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Closure Page 26

by A. P. Jensen

  That was true. At least there was one good thing that came out of her coming back to Hawaii.

  They lay side by side in bed, not touching and that empty hole in her chest got bigger. Dominick shoved himself out of bed and a moment later, the shower went on again. Did he feel dirty by association? More tears leaked out of the corner of her eye. Now that her face was numb, she felt a little better. She fell asleep planning her trip back to Seattle.

  Juliet was about to turn the key in the ignition of the bug when her phone rang. It was three in the morning and it took every ounce of skill she possessed to get out of the house without waking Dominick. Juliet glanced at the name on the phone and hesitated before she answered.

  “You okay?”

  “No,” Callie said.

  Juliet tensed. “What’s wrong?”

  “My contractions are seven minutes apart.”

  “What?” Juliet shouted.

  “I’m at the cottage. Can you pick me up?”

  “Be there in a minute.”

  Her escape plan was foiled, but she was too caught up in fear and panic to care. When she pulled up to the cottage, her headlights touched on Callie who stood outside with a bag over one shoulder and a maxi dress. Juliet dashed out of the car and ran to her.

  “You okay?” Juliet asked, taking the bag.

  “Yes. Scarlet told me Dominick wouldn’t let them see you,” Callie said.

  Juliet waved her hand dismissively. She didn’t want to talk about that. “Did your water break?”

  “No, but that’s not uncommon. My contractions started yesterday, during all that drama.”

  “You think it was the stress?” Juliet asked, alarmed.

  “I don’t know. I’m just relieved it’s happening.” Callie settled into her seat with an excited smile on her face.

  Juliet got into the driver’s seat and gripped the wheel. “Not that I want you to freak out, but why are you so calm?”

  “Because Dawn will be here soon.”


  “You know, a new day,” Callie smiled and rubbed her stomach. “I finally spoke up and it felt good. I had a dream about Mom last night. She said she was proud of me and this was a new beginning for me. I can live the life I want. She said I can be happy.”

  Juliet swallowed hard. “That’s a beautiful name.”

  Callie reached over and rubbed Juliet’s arm. “Are you okay?”

  Juliet’s eyes filled with tears. “Yeah.”

  “You aren’t,” Callie said decisively, sounding more like Scarlet than the wallflower she’d always been. “They have a right to know, Juliet. Neither of us could stop Gray, but Brent will.”

  Juliet said nothing.

  “You told Dominick everything?”

  “I didn’t have a choice, not when my face looks like this.”

  “He punched Brent.”

  Juliet whipped her head to the side. “What?”

  “According to Scarlet, Dominick opened the door, saw them standing there and lunged at Brent. He got him in the stomach before Brent swung back. Randy broke it up before it got out of hand.”

  “Scarlet’s husband was there?” Juliet groaned.

  “They all know, even Lee and Moana.”

  “Why did you—?” Juliet began harshly and then realized she shouldn’t be yelling at a woman in labor. She clenched her teeth and drove.

  “They deserve to know,” Callie repeated.

  “No, they don’t.”

  “Yes, they do,” Callie argued.

  “I don’t want to talk about this,” Juliet said, voice tortured.

  “It. Is. Not. Your. Fault.”

  “Callie, stop.”

  “No—” Callie broke off and hunched over her, hands splayed over her stomach.

  “What? What is it? Are you having a contraction?” Juliet urged the old car to go faster. She was sure that at any moment her niece would be born on the sandy floorboard of the car.

  Callie said nothing for the longest minute ever and then she relaxed and leaned her head back. Juliet reached over and rubbed her shoulder.

  “You okay?”

  Callie smiled. “Yup, my baby girl is coming and you’re here with me. I can do this.”

  Juliet pulled up in front of the emergency room and in short order had Callie in a wheelchair filling out paperwork. She parked, dug around in the back seat for a hat and grabbed Callie’s overnight bag. She joined Callie in the emergency room and was startled to see Maile dozing off in a chair. Juliet prodded her in the shoulder. She came awake with a start.

  “What are you doing here?” Juliet asked.

  Maile blinked. “What the hell happened to you?”


  Maile shot up from her seat. “I’m gonna kill that motherfucker!”

  “Maile, I’m fine.”

  “You are not fine! If you don’t tell Brent and Scarlet, I will!”

  “They already know,” Callie said and wheeled herself over. “Are you okay, Maile? What are you doing here?”

  “This guy I was doing OD’d on Viagra.” Maile shrugged and looked from Callie in the wheelchair to Juliet. “What are you two doing here?”

  “I’m in labor,” Callie chirped with a blinding smile.

  “Do you think this is normal?” Juliet muttered to Maile.

  “Isn’t she supposed to be screaming?” Maile asked under her breath.

  “She’s freaking me out.”

  “Where’s Scarlet? She’s done this, like, fifty times,” Maile said.

  “I know, right? Callie doesn’t want her here because she did her births au naturel and Callie might get an epidural. By the way, I have no idea what the hell I’m doing.”

  “You’re it?” Maile asked in disbelief and snorted. “Good luck.”

  “Hey, Maile, are you off today?” Callie asked sweetly.

  Maile hesitated. “Yeah.”

  “Will you come too?”

  Maile paled. “I, uh—”

  “I’d really appreciate it.”

  “But I’m—”

  “I need all the support I can get,” Callie said.

  Maile looked at Juliet. “Okay, but, I’m not looking.”

  Ten hours later, Maile and Juliet hovered over Callie who had Dawn on her chest. Callie was smiling and Dawn’s little eyelids flickered as she tried to open her eyes. Maile and Juliet were exhausted, but grimly triumphant.

  “We had a baby,” Maile whispered and waved her hand as her eyes filled with tears. “I can’t believe it. I can’t believe I’m gonna say this, but I’m glad that guy OD’d on Viagra and I was in the emergency room when you came in.”

  “Thanks, guys,” Callie said and ran her hand down Dawn’s cheek. “She’s perfect.”

  “She is,” Juliet agreed.

  The past ten hours were a blur of adrenaline, terror and worry. Callie’s labor was fine in the beginning. The nurses installed them into a private hospital room (thank God) and Maile and Juliet rubbed Callie’s shoulders as her contractions came and went. Juliet had a newfound respect for Callie who never lashed out or cursed Freddy for what she was going through. Callie breathed through every contraction, sometimes gripping one of their arms and cutting off blood circulation, but then she’d let go, apologize and rest until the next contraction.

  To Juliet’s disgruntlement, the nurses insisted that she be checked out as well. Her face looked worse today. When the doctor probed for details, Juliet blatantly lied and felt Maile and Callie’s intense disapproval. The doctor said she had a mild concussion and to take it easy for the next couple of days.

  Maile monitored the door and made sure no Grants interfered during labor or delivery. Juliet was dimly aware of Brent and Scarlet trying to barge in. Juliet wasn’t sure what Maile said to make them go away, but she managed just fine, which was a great feat.

  The third and most intense part of Callie’s labor was quick, much to Juliet and Maile’s relief. Callie handled it like a champ and within a half hour, Dawn
was in the doctor’s arms, screaming her head off. Juliet cut the umbilical cord and placed Dawn on Callie’s chest where she instantly quieted.

  “I have another niece,” Juliet whispered and choked.

  “Stop being such a pussy,” Maile sniffled.

  “Will you be one of her godmothers?” Callie asked.

  Maile’s mouth dropped and then she turned away with her hands on hips as she tried to compose herself. Juliet beamed and wrapped her arms around her friend.

  Maile was overcome with emotion. “I’d be honored.”

  Callie nodded and settled back against the pillows. “After you guys help me look like I breezed through this, let Scarlet in. I have makeup in my overnight bag.”

  While Maile got to work, Juliet stared at her niece. Dawn was pink, perfect and petite at six pounds, nine ounces. Dawn had Scarlet and Callie’s signature lips and slept with her fingers curled into Callie’s skin. Juliet was mesmerized and humbled by the whole experience.

  “Done!” Maile announced.

  Callie was glowing. Maile fixed her hair into a side braid and enhanced her eyes, which were shining. Callie’s cheeks were rosy and her complexion flawless. Juliet realized that she had never seen Callie so happy.

  Juliet hugged Callie and whispered, “I love you.”

  “Love you too,” Callie said and grabbed her arm. “Don’t leave without talking to Dominick.”

  Before Juliet could respond, Maile opened the door. The Grant siblings and their other halves filed into the room, loaded with balloons, baskets, stuffed animals and more. The in laws converged on Callie while her siblings approached her. Juliet wondered if they’d planned this method of attack because it was done so smoothly that she didn’t recognize the danger until it was too late. Her grim siblings eyed her bruises for several beats.

  “You should have told us,” Brent began in a hard voice.

  “I didn’t know if you’d believe me,” Juliet said.

  Another pause and Brent drew himself up to his full height.

  “Maybe not,” he admitted, “but finding out fifteen years later is worse.”

  “Brent called me yesterday after you left. We were all there when Dad confessed to everything with Callie’s help,” Lee said.

  Juliet shifted, waiting for the other shoe to drop.

  “He’s gone,” Brent said.

  Juliet jerked. “What?”

  “I recorded his confession. He signed his remaining shares in Grant Shipping to me. After that, I sent him to his home in the Bahamas.” Brent’s eyes glittered. “I don’t trust him around my kids. He’s been assigned a therapist and nurse to monitor him.”

  Juliet was stunned. “Oh.”

  “You let us believe you were responsible for Mom’s death,” Brent said, voice gruff. “Why?”

  “It is my fault.”

  “No,” Scarlet snapped, speaking up for the first time. “It wasn’t. You wanted the truth. It was what we all would have done. Daddy pushed Mom for years and that was the last straw. It was just… easier to blame you.”

  Lee ran a hand through his hair. “What a fucking mess. I’m sorry, Juliet.”

  “It’s okay.”

  Brent shook his head. “No. Dominick was right to take a swing at me yesterday. Even if you weren’t blood,” he gave her a hot-tempered look, “which you are, I had no right to say what I did to you. Dad drummed it into me that you were a brat, that you were money hungry. Shit, if anyone deserves the company, it’s you.”

  Juliet took a step back. “No, I don’t.”

  “You have the largest share in Grant Shipping. We all agreed last night,” Brent decreed. “You can be as active as you want in the company.”

  “I don’t want anything from the company,” Juliet said.

  “Well, it’s your inheritance, then.”

  “I don’t want an inheritance.”

  “Then we’ll put it aside for your kids.”

  “I’m not going to have—”

  “Will you shut up? Jesus,” Brent swore. “You make me crazy. I should give Dom a medal.”

  “He’s not involved in this,” Juliet said.

  Brent raised a brow and drawled, “I must have imagined his fist in my stomach then.”

  “And the way he shoved us against the wall in the hallway a few minutes ago,” Lee said with a grin.

  Juliet’s stomach dropped. “He’s here?”

  “Just so you know, he has people manning all the exits,” Scarlet said with a wicked smile. “Running isn’t gonna work this time.”

  “What does he want from me?” Juliet muttered. “I’m not relationship material, look who my mom is.”

  “What the hell does that mean?” Scarlet demanded.

  “My mom was an underage prostitute,” she said slowly in case they missed that, “and I'm just like her.”

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t know you were a prostitute and got pregnant at fourteen and sixteen,” Scarlet said sarcastically.

  Juliet scowled. “I didn’t, but—”

  “And I didn’t know you lived off a sugar daddy.”

  “Well, I’m not exactly like her, but—”

  “You’re not like Margaret… or Nora for that matter,” Brent said decisively as if his word was law.

  “Holy shit, Hunter’s your half-brother. Is that why he was at the beach?” Lee broke in. “Does he know?”

  Juliet rubbed the space between her brows. It was probably time for another pain killer. “Yes, he’s always known.”


  An uncomfortable silence fell in which they all shuffled their feet.

  “In case you don’t get it yet, we’re sorry, for everything.” A muscle ticked in Brent’s jaw and he swallowed hard. “Fuck, I don’t know how to make it up to you. What can I do?”

  Juliet’s eyes filled with tears. “You just did it.”

  Brent hugged her tight. Juliet couldn’t stop the tears that fell from her eyes. Scarlet and Lee pressed in and then Randy, Trina and Moana joined in. Juliet was in the middle of the best huddle in the history of mankind.

  “I can’t take this,” Juliet heard Maile say as she left.

  “We’re gonna make it through this,” Brent decreed. “We stand together.”

  “Yes, sir,” Juliet said to lighten the mood and Scarlet pinched her.

  “You’re ruining the moment,” Scarlet grumbled.

  “Do you want me to bawl my eyes out?” Juliet demanded.

  “No,” Brent and Lee said together and stepped back.

  Moana and Trina pushed forward to hug and reassure Juliet that everything was going to be okay.

  “Okay,” Brent said and surreptitiously wiped his eyes. “Where’s my niece?”

  As everyone converged on Callie, Juliet met her eyes through the crowd. Juliet mouthed a silent, ‘thank you’ and Callie nodded. Juliet and Scarlet stood apart from the adults admiring Dawn.

  “I’m so sorry,” Scarlet whispered. “I—”

  “It’s done,” Juliet said.

  Scarlet nodded and said, “You have a visitor.”

  Juliet didn’t have to look to know who stood in the doorway. She was too cowardly to move. She wasn’t surprised when Dominick grasped her hand and marched her out of the hospital room. He twined their hands together and walked through the hospital. People caught sight of her face looked at Dominick in fear.

  Juliet sensed Dominick’s anger, but it didn’t translate to his grip on her. They passed Maile who looked delighted to see Dominick’s forbidding expression. Dominick led her to his truck. She didn’t argue as she belted herself in. She didn’t look at him as he started the truck and drove to his house. The garage door closed behind them, enclosing them in semi-darkness. He made no move to get out of the truck. He turned towards her on the bench seat as she stared straight ahead.

  “This isn’t a replay of fifteen years ago where you take off without a word to anyone.”

  Juliet swallowed hard.

  “I’ve tried to show
you what kind of man I am.”

  “This doesn’t have anything to do with you,” she whispered.

  “It doesn’t? I must have imagined you in my bed every night.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “For what?”

  “For bringing all of this to your doorstep.”

  Dominick unsnapped her seatbelt and dragged her across the bench seat. His breathing was ragged and his eyes were pools of green she couldn’t look away from. Dominick pulled her onto his lap and fastened his mouth on hers. Lust and need burst through her in an explosion that left her quivering. She could taste the fury and possessiveness in him.

  “Apologize for trying to leave me,” he ordered.

  She stared at him with her lips throbbing.

  “You don’t leave me, Juliet.”


  “You were made for me. I don’t care who your parents are, who you were in the past… You accept me, you know me. You passed your expiration date. You’re stuck with me.” His hand cupped the back of her head. “I love you.”

  Juliet’s heart stopped. “You can’t.”

  His face was carved into hard lines as he growled, “Yeah, I can. The moment I saw you, I claimed you.”

  “You don’t know me,” she whispered and twisted her hands in his shirt. She was shaking.

  “I know everything about you that matters.” With his free hand, he stroked her cheek as tears began to fall. “You love me.”

  She shook her head.

  “You do,” he insisted.

  “I don’t!”

  He gave her a sharp shake. “You love me so much you’re willing to live without me. I’m not willing to make the same sacrifice. I let Michelle go. I knew I’d survive. I won’t recover from you.”

  Juliet was trembling like a leaf. She could feel herself wavering on a precipice from which there would be no return. “Dominick.”

  He leaned in close, eyes glinting. “Say it.”

  “You don’t know—”

  “I know everything. I know you’re a survivor. I know you’re loyal and will never let down someone you love. Don’t let me down, Juliet.”

  His plea slayed her. Juliet collapsed against him, head tucked under his chin as the tears came hot and fast. He held her against him as her body quaked with silent sobs. Her life had been filled with battles, wars and hardships. She spent the past fifteen years of her life starving herself of the need for love and family. She had long since given up hope of having someone accept her background and hang-ups. Dominick had not only seen her at her worst, he kept coming for her and she knew he wouldn’t stop. No matter what obstacles she threw in his path, he wouldn’t be swayed. He wanted all of her and wouldn’t stop until she surrendered. She was so tired of fighting and trying to bury the past. It was all out in the open and now she had a choice—keep running or turn over a new leaf.


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