasn’t prepared for Dominick to bury his face in her hair and draw her against him.

  “Poor baby,” he teased.

  Juliet didn’t push him away. The feel of him, big and strong made her want to burrow against him. Warmth seeped through the material of his shirt, inviting her to move closer. She let herself rest against him because she was physically and emotionally drained.

  “You shouldn’t be here,” she said against his chest. He smelled fantastic.

  “You seem happy to see me.”

  She wouldn’t address that. “I’m hungry.” She wasn’t sure where the whiny tone came from.

  “I can make something at my place,” he said. “Pack your stuff. You can spend the night.”


  “You want to listen to Maile and Benny all night?” he asked.

  “No, but—”

  Dominick brushed her hair back from her face. “Don’t think. There’s plenty of room at my house. You don’t have to sleep with me if that’s what you’re worried about.”


  “I’ll feed you,” Dominick promised.

  That shut her up.

  When they walked into the house, she paused on the threshold, waiting to hear a scream or groan, but it was silent.

  “Intermission,” Juliet whispered and Dominick snickered.

  Juliet grabbed the paper bag of toiletries she had yet to use and pulled her clothes from the line. She tossed everything into the bug and paused. “I don’t know if this is smart.” She could barely think straight, but she was pretty sure she shouldn’t be going to Dominick’s house. Hadn’t she warned him away? Yet, here he was.

  Dominick examined her face in the faint light. “What’s wrong?”

  “I had a long day,” she sighed. The pill and drink went a long ways to numbing the pain in her hand.

  “I have the ingredients to put something together at home, then you can sleep.”

  That sounded so good that she couldn’t think of a comeback. Also, she didn’t want to be alone. Against all odds, she trusted Dominick. It didn’t make sense, but then again, nothing did anymore. “Okay.”

  Juliet followed Dominick’s truck down Maile’s driveway and found her cell on the passenger seat. She texted Maile that she’d be at Dominick’s and to call the cops if Freddy showed up. Maybe it was a good thing Maile brought Bennie home tonight. If there was trouble, she had backup.

  Juliet parked on Dominick’s driveway and wondered what the hell she was doing. Dominick parked in the garage and left the front door open for her. Juliet carried her sad paper bag of toiletries and clothes into his gorgeous home and paused in the foyer. The ground floor had a living room, kitchen and three guest rooms. She climbed the stairs to the second level, which had the master bedroom, two guest rooms, a spacious kitchen and covered deck. Dominick stood by the stove, chopping vegetables.

  “Take a shower,” he advised, gesturing to the master bedroom.

  “I-I don’t have pajamas,” she said. She intended to use something from Maile’s closet.

  Dominick paused and looked at her. “You can use one of my shirts.”

  “I washed the shirt I borrowed. You don’t mind?”

/>   “No.”

  He went back to chopping and she went into the familiar master bedroom where she woke up after the wedding. Juliet took a shower and had to wash her hair with her left hand since her right was swollen and hurting like a bitch. It was the longest day in history. All she wanted was to lay down and go to sleep, but the pain killers and whisky weren’t settling well in her stomach. She had to eat something. How could she be exhausted and amped at the same time? When she came out of the bathroom, Dominick was finishing up an amazing pasta dish. He’d showered and changed at some point today. He looked comfortable in the kitchen and once more, unperturbed by her presence, as if she was a regular houseguest. Juliet sat on a stool and watched him systematically cook.

  “You look beat,” he said.

  She sighed. “I am.”

  He slid her a plate of pasta and vegetables and sat beside her. “Tell me about it.”

  Juliet’s hand trembled as she tried to grip her fork. “I don’t know where to start.”

  Dominick’s fork clattered to his plate. A moment later, his hand cradled hers. The base of her ring and middle finger were bruised. Her knuckles were scraped raw.

  “What the hell happened?” Dominick demanded.

  Juliet’s hand trembled in his. His thumb brushed over the back of her hand. His gentle caress made her want to cry. She tried to snatch her hand away, but Dominick wouldn’t let her.

  “Talk to me, Juliet. Did Brent—”

  “No.” Knowing how insane she was going to sound she said, “I beat Freddy.”

  “He hit on you again?”

  “No, he didn’t get a chance.”

  “What happened?”

  Juliet stared at his big hand cradling hers with such care. “Callie wouldn’t answer my call so I went to her house to make sure she was okay.” Her chest was tight as she remembered Callie lying lifeless on the bathroom floor, so like Annie. “Freddy beat Callie.”

  Dominick tensed. “What?”

  Juliet jerked her hand out of his and took a deep breath and then another. Where the hell was her composure, the ice that encased her heart and got her through the past fifteen years? Juliet closed her eyes as she tried to keep the tide of anger and sorrow contained.


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